【In a place where the sun never shines, a huge castle stands in the darkness. It seems to have existed for countless years, bathed in the endless darkness, exuding a mysterious and solemn atmosphere.】

【Although the depth of the night seems to be able to swallow everything, the existence of the castle is like a beacon in the darkness, guiding the lost people forward.】

【A bonfire was burning in the castle courtyard, its flames illuminating Taichi's determined and thoughtful face.】

【Around the bonfire, his army of Digimon were looking at him, their eyes full of trust and expectation.】

【Taichi took a deep breath and said,"This time when I go to the real world, I will only bring Agumon, Gabumon, Photonmon, Beetlemon, and of course the black digital egg. As for you, stay in the digital world."】

【The voice fell, and there was silence】

【But soon, Guang Zilang's face was filled with joy.】

【He thought of his long-lost home, the warm environment, and his family members whom he had missed for a long time.】

【The emotions in his heart seemed to be about to overflow, and he could finally return to that familiar and intimate place.】

【Agumon, Gabumon, and Beetlemon also seemed very happy.】

【Although they already have their own home in the digital world, they are still curious about the unknown and fresh places in the real world.】

【They want to know everything there, and explore the human world.】

【Under the illumination of the flames, Fighting Leomon, Rebelliousmon, and others all had a trace of unwillingness on their faces.】

【They are powerful beings in the digital world and have experienced many battles and adventures with Taichi.】

【Thinking of the human world, a place completely different from the digital world, they are filled with curiosity and desire.】

【But now, they can't go with Taiyi】

【Taichi felt the disappointment in FightingLeomon and Rebellionmon's eyes, and he sighed softly.】

【He"Five Seven Three" knew how loyal these Digimon were to him, and how much they wanted to see the real world.】

【But under the current circumstances, Taiyi must make a decision for the development of the entire Iron Kingdom.】

【"Don't worry, there will be a chance." Taichi tried to comfort them,"Leaving you here is also for the sake of our Iron Empire. This kingdom we have built in the digital world needs you to protect it."】

【Taichi's tone suddenly became very serious. He looked deeply at every Digimon beside the fire."While I am in the real world, the Four Dark Lords will appear. As you all know, they defeated the Four Holy Beasts before and sealed their power. Now that the Four Holy Beasts have been perfectly sealed, the Four Dark Lords will come out again, and the Digital World will face a crisis.""】

【Taichi's voice sounded firm and deep. He stared at the Digimon in front of the campfire, trying to convey his determination and faith to them.】

【"I know you have extraordinary power, but it is not wise to fight alone against the Four Dark Lords. Our goal is to stabilize our position and maintain the stability of the Iron Kingdom." Taiyi's eyes revealed a trace of worry.】

【"The kingdom we built in the digital world is to deal with such crises. I left you here because I believe in your strength and wisdom. I hope you can cooperate with other Digimon to resist the invasion of the Four Dark Lords."】

【He paused for a moment, seeing the determined looks in the Digimon's eyes, and then continued,"Of course, I know you are only perfect, and there is still some gap in power between you and the Four Dark Lords. But you have the factories of the Kingdom of Steel and the defense system we have built."】

【Then, Taiyi's tone became more resolute:"The factory has advanced defense technology. Once it is activated, it will be difficult for any enemy to get close. This is why I am relieved to leave you here. As long as you don't attack rashly and keep defending, you will be absolutely safe."】

【Taichi's words calmed the Digimon on the field.】

【Although they are facing powerful enemies like the Four Dark Lords, they have Taiyi's trust and strong defense, and they are confident that they can protect their homeland until Taiyi returns.】

【Under the night sky, the moonlight spread across the land like flowing water, illuminating everything around the campfire.】

【Taichi stood up, his eyes revealing a gentle light, looking at the Digimon who fought side by side with him and shared hardships.】

【Fighting Leomon first slowly lowered its majestic head, and after thinking for a moment, it nodded affirmatively.】

【The proud lion's face was now filled with determination and loyalty.】

【The other Digimon nodded as well. Although many of them were curious about the real world, the safety of the kingdom was more important at this moment.】

【Taiyi looked at them deeply, with deep emotion in his eyes.】

【The bonfire continued to crackle, and the orange-red flames seemed to bring hope and warmth to the darkness.】

【The Digimons sat around the fire.】

【The aroma of food still filled the air, and some Digimon began to distribute food. The aroma of factory-made data barbecue was fragrant, and paired with the special digital wine, the atmosphere of this evening was even more harmonious. Laughter, singing, full of unity and hope】

【The bonfire party continued, and everyone shared various interesting stories and adventures in the digital world with each other, as if the battle was far away.】

【At this moment, they are just a group of friends gathering together, enjoying this rare quiet time.】

【At dawn, the morning light shines through the curtains, sprinkling on the ground of the castle.】

【Taiyi had already woken up. He stood quietly by the window, gazing at the sunrise in the distance, with a lot of thoughts in his mind.】

【this���It must be so important that he also felt pressure and expectation.】

【Taiyi turned around and gently opened the sacred plan in his hand.】

【The black digital egg was attracted by the mysterious force, gradually floated up, and finally completely integrated into the divine plan, as if it had never existed.】

【Under the castle is an ancient place】

【There are many secrets of the digital world hidden there, the most mysterious of which is the door to the real world.】

【Taiyi walked in front, and every step he took was accompanied by the echo of his footsteps.】

【Agumon, Gabumon, Photonmon and Beetlemon followed closely behind, and the atmosphere seemed a bit heavy.】

【Coming to the huge stone platform, Taiyi took a deep breath and put each digital card into the】

【As the last card was placed, a strange halo began to emerge on the stone platform.】

【The ancient door slowly opened, and an attractive light came out from inside the door.】

【"It's time." Taiyi whispered】

【He walked into the mysterious door first, followed by Koshiro and the Digimon.】

【When their figures completely disappeared behind the door, the door slowly closed and fell into silence again.】

【FightingLeomon and the other Digimon who stayed outside looked at the closed gate, each with a look of determination and worry on their faces.】

【They knelt on one knee, bowed their heads, as if praying for Taichi and the others' safety. Fighting Leomon shouted loudly:"King, come back soon!""】

【Other Digimon followed him, their voices echoing throughout the underground plaza, full of anticipation and worry. 】Machinedramon

: He calculated very well. During this time, we will completely seal the Four Holy Beasts. Puppetmon

: Why can't we, the Four Heavenly Kings, break the defense system of a factory? Joker

: At that time, the Four Heavenly Kings, SteelSeadramon, and Machinedramon will not really do it.

The Joker was depressed. I was really miserable in that world. The Four Heavenly Kings, two traitors!!!

At this moment, the picture with a gold frame ended.

They all wanted to know what Taichi in that world would do after returning.

With the personality of Taichi in that world, he would not want to rule the world after having such power, right? ? ? ?

Digital One.

Ah He was jealous.

Can I only watch Taichi in that world rule the world in the picture? ? ? ?

At this moment, the picture with a silver frame began.

(Tai, He and the others returned to their camp, and then drove back home.)

(On the way, Koushiro analyzed thoughtfully:"One thing we, the chosen children, have in common is that we all spent a wonderful time in Hikarigaoka and then left there.)

(More importantly, they all had an indissoluble bond with Digimon.)

(After some research and discussion, they decided to visit Hikarigaoka, hoping to find some clues there.)

(However, Hikarigaoka did not give them the answer as expected, but instead was a mystery.)

(Just as they were feeling lost, screams of terror suddenly rang out on the streets of the city.)

(A hairy mammoth rushed into the crowd violently, threatening innocent citizens. Everyone gathered their strength and finally subdued it after a fierce battle.)

(However, just when everyone was slightly relieved, the TV news suddenly mentioned the terrorist bombing incident that shocked the whole city four years ago.)

(That was the day they first saw Digimon.)

(What is different from the past is that this time, the people of the whole city witnessed the existence of Digimon with their own eyes.)

Taichi: We used to live in the same place.

Koshiro: At that time, the gap between the rich and the poor did not widen.

Awa: In the end, because the superiors wanted to develop the economy, they first supported some people, and the economy was completely widened.

Toma: It seems that everyone's view of the real world is similar.

Toma: For the development of the country, they began to exploit, so many people chose not to get married or have children. They couldn't even support themselves, so how could they afford to raise children?

Kudo Daiki: But the people above, they thought why we didn't spend the money, so they chose to raise prices moderately, but they didn't know that we didn't want to spend money, but we really didn't have money.

Dai Dai: Why do I feel that the people above don't know what our lives are like.

Matsuda Keito: Yes, it's so tiring to see my parents like that.

Motomiya Daisuke: In the end, our generation will also be tired. The people above completely averaged the income and thought that we have money and can continue to exploit.

(Everyone finally decided to return to the familiar and memorable Odaiba.)

(In the crowded subway car, all kinds of Digimon caused a series of noise and laughter, as if they were naughty children in the city.)

(Although everyone tried to conceal and calm down, the atmosphere in the car had become extremely lively.)

(Finally got off the train early, and raised their hands in a panic on the side of the road, hoping that some kind-hearted person would provide them with a ride.) (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

(However, at this moment, a strong current of water surged, and Cuttlefishmon suddenly appeared with anger and attacking intentions.)

(This sudden battle caught everyone off guard, but fortunately, the brave Sea Lionmon took action in time and repelled Cuttlefishmon.)

(Then, Sea Lionmon turned into a ship that broke through the waves, and along the river, gently sent the children back to the eternal harbor in their hearts-Odaiba.)

(In the afternoon when the breeze blew gently, Taichi firmly believed that Kari was the eighth special child, the one chosen by fate. )

(However, Kari's sacred plan, the mysterious object, was casually taken away by the clever cat at home. Taichi was confused and unable to judge for a while because he could not find Kari's sacred plan.)

(At the same time, the shadow-like Vampiremon cleverly copied a large number of badges in order to find the mysterious eighth child.)

(In a corner of the city, Impmon and Koushiro almost simultaneously noticed the presence of a Digimon nearby, and they quickly took action to find out.)

(But in fact, the conspicuous Digimon was mistakenly taken by a clever crow, making the tracking of the two quite tortuous.)

(As dusk deepened, Mudmon suddenly appeared at the edge of the quiet bay and attacked innocent people.)

(But at the critical moment, Bidomon bravely intervened and had a fierce duel with it, and finally defeated it.)

(Despite this, Koushiro still returned with a full load, but failed to grasp the real clue in his hand.)

(In the golden afterglow of the sunset, the children sat together and, after a heated discussion, decided to join forces to find the legendary eighth chosen child.)

Taichi: Kari, it turns out that you are really the eighth chosen child.

Yagami Hikaru: Yes, brother, I am so happy.

Taichi was happy, but also worried that he would not be able to take good care of his sister.

(In the process, Mimi and Sora unexpectedly met under the shadow of Tokyo Tower, and encountered the wanton Death God Flamemon.)

(The flames it exhaled were as heavy and hot as heavy metal, almost making the air around it boil.)

(Taichi and Koushiro noticed this and rushed over from afar, anxious.)

(Finally, in the tense atmosphere, Tyrannosaurus completed a shocking super evolution and transformed into an incomparably tall Mechanical Tyrannosaurus. After a fierce battle of strength and skill, it finally defeated the powerful opponent.)

(At the same time, Tailmon found Kar in another corner, and in an instant, a feeling of doubt spread in its heart.)

(Just as it was ready to launch a fatal blow to Kar, it was touched by an indescribable sense of intimacy, which made it put down its hostility and quietly left the scene.)

Koushiro: Why is this happening? Could it be that...

Tailmon: Could it be that I am the Digimon of the eighth chosen child?

The person involved is confused, while the bystander is 1.9 clear. At this moment, as a bystander, Tailmon suddenly understood. Vampiremon

: Tailmon, it seems that you know it now.

Tailmon: Vampiremon, you dare to lie to me.

Vampiremon: So what?

(In the dim subway, Ah He and Ah Wu sit quietly by the side, the lights in the car reflected on their faces, looking a little sad.)

(There is some unhappiness in the words between Wu and Patamon. The slight conflict makes Patamon emotional, and he decides to leave alone in a rage.)

(The door opens and it disappears in the crowd.)

Ah Wu thinks Patamon is a little willful? ? ? ?

Or is Angewomon sensible?

Why must he degenerate back to Patamon?

Ah Wu thinks that the handsome Angewomon is more suitable for him. 、

(Awa, Takeru and Gabumon began their journey of searching, but they never expected to encounter two of Vampiremon's subordinates in the process: Pumpkinmon and Oremon.)

(These two are like elves of the night, naughty but full of innocence. They are born with curiosity and hope to share joy with Awa and the others.)

(However, their kindness was met with the cruelty of fate. They were discovered by Vampiremon and ruthlessly killed in front of Awa and the others.)

(The flames of anger ignited in Awa's eyes, stimulating the super evolutionary power inside Garurumon.)

(At the same time, Patamon arrived in time and transformed into a brilliant Angewomon.)

(The two joined hands and fought a battle like a storm, but still could not defeat Vampiremon.)

(Vampiremon left for some reason.)

(When the dust of the battle settled, Ah He and Ah Wu showed deep sorrow in their eyes, missing the two naughty and kind Digimon, and decided to continue their journey with this longing.)

Vampiremon: Pumpkinmon, Oremon, you two are useless.


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