Ogremon: In my opinion, Leomon is very likely to do such a thing.

Leomon: Yes, I will go find Devimon, but what kind of joke is that about sending someone a thousand miles away? I am in the same mature stage as Devimon, so I will definitely lose to him?

Devimon: The first option is undoubtedly wrong. If Leomon comes to me, how can I kill him directly? I should control him.

The protagonists of the real world, the digital world, and other worlds nodded, which means that the first option is wrong and can be discarded.

Of course, there are still some Digimon who want to give it a try and choose the first option. After all, only the top 3 with the fastest hand speed have a chance to get the prize.

In this case, some Digimon feel that they cannot compete with others for other options, and their hand speed is not that fast, so they can only choose the first option.

Soon, the second option appeared.

【Second. Leomon decided to go find Devimon, travel thousands of miles to get his head, and was eventually controlled by Devimon.

Devimon: This option is correct. I have chosen this option.

Leomon: Don’t believe Devimon’s nonsense. We are both mature, so why would I lose? The five words"travel thousands of miles to get my head" are a great insult to me, Leomon. Am I born for justice, so I can’t succeed?

However, some beings have chosen the second option. Of course, there are still some beings who choose to wait and see.

They all believe that Leomon is so righteous and brave, and his avatar in the chat room is so mighty and powerful, it is impossible for him to be controlled by Devimon so easily.

Soon the third option came out.

【Third, after Leomon handed over his"240" tribe to Taichi, he went thousands of miles to find Devimon, but was controlled by Devimon. 】

Well, this option is only slightly worse than the second option, but the five words"sending heads thousands of miles away" are still not removed.

Leomon: What do you mean by"sending heads thousands of miles away"? It's simply a great insult to me. This option must be wrong.

Daimon: But all three options have"sending heads thousands of miles away". If they are all wrong, doesn't that mean none of the three options are correct?

Leomon: But these five words"sending heads thousands of miles away" are too insulting to me. How could I, Leomon, have such a fate? Will these five words"sending heads thousands of miles away" always accompany me? I don't believe it. My destiny is in my own hands.

Soon, the correct answer came out.

【Ding, the answer to this prize question is the third option. After Leomon handed the tribe to Taichi to take care of, he sent his head thousands of miles away.】

【The top three correct answers this time are Akiyama Ryo, Taichi, and Koshiro】

【Congratulations to the three of you for obtaining the Digital Soul.

What is the Digital Soul?

At this moment, in a layer of the digital world, Akiyama Ryo raised his fist, and the data, visible to the naked eye, was entangled in his fist.

Digital One, Faril Island, Yagami Taichi and Koshiro raised their fists and found that the data also began to entangle. They felt that their fists were as powerful as hammers.

Isn't this Daimon Dai's move? ? ? ?

They knew that their fists were not as powerful as Daimon Dai.

But obtaining the Digital Soul means that they are no longer just relying on the existence of Digimon, and sometimes they can fight on their own.

Ah He couldn't believe it. Taichi, Koshiro was right? ? ?

Ah He thought of something and looked at Koshiro:"You...you just guessed the answer and told Taichi?"

Koshiro nodded.

Ah He suddenly scolded:"Why did you only tell Taichi?"

Sona, Mimi, Asuke, Takeru and others looked at Koshiro in confusion.

"Isn't this my freedom? Besides, even if I tell you, it's impossible for everyone to get the prize."Guang Zilang analyzed:"At the same time, I don't have time to tell you more. Taiyi believes in me unconditionally, but you already have the answer in your heart and have already made a choice, right? Even if you don't have a choice, I tell you, you won't believe me."Ahe and others were speechless.

【In the remote place of Failu Island, Leomon has decided to set out】

【He is tall and straight, like a god of war, with a lion's head and a human body.】

【The sun shone sideways, making his golden fur look even more dazzling.】

【Accompanying them was a group of golden lion cubs in their growing stage.】

【Cubmon is a Holy Beast Digimon with golden fur.】

【There are few surviving individuals, and their existence has not been confirmed in recent years.】

【In fact, he was protected by the lion beast】

【It is a Digimon with a strong sense of territory, and will not forgive even a Digimon of the same species that enters its territory.】

【But because of the presence of Leomon, they now live in peace. It is said that the hair on its head generates static electricity when it is on alert, making a threatening sound.】

【Deep inside the factory, in the main building that occupies a large area, Taiyi was sitting at his desk in his office when he heard the news.】

【The curtains fluttered slightly, and what he saw was the factory scene outside the window.】

【Upon hearing the news that Leomon and a group of cubs were coming, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, forming a faint smile.】

【He turned around and said to Guang Zilang who was sorting documents next to him:"Look, things are really starting to get interesting."】

【His eyes were full of anticipation and pride."I told you that taking in the slug beast was definitely not a coincidence. This is only the first benefit it brings us. There are more to come.""】

【After hearing this, Guang Zilang admired Taiyi's foresight and foresight.】

【Soon, the rumbling sound of footsteps gradually approached, like an army marching】

【Taichi stood up and walked towards the door. Behind him, Agumon, Koshiro, and Beetlemon followed closely behind him to greet the incoming guests.】

【When Taiyi arrived at the front door of the factory, the huge steel door slowly opened.】

【The golden sunlight shines in, contrasting with the golden fur of Leomon, giving people a shocking feeling.】

【In front stood the majestic lion beast, and behind him stood the group of golden lion cubs.】

【In the bright sunlight, Leomon's eyes sparkled with a sharp light. He looked Taichi up and down.】

【The sun stretched Taiyi's shadow long, and a golden halo surrounded him, making him look like a hero from a myth.】

【Leomon could sense the unique charm and firm confidence emanating from this chosen child.】

【Leomon feels that only such an existence can save the Digital World.】

【Leomon walked towards Taichi with firm steps. His deep eyes seemed to have seen through everything.】

【He said hoarsely but firmly:"Chosen child, I have decided to hand over my tribe to you."】

【Taichi's train of thought was interrupted by Leomon's words. He was a little surprised. He didn't expect Leomon to trust him so easily.】

【Taichi looked at Leomon, his eyes somewhat puzzled, yet full of wonder:"You trust me so easily?"】

【Without hesitation, Leomon stared at Taichi with his tenacious eyes and said affectionately,"You are the chosen children, so you must be righteous. I don't believe in you, but in justice."】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Tai nodded, thinking to himself,"As expected of Bentomon, there is a law in the Digital World that anything with the attributes of a lion will be killed, so Leomon also has the nickname of Bentomon. Of course, those who look like lions are just as unlucky."

Chat room.

Leomon: What is this law? ? ? ?

Ogremon: So if you look like a lion, your ending is doomed to be tragic?

Leomon: I don't believe it.

【The cubs did not expect that Leomon would just leave them to this human child to take care of. The cubs were not convinced. After all, in the eyes of the cubs, Leomon was the most powerful.】

【Immediately, the young lion beasts started to shout,"Brother Lion Beast, we are willing to follow you!""】

【"Yes, Brother Leomon, this human doesn’t look very powerful, how can he protect us?"】

【"Brother Leomon. This human is not as good as you."】

【Hearing what the cubs said, Leomon got a little angry. They didn't listen to him.】

【Taiyi's eyes suddenly turned cold. He had guessed that these young lions were not convinced.】

【At this moment, Taiyi laughed and said,"Do you think your lion beast clan is powerful?"】

【Hearing this, the young lion beasts dared not speak big words, and could only say:"But we are the most noble on Fayilu Island."】

【"Yes, yes, our fur is very valuable."】

【"When we evolve into Leomon, we can get the demon sword Shioumaru"】

【"You're right, this knife is priceless."】

【But Taichi shook his head again after hearing these words:"Are you noble? In my opinion, your nobility is not even as noble as that of Snotmon.."】

【The lion cub was stunned】

【Leomon originally stood on Taichi's side, but he didn't expect Taichi to talk nonsense. How could their Leomon clan be less noble than Snotmon? ? ? 】

Chat room.

Leomon: Nonsense, this is absolutely nonsense.

Devimon: Taichi in that world seems to have misunderstood the information about Snotmon. How can Snotmon compare to the Leomon clan? Leomon is a noble and famous family on Failu Island.

Ogamon: Yeah, too many Digimon worship Leomon, and I hate that about him. Devimon: Snotmon, you tell me for yourself! Can you find a gold mine or something? Snotmon

: If we can find a gold mine, then we won't be living in the sewers.

The protagonists of the real world, the Digimon world, and other worlds looked at the content in the chat room, thinking that even Taichi, who is like the king in that world, has information errors.

【Taichi waved his hand gently, signaling Agumon to call the two Snotmons who had performed the best recently.】

【Agumon quickly completed the task and called two Snotmons to illuminate the two pools of green liquid.】

【They bowed their heads reverently and called Taiyi softly,"Boss,"】

【Taiyi pursed his lips and said appreciatively,"You have done a good job recently."】

【Taichi has recently used the authority of the Steel Empire to study the Divine Plan.】

【I found out that the evolution data required for each Digimon is different.】

【Some Digimon want to Super Evolve to Perfect Form, which requires a huge amount of data.】

【However, some Digimon need very little data to evolve into a perfect form.】

【Snotmon, perhaps because their perfect forms don't actually have much destructive power, so it's very simple to let the Snotmon evolve into perfect forms.】

【At this moment, under the puzzled gazes of the Cubmon, Leomon, Photonmon, Beetlemon, and Agumon, King Taichi has already raised the tool, the Divine Plan, in his hand.】

【"Super evolve, Snotmon." Taichi's voice sounded like a melodious bell.】

【At that shocking moment, the strange light from the divine plan was like a dreamy halo, entwining the snot beasts, foreshadowing their upcoming evolution.】

【The body of one of the snot beasts was surrounded by a mysterious light, and its shape began to change, like sand grains reorganizing in a bottle. Gradually, in everyone's sight, a huge snot made of gold appeared. It was the Golden Snot Beast.】

【The whole body of the Golden Snot Beast exudes a golden glow, and every part of it looks like it is carefully carved from pure gold.】

【Its ultimate move is both surprising and delightful.���Each of the poops is golden. This is its golden durian sprint. It is like a durian made of gold, as fast as lightning, with an irresistible impact.】

【The more powerful 5.9 throws out golden shit, called golden shit, which is several times heavier and more powerful than the previous one.】

【This sudden change shocked Cubmon, Leomon, Photonmon, Agumon, and Beetlemon.

The protagonists of the real world, the digital world, and other worlds were also stunned at this moment.

What kind of joke is this?


This Snotmon evolved into a Digimon with the shape of feces, which is still disgusting.

But the gold body made the protagonists of the real world, the digital world, and other worlds entangled. They disliked Snotmon's appearance, but no one disliked gold.

【"Snotmon super evolution... Platinum Snotmon" The body of another Snotmon began to gradually expand and deform.】

【When the light faded, a shining Digimon stood in front of everyone. It was not just a snot, but a snot made of pure platinum.】

【Its body is inlaid with various precious gems, like the twinkling stars in the night sky, emitting brilliant light.】

【Leomon was stunned:"How is this possible?"】

【The lion cubs were also stunned.】

【Koshiro, Agumon, and Kabutomon were so surprised that their jaws almost dropped to the ground.】

【How did this snotmon evolve into such a rich being? ? ? ? 】

Meimei: It’s really confusing. Snotmon is obviously disgusting, but girls can’t refuse gold, diamonds, etc.!!!

Inoue Kyo: That’s why, why does it have to look like poop? You can change your appearance.

At this moment, even parents in the real world are……

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