Lin Han is a fire dragon beast, continuing the power of the soul of the fire fighter, and can control the flames himself!

The Dorubic Beast is also the controller of the flame, he can live in the magma and control the power of the magma, and after he absorbs the soul of the Earth Fighter, the power becomes even stronger.

Fighter's Soul is left in all corners of the Digimon world, and as long as the Digimon has the suitability of the Fighter's Soul, it can be recognized by the Fighter's Soul and have the opportunity to fuse the Fighter's Soul.

This Dorubic beast is obviously such a lucky one, he is born with the power to control the earth and can change the terrain, and the soul of the earth fighter corresponds to the power of the earth, plus the ancient form of the soul of the earth fighter is an ancient volcanic beast, which is more suitable for this Dorubic beast living in magma.

The double adaptation allowed the Dorubic Beast to successfully control the Earth Warrior Soul, and after fusing the Earth Warrior Soul, his power became even stronger, and it was this power that allowed him to establish the Flaming Legion.

And Lin Han wants to deprive others of the warrior soul, there are only two methods, one is to let the other party willingly hand over the fighter soul and hand over most of his strength, but in general, no Digimon will accept this method.

Another way is to destroy him completely!

The power of the fighter's soul is immortal, it can always exist in the digital world, as long as he kills the Dorubic beast, Lin Han can obtain this fighter's soul, and in fact, Lin Han also intends to do this.

The power of the Dorubic beast without the soul of the fighter is not strong, and he was a mortal enemy with Lin Han in his previous life, for such an enemy, he has no interest in subduing at all, with that condition, it is better to absorb the data of the Dorubic beast to cultivate new Digimon!

Two flame rays flashed in the sky, and the next moment, these two rays of light collided fiercely.

The two collided together, and the sacred flame energy shield trembled one after another, and then catapulted at the same time, at this time, the sword blade in the hand of the Dorubic beast slashed down again.


The flame slash spread again, slashing at Lin Han from the sky, wanting to kill Lin Han, but Lin Han's eyes flashed, and his right hand condensed into a fist and swung out with a punch.


The fist and the sword blade slashed together, emitting a violent roar, and when the sword blade slashed into Lin Han's fist, it quickly expanded and turned into flames that enveloped Lin Han, wanting to burn it to ashes.

"Dorubik beast, do you want to burn me out with flames? Just with your flames, it's not hot enough! Lin Han said disdainfully, his wings vibrated slightly, his figure deflected, and he kicked the head of the Dorubic beast fiercely.

At this time, the Dorubic beast was also propped up, and Lin Han's attack continued, he did not use any energy attacks, that is, with his explosive fist, he wanted to smash the Luke beast a little bit!

The power contained in Lin Han's fist killed ordinary complete body numbers in seconds, and even the Dorubic beast resisted very hard.

The fist fell like a violent storm, which was unpreventable, and the Dorubic beast also began to be suppressed by Lin Han at this time!

His most powerful is the power to control the flames, this power in front of the fire dragon beast, it is simply an axe, not only can not cause damage, but can also replenish the power of the fire dragon beast!

In the sky, Lin Han and the Dorubic beast began to fight hand-to-hand, and the rapid bombardment brought up a burst of afterimages, and made the air make a sound of breaking the air, which was extremely intense.

And here, the two black steel sea dragon beasts in the sky began to turn their battle eyes to the players below after sweeping a large area of mechanical flying dragon beasts!

Lin Han's legion is not much, but in terms of eliteness, it definitely exceeds that of the Fire Legion, which is also where his strength lies!

The two Black Steel Sea Dragon Beasts killed at least half of the mechanical dragon beasts in the sky, and they no longer focused on the mechanical dragon beasts, but on the players below and countless Digimon.

"Ultimate Wave Cannon!"

The energy condensed, and a condensed laser immediately swept from the sky towards the dark cherry blossom volcano, and in an instant, the entire dark cherry blossom volcano was strafed by a laser, and a bright scar began to crack on the entire peak, and all the Digimon swept by this laser were all shattered in an instant.

"No, run! Can't win! We can't kill the Steel Sea Dragon Beast at all! "

“.. No, don't, evil dragon beast, run! "

"Shark tooth, this matter has nothing to do with us, don't..."

When the Steel Sea Dragon Beast turns its attack to the player, the players realize what true despair is.

They are too slow to dodge the attacks of the Steel Sea Dragon Beast, and their attacks can't even touch the Steel Sea Dragon Beast, and as for their defense, they are even more vulnerable, and they are completely like paper paste in front of the Steel Sea Dragon Beast.

This crushing strength was far different from what they saw, and it was much more terrifying than they thought!

The large number only exacerbated their deaths, and the enthusiasm that the players had ignited dissipated in an instant, leaving only panic and coldness!

At this time, another black steel sea dragon beast swooped down from the sky, its pitch-black body crashed into the Digimon that were all crowded together in front of it, and the blade on the top of its head knocked all these Digimon into the air in an instant, shattering in the sky.

At the same time, accompanied by the tail swing of the divine dragon of the black steel sea dragon beast, the surrounding Digimon were more like being hit by a speeding truck, and they flew towards the surroundings, and then shattered!

The power of the Black Steel Sea Dragon Beast is placed on this battlefield, which is a symbol of invincibility!

The two black steel sea dragon beasts began to impact the player's formation, and in an instant, one by one, the seemingly perfect formation shattered, and at this time, a new kind of demon beast, the demon beast, once again rushed towards the player in front of him.

Players who lost their formation regained their identity as sheep and had little power to resist.

Soon, the remaining two Black Steel Sea Dragon Beasts in the sky also turned their attention to the enemies of the entire Dark Sakura Volcano after clearing out a large number of enemies.

At this time, complete despair has enveloped the players of Dark Sakura Volcano! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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