After three days of rushing, Lin Han arrived in the Silver Light Forest, and his data also improved.

"Little demon beast, be careful when you wait for the next battle, the enemy here is a little strong!" Lin Han turned to look at the little demon beast on the side.

"Well, I see." The little demon beast nodded solemnly.

After three days, the little demon beast also killed a lot of growth period Digimon after a lot of battles, but even if he killed a large number of Growth Digimon, he still did not touch the shadow of evolution.

Name: Little Goblin (Growing Stage).

Quality: colorful

Attribute: Virus species

Type: Little Devil type

Introduction: Powerful little devil-type Digimon, colorful quality little demon beasts have the qualification to become kings, once they die, their quality decreases and they lose the ability to evolve into a demon king!

Skill: Night Flame: Throws a spherical Dark Flame attack.

Sudden Night Flame: The running Night Flame.

Ice in the Night: Throwing an ice hockey attack.

And when you open the evolution table of the little demon beast, it is 1200/1000000!

If you still don't understand this concept, then open the evolution of the ice vampire monster, and it shows 100/300000!

The ice vampire monster only needs 300,000 data to evolve into an extreme body, but the evolution of the little demon beast requires a million, no matter who obtains the little demon beast, I am afraid that it can only despair.

A million, this is data that cannot be collected, and before it is collected, the little demon beast is just a waste.

No matter how strong the strength is in the growth period, it cannot defeat the complete Digimon, this is the truth!

For this, Lin Han is not surprised!

The demon king-type Digimon is unique, once owned, it will not be repeated, and the first evolution of the little demon beast is the ultimate evolution, which will directly evolve into the ultimate body, before that, he can only be regarded as dormant and accumulating strength.

Stepping into the Silver Light Forest, Lin Han left the Jia Branch Beast behind, and he took the Oga Beast, the Blood-sucking Demon Beast, and the Little Demon Beast to the front together.

The Silver Light Forest is not an ordinary forest, it contains the soul of the warrior of the light system, and it is also one of the things that Lin Han must obtain.

There are a total of ten warrior souls, which are left by the ancient ten fighters, each of which is divided into beast and human form, all of which are fused and evolved, which is Lin Han's strongest King Kong Martial God Beast in the previous life!

If you think about it, ten warrior souls mean ten powerful polar bodies, and the two types of humanoid beasts mean twenty powerful polar bodies.

These twenty powerful polar bodies fusion evolution are the legendary King Kong Martial Beasts, how terrifying is this strength?

And this kind of power, Lin Han is bound to be included in his hands!

Stepping into the deep valley in the silverlight forest, an altar in the distance comes into view, this altar is square, the worn staircase is full of vines, full of the vicissitudes of time, and the entire altar is silent as if it is a backwater.

"This is it, back to the digital tyrannosaurus machine, little demon beast, you come back too!" Lin Han said lightly.

Neither side refused, the two turned into light and disappeared in place, while Lin Han walked towards the altar with a serious face at this time.

There were no traps around the altar, and there was nothing to pay attention to, Lin Han quickly walked to the altar, and when he walked to the altar, the altar seemed to be activated, the entire altar trembled, and a square stone platform in the center stood out.

On this stone platform, there are two white light marks, fixed eyes, you can vaguely see the appearance of the wolf's head.

"The shining supreme beast, the ancient Garuru beast!"

Lin Han's eyes flashed a fine light, and he no longer hesitated, grabbing these two white light marks.


As he grabbed these two white light marks, the light flickered, and dazzling white light rose up into the sky, drowning everything.

And in this white light, a roar rose up into the sky.

"Human, you don't match this light fighter soul, get out of here quickly!"

In the midst of the roar, a silver giant wolf roared and flew towards Lin Han, its body was golden and white, its back was full of golden wings, its silver alloy-like popular body was covered with Digimon armor, its eyes were defiant, cold, and indifferent chilling.

Name: Silver Wolf Beast (Complete Body).

Attribute: Variable

Type: Retrofit

Introduction: Inheriting the power of the light fighter "Ancient Garuru Beast", one of the legendary Ten Fighters, a beast-type Digimon with the attribute of light. Live inside a fiber optic cable and move fast. Once you swear loyalty to someone, you will never betray it. The back is equipped with the "Winged Blade".


Meteor Quick Slash: A high-speed assault on enemies and the ability to cut enemies in half with the "Wing Blade".

Scorching Laser: A skill that gathers the sun's rays and emits them from the mouth.

Blade Wind Attack: Rotate your body while using the blade of your whole body to chop up your enemies' skills.

War Attack: A skill that attacks like a glide with the "Wing Blade" and tail.

Light Torpedo: A skill that attacks enemies while enveloping with light.

Blade Kamikaze: A skill that rotates the "Wing Blade" attack from a high altitude.

"Scorching laser!"

The silver wolf beast's mouth opened, the sun's rays kept condensing in his mouth, and the next moment, the terrifying laser light suddenly bombarded Lin Han.

"Demon Flying Attack!"

The body of the blood-sucking demon beast instantly appeared in front of Lin Han, and with a wave of his cloak, the endless snow-white vampire bats all flew out and headed towards the sun's rays.


The two collided, emitting a huge explosion.

"Vampire Warcraft! It turns out that you are the Dark Digimon Tamer! Don't try to touch the soul of the Warrior of Light, the Light will never accept such evil as you! "

The Silver Wolf Beast let out a roar, and its figure turned into a flash of light and flew towards Lin Han.

"Is it that simple to get close to the king?"

The figure of the blood-sucking demon beast flashed, and it also disappeared in place out of thin air, appearing in front of the silver wolf beast, and the demon blood whip in his hand swung down fiercely.

And here, Lin Han's eyes also flashed a cold light, and the digital tyrannosaurus machine in his hand also emitted a pitch-black light.

"Virus species data injection 10,000, dark invasion!"


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