With the order of the Supreme Gongzi, the entire Gongzi Pavilion began to act, and a large number of elites in the Gongzi Pavilion went to the forest together.

At this time, the forest was already full of war, a huge dinosaur-type Digimon was frantically attacking in the forest, its bloody mouth was wide open, and a pitch-black flame burst out.


The kingly roar came to the world, and the tail of this dark king dragon beast flicked, and several thick trees around it were cut off, and some of the Digimon on the tree all fell to the ground.

"No, no, don't!! Bang! "

"Save me, save me! Bang! "

Flames, panic, noise, all the sounds drowned out in this forest, and one by one, the growth Digimon, the mature Digimon turned into data and dissipated.

At this time, the aura on the Dark King Dragon Beast became more and more powerful.

Humans hunt Digimon, but if they are not handled well, they may create powerful polar bodies, which is not impossible!

The data guarantee of the complete body is 10,000, but the maximum of the general complete body is 100,000, which means that as long as there are enough players to send to death, it is not impossible for it to be promoted to the ultimate body!

The battlefield is chaotic, the entire forest is like a purgatory battlefield, and players disappear in flames and fallen trees, turning their Digimon into data along with them.

Players' Digimon are not immortal, as they are destroyed every time, they will be re-transformed into Digimon and re-cultivated, and a mature Digimon does not know how much time and energy it takes.

This kind of price is not small!

And what's even more frightening is that once the Digimon dies more than ten times, it will completely disappear, and the Digimon with your unforgettable memories will never appear again, which is cruel.

Of course, players at this time did not care about this, and they were not mature Digimon, and they would not be distressed.

The melee continued, seeing that the players were about to retreat, at this moment, the elite legion led by the Supreme Prince finally came to the battlefield.

"It's such a bunch of waste that almost made my prey run away like this, it's completely uncommon!" When the Supreme Prince saw the casualties of his subordinates, instead of agreeing, he said with great disdain.

"Lion Beast, elite strategy group, attack!"

The Supreme Prince immediately ordered, and the players behind him rushed over, and one by one Digimon also appeared in this forest.

"Tyrannosaurus Beast!"

"Garuru Beast!"

"Flame Beast!"

"Yeti beast!"


One by one, Digimon appeared out of thin air, surrounding the dark king dragon beast from all directions, and they all made their own tricks.

"Demon Fox Flame!"

"Super Flame!"

"Absolute Zero Fist!"

"Flame Fist!"


Countless attacks were overwhelming, all of them toppling towards the Dark King Dragon Beast, and this attack was truly breathtaking.


Seeing this, the Dark King Dragon Beast did not dodge, but the fierce light in his eyes flickered, and he spewed out a mouthful of pitch-black flames, and the majestic pillar of flame light immediately attacked these Digimon.

The first to bear the brunt was the huge Digimon, three of which did not support for a moment, and then completely shattered in the flames, turning into a sky of data, which was absorbed by the Dark King Dragon Beast.

At this time, the attacks of the rest of the Digimon also hit, and the body of the Dark King Dragon Beast was immediately frozen, burned, and smashed.

However, for the fully fledged Dark King Dragon Beast, this injury was not worth mentioning at all, but it stimulated its ferocity, it roared, and then walked towards a Digimon.

I saw that its alloy-encrusted tail flicked, and it burst several mature Digimon, and the sharp teeth with icy light crushed a Garuru beast.

The mad Dark King Dragon Beast began to wreak havoc among the players as if it had entered no man's land, and its random attacks were capable of crushing mature Digimon.

"Readjust the formation, the aggressive Digimon retreats, and the Auxiliary Digimon restricts his movements first!" The Supreme Prince gave the order coldly.

If you continue to fight blindly like this, you don't know how many mature Digimon will be lost by Gongzi Pavilion.

Don't look at the great business of the Gongzi Pavilion family, but this game is a bottomless pit, especially their desperate efforts to squeeze the power of their members and develop their own Digimon, this consumption is also a bit unbearable.

Combat compensation, death compensation, purchase data, these are all bottomless pits, only paying, but never gaining!

Under his order, all the elite members were in orderly operation, one by one, the tyrannosaurus beasts, Garuru beasts, and flame beasts all withdrew, while the snowman beasts and ice stone beasts all moved forward.

"Freeze the surrounding earth!"

"Absolute Zero Fist!"

"Icestone Bomb!"

A huge snowman beast smashed into the earth with its fists, and the cold ice gathered towards him from all directions of the Dark King Dragon Beast at this time, covering him!


In the blink of an eye, everything around turned into a solid ice, and the dark king dragon beast was caught off guard, and its feet were also covered with solid ice.

It opened its mouth wide and was about to spit flames, and at this time, the two centaur beasts aimed their muzzles at the jaw of the dark king dragon beast.

"Hunt the cannon!"

Two rays of light suddenly shot out, accurately bombarding the jaw of the Dark King Dragon Beast, and the attack aimed at the snowman beast turned to the sky as its head was attacked by the hunting cannon.

Majestic dark flames rose up into the sky, and the fiery breath was terrifying.

"It's now, everyone, launch an onslaught!"

The Supreme Prince looked proud, and all the mature Digimon around rushed up, and one attack after another locked the Dark King Dragon Beast at this time.

In this attack, the Dark King Dragon Beast can only keep wailing, it tries to fight back, and the counterattack it is just about to brew will be interrupted.

Everything turned in a powerful direction for Gongzi Pavilion.

It's just that no one saw it, and a pitch-black figure hidden behind a big tree revealed a smile!

(Add more, don't add more!) This achievement can be described as very heartbreaking. )

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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