Digitalization of the World

Chapter 1281 War Begins

"Second-level space battleship?"

The Yan country's high-ranking officials and soldiers present were all confused. Although they didn't know the level of space battleships, the "second-level" didn't sound like a description of space battleships, but more like a description of the level of monks.

Lin Feng smiled and explained, "My profession is a 'mechanic', and I have reached the 'mythical level'. As long as the materials are sufficient, I can build a 'mythical level' space battleship, which is a fourth-level space battleship, and can fight against the monks of the 'God Realm'.

The second-level space battleship is the 'transcendent level' space battleship, which can fight against the monks of the Transcendent Realm.

Although many of the materials used to make this warship of the Scorpio Empire have reached the 'transcendent level', the manufacturing level is too poor, and it can only be regarded as a 'first-level' space battleship.

In addition, in this world, my strength is greatly limited, so even if there are 'holy level' and 'mythical level' materials, I can only build a 'transcendent level' space battleship at most."

Everyone generally understood that Lin Feng meant that he was not a simple scientific researcher, but a scientific researcher with cultivation. To build a space battleship, it would not require the cooperation of various personnel and departments like on Earth. As long as the materials are sufficient, a space battleship can be built.

Although this method felt extremely unreasonable, the Yan people present had to force themselves to accept this fact.

Just as the Yan people present were trying to convince themselves, Lin Feng spoke: "Everyone, you should also remember what Wang Xian told you. It will take a week to unify the Earth Star, and a month later, we will fight against the Scorpio Empire. So I will first teach you how to use the universe of the Scorpio Empire. After the Earth Star is unified, I will disassemble the eight space battleships and then combine them with various resources on the Earth Star to build a second-order space battleship."

"Understood, I will arrange for personnel to come immediately."

One by one, the scientific researchers arrived quickly, and under Lin Feng's teaching, they began to familiarize themselves with the space battleships of the Scorpio Empire. As for the intelligent system of the battleship, under Lin Feng's ability, it was directly formatted and then re-edited.

Five days later, eight space battleships took off and flew towards various places on the Earth Star.

At the same time, the news was officially announced to more than 100 countries on the Earth Star, and by the way, it was also said that this was what Wang Xian told them to do, and the matter of fighting against the Scorpio Empire in a month was also mentioned.

All countries were confused, especially the other six major countries.

They immediately jumped out to oppose Yan Country and vowed to fight Yan Country to the end, until the last man.

However, when Yan Country appeared in the sky above their country driving the Scorpio Empire's space battleship, the six major countries were instantly stunned.

If there was a space battleship, it should have been shown earlier. How embarrassing it is now!

The unification of Earth Star was very smooth. Not to mention that it was something that Wang Xian had instructed, the eight space battleships from the Scorpio Empire alone made the Earth Star countries have no idea of ​​resistance.

Facing a space battleship that was ten thousand meters long and a "gun muzzle" that was dozens of meters thick, this was simply a war that could not be won.

The next thing went very smoothly. Various precious metal resources from the Earth Star countries were sent to Yan Country without any regard for their lives, and the six major countries were like crazy, just because Yan Country promised them that they would have one of the space battleships manufactured later.

At the same time, after the conquest of the Scorpio Empire, if there was a planet suitable for living, they could also get one or more.

The six major countries were so excited!

The interstellar war is about to begin, who cares about the little territory and resources on Earth?

They have a chance, and it is almost a great chance to own one or more planets with life.

If Yan Country wants this little broken ball of Earth, take it!

A month later, after Lin Feng dismantled nine warships of the Scorpio Empire and gathered a large amount of metal resources from Earth, he built a total of 15 "second-level space battleships". Yan Country also fulfilled its promise. The six major countries... No, it was the six major military departments, each of which received a "second-level space battleship".

In addition, the "Star Department", which was once the Star Country, also received a "second-level space battleship".

Another one was allocated to a military department composed of the original small countries on Earth.

The remaining seven space battleships naturally all belonged to Yan Country.

Wang Xian also appeared on time. After a brief chat with Lin Feng, fifteen second-level space battleships, under the illusion of all the people on Earth, took off and flew towards the outside of Earth. After that, they locked the cosmic coordinates of the Scorpio Empire and started interstellar navigation.

The original space battleships of the Scorpio Empire had the ability to fly at the speed of light, and the second-level space battleships made by Lin Feng flew in the universe at a speed far exceeding the speed of light, and also had the ability to jump in space.

Therefore, it took the Scorpio Empire nearly ten years to reach Earth, while the ‘Earth Star Interstellar Expedition Fleet’ took less than a month to reach the periphery of the Scorpio Empire.

Because they did not cover up their tracks, the ‘Earth Star Interstellar Expedition Fleet’ that had just arrived at the periphery of the Scorpio Empire was discovered by the Scorpio Empire. One space battleship after another quickly appeared and surrounded the fifteen second-level space battleships from Earth.

"This is the area of ​​the Scorpio Empire. Leave immediately, otherwise you will be regarded as invaders. We will follow interstellar laws and launch indiscriminate attacks on you!"

This world also has a universal language, and the images in the nearly fifteen second-level space battleships deployed by the Scorpio Empire are speaking this universal language.

Although the people on Earth do not understand the universal language, Lin Feng has been prepared and has installed language translation on fifteen space battleships, so everyone in the command room of the fifteen space battleships understands the meaning of the words of the Scorpio Empire general.

"Pass the language translation code to them."

Wang Xian said to Lin Feng.

"No problem!"

Lin Feng immediately started to operate.

The harsh warning sound of the intelligent system immediately sounded in the space battleships of the Scorpio Empire.



"Unknown invasion!"

"Unknown invasion!"

The captains of the space battleships of the Scorpio Empire heard the warning sound of the intelligent system and took action immediately.

Each space battleship has two driving methods, one is naturally controlled by the intelligent system, and the other is manual control. The reason why there is such a clumsy method of manual control is naturally to prevent the intelligent system of the space battleship from being invaded.

After the personnel arrived, the captain of the Scorpio Empire space battleship was about to cut off the connection between the intelligent system and the space battleship, but the system suddenly lifted the intrusion alarm.

"Captain, a piece of installable code was found. Do you want to install it?"

The prompt of the intelligent system sounded in each space battleship.

"Installation code? Is it safe?"

The captain asked immediately.

The intelligent system immediately replied: "A small program, no danger."

The captain lowered his head and thought about it. He roughly understood what the intrusion alarm of the intelligent system was just now. It should be the alarm of the intelligent system caused by the code transmitted by the space battleship on the opposite side.

Since the other party can easily pass through the intelligent system of the Scorpio Empire space battleship, the code transmitted by the other side should not be a virus. However, just in case, the captain still contacted other captains and let his space battleship install the code, and other space battleships wait first.

After the arrangement, the captain issued an order to install the code.

Soon, the code was installed, and the intelligent system said, "Captain, this is a small translation program."

The captain understood immediately, but he also had a new doubt: if they all have the ability to cross the stars, why don't they speak the universal language of the universe?

At this time, the intelligent system spoke again: "Captain, a call request from the space battleship on the opposite side."


With the captain's order, the figures of Wang Xian, Lin Feng, Little Skull, Hong Jin, Xiang Shishan and more than a dozen Yan country high-level officials suddenly appeared on the light screen of the command room.

"Human race? How dare you invade the Scorpio Empire?"

Seeing Wang Xian and others on the light screen, the warships of the Scorpio Empire immediately shouted loudly.

However, after he finished shouting, he found something wrong.

He seemed to see a skeleton?



What the hell?

Is there such a race in the universe?

Don't the undead like skeletons only exist in novels?

There is no undead in the explored universe!

"Captain, don't be angry, why not listen to our intentions first."

Wang Xian said with a smile.

"Tell me about it!"

The captain of the Scorpio Empire thought about it and realized that it was true. If they really wanted to go to war with the Scorpio Empire, they should not have only fifteen space battleships. This number of space battleships would not be able to break through the borders of the Scorpio Empire.

Wang Xian said, "I heard that the Scorpio Empire has a treasure that can give spiritual power to living beings, so I think..."

"Shut up!" Before Wang Xian finished speaking, the captain of the Scorpio Empire interrupted Wang Xian and shouted angrily, "Human race, how did you know that?"

"Of course, one of your captains of the Scorpio Empire said it!"

As Wang Xian spoke, he raised his right hand and pointed his index finger in the air, and the image of the Scorpio Empire general whose soul he had searched appeared.


The captain of the Scorpio Empire saw it and immediately yelled: "Damn it, what did you do to Balinde?"

Wang Xian waved his hand, and Balinde's influence disappeared. Wang Xian continued: "Let's talk about the treasure of the Scorpio Empire first!"

"You are looking for death by coveting the treasure of my Scorpio Empire. Let's start a war directly!"

The captain of the Scorpio Empire said, and did not give Wang Xian a chance to speak, and directly cut off the communication.

At the same time, the space battleships of the Scorpio Empire began to charge, and energy cannons locked on the 'Earth Star Interstellar Expedition Fleet' one by one.


Lin Feng looked at the space battleships of the Scorpio Empire that were charging, and his expression was very disdainful.

This kind of space battleship that needs to be charged before starting a war is simply garbage among garbage, although the second-level space battleship he is riding now also needs to charge if he wants to fire the main energy cannon.

"Open the energy shield!"

Although he was very disdainful of the space battleships of the Scorpio Empire, Lin Feng still quickly issued an order.

It is true that their warships are second-level spaceships, but facing the bombardment of energy cannons, if the energy shield is not activated, the spaceships will still be blown through!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Beams of energy light with a thickness of tens of meters are attacking the fifteen spaceships of Earth Star at the speed of light. The Earth Star people in the warships are so nervous and uneasy. They know how powerful the spaceship they are riding is, but they still can't help facing the hundreds of energy beams attacking them.

It wasn't until all the energy beams were blocked by the battleship's energy shield that the Earth Stars on the battleship breathed a sigh of relief.

"All combat departments listen to the order and fight back with all their strength! Destroy the entire opponent's fleet!"

Lin Feng issued the order.

Fifteen second-order space battleships immediately took action, and energy beams of about one meter were shot out, directly attacking the Scorpion Empire's space battleships.

The space battleships of the Scorpion Empire also had energy shields, but when faced with an energy beam of about one meter, those energy shields were penetrated without blocking for even a second.




The Scorpion Empire's space battleship was hit by energy beams, and a violent explosion occurred a moment later, becoming the most beautiful fireworks in the universe.

"Let's go straight to the Scorpion Empire Emperor Star!"

Wang Xian ordered.


The fifteen space battleships ignored the Scorpion Empire space battleship that had become a waste of the universe, and quickly headed towards the Scorpion Empire's Emperor Star.

One day later, fifteen space battleships arrived over the Scorpion Empire's Emperor Star.

The Scorpio people on the Emperor Star of the Scorpio Empire were stunned.

what's the situation?

Why did these space battleships suddenly appear?

"Intruder, leave immediately! Leave immediately!"

One after another, the space battleships of the Scorpion Empire appeared, once again surrounding the 'Earth Star Interstellar Battle Fleet'. A super large space battleship with a length of 100,000 meters was suspended in the sky above the 'Earth Star Interstellar Battle Fleet', as if It's like directly crushing the 'Earth Star Interstellar Battle Fleet'.

"I'm going to the third-order space battleship!"

Looking at the 100,000-meter space battleship, Lin Feng was immediately shocked.

"Third level? Isn't that equivalent to a monk who has entered the holy realm? Can we beat him?"

Lin Feng shook his head and said: "The second-order and third-order space battleships are a watershed. No matter how many second-order space battleships there are, they cannot defeat the third-order space battleships."

"Then aren't we doomed?"

A senior member of the Yan Kingdom looked sad.

"What's the end of it? Isn't it just a third-level space battleship? It's not like we don't have monks who have entered the holy realm!"

Lin Feng glanced at the senior Yanguo executive speechlessly.

"We have third-level monks?"

"Of course, Xiao Jin, the Spirit Master, and I can now exert the power of 'Entering the Holy Realm'!"

Lin Feng had an expression on his face that said why are you making such a fuss.

During the journey to the Scorpio Empire, he, Hong Jin and Little Skeleton all had some runes engraved in their bodies by Wang Xian. The function of these runes was very simple, allowing them to exert a small part of their strength.

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