Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 113 The Golden Crow spreads its wings like a Kunpeng, soaring up to 90,000 miles

"The Golden Crow Nine Yang Sutra is a top-grade foundation-building method, which has a subsequent infant-forming method. Merit: 15,000..."

Fang Che looked at the only hint.

He couldn't help but take a deep breath, his eyes flashing with light.

Top-grade foundation-building method!

It actually involves the subsequent infant-forming method. You should know that in the entire cultivation world, there are very few people who can truly condense the Nascent Soul and become a master of cultivation.

If a Jindan cultivator is one in ten thousand, then an infant-forming cultivator is one in a million.

Any method involving infant formation is extremely precious, and is the crystallization of the wisdom of the entire Daxia Immortal Sect. The high price is understandable.

"It is worthy of being a top-grade foundation-building method. It can actually involve the methods of Jindan and infant formation. No wonder it is so precious."

Fang Che took a deep breath.

In the world, foundation-building methods are hard to see, let alone Jindan and infant formation methods.

It is rumored that the major immortal sects are extremely strict in protecting the infant formation methods. If there is any spearhead spread outside, the law enforcement team of the immortal sect will be dispatched to arrest and kill.

However, 15,000 merits... in exchange for a top-grade foundation-building method, it really hurts him a little.

You know, some primary and medium-grade foundation-building methods are only a few hundred merits.

"Change it!"

Fang Che gritted his teeth. There must be a reason why it is expensive. Many things are expensive not because of the top-grade foundation-building method, but because of his own poverty.

After all, if the top-grade foundation-building method can really be cultivated all the way to infant formation, it can save Fang Che a lot of time, and he may not even need to switch to other methods in the future.

This set of methods is even more expensive in the immortal sect.


Fang Che now has 22,000 merits. If he takes out 15,000 to exchange for a method, he will still have 7,000 left, which is enough for him to buy the Thunder Evil True Fire and other heavenly and earthly wonders.

When Fang Che saw that most of the merits in the good deeds card had shrunk in an instant, he felt empty inside.

At this moment, he was extremely eager for the demon cultivator to appear in front of him, so that he could kill him with one punch and make up for some of his outflow of merits.

After changing the best foundation-building method, Fang Che began to look for thunder demons.

The resources on the resource network are indeed complete, and it is worthy of being the largest shopping website for immortal cultivation resources.

"Fire Fox Green Thunder Demon, second-level medium-grade, merits: 1000..."

"Black Tiger Green Thunder Demon, second-level high-grade, merits: 1300..."

"Balong Green Thunder Demon, second-level high-grade, merits: 1400..."


Fang Che turned to the area of ​​heaven and earth wonders on the resource network, and he was a little confused when he saw it.

The classification of Green Thunder Demon is much more detailed than that of White Thunder Demon, and there are even different prefixes in front of it, and the merit prices are also very different.

Fang Che carefully observed it for a while, and finally chose Tyrant Dragon Blue Thunder Evil, a second-level high-quality Thunder Evil, which cost 1,400 merits.

Fang Che could not guarantee that he could succeed in one go, so he bought one more, spending an additional 1,400 merits.

Pain in the flesh could not describe Fang Che's mood at the moment.

Watching his merits rise from the ground, and then watching him collapse, his heart was really mixed with emotions.

Next, Fang Che simply started the process of large-scale purchases.

He exchanged three purple flames respectively, and spent nearly 1,500 merits.

Not only that, he also bought some materials for alchemy, the medicinal materials for refining the Eight Desolate Body Tempering Pill.

Among the three major industries of talisman making, alchemy and casting, the most popular and easiest to earn good merits is actually the talisman maker, followed by the alchemist, and finally the casting.

The alchemist can only be ranked second, because the material consumption of alchemy is much higher than that of talisman making.

The only material needed to make a talisman is talisman ink, and the materials used in talisman ink are simply incomparable to those used by alchemists.

Fortunately, the materials for the Eight Desolate Body Tempering Pill are not expensive, and only cost more than 300 merits, mainly because Fang Che plans to use the magic vine juice as the main ingredient of the body tempering pill.

And then comes the highlight.

Exchanging the dragon blood essence can help him complete the dragon blood essence.

Very important.

Fang Che calmed down and selected for a long time, ignoring the complaints of the trialists waiting outside to exchange resources.

He seemed to have heard nothing.

After all, he had to be careful in choosing the dragon blood essence, and it was related to his future practice rhythm.

It was too important, even Fang Che did not dare to be careless.

After choosing for almost two hours and comparing three stores, Fang Che finally chose a second-level high-quality dragon blood essence that lived in the No. 3 Immortal Gate Fragment Continent. After all, if he was given a third-level dragon blood essence now, he might not be able to refine it.

The second-level high-quality can be tried.

More importantly...

The price of the third-level dragon blood essence is already very high. After all, the third level is equivalent to the golden elixir. The third-level blood essence is all over 10,000 merits, which is almost the price of the second-level magic vine demon pill that Fang Che just sold, but that is because the magic vine demon pill has the special attribute of improving the talent of spiritual roots.

After completing the exchange, the merits in Fang Che's good deeds card shrank to a miserable situation of only 370 points.

Pursing his lips, Fang Che took a breath with pain.

After waiting for a while.

Finally, a professional cultivator in white clothes appeared in person. The aura of the cultivator was strong. He was actually a golden elixir cultivator.

Being escorted by a golden elixir cultivator in person was obviously because of the top-grade foundation-building method that Fang Che bought this time.

"The best foundation-building method cannot be passed on to others. Once it is found that the "Golden Crow Nine Yang Scripture" was spread from you, the official of the immortal sect will judge you. Not only will your cultivation be destroyed, but you will also be imprisoned and treated as a traitorous demon cultivator."

The white-robed Jindan cultivator said in a deep voice.

Fang Che hurriedly said that he knew it, and only after he swore an oath to the heavenly way did he get the silver metal box.

"Your best foundation-building method, Tyrant Dragon Blue Thunder Evil, Lion Heart Purple Flame, and Nine Flames Blazing Sun Dragon Essence Blood are all signed upon arrival."

The white-robed cultivator said, and then took out a talisman. After the talisman burned, it turned into a golden scripture clause floating.

After Fang Che signed the terms of the transaction, the white-robed cultivator smiled slightly: "Congratulations, your resource network identity has been upgraded to level 2, and you have the qualification to open a specific resource network. You can log in to the resource external network through your mobile phone and check the nearby open resource network areas."

"I wish you a happy cultivation."

Then, the white-robed cultivator floated away.

The identity of the resource network actually has levels!

Fang Che was shocked when he heard the words of the white-robed monk.

This time he spent 20,000 merits in one go, and his identity level was upgraded to level 2, which was a pleasant surprise.

However, this was exchanged for merits, so there was nothing to be happy about.

Fang Che left the resource trading area and opened a practice room. After entering the practice room, he carefully opened the silver metal box.

A ray of auspicious clouds flashed, making Fang Che's eyes brilliant.

Looking at the exchange resources lying in the silver box, Fang Che's face really showed an uncontrollable smile.

This is what really makes him happy.

He stretched out his trembling hand and took out the top-grade foundation-building method "Golden Crow Nine Yang Sutra" lying in the metal box.

Fifteen thousand merits were thrown down, Fang Che had to listen to the sound, right?

This method... practice him all night first!

After the white-robed monk left, he sent resources to many trial participants who had exchanged resources. Finally, he finished his work and appeared in a room at the Yunxiao Town base.

There were already several figures in the room, including Su Shangxing, Li Huaixian, and the team leaders from the Imperial Capital and Shuangshenxian City.

"Old Dai, how many merits did that kid exchange?" Li Huaixian couldn't help asking when he saw the white-robed monk coming in.

He knew that the white-robed monk was the resident envoy of the resource network, with a noble status and very powerful cultivation, so he couldn't help asking.

Dai Ye glanced at Li Huaixian with a strange look in his eyes: "He exchanged 20,000 merits..."

"Mainly because he exchanged a top-grade foundation-building method."

Dai Ye sat on the chair and took a sip of tea.

"That kid has a fire spiritual root. The best foundation-building method he can exchange for... could it be the "Golden Crow Nine Yang Sutra"? This method is not easy to get started... It seems a bit difficult for this kid to get started with this foundation-building method before the national competition."

Li Huaixian heard that Fang Che exchanged for a best foundation-building method, and after a little elimination, he knew what method Fang Che exchanged for.

Su Shangxing frowned slightly when he heard this: "By the way... Fang Che went directly to the practice room after just coming back. I think... he should be planning to practice this best foundation-building method."

Li Huaixian smiled and shook his head when he heard this: "You ignorant kid."

"It is not easy to practice the best foundation-building method. Although it is of high rank and has strong stamina, it is also very difficult to get started. If you don't adjust your mentality, you may even be tortured by the best foundation-building method and lose confidence in practice."

He drank a sip of strong tea leisurely. For Fang Che, perhaps it is not a bad thing to suffer a little loss.

However, he had just drunk the tea.

The whole room suddenly became quiet.

They turned their heads and looked at the training area.

But they saw that above the training area...

Suddenly, a gorgeous golden crow cried loudly...

It spread its wings like a Kunpeng and soared straight up...

Ninety thousand miles!

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