Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 130 The silence after the hammering and cheering must be beautiful

"Fei Lei Er Gao TV Station, Fei Lei Er Gao TV Station! Dear teachers and students, what you are watching now is the special session of the national competition of the Daxia Xianmen Fighting Competition. Our Fei Lei Xian City No. 2 High School advanced to the national level with the momentum of being first in the group. Sai..."

It rains lightly.

The fighting venue was abuzz with excitement. Many reporters began to report on it. The crowd was buzzing. The viewing platform was even filled with excited spectators.

In the player tunnel, Cheng Shizheng held up his photography magic weapon, taking pictures of the players from the Feileixian City representative team who were about to appear, and explained endlessly with great excitement.

Of course, more is still introducing the players.

"This is our Flying Thunder Immortal City's trump card, classmate Fang Che. In the first semester of high school, he squeezed into the training class and even participated in the fighting competition. He became a blockbuster and became the champion of our Flying Thunder City's individual fighting competition!"

"Classmate Fang Che has a very domineering reputation in the martial arts competition. He is afraid of everyone, and he is a breast-breaking maniac!"

“I didn’t know what it meant when I first heard it, but when I heard it the next time, it was already a broken chest!”

Cheng Shi photographed Fang Che excitedly and chattered endlessly. During the filming process, it seemed that his soul had resonated and found the direction of his future employment.

During these days of shooting and learning, Cheng Shi has decided that his future path is to follow the path of reporter reporting!

Fang Che glanced at Cheng Shi helplessly.

"I don't break my chest, it's all fake. I'm just making normal decisions in a fight."

Fang Che explained seriously.

However, Cheng Shi ignored his explanation and began to introduce Luo Liuli, Jia Shengli and others, and by the way, he also introduced the players from Jiyan High School's representative team.

Ji Yan High School actually doesn't have anyone who is particularly talented. No one ranked in the forefront of the individual competition, but they were able to get second place in the team competition mainly because they were balanced.

"Okay, let's get ready. It's time for us to enter the stadium. After the opening ceremony, we will draw lots for the groups."

"The national competition is different from the regional competition. The three-on-three fighting method used in the team competition will no longer be a one-on-one fighting method."

Su Shangxing clapped his hands to bring everyone back to their senses.

Afterwards, he led Fang Che and others out of the contestant tunnel and set foot on the green-shaded fighting venue.

"Come on! Ah Che! Beat them up!"

Cheng Shi clenched his fists, looking at the figure stepping into the rain curtain step by step, tearing his throat and shouting.

Fang Che looked back at the chubby Cheng Shi and gave a thumbs up with a grin.

There was drizzle in the sky, which touched my cheeks, making them slightly cold.

Fang Che followed the team, found the representative team's position on the green field, and stood quietly.

There were noisy uproar and shouts all around, and the cheers of the audience almost broke the sky.

Raising his head slightly, he looked around and saw rows of sophisticated camera magic weapons. He also saw the three presenters wearing robes and sitting on the explanation stage.

Of course, the more excited audience members were there.

"This is the national competition of martial arts competition..."

Fang Che took a deep breath, and the moist rain air went straight into his throat, making the blood in his body boil.

After more than a month of training and trials, isn't the purpose just for today's fighting competition?

Fang Che's original intention at the beginning was just for the hundreds of thousands of good deeds rewarded by the first place in the national competition, but now...slowly, he is not only doing good deeds, but also for the honor of being the second highest in Feilei Fairy City!

This may be a fighting spirit that is in the blood of every student.

After a brief opening.

Su Shangxing and Qian Baidu took the stage one after another to conduct the first round of elimination draws.

"In this national competition, there are a total of 220 participating teams in the team competition. They are representative teams from the major immortal cities in our Daxia Immortal Sect. There are two teams in each immortal city. Of course, each team has a strong relationship with each other. The gap is also huge.”

"However, in every martial arts competition, a dark horse will stand out and make people excited. That is cultivating immortals and creating miracles that amaze everyone in the impossible!"

"Last year's Nanshan Xiancheng No. 1 high school representative team, and the Shanhai Xiancheng fifth high school representative team the year before... They both defeated some seeded teams and squeezed into the top ten despite the disdain of countless people!"

"So, let us look forward to this year's reformed martial arts competition with much attention. Will there be a dark horse that stands out? We will put on a miraculous show for the world!"

"This year's fighting competition reform has made the competition very fierce. It is said that in many top teams, foundation building players are standard equipment, and there are even players on the second and third levels of foundation building!"

"Therefore, this year's national competition of martial arts competition will definitely be very enjoyable to watch."

On the commentary stage, the host began to speak eloquently.

Su Shang walked down, and the rain soaked into his hair, making it look even sharper.

"My hands may be a little dark... Our opponent in the first round of the knockout round is last year's dark horse team, the top representative team of Nanshan Fairy City."

Su Shangshang had a dark face and spread his hands.

"In the next round, Jia Shengli, come with me to draw." Su Shangshang thought for a while and added.

Jia Shengli won all the way, so maybe he can get some luck.

The draw is over.

Everyone braved the rain and returned to the player tunnel.

A monk in robes floated down, his body filled with earth-yellow mana fluctuations. There were three small cauldron patterns embroidered on his chest. He was obviously a third-level caster.

The weaponsmith flicked his finger, and suddenly a huge alloy arena enlarged on the green field.

The sound of breaking through the air resounded.

The sword light was everywhere, and three sword cultivators with their hands behind their backs, who were excellent in fighting, came flying on the swords and landed on the divided fighting arena.

They were the referees in charge of this fighting competition.

Each referee had a Jindan cultivation level, although it was only the first level of Jindan, but it can be said that the cards were fully drawn.

In the contestant channel, Su Shangxing had received the news and confirmed which arena the Feilei Second High School representative team would compete on.

"We are the second team to compete, and our opponent is Nanshan First High School. The opponent is definitely not weak. Last year's dark horse team is at the forefront of the fighting reform this year. We are determined to hit the top five. It is definitely an extremely powerful team."

Su Shangxing's face was serious. Although Fang Che and Luo Liuli were very strong, he still had to remind them not to underestimate any opponent.

"This is a real team match, three-on-three, which is very different from one-on-one, so... choose to be cautious at the beginning and find out the battle mode first."

"Also, as the dark horse team last year, the popularity of the Nanshan team may be a bit high... Don't worry too much, just play your own game well."

Su Shangxing said.

Everyone nodded.

Outside the ring, the first battle team match ended quickly. It was a battle with extremely different strengths.

Then, at the urging of the referee, the second battle team match was about to begin.

Fang Che, Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli walked out of the player channel in the rain, stepping on the green grass with raindrops hanging on it.

After they walked a few steps, the player channel in the distance also opened, and three figures walked out slowly.

In an instant.

The exploding cheers tore through the drizzle and echoed throughout the battle venue.

Fang Che and the other two, in such a magnificent, tsunami-like cheer, were like a small boat in the vast ocean.

Looking at the cheering, excited, and expectant audience.

Jia Shengli pursed his lips...

This opponent's popularity is not high at all.

Fang Che narrowed his eyes, and his fists were a little itchy.

Such loud cheers...

After the hammer quiets down, it will definitely be... beautiful.

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