Jia Shengli felt that Fang Che was insulting him, but there was no evidence.

After all, Fang Che asked him for help so enthusiastically...it didn't really seem like he was insulting him.

However, just asking him to time the clock felt inexplicably worse than insulting him.

As the saying goes, it's not very harmful but extremely insulting...

"Brother Jia, can you do it?"

Fang Che looked at Jia Shengli and found that Jia Shengli pursed his lips and was in a daze, so he couldn't help but ask.

"No problem, keep it on me!"

Jia Shengli immediately raised his hand and shouted loudly.

Just time it!

At any rate...he also contributed something this time, instead of just lying down!

"What about me?" Luo Liuli asked.

Jia Shengli looked at Luo Liuli, and his heart suddenly felt balanced. That's right... Fang Che asked him to set the timer, so wouldn't Luo Liuli have nothing to do?

Luo Liuli is the real winner!

Jia Shengli...has paid something!

Thinking of this, Jia Shengli felt balanced and smiled more on his face.

"Lao Luo, the fight lasts less than a minute anyway. If you are really bored, you can practice in the ring. I will be quick."

Fang Che said with a smile.

Luo Liuli pursed her lips and said nothing.

The corners of Jia Shengli's mouth suddenly raised uncontrollably, and his head also raised. Look... it turned out that he was more effective in Fang Che's heart.

Soon, it was their turn.

The three of them stood up and walked towards the contestant tunnel amidst Su Shangxing's encouragement.

The sun is bright and bright.

On the alloy arena, three sword cultivators and referees stood quietly.

On the commentary stage, the three commentators had already begun to eloquently introduce the players who were about to fight.

"It's finally time for the most eye-catching battle of skills in the second round."

"Fei Lei Second High School, who eliminated Nanshan First High School, will soon face Beijiang Second High School!"

"Beijiang Immortal City is a first-class Immortal Sect among our Great Xia Immortal Sects. It has applied many times to become a top Immortal City in recent years. Although it has never been successful, the Xiangao representative team among these first-class Immortal Sects are all national champions. A strong contender.”

Commentator Zhao Gonghe said with a smile.

"I don't know if Fei Lei Er Gao can continue yesterday's dark horse move. Don't tell me, Fei Lei Er Gao with the chest-breaking monster is indeed a big hit."

Commentator Lin Miaomiao shook her head, looking forward to Feilei Ergao.

"But this is a team competition, and the second highest scorer in Beijiang is not a weakling, but a strong contender for the top ten. It can be said that there is not much suspense in this battle."

The third commentator, Guan Yuan, pursed his lips and said: "Anyway, in this match, I support the Second High School of Beijiang. I think the Second High School of Beijiang has more foundation and stronger overall strength. However, with the Second High School of Fei Lei... …Fang Che’s fighting ability makes this battle definitely a close and protracted one.”

The three commentators each expressed their opinions.

The atmosphere of the audience was also aroused. As the players from Beijiang No. 2 High School appeared on the stage, the cheers suddenly rose loudly.

When the three top players Fang Che, Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli came on stage, some supporters in the audience cheered.

Fang Che looked in the direction of the cheers. At least, what they faced was no longer silence.

On the alloy ring, the referee is telling the rules of fighting and the key to determining victory or defeat.

However, it was very concise and concise, after all, it was not the first time to compete.

"This match, Feilei Second High School vs. Beijiang Second High School... begins!"

The words are finished.

The sword cultivating referee at the Golden Core Realm turned into sword light and disappeared on the alloy ring.


The moment the referee disappeared, the three top players from Beijiang began to position themselves in a square formation of two in front and one behind.

Buzz buzz...

The one standing at the end began to condense his seals and prepare for large-scale spells.

The mana fluctuations in the alloy arena are endless.

The other two monks on the first level of Foundation Establishment stared at Fang Che. They only had Fang Che in their eyes, not Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli.

After all, they seemed to have watched the video of Fei Lei Er Gao's first knockout match and understood that the chest-crushing monster was the real thorn in the side.

Only by solving and suppressing the chest-crushing monster... will we have a chance to win!

"Give me time, I will cast the restriction spell 'Steaming Yunmengze', which is a second-level mid-level spell. Once it appears, the physical skills of the Broken Chest Demon will be greatly restricted, and we will have a chance to win! "

The player from the second high school in Beijiang who stood at the end said in a deep voice.

"You must stop the chest-crushing monster!"


Their fighting spirit is high.

the other side.

Fang Che also moved, took a step forward, and turned to look at Jia Shengli.

"Old Jia! Get ready!"

"Okay! I'm ready!"

Jia Shengli also rushed out, stood suddenly on the spot, took a deep breath, and looked extremely solemn.

At the moment when the fight begins.

On the commentary table, the three commentators started talking like machine guns.

Describe to the audience the situation of the confrontation in the alloy ring.

"The second high-ranking player in Northern Xinjiang chose the 21st position. This spell fluctuation seems to be an attempt to use a restriction spell. The goal is very clear. He knows how to limit the broken chest... well, player Fang Che can win the battle."

"On the other side, Feilei Ergao also chose the 21st position. The main attack was player Fang Che and Jia... Hey, what is this player's name?"

"Wait a minute, is Jia Shengli going to take action too? It's so rare..."

"Look, Jia Shengli raised his hand, it seems that he is going to make a spell mark, he made a seal... he... he took out a watch, wait... he took out a watch?"

The commentary platform suddenly fell into silence.

The three commentators were all confused.

Not just the three commentators.

The audience... were also confused.

This Jia Shengli... what on earth is he going to do? !

But soon, they knew.

Because, the moment Fang Che rushed out, Jia Shengli pressed the timing button on the watch.

Time began to tick...

Boom! ! !

Fang Che took a step down, his blood and qi rolled, and circles of ripple-like mana waves spread out from his body. On the alloy arena, a terrifying gale suddenly rose!

Eight Desolations Exploded...Three Heavens!

Fang Che's body kept rising, and the strong sense of oppression rolled in like a dark cloud pressing down on the city!

The second change of the Nine Changes of the Divine Dragon...Nine Flames Blazing Sun!

Purple flames burned, and dragon scales covered his arms, like an ancient fire demon.

With the red-scaled sword in hand, blue thunder rolled, and Tyrant Dragon Blue Thunder Evil was like a thunder dragon entrenched on his burly body!

In the Niwan Palace between Fang Che's eyebrows, there was a deep brilliance bursting out.

Supernatural power... the pupil of the king of light!

See the truth, see through the illusion, and see the weakness!

Boom boom boom!

Fang Che's spirit climbed up layer by layer!

Blue thunder mixed with purple true fire, wrapped around his burly body, and rushed out on the alloy arena, so fast that it was like a blue-purple horizontal thunder in the world!

Under this pressure...

The two main attacking foundation-building players of Beijiang No. 2 High School seemed to be suppressed by fear. They looked down at their legs and found that their legs were shaking and swinging violently...

Pressure... Such a big pressure...

They were panting violently, but... even breathing became very difficult!


One contestant's eyes were red, and a dagger appeared in his hand, stabbing fiercely into his thigh that could not move.

Blood spurted out, and the stinging made him react suddenly.

He rushed out with red eyes and roared...

Shame, facing the opponent, he didn't even have the courage to move...

What a shame!

Only a fight can wash away this shame!

"Ahhhh! Come on! Monster!"

The contestant roared and rushed out, and then...

Fang Che passed him by.

Time seemed to slow down infinitely, only countless blood was scattered and exploded, and broken flesh and blood flew in the air, like withered leaves blown away on the long street in autumn.

His eyes widened, the blood color faded, leaving only confusion and helplessness.

His chest, I don't know when a huge blood hole had exploded, the whole person maintained the posture of rushing forward, and fell to the ground with a puff...

How could it be...

So fast.

He didn't even... see the trajectory and movement of Fang Che's punch, and was...

broken in the chest.


Another contestant also struggled out of fear, but he struggled too slowly, Fang Che had surpassed him, and he didn't know when a bloody hole was opened in his chest.

All the strength in his body retreated, staring, terrified and desperate, and fell to his knees on the blood-stained alloy ring.


The two-one lineup of Beijiang No. 2 High School was instantly blown up by Fang Che.

Only the only one was left, shouting in fear and making seals, and the hand that was making the seals was almost cramped by the scene.


All the sounds in the world disappeared in the ears of this contestant.

He felt that he had lost his hearing.

His eyes were full of bloodshot, it turned out that...

It was not that he lost his hearing, but a big hand grabbed his head and stuck his ears.


Fang Che grabbed the contestant who was preparing a spell and punched him through the chest, causing blood and flesh to fly out from his back.

The contestant's hand that was making a seal could no longer move...

One punch, kill this fight!


At the same time, Jia Shengli was excited and trembling as he pressed the timer end button!

His face flushed, as if he was a participant who personally took action.

He roared.

The roar echoed throughout the silent venue!

"19 seconds!"

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