
too fast!

From the beginning of the fight to now, Fang Che has shown a devastating and crushing attitude!

Tao Qi was sweating profusely.

His eyes tightened, and huge pressure suddenly fell on him.

He never thought that he, who was on the third level of foundation building, would feel such oppression from a monk on the ninth level of Qi refining.

They are not novices who only know how to practice and have no experience in fighting. They have all experienced special training from Teacher Shi Qi and have experienced bloody battles with monsters!

However, he was instantly killed by Fang Che!

The series of spell attacks are connected extremely coherently and smoothly.

The unexpected formation and the terrifying sound wave spell directly disrupted the minds of the two teammates, and then they used extremely powerful physical skills to achieve a one-hit kill.

Tao Qi found that he had underestimated Fang Che...

This chest-breaking monster is more powerful than he imagined!

Fang Che, who set a fighting record of 19 seconds, is indeed very powerful!

what to do?

At this time, Tao Qi already felt the pressure brought by Fang Che.

But at this moment, he has entered a state of fighting. At this critical moment, Tao Qi can only do his best.

A roar exploded from his throat!

"Blazing Dragon Tooth Formation!"

The huge power of spiritual consciousness was stimulated, the spiritual platform was manifested, and with his body as the center, the formation was accelerated and activated!

The formation burned and the flames shot into the sky!

Tao Qi planned to use the formation to break the oppression brought by Fang Che, and blast Fang Che who was close to his body...!

A ring of magic light and shadow appeared in front of Tao Qi, and the huge fluctuations of magic power formed wind waves, blowing away Tao Qi's hair tied with nylon rope, and the black hair continued to stir and sway.

"The sound of sunshine crying?"

"I want to hear you cry!"

Tao Qi's eyes widened, filled with madness.

How could they lose like this?

They fought with monsters and monsters in the small world of Immortal Sect Fragment, suffered a lot of hardships, and suffered a lot of grievances. Now they can finally show their hard-working success in the fighting game. How could they...

Just lost to a Qi refiner like this!

"Ahhhhh! Die!"

boom! ! !

Tao Qi stretched his arms forward suddenly, and blood overflowed from his mouth and nose. This was the price he paid for forcibly speeding up the formation of the formation.

However, the price...is worth it!

When the formation is activated, this second-level mid-level formation can definitely tear the arrogant face of the Chest-Shattering Demon to pieces!

Buzz buzz...

Above the formation.

One after another, inverted triangular flame fangs emerged, like dragon teeth, shooting out densely.

As the two circles of formation rotate alternately, it seems that there is a huge reflection force.

The dragon's teeth that emerged from the talisman formation were like dense bullets from hot weapons. They shot out like a rain of bullets and instantly hit Fang Che who was very close behind the formation!


The ground of the alloy arena instantly exploded with countless sparks, like flowers blooming in the underworld, dazzling and coquettish.

Tao Qi was sweating profusely, and almost like a maniac, he kept activating his foundation-building magic power, transforming it into an overwhelming talisman formation and dragon fangs killing.

The continuous talisman array dragon teeth washed away for almost ten seconds.

Even the alloy arena was so hot that steam billowed out from the beating, and the hot steam suddenly covered Fang Che's figure.

There was silence all over the arena.

Everyone in the audience held their breath and did not dare to breathe.

When Fang Che quickly killed the two monks on the second floor of the foundation building, they thought the victory of the chest-crushing madman was already determined!

But he never thought that Tao Qi, who likes to play awkwardly, would explode and release such terrifying firepower!

Tao Qi's previous fear caused by Fang Che's pressure had completely disappeared...

It just proves that sentence.

The root of all fear is insufficient firepower.

When the firepower is enough, there is no fear in your heart!

On the commentary desk.

The three commentators were also dumbfounded.

The reversal and reversal of this battle was like a roller coaster, and the three commentators did not know how to explain it.


On the stage.

Tao Qi raised his hands, and the rotating talisman array also dissipated as the energy of the talismans was exhausted.

He took a step back. The mana in his body was empty, but his heart felt more comfortable than ever before.


Tao Qi let out a breath.

How could he not die after being bombarded by the second-order formation like this?

The thick hot smoke and dust billowed, obscuring Tao Qi's vision. The mana fluctuations caused by the shattering and exploding dragon teeth of the talisman array completely crushed the spiritual energy fluctuations under the smoke, making it impossible for spiritual consciousness to be released and explored.


Tao Qi's eyes narrowed.

Because among the countless smoke and dust, a calm voice suddenly came out.


A faint voice floated out of the smoke.

Tao Qi's heart seemed to be about to stop!

It's him, it's Fang Che's voice!

Fourteen means...

Fourteen seconds!

From the time Fang Che defeated the two foundation-building teammates to the time he withstood the dragon fang strafing bombardment... it only took fourteen seconds!

The smoke seemed to be torn apart by a terrifying force in an instant.

The next moment, an extremely burly figure appeared from under the smoke. It was none other than Fang Che.

However, Fang Che at this moment...

The appearance has undergone tremendous changes.

The body has grown 1.9 meters taller, and the red dragon armor on his arms has become more vivid. The muscles on his back are constantly bulging, and the perfect muscle lines are like the work of gods, with a special beauty.

The black hair continues to grow, falling to the waist like a waterfall, very dense.

In the pupils, light golden smoke lingers like silk.

It seems that the emotions are fluctuating, and the rest... is only indifference and coldness.

Divine power...

Climbing the building!

On the basis of the Nine Changes of the Divine Dragon and the Nine Flames and Blazing Sun, the divine power of climbing the building is opened again!

In this national competition, Fang Che has never thought of insulting his opponent. He goes all out every time he fights, which is the greatest respect for his opponent.

If defeating the opponent with all his strength is humiliating, then his mentality is really a bit glass.

As for breaking the chest... that is a means of winning!

A means of making the opponent lose combat power!

Since his debut, it has always been his means of defeating the enemy.

Even when facing the three of Shanhai's five masters who enjoyed playing with their opponents and crushing their bones, Fang Che still did not do the humiliating thing of giving them a taste of their own medicine.

If you can defeat the opponent quickly, you won't torture and play with the opponent...

He Fang Che... is so kind and hardworking.

Climbing the tower.

The ultimate sublimation.

Climbing the tower and entering the godhood in one step!

Looking at Fang Che who was unharmed, Tao Qi's depression in his heart almost exploded.

You are a devil, right? !

The national competition of the magic fighting competition... How could there be such a monster? !

It's beyond the scope!

"No... How is this possible?!"

That was the second-level middle-grade dragon tooth talisman array, which was as dense as a rainstorm of dragon teeth!

Fang Che was actually... intact? !


Fang Che, who started the climbing state, spoke lightly, with a clear voice and no emotion at all.


Tao Qi touched the ground with his toes, and his figure instantly flew back!

He can still fight!


His retreat suddenly froze.

Because Fang Che had appeared behind him without knowing when, and that speed... even his naked eyes could not catch it.

Fang Che's speed...


Fang Che, who was 1.9 meters tall, stood behind Tao Qi in a dark mass, with light golden smoke slightly diffused from his pupils...

Cold, indifferent, cool...


Fang Che spoke again.

No ridicule, no humiliation.

As if he was telling the time seriously.

Tao Qi opened his mouth, trying to maintain his demeanor and elegance...

Then, he felt Fang Che punch him in the chest.

The terrifying force tore through his flesh and blood, penetrated his organs, and broke his sternum...

His face seemed to be distorted and changed hundreds of times in an instant, and he felt that the surrounding scenes had turned into a neon-like blurred color like a horse-drawn tour.

He seemed to...

really hear the sound of the sun crying.


The five-hundred-meter-long ring.

Tao Qi, with his chest broken, was hit and flew from one end to the other, hitting the wall under the audience, with his body embedded in it.

The human-shaped blood stains that exploded on the edge of the embedding were like a gorgeous and blurred flower in full bloom.

The whole audience... was in dead silence.

The commentary desk and the audience were dumbfounded.

On the alloy ring.

Fang Che maintained the posture of punching, slightly raised his chin, and light golden smoke curled from his pupils.

Like an emotionless time machine, it pronounced the time again in a clear and loud voice.


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