Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 14: Spiritual root support, the danger of demonic cultivation

The young man sat upright, the blazing sun was brilliant.

Like the golden body of Buddha, beyond the ordinary world!

The three teachers Su Shangxing, Nan Lihuo and Pei Linglong fell into silence, and each of them was speechless.

After a long time, Su Shangxing finally let out a breath.

"Heavenly Spiritual Root?"

"No wonder the fire attribute can be so pure, it turns out to be a Heavenly Spiritual Root..." Su Shangxing said the latter, and his eyes looking at Fang Che became hot.

"Fortunately, we have cleared the onlookers and shielded the range of spiritual consciousness... Fang Che's Heavenly Spiritual Root must not have spread yet."

Pei Linglong patted the mountains that rose and fell in front of her chest with some relief.

"It has been more than a thousand years since the development of the Xianmen Continent. According to the records of the developed classics, the Heavenly Spiritual Root is already the highest quality spiritual root that can be nurtured by the mortal world."

"Every Heavenly Spiritual Root cultivator has the hope of impacting the God Transformation Realm in the future."

Nan Lihuo's expression was very complicated, and his heart was also quite shocked.

He was actually... so blind that he had not detected that Fang Che's spiritual root was a heavenly spiritual root!

"Five hundred years ago, Yuanying Master Taihua developed the spiritual root cultivation technique. After development, the heavenly spiritual roots of the major immortal sects are not as rare as they were five hundred years ago, but every immortal cultivator with a heavenly spiritual root is still extremely important and precious!"

Nan Lihuo took a deep breath.

The main thing was that Fang Che's spiritual root changed from virtual to real and became a heavenly spiritual root. This was what shocked them.

It was simply an incredible miracle!

"Hide his spiritual root information and mark it as a top-grade fire spiritual root to the outside world. This is considered to be a protection for him. Upload it to the Education Bureau for filing, or inform the heavenly spiritual root."

"Now the Demon Cult has the support of other sects on the immortal continent and is becoming more and more rampant. The Great Xia Immortal Sect is lucky. With the True Lord of Transformation in charge, the Demon Cult dare not act recklessly, but we still have to be careful."

"Some other small immortal sects have long been riddled with holes by the Demon Cult and are very dangerous." Su Shangxing said.

To this, Nan Lihuo and Pei Linglong had no objection.

The three of them reached a consensus on this.

After detecting Fang Che's spiritual roots, Pei Linglong put away the Bagua mirror, and the blazing sun-like light gradually dissipated.

However, Nanlihuo's spiritual awareness shielding was still not removed.

"Fang Che, your spiritual roots were detected as heavenly spiritual roots... It is not uncommon for spiritual roots to change from virtual to real, but there are only a few people who have changed from real to heavenly spiritual roots in the 1,500 years since the development of the immortal sect."

Pei Linglong looked at Fang Che who had opened his eyes, and told Fang Che the method discussed by the three of them.

"Your heavenly spiritual roots will be concealed, but the support for your spiritual roots will still be based on the heavenly spiritual roots, but you must not make it public, be careful that the undercover demon sect demon cultivators will target you."

Pei Linglong said.

Fang Che was shocked when he heard this: "Demon Cult? Demon Cultivator?"

Su Shangxing nodded: "Don't think the world is safe. There are good and bad cultivators. There are countless immortal cultivation books excavated from the Xianmen Continent by various countries, including demon cultivation and evil cultivation books..."

"Although it is regarded as a forbidden book, there are still many immortal cultivators who can't resist the temptation and take the wrong path of demon cultivation in order to quickly break through... People have desires, because they can't cut off desires, so the harm of demon cultivation is repeatedly banned."

Fang Che nodded. It was the first time he heard of the threat of demon cultivators.

Sure enough, only when you reach a certain level, a lot of information will be open to you.

Thinking of this, his heart shuddered.

Be low-key, practice diligently, hold on to the country's thighs, and make yourself strong enough to protect yourself!

Demon cultivators...must not be provoked.

"I will upload your information to the Xiuxian website later, and your spiritual root mark on it will be a high-grade fire spiritual root." Pei Linglong said.

"In addition, from today on, you are a student in the gifted class."

"I am your class teacher. This is my mobile phone number. You can ask me if you have any questions."

"Your information will be uploaded to the Education Bureau for record today. Come to the classroom on time tomorrow. I will talk to Teacher Zhao about Class 5."

Pei Linglong said to Fang Che with a smile.

"Okay, do you have any questions now?"

Pei Linglong looked at Fang Che.

Fang Che thought for a while and asked, "Teacher Pei, I wonder if the spiritual root support policy you mentioned earlier will be issued now?"

"It should be issued to you after the procedures are completed tomorrow."

Fang Che was a little disappointed when he heard this.

He asked again, "Can I use the practice room for free?"

Pei Linglong was startled: "It will also be after the procedures are completed tomorrow. Of course, if you want to use it now, I can apply in advance. Tell me the time limit for the use of the practice room."

Fang Che's eyes lit up slightly, and he smiled and rubbed his hands: "Then I'll trouble Teacher Pei. Apply for 10 hours... No, 12 hours."

Pei Linglong: "???"

What the hell?

12 hours? Do you want to sleep in the training room?

"Open it for him, this kid... is a hardworking guy. However, when practicing in the training room, too much is as bad as too little. You have to know the limit and don't ruin yourself."

Nan Lihuo said with a smile.

Pei Linglong still looked very strange. She didn't know much about Fang Che's style of doing things. She just came to the Second High School and didn't hear much about the name of hardworking guy.

"Okay, then... 12 hours." Pei Linglong exhaled.

Tian Linggen... is still so diligent, will he let others live?

"I hope you are not a three-minute enthusiasm, and can continue to maintain a diligent attitude." Pei Linglong warned.

Fang Che nodded quickly and said with a grin: "Teacher, I understand, if you don't work hard at cultivating immortality, you will just sit in tears..."

Pei Linglong: "..."

When you first started cultivating immortality, did you start to take a long-term view and start considering sitting down?

Su Shangshang also came over at this moment, looked at Fang Che and said: "Your fighting talent is very good, are you interested in joining the fighting class?"

"The fighting class and the talisman making class do not conflict."

"In cultivating immortals, fighting is very important. Once you improve your cultivation, you will know that this world is not safe. The approach of the Immortal Continent has caused the spiritual energy of various countries to revive. Demon cultivators, monsters, alien beasts, and enemies from outside the world are everywhere. …”

Nan Lihuo on the side did not refute.

It was obviously the default that Fang Che could choose the fighting class.

Fang Che originally planned to study hard in the field of fighting. Now that his talent in fighting has been raised to level 3, he naturally has to use it.

Therefore, Fang Che agreed to Su Shangxing’s invitation to the fighting class.

Su Shangshang suddenly smiled. After Fang Che wrote down his mobile phone number, he left with Nan Lihuo.

When the two left, they were still arguing about the bet.

Nan Lihuo felt that although Fang Che had heavenly spiritual roots, it was now marked that he could only have high-grade spiritual roots, so he should be considered a winner.

Su Shangxing's attitude was simple.

You, Nan Lihuo, are so fucking crazy!

"Fang Che, come with me and go to the Peiyou class to recognize your face so that everyone can get to know each other."

Pei Linglong said, and then led Fang Che into the Peiyou class classroom.

The classroom suddenly became quiet, and twenty pairs of eyes swept over and fell on Fang Che.

The fact that Fang Che can stand here has shown everything.

Peiyou class has a new member!

The student who originally entered the Peiyou class on the score line turned pale. Because the Peiyou class has a limit of 20 students and the monthly exam next month, if he cannot surpass the previous one, he will definitely be kicked out of the Peiyou class.

After Fang Che completed his self-introduction, he did not stay in class in a symbolic way. He smiled and waved to everyone in the class: "Everyone, see you tomorrow, I'm going to practice a wave of room liver!"

Many people chuckled, sighing that Fang Che's name as the Gan Emperor was well-deserved.

"Teacher Pei, have the results of Brother Che's spiritual root test come out?"

The little fat man Cheng Shi looked at Fang Che who was walking away with burning eyes and asked.

"Since everyone is curious, let me tell everyone."

"The test results of student Fang Che's spiritual root came out. It is a high-grade fire spiritual root. He is the fifth high-grade spiritual root in our class." Pei Linglong said lightly.

As soon as the words came out, the whole classroom fell silent again, but after a moment, everyone reacted, and the atmosphere suddenly boiled, expressing shocking emotions.

High-quality spiritual roots?

Has the virtual spiritual root turned from virtual to real to a high-grade spiritual root? !

What the hell is a miracle? !

Even Luo Liuli, who was sitting underneath and reading quietly, couldn't help but raise his head.

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