Absolute attack!

This is of course Fang Che’s self-naming!

But in this current state, it can be said that Fang Che can unleash the strongest attack method.

Of course, it is an attack based on one's own state. If some external force is added, it will naturally not count.

The prototype of the three great supernatural powers...

The Eyes of the Ming King, Climbing the Tower, Sword Immortal State...

Spiritual consciousness, fighting skills and swordsmanship... the prototype of magical powers born from the three major projects, at this moment, Fang Che displayed them all for the first time.

This is the first time he has acted like this.

Fang Che didn't know what kind of power would burst out when the prototypes of supernatural powers were superimposed on each other.

boom! ! !

Coupled with the Nine Flames Blazing Yang transformed from the Divine Dragon, and the Golden Crow Nine Yang Body...

At this moment, Fang Che's condition was rising steadily, like a blazing sun rising up.

After climbing the stairs, Fang Che's body had grown to nearly 1.9 meters tall, with perfect muscles all over his body. His thick black hair fell to his waist, and there were specks of golden smoke lingering in his eyes.

However, Fang Che was already very familiar with this state.

This is the first time Fang Che has used the Sword Immortal State so far.

The state of the sword fairy...

What's changed?

Fang Che was actually very curious, but it was undeniable that the Sword Immortal State... was definitely a blessing on the offensive level.

This is also the reason why Fang Che dares to say that he is absolutely offensive.

The Eyes of the Ming King assists the attack, climbing the stairs and the Sword Immortal State, absolutely attacking!

When the Sword Immortal State was activated, Fang Che felt his pores squirting, and there seemed to be active sword energy one after another, as if it was alive, and it was constantly moving, like an octopus with its teeth and claws.

Fang Che let out a breath, raised his hand, and the red scale sword fell into his hand.

A familiar feeling grew in Fang Che's heart, as if he and the Red Scale Sword had merged into one, and he himself had transformed into a peerless swordsman, extremely good at using swordsmanship.

I have been obsessed with swords all my life!

Climbing the stairs, you feel extremely calm, and your speed, strength, and spiritual awareness are all comprehensively improved.

The sword fairy state is integrated with the sword, giving birth to an ethereal sword intention.

Opposite Fang Che.

After burning all the innate blood in his body, and the shadow of a turtle appeared behind him, he only felt an overwhelming sense of oppression.

His eyes widened, and in his eyes, Fang Che seemed to turn into a blazing sun.

He had been waiting for Fang Che to punch him, but he felt as if he was being targeted by an extremely terrifying being. His whole body was frozen, and his limbs were completely frozen.

That's... coercion!

The pressure brought by Fang Che...

It turned out that he, a genius with the blood of his whole family, couldn't even move!


Quan Yan roared, his eyes were red, and the sense of glory belonging to the whole family spread in his heart, making him feel ashamed of his reaction at this moment!

With a roar, Quan Yan slammed his legs into the ground, as if to root himself into the ground, completely stabilizing the situation.

We are about to face Fang Che’s violent bombardment!

"My absolute defense..."

"Belongs to the whole family...absolute defense!"

"How could it be broken by a little-known guy like you...!"

Quan Yan roared, his whole body covered with veins, and the phantom of the turtle behind him almost turned into a real one.

Quan Yan's appearance became ferocious, as if he was about to completely transform into a turtle.

bring it on!

He has absolute confidence in his absolute defense!

boom! ! !

However, soon, Quan Yan was stunned.

A demon-like figure slowly raised his hand, and a red sword floated out of thin air. The majestic sword intention lingered on the sword body.

It was as if a divine dragon was roaring and roaring!

The sword rises and the dragon roars!

Fang Che, who had activated the stairs-climbing and sword-immortal states, had long floating hair, and the dragon-arm scales of the Nine-flame Blazing Yang Dragon on his arms were shining brightly. His eyes were squinting coldly, and his chin was raised, like a devil looking at everything.

It's like riding a sword straight up to the ninth heaven, overlooking the world's peerless swordsman who laughs at absurdity.

Indifferently overlooking the turtle that activated its absolute defense and took root in the earth.


Seems to be trembling!

The index finger covered with dragon scales tapped lightly.


The red scale sword vibrated.

Suddenly, a vague red dragon roar suddenly appeared. It was the terrifying dragon shadow formed by the sword energy escaping and spurting out.

The dragon shadow bared its teeth and claws, as if the essence of the magic weapon Red Scale Sword had been squeezed out, and at this moment, it was displayed in the world.

The dragon shadow quickly hit the turtle!

The horrific explosion as imagined did not happen.

The imaginary and shocking collision of contradictions did not appear...


It's just like time has stopped, the blood is shooting out, the minced meat is flying...

There was also Quan Yan who flew up upside down, his eyes widened, full of confusion, astonishment, dumbfoundedness and a hint of fear.

His proud defense...

Before this sudden sword light.


Foam in the sun.

It breaks when touched.

Quan Yan's brain seemed to have lost the signal, and he suddenly forgot everything.

"What the hell..."

"What kind of monster is it!"

There was silence in the auditorium.

It can even be said to be deathly silent.

Everyone stared at the picture on the big screen with their eyes wide open in astonishment.

Many people even showed a bewildered look like Quan Yan who flew backwards on the big screen, because they could not understand Fang Che's sword at all.

On the seat, the leader of the Shuangshen Ten High School suddenly stood up, his eyes full of shock, his chest heaving violently.

"Impossible... How is this possible?!"

"The first level of foundation building can actually shatter Quan Yan's absolute defense? That is the absolute defense of the Shuangshen family!"

The leader felt horrified.

How could such a monster appear in this national competition!

Such an attack...

It actually appeared in the hands of a cultivator at the first level of foundation building, with almost perfect control of mana and swordsmanship, bursting out perfect killing...

After a long silence, the uproar broke out one after another.

In the commentary booth, the three commentators were also silent for a long time.

But they did not open their mouths to explain and break the explosion that had just exploded.

Because, they knew that this uproar had not yet reached its peak, because... the battle on the big screen had just begun.

Quan Yan, whose chest was pierced by a sword, was just the beginning of the violent outburst of the chest-breaking maniac!

The battlefield of the temple.

Chi Chengyan and Jing Zhengqing, two fourth-level foundation builders, narrowed their eyes and took a breath of cold air.

Gong Yanghuo, Zhuo Banxiang and Miao Zirui also had their hair standing on end.

They knew how strong Quan Yan's defense was. After all, they were all star players and had dealt with each other.

It didn't take Fang Che much time from the outburst to the sword.

The reason why they didn't make a move was just to see and let Quan Yan's absolute defense deal with Fang Che's attack, and judge how strong Fang Che's attack was.

However, they didn't expect Quan Yan...

to be so fragile.

No, it's not that Quan Yan is fragile...

but Fang Che's attack is too domineering!

The sword rises to break the waves, and the frost and cold suppress the nine states!

Just one sword.

He has the demeanor of a sword immortal.

Chi Chengyan and Jing Zhengqing looked at each other, and Gong Yanghuo, Zhuo Banxiang and Miao Zirui also tensed their bodies.

No longer had any thoughts of probing.

Rong Xiong and Quan Yan... were defeated too quickly.

They could not test anything.

The only way was...

to crush him.

But, they suddenly froze.

They surrounded Fang Che, their necks stiff, and there were sword chants between heaven and earth. When countless sword qi raged, it seemed to surround them.

Fang Che's long hair was like floating algae, and golden smoke was faintly lingering in his eyes. His body floated up, suspended two meters in the air, and the Red Scale Sword returned to its position and floated in front of him.

Fang Che's burly body rarely showed a unique elegance of a sword immortal.

Looking at the five people with stiff necks.

His hands slowly opened to the sides...

It was like embracing the sun!

In an instant.

The Red Scale Sword vibrated...

It emitted a clanging sword chant.

Countless phantoms appeared on the sword body, and then we could see Chi Lin's sword, one turned into two, two turned into three, three turned into hundreds, hundreds turned into thousands...

Densely packed, in front of Fang Che, the sword tips were outward, stacked into a round sun sword wheel!

The sword wheel pointed at five people from a distance.

Ten thousand swords belong to one body.

At this moment, I am a sword immortal!

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