"Oh, Mr. Fang is still as fast as ever."

"In this battle, in less than fifteen seconds, this foundation-building captive from the Immortal Gate Fragment Battlefield was shot in the head."

On the commentary platform, as Fang Che crushed his opponent's head, it meant that his first competition officially came to an end, and he officially won with a crushing attitude.

Too fierce, too fast, too...smooth!

It can be said that he is ridiculously powerful. Such combat power seems to be even stronger than the team competition in the previous two days.

On the big screen, after Fang Che opened the Eight Desolations Explosion, his burly body was full of explosive power, and the powerful blood was like a substance, lingering on his body like smoke.

His spirit was really ridiculously powerful, but his eyes were very sharp.

The audience was silent, and after a while, they cheered loudly, tearing cheers, as if they were going to open up the sky above the fighting venue!

Today, Fang Che can also be said to be a star player.

Even in terms of popularity, it even overwhelmed the star players of the top immortals such as the Imperial Capital, the Twin Gods, and the Five Elements Immortal City!

Even the three commentators were all praising.

After all, the significance of the individual competition in this fighting competition is completely different from the team competition.

The team competition is an individual competition, but the individual competition is already a kind of struggle against foreign enemies.

Facing foreign enemies, everyone naturally supports the players of the Great Xia Immortal Gate!

Fang Che dispersed the Eight Desolate Explosion, with a majestic aura, and his eyes still recalled the eyes of the captive whose head he crushed before he died.

There was not much fear, but... just bottomless hatred.

It was a kind of family and country hatred that was difficult to erase. Once encountered, it would be a life-and-death fight, the kind that would not stop until death.

This was the first time Fang Che encountered such eyes.

Even the demon cultivators were not so cruel and crazy.

This may be the biggest difference between the captives of the Immortal Gate Fragment Battlefield and the Blue Star cultivators.

Fang Che pondered.

Perhaps, in other fragments of the Immortal Gate, the monks of Blue Star were taken as captives, and they also looked at each other with such eyes.

Cruel, indeed very cruel, but this is war.

Fang Che has not participated in the Immortal Gate Fragment War, but he can sense the seriousness of the problem from the attitude of the captives.

Perhaps one day he will set foot in the Immortal Gate Fragment War, but it is undeniable that some of his previous mentality is still problematic. The Immortal Gate Fragment War is not a place to play. If he goes there... he may be trapped and must become a cruel executioner.

Because the interests involved in the Immortal Gate Fragment War... are too big.

"Ding! You have experienced a battle involving life and death, you kill the opponent and become the winner on the battlefield. Diligence +1000, the cruelty of the war has just begun, young man, you should continue to become stronger..."

The panel prompt pops up.

It was mediocre, and only diligence was obtained. Although there was a lot of diligence, it did not cause much ripples in Fang Che's heart. He is now in a state of accumulation.

Fang Che walked down the ring and returned to the rest area.

He didn't say much, and it was rare that he didn't continue to practice.

Instead, he watched other contestants' individual battles on the big screen in the rest area.

Su Shangxing patted his shoulder: "You feel it, the murderous intent from the captives... This murderous intent is a feud, an indelible blood-fighting attitude."

"Because every bit of resources we practice may be stained with the blood of these captives."

Su Shangxing said in a deep voice.

"The fragments of the immortal gate are competing with each other. Each party wants to devour the other party and obtain vast resources for its own immortal gate practitioners to practice."

"Resources are limited, but competition is unlimited."

This is the cruelest reality of the immortal gate fragment war.

Fang Che was shocked and nodded. Perhaps... this is one of the reasons for the reform of this battle competition, so that the younger generation can understand the cruelty of the immortal gate fragment war. Many cruelties are not understood by everyone in the textbook.

Only by experiencing it personally can you feel the heavy weight of this cruelty.

As Fang Che walked down the stage.

The fights continued in the remaining nine stages on the alloy stage.

However, the situation was not as optimistic as when Fang Che killed the third-level foundation-building captive in one second.

The fight… was even a bit anxious.

The audience was breathing rapidly, clenching their fists, sweating, staring intently, and feeling the same way.

After all, the Immortal Gate Fragment Battlefield is an extremely dangerous place for every cultivator. Many friends or family members of cultivators have participated in the Immortal Gate Fragment War, and some have even fallen on the battlefield.

Therefore, they will subconsciously transfer their own glory to the contestants.

Share the honor and disgrace with the contestants.

However, the miracle did not happen.

These captives in the Immortal Gate Fragment Battlefield have rich experience in fighting, and their methods are brutal and cruel.

When a contestant on the alloy ring was defeated and seriously injured, the second contestant began to lose, followed by the third, the fourth...

There was even a poor contestant whose body was blown to pieces.

The medical monk had to work very hard to save the life of the contestant who was blown to pieces and survived.

The audience cheered less and less, and no one thought that victory... would become so difficult.

The failure rate of individual fighting competitions is ridiculously high.

Facing the captives of the Immortal Gate Fragment Battlefield, the contestants participating in the individual fighting competition actually had little chance of winning.

After Fang Che won the first victory, five consecutive contestants were severely injured and defeated.

The atmosphere in the fighting venue was so dull that it was difficult to breathe. The faces of the audience were full of disappointment and gloom.

"It's my turn."

Luo Liuli looked at her name on the big screen. The ring where she would fight was No. 8.

"Don't have too much pressure, just go all out."

Fang Che said.

Su Shangxing also encouraged.

Luo Liuli had a cold face and stepped onto the No. 8 ring without saying much.

Her opponent quickly emerged from the formation cage. In just a moment, the aura he burst out actually reached the second level of foundation building...

Fang Che and Su Shangxing's hearts sank.

Although Luo Liuli was very diligent, she was ultimately unable to reach the foundation building stage in such a short time, let alone deal with the captives who had the second level of foundation building.

At the beginning of the battle, Luo Liuli was at a disadvantage. These captives had rich combat experience and were all experienced in fighting. They were very familiar with and wonderful in using various spells.

Luo Liuli's body was soon covered with wounds, and blood was smeared out.

However, Luo Liuli did not give up. She gritted her teeth and used the magical power [Snow Torture Wind Gluttony], which was a magical power unique to the Luo family. Now Luo Liuli could use it easily.

Unfortunately, the opponent's resilience and madness exceeded Luo Liuli's expectations.

Luo Liuli suffered a serious injury, half of his body was smashed, and he was dying.

Luo Liuli's cultivation had never reached the foundation building stage, but he was qualified to fight against the foundation building stage with the help of the magical power.

After a collision, Luo Liuli still suffered a lot of injuries.

But she didn't give up. Perhaps it was because she followed Fang Che's practice rhythm that Luo Liuli's physical body level was obviously improved.

The counterattack horn sounded, and Luo Liuli fought with her opponent in the cage, which was extremely tragic. The mana fluctuated, and the residual power of the magical power continued to ripple.

In the end, Luo Liuli and her opponent almost died together.

Fortunately, a medical monk took action to stabilize Luo Liuli's almost broken spiritual consciousness and saved her life from the hands of the King of Hell.

Another hour later, Jia Shengli finally appeared on the stage.

He lost the first game without suspense. His physical body was pierced by the captives, and he looked even more miserable than Luo Liuli.

Jia Shengli did not master the magical power, and he was only a Qi-refining monk. It was not unexpected that he was beaten miserably.

When the first round of the individual competition of the fighting competition ended.

There were only eight players who advanced to the second round.

This number gave all the audience a huge shock. No one expected that the result of fighting with the prisoners of war in the battlefield of the Immortal Gate Fragment would be like this.

"They are all young newcomers who have not experienced the baptism of war and blood. These prisoners of war seem to have fought in the battlefield of the fragments of the immortal gate. This result is not unexpected."

"Our players still have room for growth. Many of them can fight fiercely with these prisoners of war who are experienced in fighting and have survived death and war. This is enough to show that their future is bright."

Commentator Zhao Gonghe was also full of emotion and expressed his own thoughts.

Fang Che also fell into silence.

He did not expect that the result of this personal fighting competition would be like this.

In the first round...almost 90% of the players were eliminated.

Even the organizers themselves were a little silent. Such a battle situation was really tragic.

However, the competition system has been reformed, just like spilled water, it cannot be changed back in this session. Moreover, such a reform is to connect with other immortal gates.

It can only be said that the contestants of Daxia Xianmen have been living too comfortably, and they lack a kind of fierceness in fighting. The failure of this individual fight may give the contestants some stimulation.

"I just don't know how many rounds this year's individual fight champion can last."

"I heard that the individual fight champion of this year's Federation Xianmen lasted to the sixth round in the individual fight. He is a real genius. The individual fight champions of Baiting, Dongli and other Xianmen also lasted to the fifth round."

"And now the results of the first round of the new competition system are out, and only eight people have advanced to the second place. According to this battle situation, our Daxia Xianmen's individual fight contestants..."

"I'm afraid they can't last more than four rounds."

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