That's it?

No...what do you mean this is it?

The woman from the Red Horn Tribe was stunned. Her punch... even if it was an ordinary three-level foundation building blow, it would be injured. However, she caught the young man in front of her and struck in the air.

As a result, the punch hit the young man's body, as if hitting an alloy wall. He remained motionless and did not waver at all...

How can this person be so tough? !

The physical body is so powerful, can the blue star body be cultivated? !

The red horn woman's eyes narrowed, and a solemn look appeared.

The way of physical cultivation is not uncommon among cultivators. However, according to her understanding, or the understanding of Blue Star cultivation by the race behind them, there has not been any outstanding physical cultivation, and there are very few powerful ones. Body cultivation method.

"A gifted Blue Star genius?"

The Red Horn woman thought of something, and her eyes suddenly became fiery. If such a genius could be destroyed, then her value would really be squeezed to the extreme.

Regarding the glory of the race, it can be regarded as a complete explanation.

To destroy such a genius, even if she dies, it is enough...

"The first level of foundation building... is very rampant!"

The woman from the Red Horn tribe disappeared in an instant, escaped and landed in the distance. Her hands drooped, and the red horn on her forehead shone slightly, and waves of fire slowly spread around her.

Fang Che straightened his body, and after activating the Eight Desolations Explosion, his energy and blood were majestic. The sinews like a horned dragon were constantly squirming on his body surface, filled with explosive energy.

Glancing at the Red Horn woman indifferently, Fang Che did not take action immediately.

He turned to look at Chi Chengyan, and threw to her the young girl Miao Zirui, who was covering her arms and sobbing in her arms.

Chi Chengyan raised his hand, and the mana fluctuations spread, causing Miao Zirui's body to fall gently.


Chi Chengyan was about to speak but stopped.

Fang Che's fight was actually very unnecessary. After all... even if Fang Che won this battle, it would not be counted as his record. He would still have to continue to choose his opponent, and it would even affect himself due to the consumption of this battle. battle.

The most important thing is that Fang Che may not have the ability to defeat the Red Horn woman 100%.

Because the Red Horn Clan...their strength lies in their physical bodies.

Their red horns can impart a unique body-tempering energy, making their bodies seem to be covered with a layer of invisible armor, which is extremely tough without affecting their movement.

Among the many races in the Xianmen Fragment Continent, there are many who specialize in physical strength.

They are the ones who truly have unique physical conditions.

Fang Che's physical body is very strong and his physical skills are excellent, but...can he win?

Chi Chengyan thought about the scene where Fang Che defeated all six of their star players with one against six, and pursed his lips. This monster's victory was inevitable...

However, it might be a miserable victory.

After all, they are all collisions at the physical level.

"As long as you saved Miao don't have to fight her anymore."

Chi Chengyan said calmly, this is allowed within the rules.

Fang Che, who was tall and tall, looked at her with a sense of oppression and shook his head: "It doesn't matter, I just... warmed up."

Chi Chengyan: "..."

Star players such as Jing Zhengqing, Rong Xiong, Gong Yanghuo, etc. all looked at the burly Fang Che with extremely complicated feelings, and had mixed feelings in their hearts.

They didn't dare to fight in this battle, but... Fang Che did.

At this moment, they finally understood the gap between them and Fang Che.

Not only the difference in cultivation and fighting skills, but also the difference in state of mind.

"He is not afraid of strong enemies and has the courage to challenge...this may be the reason why he is so strong."

Zhuo Banxiang's eyes were blazing, and the healthy and energetic girl from Northern Xinjiang was extremely excited.

She is also good at physical skills, but in the eyes of Fang Che and the Red Horn women, her physical skills are really not worthy of recognition.

Therefore, this battle... must be of great benefit to her.

The originally calm auditorium suddenly became noisy because of Fang Che's step forward.

Cheers, cheers, cheers...

In an instant, the entire venue was almost overturned.

What kind of picture is this?

The hero saves the beauty!

This has been an enduring and popular topic since ancient times.

But today, such a topic has actually appeared!

On the commentary stage, the three commentators instantly became energetic.

Lin Miaomiao's eyes were filled with peach blossoms. Such a scene was so touching to the girl's heart.

But the noise didn't last long, and everyone's eyes were quickly fixed on the big screen again.

Commentator Zhao Gonghe even frowned: "Classmate Fang Che's action was well-intentioned, but...if he chooses to continue fighting with the Red Horn prisoners of war, it will actually have a great impact on him. After all, this battle does not count against his record. , if he wins, he will not be able to advance, and if he loses, it will affect his state of mind... and also affect his own fighting skills. "

"But when everyone thought it was a battle where the gains outweighed the losses, he chose to fight."

"This spirit... is the spirit that our warriors who go to the Xianmen battlefield should live on forever!"

Zhao Gonghe became more and more excited as he spoke, and his body seemed to be on fire. He stood up directly from the commentary platform and waved his fist violently.

Imperial High School, principal's office.

Several powerful people from the Ministry of Education were sitting on their chairs at this moment, watching the pictures projected on the TV.

"This boy is Fang Che, right? He is a student from Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School, and he is only in the first year of high school this year... He has such courage and fighting spirit, he is really a good seedling."

"Nonsense, if he is not a good seedling, how could he be accepted as the last closed disciple by Master Pei? Master Pei is about to go to the battlefield of the Immortal Gate Fragment to take charge, and the gold content of his last closed disciple must be extremely high."

"Let's see first, see if we can defeat this prisoner of the Red Horn Clan. Although this prisoner of war is at the fourth level of foundation building, according to the information, he seems to be the best among the young generation of the Red Horn Clan, a first-class genius, and possesses the magical power of the Red Horn."


Several bigwigs talked to each other, and Fang Che's move made them cheer.

It was not because he was a hero saving a beauty, but because he could muster up the courage to stand up in such an environment. This is the biggest and commendable thing.

Even if Fang Che lost, everyone would remember his courage.



On the alloy arena

After Fang Che threw away the crying Miao Zirui, he twisted his neck and looked at the Red Horned woman in the distance.

A leader in physical skills?

Fang Che grinned, looking forward to it.

The Eight Desolate Explosion has now been opened to the fourth level, and he is really looking forward to it. He wants to see if this Red Horned tribe who specializes in physical training can withstand his impact!

The Red Horned woman stared at Fang Che, and the red color on her horns spread.

A flash of fire jumped, as if there were sparks flying.

In an instant, the body of the Red Horned woman disappeared, just like a spark blown away by the wind.

When she appeared again, it was like a terrifying hurricane, and her long legs were pulled out fiercely, like a sharp steel knife out of its sheath, slashing towards Fang Che's neck, trying to cut off his head directly.


Fang Che raised his hand and blocked the kick.

He was casual, as if he had known the direction of the kick long ago.

"Keep going, you're too weak."

"That's it... I'll be very disappointed."

Fang Che said calmly.

The Red Horned woman's eyes narrowed, and she was furious.

"Why are you so arrogant? It's just the beginning!"

The woman whistled, and her body was whipped and swung with endless fire whips. The air was whipped and made a constant sound of explosions, and sparks jumped, like a wave hitting all directions.

The Red Horned woman's figure was as fast as a shadow, and every leg she pulled out was full of terrifying cutting power.

However, Fang Che moved and turned, and when his arms were waving and his palms were pushed flat, he blocked all the fire whips and blocked all the killing of the Red Horned woman.


The Red Horned woman jumped high, put her legs together, and finally landed lightly on the ground.

Her chest rose and fell violently, and her eyes were filled with astonishment, staring at the burly body that was still intact in the countless twisted high temperatures.

"No... Impossible..."

"How can this physique be so strong?!"

The Red Horned woman swallowed her saliva, the pressure was getting bigger and bigger, so big that she couldn't breathe.

At the level of the flesh, she couldn't even beat this Blue Star's body cultivator...

"Are you done?"

"It's my turn."

The smoke and dust dissipated.

Fang Che's black hair was flying vigorously, and his eyes were fixed on the Red Horned woman.

He then tilted his neck, and a faint golden smoke was emanating from his eyes.

"Go upstairs."

After the words fell.

The Red Horned woman was horrified to find that a big hand was already in front of her, pressing her head hard.

She felt that everything around her seemed to be flying in the air, and her body left the ground, and with a thud, it hit the ground of the alloy arena hard.

The back of her head collided violently with the ground, and the alloy ground was sunken.

The mighty Qi and blood, the terrifying strength, the irresistible tyranny...

The head of the Red Horned woman was pressed to the ground, almost deformed and about to explode.

Her eyeballs widened unconsciously, almost bursting out of her eye sockets.

She struggled to catch the picture with her peripheral vision.

She saw the burly figure slowly raising his fist under the shadow that obscured the light...

The moment the fist was raised, the space seemed to be twisted and collapsed.

This punch...

This punch!

"I'll die!"

The Red Horned woman twisted her mouth and let out an uncontrollable, horrified, hoarse roar in the language of her own race...



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