Fang Che is looking forward to it, very much looking forward to it...

Because he might be able to work hard and use the training of the demon monks to transform his fist into the divine!

boom! ! !

The purple fire lion ascends the tower in Bahuang!

Fang Che clenched his fist again, and the air exploded, boiling and rolling.

The powerful air wave spread out when he clenched his fist, shaking the mountains and rivers, almost as if they were about to be completely overturned!

A long roar.

Fang Che's thick black hair flew up.

It was like the king of the forest roared, overlooking the countless beasts in the forest!

Bang bang bang!

The air exploded. It was the exploded shadow left by Fang Che's high-speed movement, and he punched the demonic monk hard.

At this moment, the demon spirit monk completed the fusion of the demon spirit and completely transformed. He lowered his head and became extremely cold, with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Because he knew that his life was coming to an end. After merging with the demon spirit, he felt that life was burning. The price he paid was to obtain extremely powerful terrifying power.

"However, if you can use this power to kill the Blue Star monster in front of you, maybe... it's worth it, it's really worth it."

"This monster from Blue Star already has the style of the genius of my Demon Spirit Tribe..."

"To get rid of a serious problem for me, the genius of the Demon Spirit Clan, I deserve to die!"

Bang! ! !

The Demon Spirit Tribe monk clenched his fist fiercely.

This punch was silent and had no breaking energy. However, the intention of the fist was restrained. When the fist crossed the surface, the air was shattered.

It was like countless ice crystals exploded, densely packed.

Fang Che's Eight Desolate Climbing Tower Purple Fire Lion Fist exploded instantly, and his body ejected like a cannonball at extremely fast speeds.

The opponent's overwhelming strength made Fang Che feel great pressure. It was a... feeling on a different level.

"This kind of explosion has reached the late stage of foundation building..."

Fang Che analyzed softly.

This punch was fused with the demonic spirit of the fist, and the explosive power of the demonic monk even touched the threshold of the seventh floor of the foundation.

Seven levels of foundation building...

It belongs to the late stage of foundation building.

Foundation building can be divided into four realms: front, middle and back Dzogchen. In fact, the gap between each realm is much larger than the level of Qi refining.

The combat power of the demonic monks in the later stage of foundation building is completely different from that before.

"The a bit too much."

Fang Che let out a breath.


The body disappeared instantly, and a deep pit exploded directly where he was standing, and the alloy arena...

Got penetrated!

The body of the demon spirit monk has grown to 2.8 meters tall, as tall as a demon god, and the sense of oppression is even more powerful and majestic.

The power and explosion contained in the fist are much stronger than before.

The aura of the late stage of foundation building was billowing out, the black tide surged wildly, and the terrifying aura was brewing rapidly and piled up.

In Fang Che's eyes, it was like a magic mountain that was constantly rising higher and higher!

Finally, towering into the sky!


The golden smoke in Fang Che's pupils condensed.

The completely crazy demon monk had already appeared in front of him.

As his body grew taller again, Fang Che's two-meter-long body seemed a little small in front of the terrifying demonic monk who was nearly three meters tall.

A sense of oppression swept through him, blowing Fang Che's waist-length black hair, flying incessantly.

Fang Che silently stared at the demonic monk, and it could be seen that in his eyes when he looked down at him, violence, killing, and other rays of light emerged.


The demonic monk, who had completely lost his spirit and will, roared angrily, raised his arms high, aimed at Fang Che's head, and smashed it down hard!


Where the two of them were standing, the ground around the entire alloy arena sank in an instant. Countless cracks were densely intertwined, and broken earth and rocks flew up.

Under the ring, many contestants' expressions changed, and the majestic waves of air swept across them, making their hearts skip a beat.

Such power...

Such an explosion!

As the smoke and dust billowed, everyone stared at the alloy arena shrouded in smoke and dust.

They didn't even dare to use their spiritual senses to investigate.

Because at this moment, the majestic demonic energy and the terrifying energy and blood are intertwined, their spiritual consciousness cannot enter at all, and they will be crushed into pieces as soon as they enter!

The smoke and dust dissipated quickly!

Because the strong wind blows, the dust disperses.

The screen is revealed.

in the screen.

The fallen arms of the crazy demon monk were firmly supported by two palms covered with veins like horned dragons.

Fang Che's clothes exploded, his black hair danced wildly, and his legs almost sank into the alloy ring, revealing the perfect body of a horned dragon on his upper body.

Vaguely, purple flames burned and flowed around his body, forming a powerful light that completely suppressed the power of Bahuang Blast from his body.


The crazy demon monk roared wildly and punched out horizontally. Fang Che instantly ejected and disappeared.

The lion roared and punched out fiercely, and was wiped out in an instant.

The battle between the two...

After a brief pause, the collision broke out again.

The two are constantly fighting, and every collision can set off a terrifying powerful wind!

Although in the eyes of all the viewers and the three commentators.

Everyone saw Fang Che being beaten away again and again.

Facing the power in the later stages of foundation building, Fang Che was still somewhat stretched and was completely suppressed.

However, they strangely felt Fang Che's... happiness that infected the entire audience.

The repeated tempering is like a diligent practice, which cannot be stopped until the diligence brings improvement and transformation.

Fang Che didn't know how many times he was knocked away...

The audience was numb.

The audience felt really uncomfortable when they suddenly saw the invincible chest-breaking maniac being suppressed.

But this discomfort did not last too long and disappeared.

"Fang Che... seems to be enjoying it."

On the commentary desk.

Commentator Guan Yuan was sweating and couldn't help saying.

That's right, Fang Che... is really enjoying it.

Enjoying this rare time when someone helps him, tempers him, and improves him.

Commentator Zhao Gonghe was also dumbfounded: "This... this demon monk has activated the most terrifying state of madness, allowing the demon fist to spread to the extreme, and finally devouring his own soul."

"At this cost, in exchange for a huge increase in strength..."

"At this moment, the demon monk has reached the level of the late stage of foundation building, but... classmate Fang Che is enjoying the feeling of fighting with the late stage of foundation building. He seems... not afraid of failure, but enjoying... this process."

"He... he he he is using this demon monk... to practice!"

Commentator Zhao Gonghe finally found a description of Fang Che's state.

"Fuck! That's right, that's the feeling!"

"What a liver emperor! He actually took a demon monk of the late stage of foundation building... to practice on the arena of the fighting competition!"

Commentator Zhao Gonghe analyzed it, his face flushed, and he was so excited that he kept swearing.


Imperial Capital No. 1 High School, the principal's office.

Many bigwigs in the Ministry of Education fell silent.

Unexpectedly, the situation would turn around in this way.

"Will Fang Che's confidence be shattered?"

"We seem to have underestimated the resilience of this young man who has been tortured by his weak spiritual roots since childhood."

"He is not afraid of failure at all."

"Because he stood up from countless failures!"

"Failure will only become a tool to sharpen his toughness."



On the alloy arena.

Fang Che's whole body was emitting heat waves.

He stood there, his upper body was naked, his muscle lines were endlessly perfect, and every inch of flesh and blood seemed to be carefully carved.

However, on his body covered with dragon scales, those dragon scales emitting a faint golden light were covered with cracks, and from time to time there were fine fragments that fell from the dragon scales like gravel.

In the distance. The demon monk stood crazily, his spirit rising higher and higher, the terrifying demonic energy, like the waves in the vast ocean, constantly sweeping and impacting...

To annihilate and shatter everything!

He stared at Fang Che, murderous!

However, at this moment, he did not continue to attack.

Because, from Fang Che...

He inexplicably felt a sense of... crisis!

The boy who had been suppressed by him and whose fist intent was constantly shattered by him, re-condensed his fist intent again and again, and was unbelievably tough, like a stone in a pit, smelly and hard.

Fang Che closed his eyes and opened his hands.

As he opened his hands, the scales brought by the Nine Flames Blazing Sun Dragon Blood Transformation fell off like fine sand...

Finally, the perfect... fire lion pattern interwoven with purple flames on Fang Che's flesh and blood was revealed!

The demon monk's crazy eyes stagnated...

His mentality almost collapsed completely!

Because, at this moment, the fire lion pattern on Fang Che's body...

It is the appearance of the fist spirit merging into the body!

Just like the demon spirit cultivator at this moment, merging the demon spirit into the body...

But he paid the price of his life to do this, and the boy in front of him, who was clearly defeated by him again and again, has achieved the fusion of fist spirit and body!

How can there be...such a monster!

Fang Che slowly opened his eyes.

Hundreds of refinements...finally become a god!

Fist spirit, merged into the body.

Fang Che's heart was cold.

No ripples.

This demon spirit cultivator...can no longer squeeze out any value.

It's...time to end.

"Sword Immortal."

Fang Che whispered.

Take a step.

Instantly, the extremely fierce physical cultivation spirit on his body changed drastically in an instant.

Replaced by a vague sword immortal temperament.

Black hair flying, the boy put two fingers together and gently stroked.


A blazing sword appeared from the endless light.

The sharp and shining sword tip slowly appeared, the sword body with mysterious patterns, the extremely simple sword ear, and three words engraved on it...

The Blazing Dragon Abyss.

The sword came out and tapped lightly.

The sword chant accompanied by the endless blazing golden sword light quickly spread and spread...

It turned into a calm golden lake.

More than three meters high, as majestic as the abyss, the demon monk who burned his life into a frenzy quietly fell into the golden lake.

Being swallowed by the endless gold.


There was no life between heaven and earth.


a little ripple on the lake surface.

Not surprising.

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