On the alloy stage.

The golden flaming fire lion pattern on Fang Che's body slowly dissipated.

A sword chant was extremely brilliant, revolving around his body. It was the third-level sword Chilongyuan. It was suspended with Fang Che's spiritual consciousness, and the terrifying sword intent was extremely sharp.

Fang Che stretched out his hand and held Blazing Dragon Abyss. This was his first time to summon Blazing Dragon Abyss, and it was indeed powerful.

It is worthy of being a third-level sword, and Chilongyuan seems to be a high-quality sword among third-level swords.

The sword fairy state slowly dissipated, the aura faded, and suddenly it disappeared like a gust of wind.

They also dispersed after climbing the stairs.

Many magical powers are no longer available.

Fang Che's body, which was more than two meters tall, slowly returned to its normal state.

Qi and blood were billowing, entangled like a horned dragon, the golden smoke in his eyes dissipated, and the coldness and absolute calmness disappeared.

Fang Che exhaled a breath of turbid air, as hot as steam.

As expected, the third-level sword consumes a lot of money. Fang Che's Sword Immortal State and the strength of the Climbing Tower State were enough to be able to control it, and he managed the sword with difficulty.

However, Wei Neng Fang Che was so satisfied.

"Ordinary foundation-building monks cannot control high-grade third-level swords at all, but I am different... My strong body may be an advantage."

"If I don't have enough spiritual knowledge, I can even use flesh and blood to directly kill the enemy with a sword, and I can exert the power of Blazing Dragon Abyss."

Fang Che's eyes were burning.

Of course, one of the main reasons is that he understood the boxing intention of the fire lion.

In addition, in the process of fighting against the Demon Spirit Tribe monks, he learned how to integrate his fist into his body. Therefore, he was able to truly control the power of Blazing Dragon Abyss easily.

Fist intention, that is the field of artistic conception, is closely related to the level of spiritual consciousness, and has a unique ability that can enhance the intensity of spiritual consciousness.

In the foundation-building realm, those who can understand "intention", whether it is sword intention, spear intention, knife intention or fist intention... are extremely good and can greatly increase their own combat power.

After putting away Blazing Dragon Abyss, Fang Che felt relaxed all over.

"Ding! You experienced a diligent battle and understood the meaning of the fist in the battle. Diligence +1000, and you killed the non-native origin fragment monk, your diligence doubled, special diligence (spiritual knowledge) +10000, Sao Nian, You already look a little bit like a genius, go to the world of immortals, let the wind blow and indulge your pride! Keep your heart in mind and never stop working hard!"

In front of my eyes, the panel prompt appeared, and then slowly disappeared.

With the arrival of 10,000 points of special effort, Fang Che could feel a slight transformation in his spiritual consciousness.

His spiritual knowledge talent has reached LV5. If he wants to improve it again, it will be very difficult in a short time.

However, now I have gained 10,000 points of special diligence in one fell swoop. Although I am still 90,000 points short of reaching LV6, it saves me a lot of hard work.

Fang Che couldn't hold down the corners of his smiling lips at all.

"One more thing, it seems that the monk who killed the Red Horn Clan before did not receive the double bonus of diligence. Is it because the other party was not a fragment of the Nine Origin Immortal Sects?" Fang Che's eyes flickered.

This analysis is not difficult.

The demon monk who was killed came from the fragment of Immortal Sect No. 1. The fragment of Immortal Sect No. 9 is called the Nine Origin Fragment Continents, and the rest are called the Thirty-six Cave Heaven, the Seventy-two Blessed Lands, and Fragments of the Immortal Sect are scattered here and there.

"So, only the monks who kill the fragments of the nine immortal sects will have doubled experience..."

Fang Che nodded, remembering this in his mind.

From now on, if we want to improve our Qin ability, we must take special care of the monks in the fragments of the Nine Immortal Sects.

The referee soon took the stage.

It was announced that Fang Che had advanced to the third round of the individual fighting competition.

At this point, the second round of fighting competition is completely over.

It can be said that the results of this round are quite satisfactory.

There are many players who advanced to the third round, including Chi Chengyan, Jing Zhengqing, Quan Yan, Gongyang Huo and Fang Che...

There are five in total.

Of the eight contestants, five advanced and only three were eliminated. The result was much better than everyone imagined.

For a moment, the five players who advanced to the third round stood on the ring.

All the spectators cheered deafeningly, shouting and celebrating this moment.

Of course, more congratulations are given to Fang Che.

Because Fang Che showed unparalleled fighting power in this second round.

The final scene of powerfully defeating the Demon Spirit Tribe monks gave the entire Great Xia Immortal Sect a slight shock to the Sword Immortal.

Many viewers were dumbfounded. They saw the golden sword lake appear out of thin air on the big screen, as if the sword fairy walked out of the painting and defeated the opponent on the ring.

Extremely shocking!

It’s so shocking that it naturally attracts countless fans!

The only pity is that when Fang Che finally defeated the demon spirit monk, he did not continue the tradition of the chest-breaking demon...

But the method is more cruel.

With one sword pass, the sword lake swept across.

The Demon Spirit Tribe monks’ flesh and blood were washed away, and their lives were annihilated…

It's too awful!

"Tomorrow, the third round of the individual competition will be held. All contestants are asked to go all out."

After the referee announced tomorrow's schedule, he disappeared.

Chi Chengyan and others looked at each other and then towards Fang Che.

"Fang Che, you have to work hard tomorrow."

"The fourth round may be a little difficult. For us, it is much more difficult, but you must have a better chance of making it to the fourth round than us..."

Chi Chengyan's blue and white eyes were bright, he looked at Fang Che and said solemnly.

"As far as I know, in the individual competition system of the major immortal sects, except for the small immortal sects that are not ranked, other top immortal sects have people who have entered the fourth round, and even many have entered the fifth round..."

"Therefore, our Daxia Immortal Sect cannot fall behind. Although we have just carried out the competition system reform, but... our Daxia Immortal Sect cultivators cannot let our immortal sect lose face..."

"This belongs to us... the glory of the immortal sect."

Chi Chengyan looked at Fang Che, clenched his fist, and was extremely serious.

Fang Che looked at Chi Chengyan.

He didn't really feel deeply about the so-called glory of the immortal sect.

But Chi Chengyan was different. She came from the Chi family in the imperial capital, and belonged to the top immortal sect family. She attached great importance to the glory of the immortal sect. She was instilled with the responsibility of maintaining the glory of the immortal sect since she was a child.

So, she said this to Fang Che at this moment.

"I will work hard."

Fang Che nodded. Of course he had to work hard. For the sake of diligence...he would also work hard to the end!

He Fang Che, remembering his original intention, his growth to the present level is inseparable from his diligence.

So, he can't stop being diligent.

This time, fighting with opponents in the fighting competition is a kind of diligent experience. If he kills other monks who are fragments of the origin of the immortal gate, he can get double the diligence. How could he forget his original intention?

Chi Chengyan was stunned. She saw unprecedented determination in Fang Che's eyes, which moved her very much.

She thought that Fang Che, a high school student who came out of the immortal high school in a small place, might have a very indifferent sense of immortal gate glory, but she didn't expect that Fang Che's sense of glory was much higher than she imagined.

Touched, so touched...

Such a man is full of charm.

Chi Chengyan's blue and white eyes flickered, and her eyes looking at Fang Che seemed to be full of peach blossoms.

However, she restrained herself very much. She was different from Zhuo Banxiang, the coquettish bitch in the northern border, and she was also different from the cold white-skinned beautiful girl like Miao Zirui.

"Fang Che, what kind of girls do you like?" Chi Chengyan asked.

As soon as these words came out.

Jing Zhengqing, Quan Yan, Gong Yanghuo and others standing by all had their eyes lit up, and the fire of gossip burned fiercely.

Fang Che was also stunned by the question.

This question... has something.

"What kind of girl do I like?"

Fang Che smiled.

"My love is very pure..."

Fang Che's smile was brilliant, like a sunbath, which made Chi Chengyan's heart beat... pure girl?

Isn't that... like her?

"I like pure and hardworking girls, preferably... more hardworking than me."

Fang Che said.

Girls who are more hardworking than Fang Che?

Chi Chengyan was stunned, just... that simple?

Isn't it just hardworking?

Chi Chengyan's heart beat, her mind was spinning at high speed, she even thought of the name of the child...

However, just when she wanted to ask something.

Fang Che had already walked down the alloy ring.

However, he had not yet walked into the contestant channel.

Three figures walked quickly in the distance, aiming directly at Fang Che.

Fang Che's spiritual consciousness sensed something, and when he looked up, he saw a familiar face among the three people...

It was none other than Li Huaixian, the admissions teacher of the top immortal university, Pojun University.

At this moment, Li Huaixian was walking in a hurry, and the man and woman beside him seemed to be walking even faster than him...

That look, looking at Fang Che...

It was like a wolf or a tiger, as if he wanted to eat Fang Che alive.

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