Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 187 You finish your performance and I take the stage!

The next day came in a blink of an eye.

In the pavilion, the pen fell on the paper, making a rustling sound.

The young man took up the pen and diligently made the talisman. Every stroke was carefully crafted to perfection, and he integrated his own good brushwork.

Drawing the strange talisman is very difficult, and Fang Che really felt it.

During this night, Fang Che drew the strange talisman path on the paper three times, and there were flaws of varying sizes, which gave Fang Che a headache and made him feel the difficulty of this challenge.

After all, with his talent for making talismans, it was so difficult. I dare not imagine how confused other talisman makers would be.

"Teacher, what is the core idea of ​​this turning talisman path? Is this change because the operation of mana will be smoother, or is it considered to increase the conversion of released mana into spiritual energy?"

"Teacher, and here, why do we use the three-fold brushwork to turn here? Is there any reason?"

"Teacher, teacher..."


Mr. Pei felt that he was hallucinating.

He returned to the numbness dominated by Fang Che in those days.

He hadn't touched his son-in-law article for seven hours, and missed it.

"Alas... I have to swallow my tears for the sins I have committed."

Old Pei smiled bitterly.

If he hadn't asked Fang Che to complete the drawing of the strange talisman in the next few days, Fang Che would not have been inspired to be a diligent and hardworking emperor, and he would be exhausted when he was caught.

"Stinky boy, listen carefully, the master will only say it once! Keep talking, just listen to the master's words!"

Old Pei straightened his clothes and said lightly.

Although he was very impatient and helpless, he still admired Fang Che's diligent mood.

In cultivation, talent is more important than talent, but when everyone's talents are similar, attitude determines everything.

A diligent attitude can change a lot.

Because diligent cultivation means that you have several times more time to practice than others...

How can you not achieve success if this is going to increase while the other is going to decrease?

Fang Che will definitely achieve success in the future, and Old Pei believes this.

As for whether he could reach the level of the God Transformation Venerable, Master Pei did not dare to guarantee it. After all, the God Transformation Realm...

It is already the pinnacle on Blue Star, and it may not be reached by hard work alone.

However, Master Pei believes that the Nascent Soul Realm is definitely not a problem for Fang Che.

A diligent person will never be let down.

Another three hours passed.

An old man and a young man, one talking and one listening, one asking and one answering...

The breeze is gentle, and the years are quiet.

The green bamboos beside the pavilion sway in the wind, making waves like waves, which is a different feeling.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The sound of breaking through the air resounded.

Two figures floated in.

It was Master Ma and Fang Che's half-teacher, the Blue Lotus Saint Yun Qinglian.

"The third round of the battle competition is about to begin, Junior Brother... Why haven't you left yet? If you are late, I'm afraid you will be judged as abstaining, which is a bit ugly and a pity."

Master Ma muttered.

He was just copying the old Pei's quotations when he suddenly received a message from the director of the Education Bureau. He heard that Fang Che had not yet participated in the fighting competition.

This is too much. Several bigwigs in the Education Bureau are planning to rely on Fang Che to win face for the reform of the fighting competition of Daxia Xianmen.

Because Fang Che has a great chance to impact the fourth or even fifth round of the individual competition of the fighting competition.

Yun Qinglian's red robe is like red flames, her black hair is slightly floating around, and a halo of light rises behind her. She looks at the peaceful scene in the pavilion with a little stunned eyes, and her red lips are slightly pursed, her eyes are full of complexity, and she is full of emotion.

"Old Pei... really values ​​his disciple."

Yun Qinglian said softly.

Master Ma was reluctant to break this beautiful picture when he saw this. He stroked his beard and smiled: "Of course, this is the teacher's last disciple, a treasure in the palm of his hand."

"The Qinglian Saint Hand can get a junior brother from the teacher and teach him the alchemy technique. The teacher must be very sad and reluctant."

A trace of tension and pressure suddenly appeared on Yun Qinglian's exquisite and beautiful face.

"Don't worry, I will definitely teach Fang Che with all my strength, like... Old Pei, who works hard and doesn't hide anything."

Yun Qinglian was extremely serious.

She was moved by the scene at this moment, and her heart was touched inexplicably.

Perhaps, this is the relationship between master and apprentice.

She has never accepted a disciple, and she accepted Fang Che just to use Fang Che's power to resist the thunder tribulation to resist the future pill tribulation that will impact the sixth-level alchemy saint.

But now, from Old Pei, she felt the attitude that a teacher should have.

"Although the scene is very beautiful at the moment, there is no need to rush to teach the teacher the art of making talismans."

"It is more important for you to participate in the fighting competition..."

Master Ma said with a smile.

Old Pei will stay in Blue Star for a while. Although the gods will go to the battlefield of the fragments of the immortal gate to take charge, Old Pei, as a newly broken god, is naturally not in a hurry to go.

Master Ma's consciousness fluctuated, and in the turmoil, Fang Che came back to his senses from the knowledge acquisition.

"Brother Ma?"

Fang Che looked puzzled.

"Little brother, the third round of the individual competition of the fighting competition is about to begin, you have to go."

"Making talismans is not in a hurry."

"It is not so easy to draw a strange talisman. You must learn to allocate time reasonably and learn to combine work and rest."

Master Ma said with a smile.

When Fang Che heard this, he suddenly realized that he was immersed in making talismans. Unknowingly, a night had passed and the individual competition of the fighting skills competition had already begun.

"Senior Brother Ma is right. Making talismans is indeed a very labor-intensive task. The teacher's strange talisman is the best among the talismans. It is like a tangle of ten thousand ropes, and it is extremely difficult to solve."

“It’s really time to combine work and rest.”

Fang Che stretched out and said, "Then I'll go fight and relax my mind."

After saying that, Fang Che took a step back and bowed to Mr. Pei, who had a numb face.

"Teacher, I will go back as soon as I go. I just asked you three questions about the idea of ​​​​Qi Fu brushwork. I will listen to the teacher's teachings when I return."

Fang Che bowed ninety degrees seriously.

Mr. Pei twitched the corner of his mouth with difficulty...

I'm broken!

Due to time constraints, after Fang Che left the manor, he was directly carried by Master Ma and flew across the sky.

Although flying over the imperial capital is very strict, the no-fly rule only restricts monks under Yuanying. Master Ma is a master of Yuanying, so he is no longer restricted and takes Fang Che directly through the sky.

In a short time, they had reached the sky above the high-level fighting venue in the imperial capital.

At this moment, there was a dead silence in the First High Hall of the Imperial Capital.

The surrounding ring-shaped auditorium was full of people, but the faces of the audience were very livid, even... frustrated.

All eyes had lost their divine light, and some even covered their faces, not daring to continue looking.

On the commentary desk.

The three commentators, Zhao Gonghe, Lin Miaomiao and Guan Yuan, did not know what to say to save the situation and lighten the atmosphere.

The third round of the personal fighting competition...

Lost, all lost!

In the first round, Jing Zhengqing was drawn and a No. 8 Immortal Sect Fragment Prisoner of War was drawn. In less than a minute of fighting, Jing Zhengqing was defeated and his body was torn in half.

The blood dyed the alloy arena red, and also gave all the audience a blow in the head, causing the audience who were still expecting it to fall into complete silence.

After Jing Zhengqing was rescued, his mentality was a bit broken.

This time Fang Che did not come and did not stand up for him. On the stage, the prisoners of war showed disdain, which deeply irritated Jing Zhengqing.

Even though Jing Zhengqing knew that it was a way for the prisoners of war to destroy his mood, he still couldn't let go.

He...he is too weak!

The next person to appear is Quan Yan, who is also a prisoner of war from the eight immortal sect fragments drawn. Like Fang Che’s opponent in the previous match, he is a monk from the Demon Spirit Clan, and his defense is absolute...no longer absolute.

Being hammered violently.

Quan Yan's body exploded with flesh and blood, and the result was the same as Jing Zhengqing's.

Then the ram transformed into a phoenix and fought fiercely with his opponent, but was ultimately defeated...

Lost all three battles!

The audience who were looking forward to it because of yesterday's performance, as well as the bosses from the Ministry of Education, were silent.

Maybe...this is reality.

In the fourth game, Fang Che was drawn on the big screen.

The audience originally cheered.

However, the cheers started as waves and then slowly dissipated...

Fang Che never showed up.

For a moment, the audience was at a loss, and so were the three excited commentators.

There was even a small sound that resounded from the audience and swept across like a wave.

Breast-breaking maniac...

I was scared, scared, and chose... to give up!

In an instant, the entire fighting venue was transformed into a scene of deathly silence.

Master Ma stepped on the clouds and followed Fang Che beside him. The two of them stood high in the sky among the clouds.

"Junior brother, senior brother, I seem to have heard a lot of doubts about you."

Master Ma stroked his beard and smiled.

Fang Che shook his head, but didn't say anything.

Doubts, noises, celebrations...

Everything is like a floating cloud to him.

Now he just wants to resolve the battle quickly and go back to his teacher to learn how to draw strange symbols.

However, the balance between work and rest that Master Ma said is indeed reasonable.

Then... let's have some fun!

High in the sky.

Fang Che bowed and said goodbye to Master Ma.

Take one step.

Bahuang explodes!

The majestic energy and blood were like blood-colored smoke, intertwined around his body like long blood-colored dragons that stretched out horizontally.

Like a meteor falling rapidly from outside the starry sky.

Pull out the bloody tail!

Set off a wave of ripples...

It crashed onto the alloy ring!

The young man from Lingyun falls into the blue clouds, just finish singing...

I'm here!

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