A dull thud.

A sword flash went out and returned, faster than lightning and thunder, and it passed by in a flash.

A head fell on the alloy arena, making a dull sound. The wide eyes of the Saint Feather Clan cultivator were still filled with anger and fear, and then they froze completely.

He was at the fifth level of foundation building, but he was defeated so easily!

He couldn't even resist, and was directly killed. It was a simple matter. The sword came out and the sword returned, which was the end of his life.

The important thing is that Fang Che was only at the first level of foundation building, but he could actually activate the third-level magic weapon. When Fang Che took out the third-level sword and successfully activated it, this ending was destined.

The third-level sword, that is a third-level magic weapon, a treasure that can only be controlled by Jindan cultivators. Each one has great power and is extremely terrifying.

Although the fifth level of foundation building is not weak, it is still like an ant in front of Jindan cultivators.

So, the cultivator of the Holy Feather Clan fell just like that, without any suspense.


Too fast!

This speed is even faster than drinking water.

On the ring, corpses were lying all over.

Fang Che's body was surging with energy, and the Niwan Palace between his eyebrows was filled with rosy clouds. Sword light lingered around him, his sleeves fluttered, and his hair grew and fell to his waist as he ascended the stairs. He looked at the corpse indifferently.

The audience was in a dead silence.

Everyone was dumbfounded, dumbfounded, and didn't know how to express their emotions.

No... Fang Che... How could it be so fast? !

It was only a short time ago, and the commentator hadn't even started to analyze it. He had just said a word, and the battle was over. This battle should have attracted everyone's attention and everyone thought it was a very difficult battle, but it ended so quickly.

It was faster than the speed at which Jing Zhengqing was defeated before.

However, after the shock, the excitement spread like wildfire, and the mood suddenly became heated.

The audience almost went crazy.

After the big fall, there was a big rise. Such ups and downs are really a test of psychological endurance.

Previously, everyone thought Fang Che was going to give up this battle. Unexpectedly, Fang Che not only appeared on the stage, but also showed an extremely domineering attitude, crushing a prisoner of the Holy Feather Clan, completely sweeping away the sluggish atmosphere brought by the previous three consecutive defeats.

This is the chest-breaking maniac, this is the dark horse that has shown extreme combat power all the way!

"Fang Che!!!!"

On the commentary desk, the neutral commentator Zhao Gonghe went completely crazy, roaring straight into the sky, as if he was going to tear the sea apart!

This is my Great Xia Tianjiao, who said that there is no one in the younger generation of Great Xia fighting?

Isn't this? !

In the audience, others were also numb.

Su Shangxing and Nan Lihuo, who had originally raised their hearts, immediately let go and exhaled a long breath.

It's good to come, it's good to win.

In this way, Fang Che successfully squeezed into the fourth round of the individual fighting competition.

Basically, the top two positions were secured.

Because there was only one left, Chi Chengyan. If Chi Chengyan also failed and did not squeeze into the fourth round, then only Fang Che would be left to represent Daxia Xianmen in the individual fighting competition.

And it also meant that Fang Che won the title of individual fighting champion without any suspense!

At this moment, even Su Shangxing's breathing became rapid. Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School... a high school in a third-rate fairy city, could actually produce a genius who overwhelmed the top fairy cities such as the Imperial Capital, the Double Gods, and the Five Elements.

What a rare thing!

Cheng Shi was holding a photography magic weapon, his fat face was flushed with excitement, and his fat flesh was shaking constantly.

He wanted to record the scene of this moment thoroughly.

The entire Imperial Capital High School Fighting Arena was in an uproar, and everyone cheered loudly. All of these cheers were for Fang Che, the high school student who repeatedly created miracles.

On the alloy stage.

Fang Che put away the third-level sword Chilongyuan.

It was also the state of unlocking the embryonic form of his own magical power.

Slightly tired, the consumption was not small. In order to quickly resolve the battle, Fang Che did not hold back and directly activated the third-level sword.

In his current state, without the birth of spiritual consciousness, if he wanted to activate the third-level magic weapon, he had to activate the tower climbing and sword fairy state.

In addition, the spiritual consciousness power of the Eye of the King of Light was increased, so that he could barely achieve this move.


The referee appeared on the stage, looking at Fang Che strangely and in amazement.

This referee was a Jindan sword cultivator, carrying a sword box on his back, which contained the sword intent he mastered.

He looked at Fang Che with admiration in his eyes. If he wanted to activate a third-level sword at the foundation-building stage, the most important thing was to master a unique intention.

During Fang Che's previous battle with the demon spirit cultivator, he realized the fist intention and integrated this fist intention into the sword intention, which enabled him to activate the Blazing Dragon Abyss.

"Not bad."

The referee praised him rarely.

Fang Che smiled slightly.

"Is my battle over?"

The referee nodded.

"You won. This Saint Feather cultivator has completely died. His soul has also been destroyed by you and cannot be resurrected."

"After all, it is a sword that can only be controlled by a third-level Jindan cultivator. Such a sword... is a sure kill."

The sword cultivator referee said with a smile.

"However, don't think that holding this third-level sword will make you invincible in the foundation-building stage."

"These prisoners of war are actually deprived of magic weapons. Although it is difficult to control the third-level magic weapon in the foundation-building realm, it is not impossible. Among the nine origin fairy sect fragments, basically every genius in the fairy sect fragment has this ability. "

"So, in future battles, don't be careless and don't underestimate the enemy."

The swordsmanship referee admired Fang Che very much, so he gave him some sincere advice.

When Fang Che heard this, his expression turned serious.

"Thank you, senior, for reminding me."

Fang Che certainly understands this. He can use third-level magic weapons, and so can others.

There may be very few people like him who can use third-level magic weapons at the first level of foundation building, but... once their cultivation reaches the late stage of foundation building, there is a high probability that they will take out third-level magic weapons to fight against the enemy!

"Okay, your fight today is over, and you have successfully advanced to the fourth round. This can be regarded as saving face for the reform of our Daxia Xianmen fight system, and it is not too embarrassing."

The referee patted Fang Che on the shoulder: "Tomorrow is the fourth round of the national competition of the martial arts competition. You must remember to arrive on time tomorrow."

When Fang Che heard this, he immediately smiled sheepishly. He was really immersed in making talismans today. He was so deep that he forgot the time.

"I'll try my best to remember the time."

Fang Che said solemnly.

The referee smiled, what does it mean to try your best?

Fang Che did not explain, turned around and walked out of the ring. Everyone under the ring looked at Fang Che with joy.

Jing Zhengqing, Quan Yan, Gong Yanghuo and others came over to congratulate Fang Che.

"Fang Che, when it's my turn, I will definitely work hard and squeeze into the fourth round like you!"

Chi Chengyan looked at Fang Che and said seriously.

In the individual fighting competition, she was the only one left.

She was under great pressure before, but now, after Fang Che ended the three-game losing streak for everyone, she could finally feel relieved and no longer had to carry so much burden and pressure.

Fang Che smiled and nodded.

However, he did not stay where he was for long.

"Everyone, the reason why I came a little late was because I was studying the magic talismans under the guidance of my teacher. The magic talismans are profound. I was immersed in them and couldn't extricate myself, so I came a little late. Now, I will solve the battle quickly. It’s time to go back and continue studying the magic talisman.”

"Everyone, take your leave."

Fang Che cupped his fists and bowed.

Then he strode towards the outside of the venue.

After leaving the venue, Master Ma had been waiting for him for a long time.

Seeing Fang Che coming over, Master Ma's face was full of smiles: "Well done, little junior brother, you really didn't embarrass us."

"Let's go, the teacher must be impatient. Senior brother will send you to see the teacher personally so that you can continue to study the strange talisman!"

When Fang Che heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Thank you, senior brother!"

The words are finished.

Master Ma flicked his sleeves, and the mist spread, hugging Fang Che and his figure straight into the sky.

In an instant, he crossed the imperial capital and arrived in front of the manor.

Listen to the rain in the pavilion.

Mr. Pei slumped on the chair, took out his mobile phone with a smile on his face, and prepared to lie on his side comfortably and read the article for a while.

However, Mr. Pei's heart suddenly twitched...

But I saw the sky above, accompanied by long haze.

Two streams of light fell quickly.

Master Ma's face glowed red, and he looked at Mr. Pei as if he wanted to take credit: "Teacher!"

"I brought my junior brother back!"

Mr. Pei: "..."

"Destroy it."

"I'm tired."

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