Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 196 Three Golden Crows dancing on the same sun, building the second level of foundation!

My end is just Fang Che's starting point.

This thought gave Chi Chengyan an inexplicable sense of frustration.

She has always been a genius, a genius in the eyes of others. As a descendant of the Chi family, a family in the imperial capital, her family has a noble ancestor of the God of Transformation.

She is also proud of this. The methods and bloodline supernatural powers inherited by her family have brought her too many benefits. She has become stronger because of this and is proud of her peers.

However, today, she felt a strong sense of frustration.

It turned out that compared with Fang Che, everything she was proud of was so ridiculous.

Fang Che is a high school student from an ordinary family. Both of his parents are employees of an ordinary puppet factory. With her family background, there is a gap between heaven and earth.

However, in the face of this huge gap, it is Chi Chengyan who feels inferior.

Because Fang Che is self-reliant and hardworking, he is not sad because of his background. Instead, he turns it into motivation and rises up to practice, reaching the current level.

This is the reason why Chi Chengyan was shocked and moved.

"Perhaps... this is the characteristic of the demon genius."

Chi Chengyan murmured.

On the alloy arena.

The process of fighting and confrontation is still continuing, without any end.

Two terrifying auras collided endlessly, and the two foundation-building cultivators who had reached a terrifying level of blood and flesh were attacking in an extremely simple and shocking way.

The aftermath of the battle continued to spread, and the turbulence impacted the entire square.

The audience breathed rapidly, and they were all in disbelief. Their blood boiled and their bodies trembled slightly.

That was a cultivator of the White Demon Clan. The demon clan... has been known for its strong physical body since ancient times, but Fang Che was able to fight the White Demon Clan to such an extent at the physical level.

The first level of foundation building was against the sixth level of foundation building...

Not losing the wind!

Even a physical cultivator of the sixth level of the Great Xia Immortal Sect would find it difficult to deal with this sixth level White Demon cultivator!

In fact, the White Demon cultivator himself was also very shocked.

The White Demon's body, which roamed the battlefield of the Immortal Sect fragments, actually lost its suppressive effect in front of the young man in front of him.

In terms of spells, the White Demon Clan may not rank among many Immortal Sects, but in terms of the physical body, the White Demon is so strong that it even suppresses all parties and can be called the first in the Immortal Sect fragments!

Even the cultivators of the Demon Spirit Clan are not as good as the White Demon Clan in terms of physical body!

However, today, he was unable to crush the cultivator of the first level of the Foundation Establishment!

The opponent also confronted him with his physical body, which was simply an insult to the soul level for the White Demon cultivator!


The white hairs stood up like spears.


The roar resounded throughout the venue, forming a majestic sound wave that spread, raising a large piece of dust on the alloy arena and vibrating the eardrums of the surrounding audience.

The wind and waves stopped, but a more terrifying spirit was gathering and gathering.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the ring.

There, a four-meter-tall figure with white hair fluttering in the wind, ferocious and terrifying, stood like a towering demon mountain.

It was an ancient giant ape with white hair all over its body, with strong chest muscles. It raised its head and roared, and punched its chest with its fists, making a muffled sound like thunder!


Fang Che activated the sword immortal state of Denglou, and his body walked on foot, as if walking on the wind.

Instantly appeared beside the roaring giant ape.

The giant ape, more than four meters tall, activated the fourth level of the Eight Desolate Explosion, plus the Nine Changes of the Divine Dragon, the Fiery Sun Change, and Fang Che, whose body was raised to two meters, looked dwarfed in front of it.

Fang Che's eyes were cold, and Denglou was slashing his emotions.

Appearing in front of the giant ape, Fang Che gathered his energy with the Eight Desolations, and punched out horizontally. The fourth-level strength of the Fourth Heaven of the Eight Desolations Exploded in the air and crashed into the White Demon Giant Ape!

The giant ape flew into the air and flew backwards, as if it was hit by a heavy truck.

But the moment the giant ape flew into the air, the huge fist swung down, and Fang Che reacted and crossed his arms to block it.

With a thud!

He was hit hard and smashed into the alloy ring, as if his body was embedded in it.

Strong... really a bit strong!

The White Demon Giant Ape of the sixth level of foundation building has overbearing power and thick skin and flesh. It is really not easy to deal with!

This is the fourth round!

It's a bit difficult!

But... this is interesting, isn't it?

This can truly show his diligence, isn't it?

In such a battle, the improvement must be fast! He must grasp this speed and seize this opportunity!




Continue... Diligent!

Continue to fight!

Fight, fight, fight!

Fang Che roared!

A ball of fire ignited in his heart, even though he was extremely cold in the state of climbing the stairs, at this moment, it seemed to be completely burning.

There was only one thought left in his mind.

That was...



Fang Che's body suddenly rose from the ground embedded in the alloy arena, and his feet were like the wind. In an instant, he approached the four-meter giant ape, and the Eight Desolations Exploded, turning his whole body into a weapon.

His limbs and torso all burst out with extremely sharp attack power!

Fang Che's explosive power made his speed reach the extreme, and his body shot out a golden and purple afterimage in the air!

A loud cry burst out, and that was two rounds of golden crows rising up, and the golden crow's nine-yang body bloomed to the extreme at this moment!

Sometimes it expanded, sometimes it contracted.

Sometimes it turns into mist, and sometimes it condenses into substance!

Boom boom boom!

Fang Che keeps killing, and the powerful attack force keeps hitting.

The white demon monk at the sixth level of foundation building was a little confused. Fang Che's current state is like a madman. The spirit body is stimulated to the extreme. Every punch he throws can distort the air and compress the terrifying effect of layers of white waves!

"An opponent like a mountain is standing in front of me."

"What I have to do is not to fear him, not to be afraid of him, but to face the mountain and swing my fist."

"Smash the mountain!"

Fang Che growled.

Boxing·Fire Lion!

Purple flames jumped out from the fist, and the fist was rolling. A kingly lion standing in the forest opened his mouth and roared.

The huge purple flame fire lion, the golden crow and the sun with wings spread and crying, the dreamlike visions overlapped.

The white-haired giant ape also roared, and the demonic energy in his body rolled like a waterfall, all gathered between his fists, and smashed towards Fang Che.

Two extreme fist lights collided together!

The white demon giant ape roared, blood oozed from his white hair, and his eyes were red. He had completely squeezed out his own strength and burst out all his strength!

He was almost crazy, and was pushed to the extreme by the foundation building level of this blue star.


The giant ape roared!

A punch hit down, and the terrifying huge waves, like a hurricane whistling, the layers of white waves raised by the rain on the ground continued to spread!

Fang Che appeared and collided with the white demon with one fist!

The lion disappeared, and the golden crow dissipated!

Countless lights were bright, like the rising sun.

In the audience, everyone felt tears in their eyes, unable to watch, unable to watch, and extremely painful.

This process lasted for an unknown period of time.


The noise between heaven and earth began to quiet down, the howling wind and waves began to subside, and the dazzling light gradually converged...

Finally, the situation on the alloy ring was revealed.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth began to gather, and swept towards the ring frantically, with layers of air waves.

All intertwined there, and the burly figure who used his fist to support the fist of the nearly five-meter white demon giant ape.

The figure's dantian formed a cyclone, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to interweave the flesh.

While being burly, strong, and demonic, it was full of the ethereal interweaving of spiritual energy and the emanation of mana!


The burly body stood in place, and as the spiritual energy gathered like a vortex, it slowly condensed into mana droplets.

Between the falling and evaporating mana droplets.

Another round of golden crows slowly rose up.

In the extreme confrontation...

Three rounds of golden crows danced on the same day!

Fang Che broke through...the second level of foundation building!

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