The cheers gradually piled up, like the waves of the forest and ocean rising higher and higher, and finally swept across thousands of miles, roaring thousands of feet to the heaven and earth!

The fighting venue in the imperial capital was filled with shock, and the audience cheered heartily. They had no regrets, and were filled with joy and satisfaction to be able to see such a fight.

They had no higher requirements for Fang Che. The first-year high school student represented Daxia Immortal Sect and reached the fifth round in the newly reformed competition system, which was the same level as other top celestial sects.

This kind of performance is enough to be called a god!

Therefore, no one would place higher demands on Fang Che, but there is only hope.

Requirements and hopes are two completely different things.

On the alloy stage.

The swordsmanship referee looked at Fang Che with a strange look on his face: "Are you sure... you're going to continue?"

"There is still half an hour, you can still have some time to recover. On the battlefield, any recovery is very important, and it can even... change the situation of the battle and save a life."

The swordsman referee said seriously.

Fang Che shook his head, I have already recovered to perfection, and recovering again... is just a waste of time.

"My time is precious, and I am rushing back to make the talisman."


He stopped talking, knowing that he could no longer convince Fang Che. Now that Fang Che had made this decision, it meant that he already had an idea in his mind. If he suffered defeat in the next battle, he would have to bear it himself. Bitter fruit.

"The fifth round, let's begin. May you continue to create miracles."

The sword cultivator referee looked at Fang Che, and after nodding in greeting, his figure transformed into a wind-like sword energy, spreading out in a long and scattered way.

On the alloy ring, the cage reappeared. The intertwined cages were intertwined with countless rays of light. Finally, the cage slowly appeared and fell on the ring.


An extremely hot breath was released from the cage, floating in the entire alloy arena, and stirring in the entire square.

Fang Che suddenly felt the essence and blood of the Nine Flame Blazing Yang Dragon fused within his body trembling slightly...


With his eyes slightly bright, Fang Che looked towards the cage.

But he saw the door of the cage open, the sound of footsteps, and the clanging of chains.

A figure slowly walked out of it, and the air seemed to boil involuntarily. Between the sky and the earth, there seemed to be a faint roar of an ear-splitting dragon, which exploded for nine days.

Everyone's eyes were involuntarily attracted and fell on the figure.

It was an ordinary figure, not tall and burly, even a little thin, but its eyes were sharp and determined, and there were two sharp angles on its forehead.

"This is...the fragment of Immortal Sect No. 2! Dragon Blood Clan!"

"Dragon-blooded monk! He finally showed up! Rumor has it that he is the craziest and most lifeless monk in the Immortal Sect Fragment Battlefield!"

"It's better to meet a demon spirit than dragon blood! There is a saying circulating in the Immortal Sect Shard Battlefield, which is enough to show how terrifying the dragon blood monks are. They possess the blood of a true dragon. Once stimulated, they can transform into a true dragon! Extremely powerful!"

"The most important thing is that once the dragon blood is activated, their will will be controlled by the dragon blood and become extremely terrifying and crazy!"

Explaining that Zhao Gonghe once went to the Immortal Gate Fragmentary Battlefield and had a wide range of knowledge, he immediately popularized it to the audience.

The peak of the sixth level of foundation building, the dragon blood clan monk...

The fifth round is more difficult than the fourth round!

Although the white monster giant ape is the opponent in the fourth round, it still has some sense, but once the dragon blood monk is aroused, he will fall into madness and will not rest until he fights to death!

As for Fang Che's battle with the Dragon Blood Tribe monks, you don't need to think about it, he will definitely fight to the most crazy state!

However, although there was worry in Zhao Gonghe's words, he was no longer nervous, because Fang Che had already exceeded the task by reaching this point, and victory or defeat did not matter.

For Fang Che, the appearance of the Dragon Blood Clan monk should be an excellent opponent, able to end the fight with the ultimate victory.

Fang Che stared at the monks from the Dragon Blood Tribe.

The other party walked out of the cage, his hair hanging down, and his thin body trembling slightly, but it seemed to contain a terrifying aura, as if the blood of an ancient true dragon was contained in his body.

The dragon-blooded monk subconsciously raised his head and looked at Fang Che, with a look of astonishment in his eyes.

"Blue Star Monk?"

Fang Che nodded.

"You... have the aura of dragon blood flowing in your body, Jiuyan Blazing Yang Dragon?"

The dragon blood cultivator narrowed his eyes and spoke softly, revealing the quality of dragon blood that Fang Che had fused in one word.

Fang Che nodded again.

"Interesting, what's the reason for the method? If you can fuse dragon blood, you can also use the power of dragon blood... It's a bit like my dragon blood clan. However, how can such a method... be spread in Blue Star?"

The dragon blood clan monk's eyes suddenly burst out with murderous intent, and he became extremely crazy.

"I will take back the dragon blood in your body today!"

A cold and deep voice fell, and the next moment, the breath of the dragon blood monk suddenly boiled. Under the body, fine dragon scales spread, slowly covering the whole body, becoming extremely ferocious and terrifying.

The body grew taller and taller, and turned into a two-meter-tall dragon-headed dragon-man.

call out!

In an instant, the dragon man disappeared from the spot, slapped his claws, and flames sprouted out, burning the air and releasing a charred smell!

Fang Che also activated the Nine Flame Blazing Yang Dragon Blood, activated the Nine Transformations of the Divine Dragon, turned his arms into dragon arms, and coupled with the Eight Desolate Explosions, he slapped the dragon man hard with his claws.


A terrifying explosion suddenly occurred, the alloy ring dented, and there was terrifying smoke and dust billowing from where the two stood.

"Dragon blood, you monks who came out of such a disgusting place like Blue Star deserve to have it!"

A low roar came from the dragon man's throat.

"I wanted to test the power of your dragon blood, but now...your words make me very disgusted."

"It's okay if you don't want this dragon's blood."

Fang Che shook his head.

Climb the stairs!

Sword Immortal!

Blazing Dragon Abyss!

Fang Che directly activated his strongest state!

Green thunder surrounds the whole body, and purple flames roll majesticly!

Black hair hung down to his waist. Fang Che put his sword fingers together to control the Blazing Dragon Abyss. The spiritual consciousness of Shenzang jumped out half a step, and the mud ball between his eyebrows vaguely showed the vision of Shenzang sitting on the spiritual platform!

The monk of the dragon blood tribe condensed his eyes, and a look of surprise appeared in his dark golden eyes.

However, soon, a wave of madness and madness spread out, covering his whole body in an instant. The dragon scales trembled and clanked, the aura was majestic, and murderous intent rolled in.

He completely fell into a state of madness and screamed at Fang Che!

Bang! ! !

The Dragon Blood Tribe monk stepped down, and the alloy arena began to twist and turn like ooze.

However, Fang Che floated up and made a seal with one hand.

An extremely heavy alchemy cauldron moved sideways and hit it, it was the Blazing Sun Cauldron!

The same third-level magic weapon hit the dragon blood clan monk who fell into madness and lost consciousness.

The heavy pressure caused the dragon blood monk to freeze instantly.

Fang Che looked on indifferently.

He raised a finger and pressed it against Blazing Dragon Abyss.

Activate the magical power, forbidden curse, to bless the next move.

The aura was rising steadily. Countless sword energies and countless blazing suns were extremely brilliant and dazzling. The light spread from Fang Che's center and swallowed up the entire arena in an instant, swallowing up the dragon blood monk who was suppressed by the blazing sun cauldron.

In the endless light, there is a faint whisper lingering.

"My super will kill you. When you see me, it's like I'm kowtow to God."

"Forbidden Curse: Ascension to God!"

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