Choose a former defeated opponent?

Fang Che was stunned by the prompt on the panel and was slightly confused.

Is this so-called Trial Three Flower Mirror a replica of his former opponent?

But, he has already been defeated by him, what else is there to replicate?

Fang Che is confident that if he can defeat his opponent once, he will be able to defeat him the second time, the third time...

However, this reward has been opened, and he has to test the waters. Fang Che still trusts the rewards on the panel. It can't be useless, right?

So far, the rewards on the panel have their effects, and they will not be useless.

With a thought, Fang Che began to choose his former defeated opponent.

Who to choose?

Of course, the strength cannot be too weak. With a thought, he chose the cultivator of the Demon Spirit Clan who had fought in the personal fighting competition.

The fifth level of foundation building, the strength is actually not weak.

Fang Che met two Demon Spirit Clan cultivators in the fighting competition, one of whom was the fifth level of foundation building, and the other had reached the terrifying eighth level of foundation building.

Fang Che was defeated without any suspense by the demon cultivator of the eighth level of foundation building, so he could not choose his opponent.

"Ding! The defeated opponent has been selected. A simulation of a flower opponent is about to be carried out. Do you want to conduct the simulated challenge?"

The prompt popped up.

Fang Che chose to challenge without hesitation.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed.

Fang Che found that he had reappeared in the fighting competition. There was a solid alloy arena under his feet, and there was a thick white fog around him.

The cage formation was activated, and a demon cultivator walked out of it. It was the former defeated opponent.

At this moment, the demon cultivator walked out of it, his body suddenly rose, his muscles were densely knotted together, and he looked down at Fang Che. His body of nearly two meters and five was full of oppression.

There is no change?

Fang Che was puzzled. The feeling given to him by this demon cultivator did not change at all, but he, Fang Che, had improved a lot, from the first level of foundation building to the second level of foundation building, and the spiritual consciousness level even touched the divine treasure.

All aspects have been greatly improved. Now, when facing this fifth-level demon cultivator, I am afraid that he can easily crush him.

Exhaling a breath, Fang Che exploded the Eight Desolations Explosion, and his body instantly ejected. In his elevated body, the majestic blood and qi surged, and every inch of muscle was spread out on the arm, twisting and twisting into a twist!

Bang! ! !

With one punch, the majestic power of the fourth-level eight desolations explosion swept out like a tsunami, and the air seemed to be directly punched out into a huge hole, deeply sunken.

The demon cultivator suddenly opened his eyes, and in his eyes, there was actually a brilliant red flower flashing.

The panel provided, giving the demon cultivator a small red flower!


The demon cultivator punched hard, and collided with Fang Che's punch. The majestic air wave swept away, and the air was wrapped in a hurricane, like a whipping, snapping.

Fang Che's body suddenly shot out, and his face changed.

No... something is wrong!

This demon cultivator is different from the defeated opponent at that time!

Although the aura is exactly the same and the strength has not changed much, but... in terms of power control, it is more than one level higher than the demon cultivator at that time!

"Interesting, giving you a little red flower, you are so brilliant?"

Fang Che grinned, his eyes sparkling, and his fighting spirit was high.

Suddenly he understood the meaning of this trial of the three flower mirror.

"Since I have defeated you, even if you have improved again, you will still lose!"

Boom! ! !

The blood and qi swept, and the magic power fluctuated violently, like a wave of waves rushing in all directions.

Climbing the building!

Fang Che's hair flew, and he rushed out like a flash of lightning.

Because it was a trial, Fang Che did not show all his means, but planned to do it step by step, so that he could feel the changes in the power control of his former defeated opponent under the blessing of the little red flower.

Bang! ! !

The battle continued, and on the alloy arena, the blood was boiling and the magic power was everywhere!

Fang Che even understood the focus of this battle, which was not to defeat the opponent, but to feel the direction of the opponent's improvement.

Going down the stairs, Fang Che was cold, but his thoughts and perception became clearer, and he could fully capture the changes in the opponent's power control.

Half an hour passed.

Accompanied by a strong voice of unwillingness.

This demon spirit cultivator who had been promoted by the little red flower was torn apart by Fang Che's sword light, his head exploded, and he died again in Fang Che's hands.

"Ding! Congratulations on successfully defeating the one-flower trial object and obtaining a little red flower."

"The trial has just begun, please keep working hard!"

The panel prompt gradually disappeared.

Fang Che found that the arena in front of him had been restored, and the demon cultivator he had killed reappeared, and this time... the demon cultivator turned into two!

It became two!

They were both identical demon cultivators, and there were little red flowers flashing in their eyes.


Almost at the moment of turning into two, the two demon cultivators rushed over quickly.

The strong wind seemed to turn into a sharp blade, slashing towards Fang Che's cheek!

Fang Che's eyes condensed, and he felt the pressure, but he was not afraid. This is a trial, what is there to be afraid of?

Just fight!

Fang Che was still fearless when fighting one against two!

Go up the stairs! Fight!


When Fang Che successfully killed two demon monks who had been blessed by the little red flowers and whose power was improved to a higher level, Fang Che could not help but gasp and felt a little tired.

The tower dispersed, and two more little red flowers floated over and gathered in his brow.

Now he has three little red flowers.

Before he could test the effect of these little red flowers, the stage screen was restored again, and the demon monks turned into two, two into three...

One more!

Fang Che's mouth twitched, as if he finally felt the seriousness of the matter.

This trial...

seems a bit devilish!

Bang! ! !

There was no time to think, and the battle started again!

Three demon monks came at the same time, and their use of power was absolutely good. The pressure instantly fell like a mountain.

There was no way to hold back, tower, sword fairy, forbidden spell!

All vented, the nine changes of the dragon were also opened, dragon scales were stacked, and the nine flames were blazing!

One against three, thunder turns into sword light, wandering like a dragon and snake!

Boom boom boom!

After a long battle, Fang Che finally wiped out the opponent, and solved the three demon monks who were blessed by the little red flowers at the fifth level of foundation building one by one.

Blood flowed all over the ground, and three demon monks as huge as mountains and more than three meters tall fell to the ground.

Fang Che's body was also covered with wounds.

But he stood there, his face stern, looking down proudly, as if he was invincible, maintaining the pride of being the champion of this fighting competition.

Three little red flowers were collected successfully, and Fang Che's number of little red flowers reached six.

But there was no time to study it in the future.

The picture on the ring changed again.

Fang Che raised his head blankly, numbly looking at the number of demon monks who kept increasing, from three to six in an instant...

Fang Che... was sweating profusely.

But soon, his eyes revealed a high fighting spirit!

What's there to be afraid of when you're fighting one against six?

This is a test, a test, what's there to be afraid of in failure?


Fight again!

Fang Che's blood was dancing wildly, and drops of his foundation-building mana were evaporating.

He fearlessly charged towards the six demon spirit monks who were as big as mountains!

Little red flower...

Bring it here!

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