Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 207 Meteorite Black Flame, Great Wilderness Purple Thunder Evil

Su Shangxing brought the rewards Fang Che had won in the fighting competition.

Including good deeds, merits and special rewards.

Fang Che's eyes lit up slightly, and he was looking forward to it. After hard work, it was time to reap the rewards. Every time he reaps the rewards, he will feel very excited.

After all, this was obtained through his own efforts, and it was not shabby at all.

After receiving the good deeds card, Fang Che's eyes lit up immediately with his spiritual perception.

"A total of 300,000 good deeds, 200,000 for the individual fighting champion, and 100,000 for the team champion. You are the main force, so you will get 100,000. In addition, there are nearly 20,000 merits, because the prisoners you killed in the individual fighting competition were converted into merits for you."

Su Shangxing explained to Fang Che.

300,000 good deeds are not many. For Fang Che now, it can only be regarded as a small scene, but the 20,000 merits are really not a small number.

Good deeds, with Fang Che's current level of talisman making, it is not difficult to earn them.

But it is not easy to obtain merits. There are few ways to do it on Blue Star. In addition to taking the college entrance examination, another way is to kill the evil cultivators.

But the evil cultivators are very well hidden, so it is not easy to be killed.

A better way is to go to the battlefield of the fragments of the immortal gate and kill the enemies to gain merits.

Therefore, this is why many immortal cultivators go outside Blue Star and climb the battlefield of the fragments of the immortal gate, in order to obtain resources. Only in this way can they improve themselves and continue to gallop on the road of immortal cultivation.

"In addition to good deeds and merits, there is another reward from the official to you, three top-grade spirit stones. These are pure top-grade spirit stones. There are not too many shackles when absorbing them, which can quickly help you accumulate mana in your body."

"You know, a top-grade spirit stone is worth a lot outside, and three top-grade spirit stones are worth far more than 300,000 good deeds."

Su Shangxing introduced to Fang Che.

This good deed card also contains three top-grade spirit stones. Fang Che couldn't help but narrow his eyes, his lips curled up, and he felt very happy.

This is a top-grade spirit stone, which is a truly rare resource.

In the No. 6 Immortal Gate Fragment Continent above Blue Star, the reserves of top-grade spirit stones are basically at the bottom.

Therefore, this reward is really a big investment.

"The main reason is that this battle is the first reform of the competition system of the Great Xia Immortal Gate, and you have turned the tide and won back the face for the Great Xia Immortal Gate, so there is such a reward."

"If you hadn't entered the sixth round, you might not have received these three top-grade spirit stones as a reward."

Su Shangxing was clear in his mind and explained the official details clearly.

Fang Che didn't care, he was overjoyed, and felt that it was a great harvest.

"Okay, now that the magic fighting competition is over, we should also set off to return to Feilei Xiancheng. It can be regarded as a return home in glory. As for whether you will continue high school courses or choose to enter Xiuxian University, it depends on your own decision."

Su Shangxing looked at Fang Che with a complicated expression. Who would have thought that before participating in the magic fighting competition, the boy who was still mediocre, the boy who had just transformed from virtual spiritual roots to heavenly spiritual roots, suddenly rose up, soared into the sky, and amazed the world.

Cultivating immortals, miracles can really burst out at any time.

Shaking his head, Su Shangxing asked Fang Che: "Have you chosen which immortal university to go to?"

"Except for the three top immortal universities, you don't need to consider other ones. Now you have the qualifications."

Fang Che shook his head, thought about it, and said the advice given to him by Pei Lao: "Teacher said that which immortal university provides more cultivation resources, go to that one. For me, resources are the most important."

Su Shangxing was stunned, then smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Indeed, Fang Che has a teacher like Pei Lao, and the education of Xiuxian University is not very helpful. It is more of a qualification to freely travel in the battlefield of Xianmen Fragments.

And Fang Che joined Xiuxian University, with such extraordinary fighting ability, he will definitely help Xiuxian University to win a good ranking in the Blue Star Xianmen University Xiandou Conference in the future.

So, it is Xiuxian University that needs Fang Che, not Fang Che who is studying at Xiuxian University.

Even Fang Che may join a first-class Xiuxian University, and may not choose the three top universities.

Everything is still unknown.

"Teacher Su, when will we go back to Feilei Xiancheng?" Fang Che asked.

"Tomorrow, we will go back together tomorrow. Luo Liuli, Jia Shengli and Cheng Shi will also go back. They are different from you and still have to continue their high school courses." Su Shangxing said with a smile.

Even Luo Liuli, a child from the Luo family, has a natural spiritual root, but in this fighting competition, his performance is not comparable to Fang Che's.

It is still quite difficult to skip the Immortal High School courses and enter the Immortal University.

Even if there are, they will only be some ordinary Immortal University, which is definitely not what Luo Liuli wants. With Luo Liuli's ambition, the goal must be the three top Immortal University.

Fang Che nodded: "Then I have to work harder to practice tonight and sort out the gains from this battle competition. In addition, I can also go to the resource network to exchange some practice resources."

Fang Che thought and planned the next time.

Su Shangxing: "┓( ´∀` )┏..."

Just work hard!

Don't let go of even a little time!

Fang Che did what he said, without stopping, and soon left Pei Lao's mansion and went to the location of the Imperial Capital No. 1 High School.

If you want to enter the Xiuxian Resource Network, you must be in a specific location. Although Pei Lao's mansion is a Shenhua mansion, he does not have such qualifications.

Entered the resource exchange room and logged in directly to the resource network.

Fang Che has a lot of things to exchange.

True fire, thunder evil and dragon blood all need to be replaced.

Because now the Lion Heart Purple Flame and Tyrant Dragon Blue Thunder Evil are a little bit behind him, and the increase and improvement to him are too little.

So it needs to be replaced and improved.

As for dragon blood, the same is true. The dragon blood of the Nine Flames Blazing Sun Dragon is not weak, but Fang Che has now opened the Divine Dragon Transformation and can basically fully stimulate the power of dragon blood.

Fang Che has to change to better dragon blood.

"First, the true fire. The power of the purple flame can no longer keep up with me. It can be exchanged for a higher quality black flame..."

Fang Che narrowed his eyes and searched on the resource network.

Not to mention, there are still many true fires of heaven and earth such as black flames, and the exchange price is not outrageous.

After comparing, Fang Che finally spent 2,000 merits to exchange for a black flame, named Meteorite Black Flame.

Previously, it cost 1,500 merits to exchange for three purple flames. Now, one black flame is worth more than three purple flames.

However, Fang Che only exchanged one, because he now has magical powers and is more confident in refining true fire. Of course, if one fails... at worst, he can exchange for another one.

Fang Che raised his lips, and after completing the exchange of Meteorite Black Flame, he began to choose the exchange of Thunder Evil.

After the Green Thunder Evil, the higher-quality third-level Thunder Evil is the Purple Thunder.

As a third-level wonder of heaven and earth, the Purple Thunder Evil has a good power. If it were before, Fang Che would not dare to try to change it.

But now it is different. With the spiritual consciousness of the half-step Shenzang level, Fang Che has the capital to try to tame the Purple Thunder Evil.

Purple Thunder Evil is not cheap. When Fang Che exchanged for the high-quality second-level Blue Thunder Evil, he spent 1,400 merits. Now, even the cheapest Purple Thunder Evil has reached 4,000 merits.

After all, it is a third-level item. Although the third level of a strange object cannot be compared with the third level of cultivation, it is always different when it comes to the third level.

After comparison and selection, Fang Che finally chose the Purple Thunder Evil worth 6,000 merits, named "Dahuang".

The exchange of True Fire and Thunder Evil was completed.

Fang Che then set his sights on the most important column of this exchange.

That is, the True Dragon Blood needed to exchange for the third transformation of the Divine Dragon Nine Transformations!

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