Li Huaixian made a lot of preparations to recruit Fang Che to Pojun University, because he very much hoped that Fang Che could be admitted to Pojun University.

As the first person to see Fang Che's brilliance, he really likes Fang Che, a diligent and talented student.

Of course, Fang Che's growth rate has also become a main reason for Li Huaixian's heart.

There are many talented people, but very few have Fang Che's growth rate. Coupled with Fang Che's extremely powerful fighting talent, it is a perfect match for Pojun University.

Therefore, after Li Huaixian returned to Pojun University, he immediately found the principal of Pojun University and many elders, and after joint discussions, they jointly provided this resource.

This is already the largest amount of resources that Li Huaixian can mobilize and apply for.

As soon as Li Huaixian opened his mouth, he attracted everyone's attention, including Fang Che and Zhai Ke, the principal of Feilei Second High School.

Fang Che looked at Li Huaixian. He knew Li Huaixian. Fang Che had known Li Huaixian as early as the trial in Yunxiao County. At that time, Li Huaixian was actually not too optimistic about Fang Che's future.

There is hesitation about whether Fang Che can enter Pojun University.

Now, Li Huaixian had to use huge resources to attract Fang Che. It can only be said that changes in the world are always very unexpected, and no one can predict the future direction.

This is true even for powerful immortal cultivators.

"After discussing with the principal and many elders of Pojun University, I decided to give out resources, first of all, material, two million good deeds, 120,000 merits, secondly, a third-level high-grade magic weapon, any three One high-grade elixir, one hundred high-grade spiritual stones, and a tube of third-grade high-grade Xuanyao Black Crystal Dragon Essence.”

Li Huaixian took a deep breath and reported Pojun University's quotation.

As soon as the words fell, the entire principal's office fell into silence, and the sound of dull breathing resounded from the mouths and noses of every teacher in the admissions office.

In particular, the admissions teachers of many first-class immortal universities couldn't help but feel a little ashamed at this moment. They originally wanted to intervene, but now it seems that the attacks of the three top immortal universities are extremely fierce and they have not been given a chance at all.

The resources provided by Xiandu University are beyond imagination.

But the reward given by Li Huaixian on behalf of Pojun University was even more amazing!

Of course, they can be sure that Li Huaixian privately raised the price a lot after Xiandu University quoted the price. However, it has to be said that Li Huaixian was decisive enough.

The pressure suddenly fell on Bei Danqiu of Xiaju University.

Principal Zhai Ke couldn't help but be a little stunned. He was well-informed, but he had never seen such a crazy moment in the three top immortal cultivation universities.

Li Huaixian reported the price and immediately felt relaxed. He let out a long breath, his eyes shone brightly, and he stared at Fang Che with a smile on his lips.

He specifically studied Fang Che and learned that Fang Che had a transformation spell that required dragon blood as a medium. Fang Che had also redeemed dragon blood on the resource network many times, so he deliberately recruited resources. An additional item of dragon blood has been added.

He really means it.

Hearing this, Fang Che raised his eyebrows slightly, revealing a strange look. The rewards in front were actually similar to those of Xiandu University, and there was not much change. Although there were 20,000 more merits, in fact, they were not much.

On the contrary, it was the extra Black Crystal Dragon Blood that was Li Huaixian's sincerity. Fang Che also paid attention to the Black Crystal Dragon Blood when exchanging it.

It is slightly different from the Burning Sky Golden Dragon Blood that Fang Che exchanged, and the price difference is actually not big. The main reason is that the Burning Sky Golden Dragon comes from the Cave Heaven, while the Xuanyao Black Golden Dragon comes from the Blessed Land.

There is still a slight level gap between the thirty-six caves and the seventy-two blessed lands.

"Thank you, Teacher Li, for fighting for me. The Black Crystal Dragon Blood is indeed very attractive, but unfortunately, I just exchanged it for the Burning Sky Golden Dragon, which is also a third-level high-grade dragon blood. If I need dragon blood next... …It’s the fourth level.”

Fang Che said slightly apologetically.

Although the other party has a good heart, you cannot make a choice just because the other party has a good heart. This is not the behavior that an excellent immortal cultivator should do.

"I wonder if Teacher Li can get the fourth level dragon blood for me?" Fang Che asked.

Li Huaixian: "..."

The fourth level dragon blood...that already belongs to the level of Nascent Soul level powerhouse.

Even on the resource network, the amount that can be exchanged is very small, and the price difference between each tube of fourth-order dragon blood and third-order dragon blood is nearly ten times.

In other words, a tube of third-level dragon blood probably costs more than 10,000 merits, but even the lowest level of fourth-level dragon blood requires 100,000 merits.

After all, Nascent Soul experts are already at the top level of combat power in any immortal sect.

Li Huaixian opened his mouth, the fourth-level dragon blood... just opened his mouth?

However, the person who made this request was Fang Che. Is he worthy of the fourth-level dragon blood from Pojun University?

Of course it is worth it, and Pojun University also has the ability to produce such dragon blood.

But... plus the original two million good deeds, 120,000 merits, and many other resources, if the fourth-level dragon blood is added, the resources to recruit Fang Che will go straight to 300,000 merits.

Three hundred thousand merit...

Li Huaixian, as a late-stage Jindan cultivator, had never collected three hundred thousand merits.

Li Huaixian was naturally willing to provide Fang Che with this fourth-level dragon blood, because he saw the value in Fang Che. In the future Blue Star Cultivation University Fighting Competition, Fang Ze would definitely be able to make a splash and have the opportunity to overwhelm many geniuses.

Therefore, this is a bet on the future, and Li Huaixian naturally dares to bet, after all, he is not the one paying the resources.

However, Pojun University may not be willing to gamble. A person who only built the second floor of the foundation and spent more than 300,000 merit resources is really... a bit outrageous.

Li Huaixian felt a little regretful.

However, it is not too regretful, because Xiaju University has not yet made a bid. If Xiaju University cannot give a sufficient price, or the price is not as good as Pojun, then Pojun University still has a chance.

"Fang Che, I can't decide on the fourth level dragon blood, but if you are willing to enter Pojun University, I can fight for you and replace the resources with dragon blood."

Li Huaixian said in a deep voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sneer from the side.

It was none other than Bei Danqiu from Xiaju University.

Bei Danqiu wore a red dress and mature makeup, giving Fang Che a familiar sense of déjà vu.

This look is actually slightly similar to that of his half-master Yun Qinglian.

Fang Che suddenly realized, is Master Yun Qinglian related to Xiaju University?

Capturing this delicate similarity is actually Bei Danqiu's purpose. Although for monks, playing the emotional card is not very effective, it still has a little effect.

Among the three top universities for cultivating immortals, Xiaju University has always been weak in fighting skills, so this time Bei Danqiu came with the idea that he must take Fang Che back home.

As Bei Danqiu spoke.

Everyone's eyes were on her, wanting to know what price she could offer.

However, Bei Danqiu did not list the resources needed as everyone expected.

Instead, he swiped his hand and looked at Fang Che with burning eyes, filled with aura.

"Ache, two million good deeds, 150,000 merits, this is the guarantee. Others, talismans, elixirs, dragon blood, you choose one, fourth level..."

"It's your choice!"

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