Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 218 Demonic Cultivation? It's just a tool used by the hardworking Emperor.

A Hundred Ghosts at Night?

Standing at the window, Fang Che's eyes gradually grew colder. He immediately understood something about the current situation.

Feilei Immortal City is different from the Imperial Capital, so the defense and vigilance are naturally not as good as the Imperial Capital.

After learning that he was admitted to Xiaju University, those demon cultivators and evil cultivators finally couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to take action against him.

After all, when their family goes to Kyoto, it will be too difficult for the demon cultivators and evil cultivators to deal with Fang Che again.

"However, I got the news really quickly, and I was really decisive. I dared to take action directly in the city."

Fang Che exhaled, and the energy and blood in his body began to flow. It was as if mercury liquid was flowing all over his body, and there was a sonorous sound.

The Night Walk of One Hundred Ghosts... I guess it must be a demon cultivator from the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect.

But Fang Che knew that since the demonic cultivators hiding in Feilei Fairy City planned to take action, they would definitely not be the only ones with the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect.

The Beast Blood Cult and the God-Dreading Cult will definitely take action.

Fang Che won the championship in the individual battle during the Great Xia Immortal Sect Fighting Competition reform. Such a status is actually impressive and has great potential.

Moreover, Fang Che killed too many prisoners of war from other fairy sect fragmented worlds in his personal battle, which must have angered the controllers behind the three religions.

Therefore, it is normal to want to keep him in Feileixian City.

"It just so happens... It's been a long time since I earned my hard work by killing demon cultivators. I'm about to leave Feileixian City, the city where I have worked hard for nine years, so I'll give Feileixian City a gift."

Fang Che raised his hand, a talisman appeared, and a dragon roared in a low voice.

It was the strange talisman [Seven-Star Dragon King], and the stars shone slowly, as if condensing into a vague dragon shadow.

Fang Che used the strange talisman [Seven-Star Dragon King] to protect the community, first of all to protect his parents from being affected by the evil cultivator.

Then, Fang Che exerted force on his feet, and his body was ejected directly from the window.

Dust billows and the night wind howls.

Fang Che was wearing pajamas, and in the night sky, he seemed to be completely integrated with the moonlight that turned pale green.

Bahuang explodes!


Fang Che's body suddenly swelled, his muscles bulging like finely crafted handicrafts, with majestic power flowing through every inch of his muscle lines.

The air waves formed by the invisible burst of energy and blood spread out in all directions with his body as the center.

Fang Che landed on the ground and ejected, turning into a straight blazing golden line.

"It just so happens... After I have fully improved my strength, I haven't fought with anyone yet. Today... I'll give it a try."

boom! ! !

The flames as black as ink burned, and there were bits of starlight in the flames. It seemed that there was a scene of falling stars dancing in the firelight. That was the strange thing from heaven and earth that Fang Che had just finished smelting, the black flames of the meteorite!

Looking at the densely packed ghosts, they seemed to have walked out of the gate of hell.

Fang Che, whose body had reached nearly 1.9 meters tall, had strong black hair and excitement gradually emerged in his eyes.

"Come on, try to warm up my body..."

Feileixiancheng Second High School.

In the principal's office.

The old principal Zhai Ke, who was dealing with documents, suddenly changed his face slightly. He stopped the pen in his hand and looked into the dark night.

"I really can't wait, but it's reasonable. This little guy Fang Che... does make people feel a sense of urgency."

"The three sects of Ten Thousand Ghosts, God of Deterrence and Beast Blood are probably going to use all the foundations of Feilei Fairy City tonight. This kid Fang Che... left as soon as he left. Before leaving, he did a good deed for Feilei Fairy City."

Zhai Ke smiled.

Fang Che used himself as bait to seduce the three major demon cultivating forces in Feilei Immortal City, which would be of great benefit to the overall future development of Feilei Immortal City.

However, the premise is that Fang Che cannot die in this attack, otherwise, the loss will be too great.

Zhai Ke stood up, and the air around him suddenly fluctuated and boiled, as if he had been subjected to boundless twisting power. The aura of heaven and earth was like boiling water, constantly jumping.


In the teachers' dormitory of Feileixian City.

Sounds of piercing the air resounded, and there was sword light across the sky. Su Shangxing was wrapped in sword energy, his eyes were like lightning, and there was murderous intent everywhere.

A huge fiery red fan grew out of Pei Linglong's back, containing extremely powerful mana fluctuations.

At the same time, Feilei Immortal City was operating instantly like a war machine. A stream of majestic breath poured into the sky, tearing the silence of the night. It was the many immortal cultivators in Feilei Immortal City.

Bei Danqiu was wearing a red robe and billowing in the night sky, like red clouds, his eyes were blazing with murderous intent.

"There are really blind people out there who know that I, Xia Ju, have accepted a good student, so they are going to kill him!"

"That's the disciple that Uncle Qinglian values!"

"I'll kill you all."

Bei Danqiu said coldly.

She spread her hands, and one after another extremely bright elixir fire danced and burned around her body, making the air instantly become scorching.


at the same time.

Xu Qing, the commander of Feilei Immortal City's garrison, also rose into the sky with each member of the garrison team.

Blue Star has experienced the hardships of the Immortal Sect Fragmentary battlefield, and the war has long been engraved in the hearts of every immortal cultivator. When the war alarm breaks out, it will happen in an instant!

Outside Feilei Fairy City.

In one direction, on the hill, a terrifying black energy suddenly rose into the sky, and then turned into a ghost claw as black as ink. When shot from the sky, the powerful ghost energy surged!

On the other side, in a river, a figure floating on the river surface put his palms together, and his body suddenly began to swell. Countless fine scales grew from his body surface, and he turned into a giant lizard tens of meters high, opened his mouth and roared, shaking the earth!

In another place, on a hideous old tree, a figure sat quietly, raised his hand and touched his forehead, and a powerful spiritual wave swept across like a god.

Three terrifying waves burst out and hit Feilei Xiancheng. Feilei Xiancheng's defense formation was activated, but it was shaken by the impact of these three half-step Yuanying-level forces.

The masters of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect, the Beast Blood Sect, and the God-Scaring Sect really went out.

They were three half-step Yuanying-level masters!

Such a hand is a unique one.

You know, Yuanying masters are already top-level masters. Feilei Xiancheng, a third-rate fairy city, has only half-step Yuanying masters.

For example, the military commander Xu Qing, who was guarding the area, and the old principal Zhai Ke of Feilei Xiancheng, were both at the level of half-step Yuanying. Although they had condensed Yuanying, they had never really stepped into the realm of Yuanying.

There was no doubt that the three half-step Yuanying demon cultivators took action to contain the half-step Yuanying of Feilei Xiancheng.

To buy enough time for the sudden outbreak of demon cultivators in the city to kill the Tianjiao!

Outside the community covered by the formation.

Three figures quickly gathered here, they were Su Shangxing, Bei Danqiu and Pei Linglong.

A half-step Yuanying battle broke out outside the city. Military commander Xu Qing and principal Zhai Ke certainly couldn't come to help Fang Che out, so they had to come.

"Hundred Ghosts Night Parade Formation! It is the signature sealing formation of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect!"

"It is a high-quality third-level formation. It will take some time for the three of us to break the formation together."

Bei Danqiu was a teacher at Xiaju University after all. He had a very high vision and saw the problem of the formation at a glance.

Su Shangxing frowned, and the sword light crisscrossed, turning into a majestic sword energy and fiercely slashing at the formation.

However, the surging ghost energy swallowed up all his probing sword energy.

"There should be no Jindan sitting inside, only a half-step Jindan, but even so, the formation is extremely difficult to break from the outside. If I use the forbidden sword technique, I can cut and break it."

Su Shangxing grasped the returned sword, and the pressure on his body gradually began to rise.

"This kind of formation... The Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect must have been arranged in Feilei Xiancheng for many years. This is the result of many years of hard work. It was used today with the intention of killing Fang Che."

Pei Linglong took a deep breath.

"It is normal for Fang Che to be treated like this, considering his excellence and talent in the magic competition."

"I will try to contact Fang Che in the formation first to see how long he can hold on."

Beidanqiu looked solemn, raised her hand, and a palm-sized bronze mirror fell into her hand. She drew a wisp of spiritual power from the Niwan Palace and put it into the bronze mirror. She pointed the mirror at the formation, and the mirror light swept through it, shining directly into it.

Try to establish a spiritual connection with Fang Che in the formation.

After a while.

Beidanqiu put away the bronze mirror and cut off the connection.

Su Shangxing and Pei Linglong looked over and asked with concern: "How is it? Fang Che in the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade Formation, how is he doing? Is Fang Che injured?"

However, Beidanqiu looked very strange.

After hesitating for a moment, he slowly spoke.

"Fang Che said he was very happy and asked us not to take action. He set the goal of eliminating all the demon cultivators in the formation as today's practice goal."

"He asked us not to disturb his diligent practice."

Pei Linglong: "..."

Su Shangxing: "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯"

I knew it!

These demon cultivators will only become tools for the liver emperor to refine himself and make progress...

That's all!

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