Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 221 Meteorite Black Fire Lion, Blazing Dragon Emerges from the Abyss

A third-level foundation-building cultivator wants to kill a half-step golden elixir?

This kind of thing is extremely difficult even for the top-level geniuses.

After all, the third-level foundation-building cultivator still belongs to the initial stage of foundation-building. Only after the middle, late, and perfect stages of foundation-building can one reach the half-step golden elixir!

To be precise, a half-step golden elixir has already touched the golden elixir realm, and its mana has become the golden elixir mana, with unparalleled power, and can easily suppress the foundation-building realm and overlook the foundation-building realm.

Inside the Night Parade of Hundred Ghosts formation.

The bloody smell was strong, and all the demon cultivators died. Now, the remaining demon cultivators are only two late-stage foundation cultivators and the half-step golden elixir demon cultivator who led the formation.

Although these demon cultivators are not geniuses, they have obtained a lot of resources, practiced demon cultivation techniques, and improved rapidly, and their realms are genuine.

At this moment, facing Fang Che, the two late-stage foundation cultivators actually felt the pressure.

Fang Che's eyes met with the half-step golden elixir sitting in the formation.

Fang Che grinned, but this smile was full of murderous intent.

"Found it, it's time to deal with it quickly."

"After dealing with you, I still have time to meditate..."

Fang Che said softly.

No time will be wasted on hard work.

After the words fell, Fang Che took a step forward, and the aura on his body suddenly changed dramatically.

His hair began to grow gradually, falling to his waist, and flew up. His eyes were bright, golden light flashed, and the emotions in his eyes began to disappear and dim, becoming extremely indifferent and calm.

Divine power... Climbing the building!

His aura rose steadily, and his blood and qi rolled up. A touch of light golden smoke spread from the depths of his pupils. At this moment, it was like climbing a tall building, and his will was sublimated into a god.

His body rose again, reaching two meters in height. Every inch of flesh and blood was perfect like a finely crafted handicraft, and every inch of muscle contained explosive power.

And this is not over yet.

Fang Che raised his hand, and the Great Wilderness Purple Thunder Evil intertwined, countless thunder and lightning roared, and surging sword energy burst out.

Sword Immortal State!

He took a step forward with his toes and touched the shattered ground. Like a dragonfly touching the water, a circle of invisible ripples slowly spread out, and the cement and gravel on the ground that had originally exploded suddenly turned into powder!


Smoke and dust rose!

The two late-stage foundation-building cultivators from the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect and the God-Scaring Sect had their hair standing on end and their eyes tightened.

They retreated and wanted to escape.

However, they just moved.

The demon cultivator of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect, who was wrapped in a black robe, had his black robe torn into pieces in an instant, revealing his skinny and ugly appearance with only skin and bones left.

A hand intertwined with the Great Wilderness Purple Thunder Evil grabbed his neck.

"How...how could it be...so fast?!"

The eighth-level foundation-building cultivator of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Cult uttered a word with difficulty.

The next moment, his entire neck was crushed, and then the purple thunder evil poured into his body, instantly exploding into pieces.

Fang Che walked along, and he made light of it. In his hands, the two eighth-level foundation-building late-stage foundation-building cultivators had no power to fight back.

In fact, when Fang Che fought against the demon cultivators of the Demon Spirit Clan in the fighting arena, he faced a demon cultivator comparable to the late-stage foundation-building.

At that time, Fang Che's overall strength had not yet been greatly improved, and his own cultivation was still at the second level of foundation-building.

Now, after Fang Che returned, he obtained resources and achieved an improvement, which was naturally incomparable with the past.

Fighting against the demon cultivators of the late-stage foundation-building again was not as difficult as imagined, and he could only make light of it.

Of course, it was also because these demon cultivators were not at the same level as the prisoners of the Demon Spirit Clan. Even if they were both in the late-stage foundation-building, the combat power they exerted was very different.

"Ding! You fought a bloody battle with a late-stage foundation-building demon cultivator and successfully killed him. Diligence +2000. Depending on the degree of the demon cultivator's sins, you will get an additional Diligence +1000..."

"Ding! You and..."

The panel prompts kept popping up.

Fang Che, who could open the climbing state, didn't care or pay attention at all. After killing two late-stage foundation-building demon cultivators, Fang Che's figure began to move at high speed, like a beast out of a cage, rushing towards the half-step golden elixir sitting in the center of the formation!


A sharp roar suddenly came out of Fang Che's mouth.

The sound waves formed were like radar ripples that spread and exploded in waves. The substantial picture made the air shake!

Spells, roars to suppress the gods!

Any spell can now show great power in Fang Che's hands.

Not to mention that Fang Che has now stepped into the half-step divine treasure at the spiritual level.

This spiritual method, with the blessing of the half-step divine treasure's spiritual consciousness, is even more terrifying!


The half-step golden elixir demon cultivator's eyes shrank, and his spiritual consciousness surged, forming a huge ghost face. The ghost face opened its mouth and let out a silent roar, which was also a spiritual attack!

The two spiritual attacks collided with each other, and the space seemed to tremble like a rag.

His pupils were filled with golden smoke, and Fang Che twisted his neck. There seemed to be an extremely sharp knife light slashing out from the Niwan Palace between his eyebrows!

Spiritual consciousness spell!

Heart Eye Divine Knife!

The original roar of the gods disappeared in an instant, and it turned into a knife light. Fang Che actually merged the spiritual method with the spiritual consciousness spell.


The huge ghost face was hit by a knife, and the ghost face was almost twisted.

The half-step golden elixir's eyes shrank, and his heart was slightly shaken!

However, that was all. The power of the Half-step Golden Core surged out, and the surroundings were suddenly filled with flying sand and rocks. A terrifying ghost figure fell down with a bang.

The ghost figure was wearing armor, with a ghostly aura, holding a halberd, as if he was an ancient peerless general who turned into a ghost after his death and was recruited as a ghost general!

The halberd swept out, although it was ghostly, was full of domineering intentions. It chopped towards Fang Che's head, wanting to chop Fang Che's head off!

At the moment when the ghost general came to kill fiercely, the Half-step Golden Core strongman did not hold back at all. A pale bone flute appeared in his hand, as if it was polished from a human patella, with ancient symbols engraved on it.

It was a third-level magic weapon!

This Half-step Golden Core magic cultivator manipulated the bone flute and began to play it. The sound of the bone flute suddenly resounded faintly, lingering endlessly, and chilling into the bones!

Third-level magic weapon!

The real power of the Golden Core!

"Little guy, it's time to die."

"You are at the third level of foundation building, showing such combat power and slaughtering two late foundation building cultivators. It is enough to show that you are worthy of our assassination."

The half-step Jindan cultivator had a deep look in his eyes, with pity and fanaticism.

Pity was for this Tian Jiao who had not yet risen, and fanaticism was for the powerful beings standing behind them!

He was about to complete another task assigned by a great being.

Although he had to pay the price of his life for it, but... he replaced a Tian Jiao who would be able to reach the realm of transformation in the future!


This half-step Jindan was extremely fanatical, and his mana poured into the third-stage early stage magic bone flute.

He wanted to completely activate this Jindan magic weapon.



The sound of his bone flute came to a complete stop.

His eyes narrowed, and a trace of cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

In front of him...

There is a sword, and above his head, there is a cauldron...

The sword in front of him exhaled sharp sword energy, and just a little sword energy fluctuation leaked out, as if it would tear his flesh and blood!

And the cauldron above his head was as bright as the sun, and the surging scorching sun pressure was roaring!

This half-step Jindan demon cultivator of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect felt that his whole body was burning, and the ghost energy was melting!

Third-level magic weapon...

Fuck...all third-level magic weapons!

No, the intelligence did mention that this genius mastered two third-level magic weapons...

However, the intelligence did not mention that this genius could actually use two third-level magic weapons at the same time to fight the enemy!

This guy...is only at the third level of foundation building, how can he activate two third-level magic weapons? !

Fang Che, in the state of the sword fairy on the tower, looked at this half-step Jindan demon cultivator as if he was looking at a dead person.

He wanted to have a good fight with this half-step Jindan demon cultivator.

But the other party actually didn't follow the moral code of martial arts and took out a third-level magic weapon.

In this case...

Fang Che didn't need to follow the moral code of martial arts.

Blazing Sun Cauldron, Blazing Dragon Abyss!

Fang Che clenched his fist, and the meteorite black flames gathered on his fist, forming a roaring black lion with a black lion mane exploding brilliantly!

Boxing · Fire Lion!

Meteorite Black Fire Lion!

A punch was pushed out horizontally, and with the power of the fire lion, it hit the hilt of the third-level Blazing Dragon Abyss. The terrifying power made this third-level sword weapon more powerful.

The sword chant burst out, and the high-pitched dragon chant exploded between heaven and earth!

The Great Wilderness Purple Thunder Evil intertwined with the Blazing Dragon Abyss, and it seemed that a purple dragon shadow was circling out, baring its fangs and claws, and the Blazing Dragon came out of the abyss. The dragon chant penetrated the void and instantly poured into the body of this half-step Jindan cultivator!

Under the impact of endless purple lightning...

The flesh and blood of this half-step golden elixir was melting bit by bit, as if purified by holy light...

It turned into sand and dissipated!

He passed away peacefully.

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