Fang Che is about to go to the Xianmen Fragment Genius Battlefield.

This news came from Bei Danqiu's mouth and was learned by Yun Qinglian. The senior officials of Xiaju University also knew the news.

After all, Fang Che is a student recruited by Xiaju University with huge resources. Everyone is staring at him, betting on Fang Che's potential, fighting talent, etc...

I hope that Fang Che can bring face to Xiaju University in the future Blue Star Fighting Competition and support Xiaju University's success in fighting.

In the conference room.

The senior officials of Xiaju University gathered together.

But in fact there were not many people, only three.

One was a white-haired old man. The aura on his body was extremely powerful. It seemed as if even the space was distorted between the ups and downs.

If you stare at the old man carefully, you can see that there seems to be a kind of small baby in the old man's Niwan Palace, which distorts and changes from time to time, and disappears into the void from time to time.

This is a strong man who has undergone infantile transformation.

The Infant Transformation Realm is a relatively ethereal and illusory realm that is spent between the Nascent Soul and the Transformation God.

Many strong people think it is a transitional realm, but those in the Infant Transformation Realm are much stronger than those in the Nascent Soul Realm. Over time, the Infant Transformation Realm becomes a completely new realm.

There are not many god-transforming masters in Daxia Immortal Sect, but there are also not many infant-transforming masters.

This old man is Gao Jiuguang, the president of Xiaju University.

Opposite Gao Jiuguang, sat the dean of academic affairs and Yun Qinglian, the master of alchemy.

The academic director's name is Zhao Huaiming. He is the first person to transform into an infant, and he is also extremely powerful.

"Qinglian Saint Hand, I heard that you accepted Fang Che as a half-disciple... He is now planning to enter the Immortal Sect Fragment Genius Battlefield. Do you have confidence in him?"

Principal Gao Jiuguang asked.

Hearing this, a look of solemnity appeared on Yun Qinglian's elegant face: "It's a little early. After all, he only has the third level of foundation building. Although his combat power is unparalleled, he can fight half a step of golden elixir... But where he went is It’s a battlefield of genius.”

"The geniuses there are all capable of fighting across borders. The half-step golden elixir there is definitely beyond what Fang Che can handle."

"However, it's good for him to go and practice." Although Yun Qinglian was not optimistic about Fang Che's situation, she still agreed to let Fang Che go and hone his skills.

Zhao Huaiming, the dean of academic affairs on the side, his eyes flickered and nodded: "Yes, I didn't plan at the beginning that he would become famous immediately in the genius battlefield. After a year of experience and experience, he would be able to stand out and show off his fighting talent. In the next few years, if our Xiaju University can achieve good results in the Blue Star Immortal Sect Fighting Competition, the investment in these resources will be worthwhile. "

Yun Qinglian's eyes trembled slightly when she heard this.

"I tried my best to promote this investment. If Fang Che really performs poorly, then I am willing to accept the punishment and I am willing to advance these resources."

"I can afford the advance."

"Besides, I insist."

"This investment...will not be lost."

The news that Fang Che was going to enter the Xianmen Fragment Genius Battlefield suddenly exploded on the Xiaju University forum.

Countless students from Xiaju University were extremely surprised.

Fang Che, a newcomer who spent a lot of resources to recruit, is actually not bad at Xiaju University in terms of reputation.

After all, it is simply unbelievable that so many resources are spent just to allow a student to come to Xiaju University to practice.

What new student deserves such a price? !

Many students were unconvinced, even though Fang Che had just won the first place in both individual and team positions in the Great Xia Immortal Sect Immortal Fighting Competition.

But for those who are not convinced, no matter how much proof you provide, they will not be convinced at all.

"This kid is so arrogant... It's only my second day in Xiaju, and he plans to go to the Immortal Sect Fragment Genius Battlefield. He is simply looking for death!"

"Having obtained so many cultivation resources, wouldn't he first digest the cultivation resources provided by Xiaju University through cultivation, and then go to the Immortal Sect Fragment Genius Battlefield?"

"Yes, yes, that is a battlefield for geniuses... The enemies are all geniuses from the major immortal sects in the Fragment Continent. They are all extremely powerful and have many evil intentions. Young people like this, so young and tender, will only be eaten. There are no bones left!”

The students' discussions on Xiaju University's internal forum became more and more lively.

Bei Danqiu handed the phone to Fang Che.

"Look, not many people are optimistic about you entering the genius battlefield now..."

"After all, it's really rare to run to the genius battlefield on the third level of foundation building, and it's easy to risk death... Why don't you practice in Xiaju University for a while first?"

Bei Danqiu warned.

Fang Che glanced at it, and then checked the posts and comments. He shook his head: "It's okay, I just went to test the water. If it doesn't work, I will quit immediately..."

"Aren't those geniuses in the senior year of high school also practicing in the genius battlefield? If they can go, why can't I go?"

Fang Che laughed.

When Bei Danqiu heard this, she did not continue to dissuade him. She believed that Fang Che must have his own considerations, and Bei Danqiu also understood that for a true genius, the greater the pressure, the stronger he becomes.

It's time for Fang Che to feel some pressure, and it's time to experience a little bit of... shock!

Attacks from geniuses of all races in the Genius Battlefield!

Xiaju University.

Departure area.

Bei Danqiu brought Fang Che to this area. As soon as he entered this area, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

Fang Che swept his eyes and saw many garrison monks in military uniforms.

A red-robed figure floated over, it was Yun Qinglian.

The black hair was flying, the red robe was flaming, and her light eyes were filled with unparalleled pressure.

"Teacher." Fang Che saw Yun Qinglian. As this woman was half his teacher, Fang Che still had to be polite.

"I know you want to go to the genius battlefield. I won't stop you. I have prepared a life-saving item for you."

Yun Qinglian said lightly.

Then, she took out a jade bottle and handed it to Fang Che.

"There is a fourth-level pill inside. If you encounter a life-threatening crisis, swallowing this pill can keep your soul from dispersing. Unless a strong man from the late Nascent Soul stage or above takes action, your spiritual consciousness will not be destroyed, and your spiritual consciousness will be greatly stimulated."

"This is a life-saving pill."

Yun Qinglian said seriously.

Fang Che did not refuse. He did not dare to refuse the gift from his elders. As his teacher, Yun Qinglian naturally did not want him to have any accidents.

"Teacher, what is this pill called?"

"Level 4, Guardian Pill."

Yun Qinglian said lightly.

Bei Danqiu on the side took a breath.

Guardian Pill!

This is a Level 4 precious pill, extremely precious, and the refining of each one is extremely laborious.

Even Yun Qinglian, the alchemy master of Daxia, has only successfully refined one furnace of Guardian Pill.

It seems that Yun Qinglian really values ​​this disciple.

Fang Che thanked Bei Danqiu, put away the pill, and then clasped his fists and bowed.


"I'm in Xiaju, listening to your good news."

Yun Qinglian's face was elegant, and he flicked his sleeves and said softly.

"Don't worry, I will promote my reputation for diligence in the battlefield of geniuses."

"I'm not a genius. I can achieve what I have today because of my diligence."

"So, I will use my diligence to open up the battlefield of geniuses."

Fang Che's eyes were filled with great fighting spirit.

After the words fell, Fang Che turned around and strode towards the expedition formation without saying anything more.


Next to the expedition formation.

One by one, the Blue Star monks in military uniforms stood straight, with straight spines, raised their right hands, hammered on their chests, watched Fang Che go to the expedition, and wished him a triumphant return.

This is the ceremony of the operation of the expedition formation.

Every monk who stepped into the expedition formation, climbed the battlefield of the Immortal Gate Fragment, and fought for Blue Star deserved such a great gift.

Standing in the formation, Fang Che felt that his blood was boiling inexplicably.

Bei Danqiu and Yun Qinglian watched silently outside the expedition formation.

When the countdown for the formation to operate ended.

An old veteran tore his throat and roared loudly.


Boom! ! !

The formation is in operation!

Suddenly, a beam of light burst out from the formation and rose up.

Fang Che raised his head...

Looking along the beam of light.

As far as his eyes could see.

He was looking directly at the huge Xianmen Continent in the sky above the Blue Star!

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