Fast, too fast!

The fourth-level foundation building cultivator in front of him was so fast that he completely surpassed the fourth-level foundation building and even reached the half-step golden elixir level!

Seeing the fourth-level Zhuyang grass being picked, the strong man who exuded a holy light suddenly became completely cold.

From a distance, he had a pair of holy wings on his back, white and brilliant, and each feather exuded a holy fluorescence, which was extremely dazzling.

His golden hair fluttered in the wind, and he was wearing a set of white armor, outlining an extremely strong body.

"Origin Fragment Continent No. 4, Holy Feather Clan."

Fang Che used the Blazing Sun Cauldron to collect the Zhuyang grass, while looking at the visitor. When the tower was opened, his eyes were cold, without any emotional fluctuations, and he looked at the other party indifferently.

"A cultivator from Blue Star?"

"From your appearance, this is your first time stepping into the genius battlefield? It's very unfamiliar."

The strong man of the Holy Feather Clan stared at Fang Che and said coldly.

"Hand over the Zhuyang Grass, and I can spare your life. Otherwise... I will kill you and take the Zhuyang Grass."

Fourth level of foundation building...

Even if he uses special means to burst out with a speed comparable to that of a half-step golden elixir, what can he do?

That's all.

"I am Yu Jisheng of the Holy Feather Clan. You should have heard of my name, right?"

The strong man of the Holy Feather Clan introduced himself and looked at Fang Che coldly, as if just revealing his name would be enough to scare off the Blue Star cultivator in front of him.

Fang Che showed a look of confusion.

Yu Jisheng?

Is this person... very famous?

Fang Che's attitude made Yu Jisheng of the Holy Feather Clan's face change drastically, and a surge of anger could not help but surge.

"I am one of the top ten under the Tianjiao list of the Genius Battlefield! You don't even know my name!"

Angry, even more angry than when the Zhuyang Grass was taken away.

Fang Che started the state of climbing the stairs, and the speechlessness in his heart became more and more intense.

"Even the top ten of the Tianjiao list... that doesn't mean you haven't even made it to the Tianjiao list. How dare you report such a title?" Fang Che said indifferently. "Looking for death!" Yu Jisheng of the Holy Feather Clan never thought that the Blue Star cultivator in front of him, who was only at the fourth level of the foundation building, would dare to be so rampant. "My cultivation is at the ninth level of the foundation building, and my spiritual consciousness has reached the half-step divine storage. Do you think you have a chance to win in a battle with me?" "You are unlucky to be matched with me." Yu Jisheng stopped talking nonsense with Fang Che. "I gave you a chance to live, but since you refuse, then... go to hell." The wings flapped. The terrifying wind and waves suddenly grew, and the majestic pressure of the magic power swept down, and with a rumbling sound, it was like a huge wave smashing down. Boom! ! ! The earth seemed to shake instantly. Fang Che put away the Blazing Sun Cauldron, and a faint golden smoke emanated from his pupils. Almost instantly, his body flashed and disappeared from the spot.

Bang! ! !

Where Fang Che was originally standing, a holy feather shot down, blasting out a deep pit like a gully, and thick hot air rose from the gully.

In the state of Eight Desolate Explosion, Fang Che's body was burly and rose to two meters. With the Dragon Transformation and the Stair Climbing State, the whole person was like a blood demon god.

But Fang Che's Mingwang Eye still warned that he should not easily withstand the impact of the feather.

"The speed is good, but no matter how fast it is... there will be a time when it is exhausted."

Yu Jisheng of the Holy Feather Clan said coldly.

He raised his hand, and the body under the holy white armor continued to surge with mana fluctuations, and his five fingers opened, pointing in the direction of Fang Che from a distance.

Fang Che's body shook for a while, and then turned into a residual image and disappeared from the spot.

But every time Fang Che appeared, holy white feathers fell and exploded, tearing everything apart and purifying everything!

Mud, wood chips, and gravel splashed like a drizzle from the sky.

Fang Che tapped the ground with his toes, and the power of the Eight Desolations Exploded one after another, moving, his figure was like a dream, changing shape and shadow.

However, Yu Jisheng raised his hand, pointed his five fingers at him from a distance, and like the muzzle of a machine gun, he kept shooting feathers, just like a bomber.

Golden smoke spread out from his pupils, and then because of the rapid movement, only a little aftertaste was left.

Fang Che's heart was slightly shaken.

Although Yu Jisheng was at the ninth level of foundation building, he was stronger than any ninth level of foundation building he had met.

He belonged to the ranks of true geniuses!

In terms of real combat power, he may have already surpassed the ninth level of foundation building, and even ordinary half-step golden elixir was not his opponent.

However, such an existence has never even made it to the Tianjiao Ranking.

"You are really good at hiding, just like the stinky rat on the ground, you are really fast at running around."

Yu Jisheng's face showed anger, he did not easily deal with this fourth-level foundation building guy.

If it were any other fourth-level foundation building, he would have been reduced to dust and dead under his holy feather bombardment.

Fourth-level foundation building... just a garbage ant.

However, the Blue Star cultivator in front of him is different, really different.

"Blue Star body cultivator? Disgusting body cultivator..."

Yu Jisheng said coldly.

Body cultivators, relying solely on physical strength, constantly moving to avoid the bombardment of the holy feather, gave Yu Jisheng a headache.

In Yu Jisheng's view, Fang Che is not to be feared except for his ability to escape.

The two are not opponents of the same level at all.

"Let's see how long you can hide... garbage."

Yu Jisheng burst out with coldness and disgust between his teeth.

The holy wings behind him flapped violently, and his figure suddenly floated up and suspended in the air.

The magic power of the ninth level of foundation building swept around him like a storm.

A holy mark on his forehead suddenly lit up.

"Magic Power Thousand Feathers Flowing Light Kill!"

Yu Jisheng clapped his palms together, and a pair of holy wings suddenly wrapped around his body, and then suddenly opened.

It seemed that a tornado-like wind was whistling in all directions.

Countless holy feathers expanded in the tornado.

Boom boom boom!

The rest exploded, and the twisted power tore everything apart and annihilated everything!

Fang Che reflected this picture in his eyes and took a deep breath.

This genius of the Holy Feather Clan is indeed much stronger than the captives of the Holy Feather Clan encountered in the fighting competition.

This is the real top genius among the nine origin fragments, thirty-six caves, seventy-two blessed lands, and many immortal cultivation races!

Genius battlefield... all of them are this kind of people!

Fang Che's body was trembling slightly, he felt excited, only by fighting with such a genius and strong man can he really improve himself quickly.

Only by defeating such a genius can he really show his growth!

Genius battlefield...

What a great place!

Fang Che really loves it, if there is, he will come again!

And at this moment, Fang Che has only one idea...

That is to defeat him and defeat him!

This is the most powerful opponent he has encountered so far!

Whether it is a fighting competition or a siege by magic cultivators, this is the first time he has encountered such a powerful genius opponent!


It's time, full fire!

Fang Che's upside-down hair flew up like a cloak.

Divine power·Sword Immortal State!

Divine power·Forbidden Spell Induction!

Divine power·Immortal Pill Body!

Facing the terrifying magical power of Thousand Feathers Flowing Light Killing that Yu Jisheng vented, countless purple thunder evils around Fang Che jumped and moved, like thunder snakes intertwined!

Three thousand sword thunders, great wilderness purple thunder evil!

Fang Che took a step forward, and blasted the sweeping Holy Feather Tornado with one palm, slashing it down brazenly, like a sword immortal opening the sky and splitting the sky with one sword!

The horrible explosion instantly engulfed Fang Che.

The twisted air, the broken spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the extremely powerful tearing force, filled with the breath of destruction!

Floating in the air, Yu Jisheng's face with his golden hair flying wantonly showed a sneer.

"You actually chose to resist my magical power... You are really a Blue Star cultivator who doesn't know whether to live or die."

This is his most powerful magical killing.

Any half-step Jindan who is involved will surely die.

Only Jindan cultivators can survive.

The Blue Star cultivator in front of him is only the fourth level of foundation building, what can he do to survive?


The sneer on his face quickly froze.

In the countless exploding holy feathers...

Suddenly, a purple lightning snake jumped and jumped. The next moment, more and more lightning snakes jumped, and a crack appeared.

With vigorous black hair flying, a handsome and cold face appeared, and the pupils of his eyes were filled with floating golden smoke.

His palm was a sword, slashing forward.

He cut through the explosion and split the Holy Feather bombardment!

Just like that, he broke through with force!


Fang Che stepped down with his left foot, suddenly bent, and the terrifying and exaggerated muscles in his legs suddenly became hard and bulged.

Then, the power of catharsis burst out from the soles of his feet!

The entire ground collapsed and sank, bursting open, countless cracks densely vented, and heat rose and whistled.

The huge spider web covered a kilometer range.

Yu Jisheng's eyes condensed slightly, and he was a little dazed.

Then he found that a roar of dragon roar exploded.

Forbidden spell·Dayan Jinglong Flash!

Extreme speed!

Extreme speed!

Faster than Fang Che's previous snatch of Zhuyang Grass!

The dragon shadow that broke through the air had just appeared, and Fang Che's body with knotted muscles and boiling blood had already appeared in front of Yu Jisheng.

Blocking the sunlight, it was like darkness in the sky, and the behemoth looked down at the winged man flapping his wings.

The inverted triangle muscles on his back were throbbing slightly, covered with fine and dense golden dragon scales of the Burning Sky Flame. Fang Che's body was like an extremely large bow that was pulled open, and the terrifying power was flowing and suppressed in every inch of muscle, ready to go!

Light golden smoke floated out of his pupils.

Fang Che looked down.

"Now... it's my turn."

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