Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 242: You are the little naughty boy, you tickled me with a snowball

The fifth level of foundation building is not too difficult for Fang Che.

Fang Che, who has a natural spiritual root, can clearly feel the existence of the realm barrier with the help of Tianjiao Qi.

His understanding of cultivation is becoming more and more profound. In addition, he is practicing the best foundation building method "Golden Crow Nine Yang Sutra". Although it is difficult to practice, the main difficulty lies in the accumulation of spiritual energy of heaven and earth.


The spiritual energy of heaven and earth surged wildly, almost forming a vortex. The spiritual energy of this spiritual vein is so rich that it is beyond Fang Che's imagination. It is the most magnificent spiritual vein area he has encountered so far.

Every inch of Fang Che's pores are dilated, greedily devouring every ray of spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

In the dantian, drops of foundation building magic power condensed into droplets, crystal clear, emitting a brilliant star-like luster.

That is the magic power of the Golden Crow Nine Yang Sutra, which is extremely pure and magnificent, enough to dispel all the dark ghosts.

The eighth-level spiritual vein land is a rare guarantee for Fang Che.

On Blue Star, it is basically impossible to find such a good place for cultivation. Even if there is, it has long been occupied by the top powers.

Therefore, for geniuses, the genius battlefield occupying the No. 10 Origin Fragment Continent is an extremely precious place for cultivation.

As time passed, Fang Che could feel the gradual improvement of his cultivation. He was only one layer away from reaching the fifth level of foundation building.

You know, he just broke through to the fourth level of foundation building after stepping into the genius battlefield.

It is incredible to be able to break through so quickly.

The breakthrough in cultivation is not just about accumulating enough spiritual energy from heaven and earth, but also requires a deep understanding of the method of cultivation.

Therefore, Fang Che was amazed at the magic of Tianjiao Qi.

It was the help of Tianjiao Qi, combined with the understanding of the heavenly spiritual roots, that allowed Fang Che to so quickly perceive the realm barrier of the fifth level of foundation building.


Suddenly, the brows of the cultivator frowned slightly.

He sensed a wave of majestic aura rising in the distance.

Like a beam of light, it rushed into the sky, impacting the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, trying to shake the spiritual energy waves and affect Fang Che's breakthrough!

It was obvious that other geniuses appeared in this eighth-level spiritual vein.

This was similar to Fang Che's original estimate.

The spiritual vein of heaven and earth would affect the operation of the magical space formation of the genius battlefield, causing multiple geniuses to appear in one place at the same time.

The current situation is almost the same.

A powerful aura came from the sky, and the opponent swept across from the sky and crossed over from the top of the mountain range arrogantly.

Such a domineering behavior seemed to have never taken Fang Che seriously.

At the same time.

Above the mountain range where the eighth-level spiritual vein was hidden.

Several figures gathered and collided together, suspended in the void, confronting each other across Xu Yuan.

Each of them had an extremely powerful aura, and the ups and downs were like huge waves.

One of them was filled with demonic energy, his whole body was extremely full of blood and energy, his muscles were twisted like a twist, and terrifying power was contained and bursting out in every inch of flesh and blood.

This was a genius from the Demon Spirit Clan, with an extremely powerful aura.

In his eyes, there was a brilliant red color, and murderous intent was rolling.

He glanced at the other two floating strong men, and they all showed fear.

The two geniuses also came from a good background. One of them was from the Holy Feather Clan, just like the one killed by Fang Che before, with white feather wings on his back, and a holy aura was overwhelming.

Obviously, he was also a genius from the Holy Feather Clan.

The other one was wearing gorgeous armor, and the armor was full of unique divine patterns, as if it was from a race in ancient times.

It was the Divine Pattern Clan of the Seventh Origin Fragment Continent among the Nine Origin Fragment Continents.

It was also one of the eight top immortal cultivation clans in the Immortal Gate Fragment Continent.

The Divine Mark Clan cultivators of the Fragment Continent of Origin No. 1 are natural formation masters. They can even condense natural Divine Marks when they are born, and the Divine Marks can play the role of formations.

They are extremely powerful.

In addition to the geniuses of the Holy Feather Clan and the Divine Mark Clan, the third person is a white figure with a human appearance, white hair and white eyebrows, and even the skin is as white as snow.

It is the White Demon Clan of the Fragment Continent of Origin No. 3!

The geniuses of the four top immortal cultivation races all gathered here, looking at each other, and their eyes flashed with strange colors.

Their auras are all very powerful, and the most powerful one is the genius of the Demon Spirit Clan.

He is the only one who has reached the half-step golden elixir level.

The rest of the geniuses of the Holy Feather Clan, the Divine Mark Clan, and the White Demon Clan are all at the ninth level of the foundation building level, which is still a little bit behind the genius of the Demon Spirit Clan.

"It's you... The second on the preliminary list, Cang Lianhai of the Demon Spirit Clan."

The genius of the Holy Feather Clan flapped his wings behind him, exuding a holy light all over his body, staring at the genius of the Demon Spirit Clan with great fear.

The geniuses of the other Divine Mark Clan and the White Demon Clan were also equally fearful.

After all, only Cang Lianhai was a true half-step golden elixir master.

They were all geniuses, and Cang Lianhai surpassed them in realm, so it was easy to form an absolute crushing posture.

"The sixth on the preliminary list, Zhuang Sheng of the Divine Mark Clan, the seventh, Yu Jihao, and the eighth, Bai Yu, are all gathered together? Is it such a coincidence?"

"Are they going to catch them all in one fell swoop and let me hit the Tianjiao List?"

The corners of Cang Haitian's lips of the Demon Spirit Clan had an evil smile, and the demonic energy around him surged.

The bodies of the three became more and more tense.

There is no doubt that Cang Haitian is powerful.

However, the confrontation between them did not completely break out.

Their sights shifted and looked at a place in the mountains, where a huge vortex of heaven and earth spiritual energy was surging.

"It seems... someone arrived here earlier than us. This is a place with eighth-level spiritual veins. It is a rare and good place. If you can practice in the spiritual source of eighth-level spiritual veins, it will be of great benefit, and that spirit The spiritual source of pulse is also a good thing..."

Cang Haitian ignored the three of them and narrowed his scarlet eyes, revealing a strange color.

"Oh? The fourth floor of the foundation building... This is using the power of the eighth-level spiritual veins to attack the fifth floor of the foundation building... Interesting, can such garbage appear in this treasured place like us?"

The fourth floor of foundation building...

On the battlefield of geniuses, they are all at the bottom and are inconspicuous.

After all, those who can appear on the battlefield of geniuses are undoubtedly geniuses from all races, and each one of them has the strength to fight beyond the ranks.

The fourth level of foundation building may be a genius in the original clan, but in the genius battlefield... it is a very ordinary existence.

"The existence of such ants here is an insult to us."

"Moreover, this ant should have sensed our appearance, but still chose to continue to break through and did not run away in embarrassment. This is a kind of contempt for us..."

"Who among you is going to deal with this ant that doesn't know how to live or die?"

Cang Haitian raised his head and glanced at the other three with an unquestionable commanding tone.

"After I deal with this ant, I will accompany you in another battle. The three of you join forces, so you are not too weak..."

The arrogance in Cang Haitian's words almost shattered the sky.

Zhuang Sheng, Yu Jihao and Bai Yu had a flash of anger on their faces, but they understood that Cang Haitian, the genius of the Demon Spirit Clan with half a step of golden elixir cultivation, was indeed not someone they could easily deal with.

"I go."

Bai Yu from the White Demon Clan was the lowest ranked among the three. He, who was ninth in the pre-list, spoke in person.

Cang Haitian looked at Bai Yu and smiled: "The White Demon Tribe has always been on good terms with my Demon Spirit Tribe and is an ally. If you deal with this ant, I will save you a hand later so that you can have a chance to escape. "

When Bai Yu heard this, a faint smile appeared on his plain face.

"I am indeed inferior to you. Since my skills are inferior to others, I have to admit it."

After Bai Yu finished speaking, countless white snow burst out from his body, sweeping across the sky like a blizzard.

The next moment, the huge snowfall turned into a huge avalanche and swept towards the spiritual vein.

In the snow waterfall, Bai Yu's figure stood in the vast whiteness, looking at the figure sitting cross-legged and practicing.

"Human race... No. 6 Origin Fragment Blue Star Monk..."

A strange color appeared in Bai Yu's eyes.

"However, the fourth level of foundation building appears here...it can only be said that it is really bad luck."

"In addition, with the cultivation level of the fourth level of foundation building, he should have sensed our aura, but he did not escape, but chose to continue to break through... Then there is no one else to blame."

The next moment, the magic power on Bai Yu's body was surging, and he was shaking his sleeves in the avalanche.

In an instant, countless falling avalanches and waterfalls gathered into a huge fist.

It was like the god who controlled the wind and snow tens of thousands of feet high in the sky, and punched the world brazenly.

far away.

Cang Haitian, Zhuang Sheng, and Yu Jihao were suspended in the air, watching this scene indifferently.

The rules of the genius battlefield are like this. The weak must adapt. When encountering the invincible strong, they should choose to flee, give up and admit defeat.

Since you don't escape and still occupy resources, then...you have to pay the price.

"Blue Star monk? He really doesn't know whether to live or die..."

"This human planet that was lucky enough to get the No. 6 Immortal Sect Fragment Continent is a group of lucky people. The most annoying people to me, Cang Haitian, are the lucky people."

Cang Haitian sneered, his burly arms full of muscles wrapped around his chest, and he stared coldly.

Bai Yu, who was on the ninth level of foundation building, was a genius of the White Demon Clan. With such a blow, even the ordinary ninth level of foundation building would be frozen and annihilated.

Not to mention a mere four levels of foundation building, which is simply not enough.

Yu Jihao of the Holy Feather Clan frowned, and the holy light continued to surge around his body.

Raising his hand, Tianjiao Qi condensed into a token.

He felt the slight beating energy on the token...

His expression suddenly turned cold and calm.

"The pride of this guy... seems a bit familiar. It seems that he got it from the genius who killed my Holy Feather Clan?"

Yu Jihao murmured.

This mysterious feeling made him feel murderous.

But his murderous intention quickly dissipated.

Because there was no need for him to take action, Bai Yu from the White Demon Clan took action, and this boy... was already destined to die.

Bai Yu also felt that this Blue Star monk would definitely die.

After the sudden falling avalanche, the Blue Star monk was still sitting cross-legged in the mountains, swallowing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and impacting the cultivation of the fifth floor of the foundation, without stopping.

There was no running away, no panic, not even... not even a move to raise his head to glance at the attack he was making.

I didn’t feel it...

Or is he resigned to his fate?


Bai Yu narrowed his eyes.

Stare at the mountains and land.

boom! ! !

The terrifying snowfall condensed into a fist, which was so huge that it instantly covered the entire mountain range, and the entire mountain range was shaking violently.

The mountains roared, and many ancient trees on the mountains wailed under the heavy load. They were broken by the terrifying force, swallowed by the blizzard, and frozen by the cold!

When the fist fell, all life was annihilated, and death came!

The snow was vast, and the cold air rushed to the sky.

Bai Yu of the White Demon Clan had a faint arc on his lips. When he sensed that the breath disappeared in the mountains, he realized that the cultivator from Blue Star had no confidence at all, but simply couldn't avoid it.

Bai Yu's figure slowly floated down, wanting to fall into the mountains.

A gust of wind and waves swept out from his body, blowing away the cold air raised by the frost and snow, and brushing away the white mist covering the mountains.


Bai Yu's falling body suddenly froze, and a hint of disbelief burst out of his eyes.

Because, in those mountains.

A figure stood quietly in place, looking at him quietly.

After a long time, the figure's body swelled up and suddenly rose high, with a majestic blood and energy spreading from it, and five golden crows rose from behind the figure.

In just a moment, the vast white snow within a mile around the figure melted and evaporated!

"Little naughty boy, you were the one who tickled me with a snowball?"

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