Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 245 The True Demon Body, Eight Desolations Explodes... Fifth Heaven! (1/2)


A terrifying explosion appeared between the mountains, and a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky. The powerful impact caused the spiritual energy between heaven and earth to fluctuate violently.

Like the undulating lake water, the layers of ripples continued to pile up, forming a huge wave, which slammed hard on the shore rocks!

This treasure land with an eighth-level spiritual vein buried underground was completely stirred up.

Just because a battle of geniuses took place here!

The real geniuses fought here!


The demonic energy swept, black as ink, rolling and surging, turning into a huge punch, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and countless rocks were annihilated and shattered.

A figure flew out backwards, his legs stuck between the mountains, plowing out two gullies, and the broken rocks behind him were shattered into powder.

Fang Che was knocked away again, but this time, he was only knocked back dozens of meters, and his body was surrounded by an extremely powerful blood and qi force.

The dragon scales were dense, the hot blood was rising, and the golden mist was lingering in Fang Che's eyes, and the fanatical breath was gushing out.

"Come again!"

Fang Che wiped the blood from the corner of his lips, his fighting spirit was high, and he had no fear at all.

In the distance, the eyes of Cang Haitian, the genius of the Demon Spirit Clan, who was suspended in the air, became deeper and deeper.

"The more you fight, the braver you become. You are fearless. Blue Star can actually give birth to a fighting maniac like you..."

"I see the shadow of some people in you."

Cang Haitian looked at Fang Che indifferently. The demonic energy in his body continued to surge, the scarlet in his eyes became deeper, and the breath on his body was gradually rising.

This Blue Star cultivator at the fifth level of foundation building did surprise him.

After all, with Cang Haitian's strength, let alone the fifth level of foundation building, even the ordinary ninth level of foundation building can be easily killed in seconds.

However, he did not kill the fifth-level foundation-building cultivator in front of him instantly. Instead, he was repeatedly blocked by him. In fact, the fifth-level foundation-building cultivator even used him to refine himself.

This feeling... is very strange.

Cang Haitian twisted his neck, and the demonic energy on his body surged.

"I admire you very much, but you are too weak after all."

"After all, I am... a half-step golden elixir."

Cang Haitian spoke, and his voice roared.

The next moment, his body had disappeared from the spot, and when he appeared again, he was already in front of Fang Che.

"I will no longer hold back. I only used the power of the physical body before... Next, you should open your eyes and look at the gap between you and me."

Cang Haitian said lightly.

Countless demonic patterns climbed onto Cang Haitian's body.

He did not intend to continue to sharpen with Fang Che. He wanted to end this battle with an unparalleled attitude.

The second on the Tianjiao list, he was about to crush this Blue Star genius who crossed the border and climbed the preliminary list to understand... what the gap was.

The smoke and dust rolled, but it was torn and dispersed by a golden glow of blood like the sun.

A pair of eyes flowed with golden smoke, staring at Cang Haitian coldly.

Fang Che grinned, his muscles were trembling, that was the excitement spreading.

"I... look forward to it."

Fang Che was indeed looking forward to it.

"Looking forward to it?"

"Looking forward to the heart of cultivating immortals and asking questions?"

Cang Haitian's lips slightly raised, revealing a sneer.

He raised his hand, and countless scarlet magic patterns crawled and climbed his body.

Cang Haitian's body began to rise, gradually rising... Countless demonic energy surged out, like a black angry dragon lingering around him.

It set off Cang Haitian's body that rose to more than three meters high.

The dark body seemed to be made of crystal black jade. Although it was dark, it was full of clear texture.

And the demonic energy and power flowing under every inch of flesh and blood contained extremely terrifying explosive power.

"Bloodline Divine Power·True Demon Body!"

Cang Haitian was three meters tall, his black hair was dancing wildly, and he uttered faint words between the corners of his open lips.

It was like thunder tearing the sky apart and illuminating the night.


Cang Haitian clenched his fist suddenly and punched it out. Countless mana droplets evaporated in an instant, and endless scarlet light formed on Cang Haitian's fist!

In an instant, a punch was thrown, but an extremely scarlet red light column rushed out and shot straight towards Fang Che!

Wherever a red beam of light passed, the ground was plowed into curved gullies, rocks flew and shattered, and were annihilated into dust...

Fang Che, who had activated the sword immortal state of ascending the tower, condensed his eyes slightly, revealing a strange color!


Too fast!

This red beam of light is a unique magical power, containing Cang Haitian's continuous blood and spiritual consciousness, and even...a blood power called the blood of the true demon!

Can't dodge!

Can't dodge at all!

Even if he used the body movement spell Dayan Jinglong Flash, he still couldn't dodge!

The only way was to resist it by force and take out the third-level magic weapon Chiyang Ding to resist, but even so, he still had to bear great pressure and was hit and flew...

This punch...

already has the power of the golden elixir level!

It's different. Although this Cang Haitian is a half-step golden elixir, he is completely different from the half-step golden elixir that Fang Che had fought before. He is a real genius!

This is the battlefield of geniuses, this is the real battle!

Fang Che's blood was completely burning at this moment. Facing Cang Haitian's punch that almost wiped out his life...

Fang Che raised a wild smile.

He did not hide.

"Come on!"

Fang Che's hair flew, and all the mana droplets on his body were evaporated by him and poured into his body.

The fourth level of the Eight Desolate Explosion was pushed to the extreme by him.

The Golden Crow Nine Yang Body!

The Five Yangs Across the Sky!

The Divine Dragon Transformation, Burning the Sky with Flame Gold!

Fang Che's eyes were burning, and everything between heaven and earth was left with only the red punch thrown by Cang Haitian who used the True Demon Body.

Everything in the world fell into deathly silence in Fang Che's ears.

Only the punch that touched life and death was left!

Bang! ! ! !

The horrible explosion engulfed everything, and the place where Fang Che was seemed to have turned into a huge blood-colored vortex. Although it was spinning at a very fast speed, it seemed to be turning the rod at a speed slower than time!

Around the vortex, there were broken rocks, branches, and ruins.

"It's over."

The body rose to three meters, and Cang Haitian's eyes, covered with creeping blood-colored lines, were filled with indifference.

He spoke softly, as if to lay the foundation for the final outcome of this battle with a huge gap.

This genius of the fifth level of foundation building on Blue Star.




"Cang Haitian is really terrifying, worthy of being a genius of the Demon Spirit Clan, and is about to touch the existence of the Tianjiao List. Such a punch, among the top ten in the preliminary list, I'm afraid only the first-ranked Tianjiao of the Five Elements Clan, Jin Canyang, can block it?"

"This Blue Star cultivator is doomed to die...It's a pity that if his cultivation was higher, with a ninth level of foundation building, he shouldn't die."

Zhuang Sheng of the Divine Pattern Clan, Yu Jihao of the Holy Feather Clan, the two cultivators ranked sixth and seventh in the preliminary list, were only shocked and sighed at this moment.

Is Fang Che strong?

In their eyes, he is already very strong.

Being able to fight Cang Haitian to this extent and force Cang Haitian to use his true demon body, he can already be said to be a genius.

The main reason is that Fang Che's realm is too low, he is only at the fifth level of foundation building...

This is simply unimaginable.

They asked themselves, when they were at the fifth level of foundation building, they met Cang Haitian, who was half a step into the golden elixir...

Even if Cang Haitian did not use the magical powers of the demon spirit clan, but only used the strength of his physical body...

I am afraid that he would be beaten to pieces in a few moves.

"It's a pity... This genius from Blue Star, no, he should be worthy of the name of a genius, his realm is too low. If he had been at the ninth level of foundation building, he might have had a chance to impact the list of geniuses."

"But now, it has become a pity after all, he died in the hands of Cang Haitian..."

"Alas, Cang Haitian is so happy to kill a genius with his own hands."


Yu Jihao and Zhuang Sheng shook their heads, sighing and envious.

In their opinion, Fang Che was already doomed to die.

The sixth Immortal Gate Fragment Continent, Suzaku Immortal City.

The Immortal City Square, where the list monument is located.

The list monument stands tall in the center, emitting starlight, and the names on it are shining one after another.

After the news that Fang Che's name was ranked tenth on the list monument pre-list.

The entire list monument square became lively.

At this moment, there are many more cultivators gathered around the list monument. Some of them have just withdrawn from the genius battlefield and learned that there are newcomers on the list monument, so they are curious to watch.

Some people come here purely to admire.

The people in front of the list monument have changed one after another, but there are always people entrenched in front.


The light on the erected list monument became brighter, and the milky white stone monument vibrated violently.


The crisp sound resounded again, lingering over the entire square.

"When the list monument rings, the vibration prompts?"

"This situation... seems to have triggered a life-and-death battle of the genius level?"

"Fuck, is the battle of the genius level going to be demonstrated by the list monument?"

"The list monument of our Suzaku Immortal City vibrates, which means that the geniuses from our Suzaku Immortal City are fighting a life-and-death battle!"

"Fuck! Exciting--"


The cultivators surrounding the list monument became excited, and the sound waves suddenly rose, almost like gongs and drums, exploding the universe!

You know, a life-and-death battle of the genius level!

Such a battle is extremely rare in the genius battlefield.

Even the geniuses who are truly on the list of geniuses will not really fight a life-and-death battle after meeting each other!

Therefore, on the list monument, such a scene can only be triggered a few times a year.

No, it should be said that a life-and-death battle of the genius level may not be triggered for several years or even decades!

The news spread like a big wave, and instantly spread throughout the entire Suzaku Immortal City.

One by one, the cultivators who were cultivating in Zhuque Immortal City walked out of their cultivation places and gathered towards the monument square!

Su Muxian, Lu Yun and other senior students who had just returned to the resting place and were about to rest looked at each other, and then they became excited and burst out their body skills and rushed towards the monument square.

However, when they rushed to the battlefield...

They saw strange array patterns interweaving in the milky white monument, and rays of light burst out one after another, reflecting a square picture above the monument.

It was like playing a movie, high-definition and high-fidelity.

In the picture...

It reflected the terrifying figure of Cang Haitian, the genius of the Demon Spirit Clan, who released the true demon body and rose to three meters.

It also reflected.

Fang Che is in the Climbing Sword Immortal State, the Eight Desolations Explosion is activated, and the Burning Sky Flame Golden Transformation.

"Fang...Fang Che?!"

Shock instantly appeared on Su Muxian's beautiful face, and she could no longer maintain her calm fairy posture.

On the other side, Lu Yun, Ye Qing, Li Canghai and other senior geniuses from Imperial City also took a breath, with disbelief in their eyes.

Of course, in addition to the disbelief among the crowd, some also expressed worry.

Luo Liuli and Gude Tian looked worriedly at Fang Che, who was completely suppressed and beaten by Cang Haitian, the genius of the Demon Spirit Clan.

When I saw Cang Haitian of the Demon Spirit Clan punch that extremely terrifying, red beam of light that annihilated everything.

The excitement and surprise in Suzaku Square disappeared in an instant.

Countless monks fighting on the genius battlefield fell into deathly silence.

Shrouded in a silent sadness and heaviness.

The genius who came out of their Suzaku Fairy City might...


The bloody light beam disappeared.

And wherever the bloody fist beam passed, a smooth ground was plowed out.

Cang Haitian's demonic aura is overwhelming. His body, which is more than three meters tall, has extremely perfect proportions. His black hair is flying behind him like a waterfall, and his eyes are scarlet, but with a hint of the excitement of a winner.

The smile on his lips indicated that he was silently celebrating the fact that he had killed a Blue Star genius.

He raised his hand and slowly clasped his long fingers together.

However, the smile on Cang Haitian's face was disappearing little by little.

The curve at the corners of his lips slowly smoothed out.

Something's wrong...

Cang Haitian raised his scarlet eyes and looked at the center of the rising mushroom cloud. There, the thick smoke and dust billowed endlessly, like a huge evil beast, swallowing up everything.


There was no arrogant energy that swept out and was absorbed and absorbed by Cang Haitian.

This shouldn't be the case.

As the eighth in the pre-list, Fang Che's genius aura is already very strong. If such a genius dies in battle and his genius aura is plundered, he will definitely be very powerful.


Silent and quiet.

what does that mean?

How could Cang Haitian not understand.

"not dead?"

Cang Haitian tilted his head, revealing a strange look.


far away.

Zhuang Sheng from the Divine Pattern Clan and Yu Jihao from the Shengyu Clan also thought of something, and both expressed shock.

No arrogance flowed out.

How can it be?

Could it be that... this monk at the fifth level of foundation building had endured such a terrifying punch from Cang Haitian and yet he hadn't died yet? !


It should be said that he could withstand such a terrifying punch? !

The terrifying pit spread across the mountainous ground.

It was deeply dented, even revealing the layer of spiritual stone underneath that exuded rich spiritual energy.


The scalding heat was spreading wildly.

A body stood among them, with blood-colored lightning intertwined all over it. An invisible force distorted the surrounding heat flow, as if blurring the air and distorting time and space.

Fang Che stood in the deep pit, maintaining the posture of punching. The true fire of strange objects such as the meteor black flame spread and intertwined around his fist, burning silently.

His body was covered in scars, but every inch of the wound was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The light golden color in his eyes was extremely rich, ruthless and indifferent, completely cutting off Fang Che's perception of pain.

At this moment, Fang Che felt better than ever.

The power contained in the flesh and blood continuously impacted the muscles and bones, making a deafening roar, like the waves of the sea crashing onto the beach again and again.

A bright smile appeared on the corner of Fang Che's lips.

Fight diligently again and again, fight without fear of life and death again and again...

Diligence and fearlessness finally led to his current breakthrough!

Failure is not terrible. Breaking through yourself in the midst of failure is also a kind of victory!

Fang Che never thought that after awakening his Tianling roots, he would be able to have a smooth journey, sit back and relax, and be able to fight against the real geniuses.

He knows that his real confidence lies in his fearless attitude despite failure again and again!

That mentality that is made into steel!

After nine years of using the Void Spiritual Root, he failed again and again. The only thing he could do was be diligent.

But now, even though he has obtained the Heavenly Spiritual Root that can change his destiny, he still remains firm in his diligence.

Keep working hard and the flowers will eventually bloom!

In front of Fang Che's eyes, the panel prompts slowly popped up.

【Ding! Detection of the physical skill Bahuang Bao has been upgraded to the fifth level. Do you want to use the "physical skill level upgrade"? 】

Fang Che slowly exhaled.



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