Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 247: Holding the true demon's spear, killing people and destroying their hearts (1/2)

The mountain roared and shook violently, and broken boulders rolled down from it, as if the pillar of heaven was hit and exploded, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the mountains collapsed and the earth shook!

Fang Che maintained the posture of holding the Chilongyuan horizontal sword and slashing vertically, while the genius Canghaitian of the Demon Spirit Clan was knocked out.

The scene at this moment seemed to be frozen.

It shocked all the people who watched such a scene.

Whether it was Yu Jihao and Zhuang Sheng who were watching the battle from a distance, or the many cultivators in the Suzaku Immortal City who were projecting the battle of the geniuses through the list monument.

Each one was extremely shocked, with eyes tightened, reflecting the scene at this moment.

Like Su Muxian, Lu Yun and many other students sent by the senior high school of the immortal gate to train, they were so shocked that their limbs and bones seemed to be frozen, and they were so stiff that they didn't even have the consciousness to move a finger.

As geniuses who have been trained in the genius battlefield for a period of time, they knew very well how terrible the geniuses who could be on the preliminary list of the genius battlefield were.

Su Muxian knew it best. She had once been defeated by a genius of the ninth level of the foundation building of the Demon Spirit Clan, and that genius of the ninth level of the foundation building... had not even made it to the top ten of the preliminary list.

Therefore, Su Muxian knew best how terrifying Cang Haitian was.

The genius of the Demon Spirit Clan ranked second in the preliminary list...

Su Muxian thought that she would not be able to withstand even three moves against him, even if she used her innate magical powers.

"Fang Che... actually knocked Cang Haitian away!"

"At this moment, the offense and defense changed!"

"The counterattack has begun! Fang Che was beaten before, and now, Fang Che finally started to fight back!"


Many people came back to their senses, their eyes flashing with excitement.

Most of those gathered in the list monument square were cultivators who participated in the genius battlefield training. Most of their cultivation was at the foundation building level, and there were even many proud half-step golden elixir.

At this moment, they began to analyze the battle process and came to an astonishing conclusion that Fang Che... was going to fight back!

The two Yuanying masters guarding the Suzaku Immortal City, Master Que Ling and Master Que Huo, who landed in front of the list monument, stroked their beards and smiled, with strange colors in their eyes.

"This little guy... can actually cultivate such a physical body. My Blue Star cultivators can actually have such attainments in physical skills..."

"This kind of transformation and amplification physical skills is not easy at first glance. It requires a lot of hard work and diligence, and also requires the courage and tenacity to endure hardships..."

Master Que Huo was amazed.

Master Que Ling shook his head: "It can't be said that way. It should be said that it is rare for our Daxia Immortal Sect to have a cultivator with such attainments in physical skills."

"But in Blue Star, don't forget that there are peerless figures who specialize in physical skills in the Federation Immortal Sect and the Baiting Immortal Sect."

Master Que Huo laughed dumbly when he heard this.

"That's true. After all, this boy appeared in our Great Xia Immortal Sect, which is a cause for celebration."

"Keep watching and see if this little guy can really beat Cang Haitian."

"In addition, I have arranged for someone to sort out the boy's information."

"Such a genius who has made the preliminary list suddenly appeared in our Zhuque Immortal City. You and I didn't know about it. It's really a bit of a mistake."

Master Que Ling shook his head.

Master Que Huo rolled his eyes: "Don't you look at this kid's record? He has only fought seven games in the genius battlefield. He is obviously a newcomer."

The two Yuanying masters talked to themselves.

There were also many Jindan cultivators who gathered around and admired him.

But this shock did not last too long, and everyone's eyes fell on the battle scene presented by the list again.



Fang Che's eyes were extremely cold, and a faint golden smoke diffused from them, distorting the air.

Power, unparalleled power, filled every corner of his body.

Eight Desolate Demonic State...

This is another sublimated form of Eight Desolate Explosion!

At this moment, the strength of the physical body has not only reached the level of the original Eight Desolate Explosion Fifth Heaven, but is even stronger than the original Eight Desolate Explosion Fifth Heaven.

According to the data, it is almost ten times stronger than the physical body of the Eight Desolate Explosion Fifth Heaven!

That's right!

With a full tenfold increase, the physical body is like an immortal body made of diamond, extremely strong, and terrifying power wanders in it.

Each magic pattern is full of ancient meaning, like the light and shadow projected by ancient gods and demons.

This is the feeling of power!

Fang Che slowly straightened his body. His 2.5-meter body was extremely well proportioned. Every inch of muscle on his body was full of explosive power. It was covered by magic patterns and looked extremely weird.

The black hair like a waterfall fell down, like a huge black cloak, covering his back, and it rose and fell slightly with the wind and waves of energy overflowing from his body.

In his hand, he held the third-level sword Chilongyuan. The third-level true fire of Meteorite Black Flame lingered around the sword, and the Great Wilderness Purple Thunder Evil was bubbling out and moving endlessly.

At this moment, Fang Che was a little close to the perfection of gods and demons. It had nothing to do with his body shape and appearance, but more of a perfection in life form.

In the distance, the almost collapsed mountain shook violently, and pieces of rubble flew out one after another.

A pitch-black spear came out from it, and a strong gust of wind swept everything away like a tornado.

The burly body walked out of the ruins, and the pride of the Demon Spirit Clan, Cang Haitian, had anger and... disbelief in his scarlet eyes.

At the moment when the sword and the spear collided, the majestic power rolled out in a surging force, following the True Demon Spear, like a big wave hitting his body hard, almost unstoppable...

That kind of power... has improved so much compared to Fang Che before!

"How did it improve so much all of a sudden?"

The scarlet eyes turned, showing a trace of solemnity and... indignation that turned into anger.

The half-step golden elixir of the majestic Demon Spirit Tribe was actually knocked away by Blue Star's fifth-level foundation-building monk. Once again, he was at a disadvantage in the collision!

This is...a shame!

boom! ! !

The waves of demonic energy are billowing, distorting the surrounding air, making the scene look a bit illusory.

"You've become stronger...but it's just the right time to make me happy."

The scarlet eyes suddenly lowered, Cang Haitian's aura was rising steadily, and the true demon's body was completely driven to the extreme by him!

As the second in the pre-list, he has his own pride.

In fact, Cang Haitian felt that he should be number one on the preliminary list, but he never had the chance to meet Jin Canyang from the Five Elements Clan.

In Cang Haitian's eyes, even Jin Canyang, who ranked first in the pre-list, did not take him seriously at all.

The Five Elements Clan is just a race from the ninth origin fragment continent among the nine origin fragment continents.

boom! ! !

Cang Haitian completely stimulated the true demon blood in his body, and the true demon's body was pushed to the extreme. The whole body became stronger and stronger, and even became a little twisted.

His arms became extremely slender, and his muscles began to disappear. However, the disappearing muscles did not mean the disappearance of his strength, but the power contained was even more terrifying!

Holding the true devil's spear, Cang Haitian let out a sharp roar.

The body instantly distorted the air and exploded on the spot, sending smoke and dust billowing.

A jet-black silk thread quickly pulled past Fang Che, approaching Fang Che in an instant.

The auras of the two reached the extreme, and the half-step golden elixir level mana surged, forming ripple-like energy ripples that surged towards the surroundings.


A crisp sound!

Sparks flew everywhere.

The ground cracked open, revealing dense veins of spirit stones underneath!

The rocks at their feet were broken, like thick cracks in the dry earth.

Fang Che grasped Chilongyuan and slashed forward, colliding with a spear swept by Cang Haitian.

The air was shaken by the mana fluctuations and powerful collisions between the two, setting off a raging wind!

too strong!

It’s really too strong!

Yu Jihao and Zhuang Sheng, who were watching the battle from a distance, although they were pre-listed geniuses, at this moment, they were only overshadowed.

Zhuang Sheng's eyes widened, and in his pupils, there was a white light that was changing vaguely. He stared at the collision in the field.

However, they saw a large pit appearing under the feet of Fang Che and Cang Haitian. It was deeply sunken and touched the spirit stone layer.

Where the sword and spear collided, white air waves exploded one after another, and the sound of explosions and buzzings resounded endlessly!

It's enough to understand how terrifying the power of the two is, and what level the competition is!


Cang Haitian panted violently, and on the huge, lean demon body, as if it were piled with rocks, blood-colored lines flickered and lit up.

That was the blood heritage belonging to the demon spirit clan, which meant that his bloodline magical powers were stimulated to the extreme by him.

And the other side.

Fang Che's jet-black hair was flying wildly, facing behind him, like a waterfall-like cape rolled up high.

Thin light golden smoke lingered from the pupils, and the cold expression was like ice that would never melt for thousands of years.


Fang Che spoke indifferently.

The panting Cang Haitian was startled, and his scarlet eyes couldn't help but freeze.


Under such circumstances, Fang Che could still speak?

Isn't the pressure he put on... not enough?

He has stimulated the state of the true demon body to the extreme, squeezing out all the power in the flesh and blood. Coupled with the level of his half-step golden elixir...

The pressure is unimaginable!

Cang Haitian's scarlet eyes widened and cracked, and he stared intently at Fang Che's face that had become extremely handsome and enchanting!

Soon, he saw Fang Che's eyebrows cracked and one vertical eye glaring with anger. There was no attack at the spiritual level, but there was an inexplicable and weird smile.

"This way of fighting...I like it."

The corners of Fang Che's lips rose silently, forming a cold arc.

On the perfect body, the black magic lines spread more and more, clinging to Fang Che's handsome and enchanting face, like a blooming flower of the devil!

Click, click, click...

Fang Che held Chi Long Yuan in his hands. This third-level sword was against the True Demon's Spear. At this moment, the balance was slowly broken, and the balance of power in the competition began to tilt.

Pressing the True Demon Spear bit by bit, it slowly pressed on Cang Haitian's chest!

It was like a bamboo bar, levering up an entire majestic mountain, bit by bit, and the subtle creaking sound was like the sound of the sky falling apart!

It's deafening, like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning!

Cang Haitian's scarlet eyes opened wider and wider. In the center of the competition between the two, where the sword and spear collided, white air waves continued to spread like an angry dragon, stirring the air and undulating the space!

At a certain moment, it reached an ultimate peak!


There was a slight muffled sound.

Cang Haitian watched Fang Che holding the sword with one hand, and pressed down the True Demon Spear he was holding, pressing it on his chest, pressing it on his chest...

His chest sank, and his indestructible flesh and blood was like soft plasticine, directly sank and collapsed.

Cang Haitian knew that he had lost this contest of power, and lost miserably!

Boom! ! !

The vertical pupils between Fang Che's eyebrows were full of anger. In a trance, Cang Haitian seemed to see a figure sitting cross-legged on a lotus, pinching seals and roaring like a Buddha or a Taoist!

It was like an ancient god or demon, roaring at the stars in the universe!

Puff puff puff!

A large mouthful of blood sprayed out of Cang Haitian's mouth.

A powerful and unparalleled terrifying force smashed out from Fang Che's body and hit Cang Haitian's sunken chest fiercely.

His chest exploded completely, and the True Demon Spear he held actually pierced through his body, his flesh and blood exploded, and countless flesh and blood flew everywhere...

The blood mist exploded behind Cang Haitian, creating a hazy air wave!

The wrestling match is over!

Cang Haitian... was defeated!

His chest was directly crushed and pierced by Fang Che's True Demon Spear!

How...is this possible? !

Cang Haitian flew backwards and hit the ground hard. He shot backwards on the ground, and the ground plowed by his back piled up thick hills.

He is a demon spirit!

The demon spirit race is known for its strong physical body. Although it is not the strongest race, he can use the True Demon body. His flesh and blood are so tough that even the dragon blood race's genius may not be able to defeat him!

But he was defeated in the collision with the Blue Star monk!

The True Demon Spear that he held pierced his chest...

Cang Haitian's mind was a little fuzzy at the moment, but after the fuzziness, he suddenly woke up with a start, the dark demonic energy rolled, and the broken flesh and blood in his chest began to wriggle and recover quickly!

It was a defeat, but he couldn't die yet!

Cang Haitian's scarlet eyes were shining brightly, and he had to change his thinking to fight Fang Che.

If the flesh can't fight, then change the spell!

He raised his hand, wanting to grab back the True Demon Spear that belonged to him, but when he pulled it, he actually grabbed nothing, and the call that the spiritual consciousness overflowed was not responded to!

What happened? !

Cang Haitian was startled, his body stood up steadily, and when he looked up, he saw a scene that made his eyes burst.

Fang Che, who was full of demonic nature, grasped the True Demon Spear belonging to Cang Haitian. The True Demon Spear was surprisingly docile, and strands of demonic energy entangled and blended along Fang Che's arm.

As if...

This True Demon Spear had found a better master than Cang Haitian.

Fang Che raised his head, and stared at Cang Haitian with eyes as cold as icebergs.

"It... seems to like me a little bit."

Fang Che said.

There was no emotion, just a cold statement of a fact.

However, Cang Haitian felt as if a big hole was cut out of his heart.

It was heartbreaking!

"That's my True Demon Spear!"

A low roar exploded from Cang Haitian's mouth. It was a symbol of the pride of the Demon Spirit Clan. How could it be... mastered by a Blue Star cultivator!

Cang Haitian knew how powerful Fang Che was at the physical level.

At the physical level, he was defeated.

Therefore, Cang Haitian was unwilling to continue to clash with Fang Che at the physical level. He wanted to change a way.

He opened his arms suddenly.

Countless demonic energy surged, and he was about to cast the magic of the demon spirit clan.


He just opened his arms and felt a bone-chilling chill.

But Fang Che, who was holding the True Demon Spear and standing in place, disappeared.

And the air in front of him was twisted fiercely.

When he thought of something...

Fang Che had already appeared above his head like a ghost, and a palm was suspended on his crown at some point, pressing down lightly.

Cang Haitian's towering body fell to the ground in an instant!

Boom! ! ! !

It was as if Fang Che had pressed his head and body into the ground fiercely.


A terrifying shock wave broke out instantly, starting from the center of the two people, and the ground within a kilometer around them exploded, hot air steamed, plates broke into pieces, and broken soil and rocks shot into the sky, flying wildly!

It was as if a terrifying giant had stomped his foot hard on the muddy ground.

"Return the spell..."

"Do you have time to cast the spell?"

The dust rolled, forming a mushroom cloud that surged into the sky.

The vibrations of the earth shook again and again, and it was the terrifying sound of punches falling one after another.

After a long time.

There was a cold voice that resounded from the dust.

Casting a spell... That must be done in time.

The world was silent.

In the distance.

Yu Jihao of the Holy Feather Clan and Zhuang Sheng of the Divine Pattern Clan, who were standing in the air, were only left with violent gasps, and their whole bodies were shaking slightly.

Such a sudden change in the situation made their brains a little out of order.

A terrifying strong wind swept and tore through the smoke and dust.

A deep pit with a diameter of one kilometer appeared in the field.

In the center of the deep pit, there was another deep pit with a diameter of ten meters. The shattered and exploded spirit stone fragments were filled with twisted spiritual energy.

Fang Che slowly stood up from the pit.

In the deep pit, the genius of the Demon Spirit Clan, Cang Haitian, who ranked second on the preliminary list, fell into the pit, his arms and legs twisted, his bones broken...

A deep pit opened up in his chest, his eyes showed fear, his hair was disheveled, and it lay inside like mud.


Cang Haitian's voice was extremely hoarse, and his eyes were fixed on Fang Che, as if fear was spreading bit by bit.

He is a half-step golden elixir level, and as a genius of the Demon Spirit Clan...


It was a complete failure.

And the consequences of failure.

It's death.

For Yu Jihao and Zhuang Sheng, the impact of such a scene was too strong.

Both of them seemed to have difficulty breathing.

Looking at Cang Haitian's current state, the two even had incredible thoughts in their minds.

Cang Haitian... isn't going to die?

To be beaten by this fifth-level foundation-building monk from Blue Star...

Was he killed?

Second in the preliminary list...

Is it going to change ownership? !

It seems to be to confirm their thoughts.

Fang Che stood tall and cold as an iceberg, with Taotao's demonic shadow reflected behind him.

Raising his hand, he grasped Cang Haitian's True Demon Spear...

Slowly raising it, the tip of the spear, as sharp as a steel needle, shimmered like starlight and was aimed at Cang Haitian's head.

Move slowly.

Aiming at Cang Haitian's extremely wide eyes, aiming at the scarlet pupils...

Stab down.

Cang Haitian's throat rolled, and the next moment, he finally couldn't help but make a crashing sound.


boom! ! !

Along with Cang Haitian's head, it exploded into pieces under a spear.

The sound of collapse suddenly...


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