Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 249: He was studying hard even though he was trapped in a killing spree? (1/2)

[The Will to Traps: Trapped in a formation, the killing spirit and fighting spirit will be comprehensively improved, and there will be a chance to use the power of the formation for your own benefit]

The introduction of this magical power on the panel flashed before Fang Che's eyes.

Strictly speaking, this is just the prototype of the magical power, not the real magical power.

Trapped in a formation, the killing spirit and fighting spirit will be comprehensively improved!

This is the difference brought by this magical power.

This magical power is very different from the magical power that Fang Che has awakened before. It requires the help of external forces, that is, "trapped in a formation".

There is a prerequisite.

Like climbing a building, sword fairy state, etc., these passive conditions are not required, Fang Che only needs to choose to trigger it.

Therefore, Fang Che usually has a hard time trying this magical power, and it is difficult to train and familiarize himself with it.

Therefore, Fang Che was ecstatic about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he could diligently practice this magical power and master it!


The formation rotated with a click, like a mechanical clockwork. As it turned, it crushed the air and twisted the void.

For Zhuang Sheng, Yu Jihao and other strong men who had reached the ninth level of foundation building, the distance of several kilometers was not a distance at all. They could easily cross it in one go.


Zhuang Sheng's eyes turned completely milky white, and divine patterns flashed in his eyes and merged into the formation.

Even though Fang Che and Cang Haitian had experienced a difficult battle, Zhuang Sheng and Yu Jihao did not dare to relax at all.

Because they knew very well that Fang Che was extremely powerful to be able to kill Cang Haitian. Even if his state slipped at this moment, he still had the possibility of killing them.

The reason why the two fought was to fight for a chance.

If they could kill Fang Che, the majestic and arrogant aura that Fang Che had at the moment, which ranked second in the pre-list, might be divided up by them.

And then it would bring a breakthrough in the level of perception!

For them, it was of great significance.

What is the biggest opportunity in the genius battlefield?

In addition to the inheritance of the mysterious ancient immortal cultivator buried in the fragments of the No. 10 Immortal Gate Continent, there is the pride of heaven!

The pride of heaven is the breath that can transform and improve the spiritual roots of cultivators!

It is better than many natural treasures!

You know, the spiritual roots are the foundation of a cultivator!

"Kill! Must kill him!"

Zhuang Sheng tried his best, and he used all his strength as soon as he made a move. His magical powers were used, and every divine pattern was drawn out by him.

On the other side, Yu Jihao also tried his best.

Thousand Feathers Phantom Kill, as Yu Jihao's trump card killer move, was smashed out as soon as he made a move!

He was thinking of killing Fang Che quickly before he recovered!

The attacks of the two came across.

They even formed a fusion in the void!

Zhuang Sheng's formation actually merged and swallowed the "Thousand Feathers Phantom Kill" performed by Yu Jihao bit by bit!

In the formation, such a terrifying killing move broke out again!

Each feather covered with holiness seemed to have turned into the most sonorous and sharpest sword light!

Cut everything and shatter the air!


In just a moment, Fang Che's position was completely engulfed, and a terrifying explosion occurred, with smoke and dust rolling into the sky like a mushroom cloud.

The entire area, in an instant, was completely transformed into a forbidden area.

The combined means of the two, at this moment, almost rivaled the strongest killing that Cang Haitian had erupted!

Yu Jihao and Zhuang Sheng were suspended in the air, both of them gasping for breath.

Staring at Fang Che who was swallowed by the attack.

Neither of them dared to be careless in their eyes, staring at the ruins.

The smoke and dust rolled, covering everything, and they didn't know what the situation was inside.

But Zhuang Sheng's eyes flashed with brilliance.

"He is too arrogant..."

"Even if he was exhausted, he still had the ability to avoid our joint killing... But he didn't even try to dodge, and directly endured our attack."

"That is the killing array of my Shenwen clan. If you fall into the killing array, it is difficult to break out easily, and you will definitely have to pay a huge price!"

Zhuang Sheng said in a deep voice, with the corners of his lips raised, as if he saw Fang Che being strangled in the killing array, bleeding.

On the other side, Yu Jihao was also breathing heavily, with ecstasy on his face.

Fang Che, who was able to kill Cang Haitian, brought them too much pressure, and at this moment, after the killing move completely enveloped Fang Che, he was relieved.


The end of being arrogant is death!

He actually dared to enter the array!

He really... didn't know how to live or die!

Yu Jihao knew very well how difficult the strong men of the Shenwen clan were.

The races on the fragments of the No. 9 Xianmen Continent were actually not superior or inferior to each other. Although the Demon Spirit Clan always claimed to be the first race of the Xianmen, in fact, there was not much difference between superior and inferior.

Each major race has its own background and trump cards.

In comparison, it can be said that there is a big gap between the nine top races and the races in the fragments of the immortal gates of the other thirty-six caves and seventy-two blessed lands.

The Divine Mark Clan is a very terrifying race among them.

A natural master of formations!

Extremely terrifying!

The way of formations... is extremely profound, but the Divine Mark Clan has the spiritual sense of the way of formations!

"Dead, this Blue Star monk... is dead!"

Yu Jihao exhaled, his heart was determined.



However, the confident mood did not last too long.

Yu Jihao's eyes suddenly condensed.

The smoke and dust were torn apart by a strong hurricane, revealing the scene in the ruins.

The huge killing array was wrapped in terrifying murderous intent, covering Fang Che, circling, raging, and twisting the air.

Fang Che, who was in the array, stood in place with a burly body, and the majestic blood lingered around him.

Let the array rage on his body, the terrifying cutting power of Qianyu Huansha, like a thousand sword lights constantly attacking Fang Che, cutting Fang Che...

But it did not bring any injuries!

Incredibly tough, like a rock!

The power of the killing array hit Fang Che's body...

It was completely unharmed!


Zhuang Sheng's eyes suddenly shrank, and his milky white pupils exuded an unprecedented disbelief!

This disbelief shocked him more than Fang Che's killing of Cang Haitian!

How could such a person exist in this world? !

He was completely unscathed in the killing array?

Even if he was a real Jindan realm, he would be scarred if he fell into his killing array!

"Could it be a third-level defensive magic weapon?"

Yu Jihao was also unbelievable. What made him so angry was that his magical power, Qianyu Huansha, fell on Fang Che's body, just like tickling.

This was still under the blessing of the killing array, and the blow to him was inexplicably great!

"Defensive magic weapon?"

"Impossible! My killing array... uses the eighteen divine patterns I have, which has the function of limiting the power of magic weapons for a short period of time!"

"He can't use a third-level magic weapon!"

Zhuang Sheng kept shaking his head, and the shock in his heart was like a tide, hitting him in a panic.

How could this be?

That was the killing array of the Divine Pattern Clan!

One of the ten great killing arrays, this Blue Star cultivator was able to survive unscathed in it!

If this scene was transmitted back to the Divine Mark Clan, Zhuang Sheng would probably become a laughing stock, a joke nailed to the pillar of shame!

Zhuang Sheng pinched his palm with his five fingers, and blood almost dripped from his milky white eyes.

His spiritual power surged suddenly.

His body floated high up, his palms suddenly clapped together, and he opened his mouth to spray a large mouthful of blood. The rich blood actually intertwined in the air to form a huge Divine Mark text.


His spiritual power, after being stimulated by this Divine Mark text, seemed to become more majestic, manipulating the killing array to reverse again!

"Give me... crush him!"

Zhuang Sheng's lips kept dripping blood, but his face became a little hideous.

At this moment, it was no longer about killing or being killed.

There was only a battle to save dignity!

Boom boom boom!!!

The powerful killing array disk made a more and more intense sound, and it suddenly reversed.

The earth was directly plowed into a huge deep pit, like a big bowl turned upside down, and a huge hole was created in the area where Fang Che was!

The divine patterns were intertwined in the array, and killing was brewing inside!

Following the operation of the array, the array was reversed again.

In this way, the killing power of the array was stimulated to the extreme!

The array…

is everywhere, at least the space around Fang Che is completely covered by the killing array!

The array is a supreme knowledge, and there are many array masters on Blue Star.

For cultivators, the array is a compulsory course, and many auxiliary arrays are of great benefit to cultivation.

Just like the Qi Gathering Array, it is because of this array that a place for cultivation can be created for the spiritually barren Blue Star, and the cultivation room can be developed and located in many immortal gates and high schools.

But Fang Che was exposed to the killing array for the first time!

Ding Ding Dang Dang!

Fang Che could feel the terrifying power contained in each killing divine pattern, which was very powerful...

Waves of pain came from his flesh and blood. If he hadn't activated the magical power [The Will to Break Through the Array], Fang Che might feel that even if he activated the Eight Desolate Demonic State and added the Burning Sky Flame Gold Transformation, he might suffer a great loss.

Maybe his flesh and blood would be blurred!

But at this moment, within the array, his state was comprehensively improved, his fighting spirit was also burning, and he even gathered the killing aura of the killing array around him.

Fang Che's spiritual consciousness moved, and this killing aura could even be used by him!

Fang Che's eyes turned red, and a kind of crazy thought kept impacting his consciousness.

It made Fang Che, who was usually calm, feel like he was going to lose his mind because of the battle!

This feeling was unique!


Fang Che grasped this feeling, bathed in this feeling, his blood and qi were boiling, and his spirit and spirit were actually improved in a different way at this moment.

"This feeling... is very special, even more special than the state of climbing a building."

"The state of climbing a building is extremely calm, and the state at this moment... is extremely crazy!"

"With the help of the murderous aura and fighting spirit of the killing array, the madness is formed!"

Fang Che stood still, allowing the power of the killing array to hit his body. All around him, a little bit of blood and qi overflowed, forming a thin layer of blood and qi gauze.

It was this blood and qi gauze that blocked Yu Jihao's Thousand Feathers Illusion Killing.

In fact, Yu Jihao's Thousand Feathers Illusion Killing had no killing power at all for him, and Fang Che did not pay any attention to it.

He only paid attention to...

this killing array.

But it is not the killing caused by the killing array itself, but the increase brought by the killing array!

"I need to remember this moment!"

"Perhaps, every time I use [The Will to Trap] in the future, I can inspire such a state!"

"In this way, at least you can use the power of this magical power even when you are not exposed to the formation!"

Fang Che's eyes flickered and his thoughts surged.

He planned to record the state of this moment with seal cutting!

"How to record it and how to engrave it?"

Fang Che glanced around, feeling the divine patterns that were constantly flashing and activating the formation's killing energy.

The corners of his lips curved slightly into a crazy arc.

That is...

Remember it with these divine patterns!

The divine pattern is exclusive to the divine pattern clan.

But Fang Che...

At this moment, there is an urge to capture these divine patterns, or to copy these divine patterns!

boom! ! !

The arrogance is completely aroused!

The talent at level 5 of the formation was stimulated to the extreme by him!

"The Eyes of King Ming!"

Fang Che opened the Eyes of the Ming King, then raised his hand: "Hand of the Talisman!"

The Eyes of King Ming, coupled with the Hand of Divine Talisman...

Fang Che plans to record these divine patterns according to the method of talismans!

As for the talisman...

Why do you need any talisman!

Use your body as a talisman!

"My body is the best talisman!"

Fang Che laughed!

boom! ! !

He raised his hand, touched the center of his eyebrows, tore open a gash, and glared at King Ming's eyes, and a majestic light suddenly burst out!

His spiritual consciousness was greatly sublimated and improved at this moment!

The spiritual consciousness of the half-step Shen Zang was shaking vaguely, as if it was about to break through the barrier and hit the real Shen Zang realm.

Of course, it's still a little bit worse...

However, Fang Che didn't care.

The purpose of stimulating his spiritual consciousness now is to completely remember and engrave the divine patterns in these killing formations!

"Isn't the ambition to trap the enemy activated only when you are actually in the killing array?"

"Then I will physically carry a killing array as a starter!"

Fang Che raised the corners of his lips!

The next moment, he began to control the energy and blood all over his body with the hand of the talisman.

Qi and blood are ink, and flesh is a talisman!

Carve the seal and kill the formation on yourself!

"He...what is he doing?!"

"Fuck! What is he doing?!"

Floating in the distance.

Zhuang Sheng tried his best to activate the killing array, but his mouth and nose were already bleeding. At this moment, his milky white pupils immediately reflected Fang Che's behavior in the killing array.

For a moment, the canthus of my eyes was so dizzy!

My mentality is almost about to burst!

As the leader of the formation, he knew very well that Fang Che was copying his divine patterns in his killing formation!

This guy……

Plan to recreate the killing array!

Learning his killing formation!

"What kind of bullshit is this?! How can he... be able to study so calmly when he is trapped in a killing array?"

"Do you like studying so much? Do you like working hard so much?!"

Zhuang Sheng's eyes were about to burst and he was furious.

When you really know what Fang Che is doing in the formation...

His anger would overflow uncontrollably.

Under the sun...

How could there be such a cultivator!

He was clearly in the midst of a mass killing, but he was still diligently learning the killing formation...

This diligence, this diligence, at this moment...

For Zhuang Sheng, it was an extremely rough slap on his face!

"I'll kill you!"

Zhuang Sheng roared.

However, after the roar, there was a feeling of powerlessness.

When the feeling of powerlessness surges...

There is also the fear that keeps spreading, spreading all over the body, and chilling to the bone!

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