Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 251: Eight-foot Pride, No. 1 on the Preliminary Ranking (1/2)

The bloody arm stagnated the twisted time and space, stretched out, grabbed Zhuang Sheng's chest, and held his collar...

At this moment, Zhuang Sheng's soul was gone, and the thoughts in his mind were completely lost in an instant.

How...how is this possible? !

This is the power of the formation of the genius battlefield!

The formation twisted between heaven and earth is difficult for even the God Transformation Venerable to invade, and dare not come easily.

Not to mention Fang Che, who has only reached the fifth level of foundation building. Even if Fang Che is a genius, it is one thing to be a monster, and it is another to grow up!


Zhuang Sheng's eyes were bloodshot, looking at the bloody arm sticking out from the twisted formation pattern, his whole body was shrouded in coldness, and he seemed to have no strength to move a finger.

How could there be such a monster in this world?

It can actually resist the time and space formation of the genius battlefield? !

Zhuang Sheng let out a scream of fear and despair in his throat.


The terrifying power erupted from the bloody arm that grasped his chest, and he was pulled over directly without any time to think or refuse!


The terrifying twisting force acted on Zhuang Sheng's body, and the sound of bones bursting and flesh breaking continued to resound.

Pain spread all over his body, it was the terrifying force of time and space that was like a mountain collapsing, and he didn't even have the strength to breathe.

Although it was only a short moment.

But for Zhuang Sheng, it was as if he had experienced a long time.

He was desperate, he was afraid...

It was a lingering nightmare!

When everything returned to silence.

Zhuang Sheng's body fell to the ground, and he didn't even have the strength to move a finger.

His eyes were stiff and lifeless. He could feel his vitality dissipating crazily. It was not dispersed by Fang Che, but crushed by the terrifying force of time and space.

This way of death...

It was an ending that Zhuang Sheng could not imagine.


Blood continued to flow out of Zhuang Sheng's mouth and nose.

He was a genius of the Divine Mark Clan, but even if there was a genius in the Divine Mark Clan, it would be impossible for him to contend with the power of the formation of the Genius Battlefield, right?

As if he had thought of something, Zhuang Sheng stared at Fang Che before he died.

Fang Che stood there, his whole arm was bloody and bloody, and even the bones were exposed, and the bones were covered with cracks.

Fang Che was panting heavily, but his eyes were flashing with surprise.

"The power of the formation of the Genius Battlefield..."

Fang Che had a bright smile on his lips, which was a bit...unexpected.

"I almost forgot that there is a terrifying formation covering the entire genius battlefield. This formation... is very terrifying and powerful. It is very likely to be a seventh-level or even eighth-level formation..."

"According to common sense, this cultivator of the Divine Mark Clan could have escaped long ago with the help of the twisted genius battlefield formation. I don't have the ability to bring him back."

"But at the critical moment, I turned off the killing formation Moonfall on the seal, and actively integrated the magical power of the will of the trap with this mysterious formation... So I resisted the twisted formation for a short time, and resisted the power of the twisted time and space!"

Fang Che was extremely excited, and every inch of his pores was emitting excitement and excitement.

It was a kind of power that came into contact with an unfamiliar field.

He even boldly tried to absorb the power of this formation. Of course, Fang Che paid a price for this. His entire arm almost exploded and was crushed by the power of space.

If it weren't for the help of the magical power of the will of the trap, Fang Che might have directly broken an arm and suffered the backlash of the power of space until he died.

But the result now made Fang Che too satisfied.

"You... you lunatic..."

Zhuang Sheng couldn't understand. Looking at Fang Che who was very satisfied, the vitality in his body was constantly dissipating.

Fang Che no longer paid attention to him.

Zhuang Sheng was already a dead man.

There was no value. To Fang Che, he was just an alien killed by him. He was ordinary and had no outstanding features.

The divine pattern killing array was squeezed out by him, and at the last moment, he also tasted the taste of time and space array.

It can be said that the value of Zhuang·Toolman·Sheng has exceeded Fang Che's imagination.

The smile on Fang Che's lips could not be suppressed at all, and he slowly took out a pill.

It was a very ordinary pill. For Fang Che, whose alchemy talent has reached the level 5, it is not difficult to refine a furnace of pills.

The arm was torn by the terrifying power of time and space, and there was also a terrible space force intertwined in the flesh and blood and meridians, destroying the flesh and blood cells and vitality.

Fang Che wanted to rely on his own strong body and blood power to restore his flesh and blood.

But he couldn't do it at all. He couldn't wash away the power of this space.

If he continued, his hand would be disabled sooner or later, and he would only be a one-armed monk.

This was what Fang Che didn't want.

Therefore, Fang Che could only try another way to recover from his injury.

"Hahaha... For this kind of injury, any recovery pill is useless... You... You also have to... You also have to be buried with me..."

Zhuang Sheng looked at Fang Che who was about to take the pill, and suddenly laughed hard, coughing up blood while laughing. He stared at Fang Che's arm and saw that the flesh and blood could not be reshaped and restored. He immediately understood.

While Fang Che was enduring the force of space cutting, he also had to bear the consequences.

The force that ravaged his vitality would also erode the vitality in Fang Che's flesh and blood bit by bit like a maggot on the tarsal bone, and finally devour Fang Che's entire body!

Want to use pills to recover from injuries?

Dream on!

Die with me!

"Hahaha, you have to be buried with me too..."

Zhuang Sheng was bleeding, and for a moment, death didn't seem so scary.

Fang Che looked at him calmly.

Zhuang Sheng gradually couldn't laugh anymore, and the laughter became smaller and smaller, leaving only the blood that kept coughing up.


There was no fear or despair in Fang Che's eyes?

This was the great power of the genius battlefield!

Fang Che exhaled, looked at his arm that was reflected by the white bones, and said lightly: "Magic power..."

"Immortal Pill Body!"

Boom! ! !

Fang Che bit the pill he was chewing into pieces. This ordinary pill seemed to have completely transformed at this moment, turning into a peerless elixir that could bring the dead back to life and turn flesh and bones into white!

On Fang Che's arm, a brilliant terrifying power grew and was forced out, tearing and roaring like a dragon, twisting time and space, and crushing the air!

The spatial power of the genius battlefield formation... was actually forced out by Fang Che!

In addition, there was also a majestic milky white vitality force, which grew like bamboo shoots after springing up, permeating and entwining the entire arm.

Zhuang Sheng was stunned, his mood fluctuated like a roller coaster, and the whole person could not imagine this situation at all.

He widened his eyes and stared at Fang Che.

This guy...

What kind of monster is this!

And this is also Zhuang Sheng's last thought in the world.

His vitality... was completely wiped out.

His eyes were dim and gray, without any vitality.

He died with his eyes open.

Feeling the vitality of the flesh and blood regenerating in his arms, Fang Che's eyes flashed with a strange color.

This is the first time Fang Che has used the power of the immortal pill body. This is a very special magical power, which is a magical power transformed from the alchemy talent.

As long as you take the pill, even if the flesh and blood explode, you can slowly regenerate and recover!

It is equivalent to having an immortal body!

This is Fang Che's first attempt.

I have to say, the taste... is very different.

"The immortal body... is not truly immortal."

"It is the vitality of other areas in my flesh and blood that is added to this arm, which emphasizes a balance of vitality."

"If my flesh and blood are broken, even if I can reshape it, I will fall into extreme weakness, which is a real life-and-death crisis."

"But at least it gives me a kind of tolerance, a very powerful magical power."

"Of course... This is probably because this magical power [Immortal Body] is only a magical power carried by the lv5 talent. It will definitely be improved in the future and reach a higher level and realm. Maybe it can really achieve rebirth by dripping blood... Like the ancient gods and demons, immortal and indestructible!"

An attempt made Fang Che gradually understand his magical power.

Fang Che was very happy to verify the power of the immortal body.

Of course, what made him even happier was...

Fang Che looked at the extremely gorgeous silver space power on his arm that was twisted and forced out by the vitality.

It was like a winding, restless silver dragon, roaring, twisting, struggling...

Indistinctly, it also turned into a blurred silver space array pattern!

"Is this... a ray of array power in the genius battlefield space array?"

Fang Che took a deep breath, and without paying attention to the dead Zhuang Sheng, his eyes were fixed on the silver dragon floating on his palm.

The silver dragon was struggling, constantly rushing towards the blood prison formed by Fang Che's blood, trying to break through the shackles and merge into the world...

"Don't let it escape."

Fang Che's eyes were burning. He guessed that this ray of array power that was rarely captured should be the key to his perception of this genius battlefield array!

He didn't know if anyone else had captured this array power.

Since he had captured it, he wouldn't do anything kind-hearted to release it.

Raised his hand and drew a vertical finger at the center of his eyebrows.

The next moment, the pupil of the king of light opened!

A powerful spiritual power was released. The spiritual power of the half-step Shenzang level was good for the foundation-building cultivation, but it was a bit stretched for the power of this formation.

Buzz buzz buzz...

Behind Fang Che, a phantom of a furious Ming Wang appeared.

Ming Wang stretched out his hand and grabbed the struggling silver snake, and the silver snake immediately moved.

Fang Che only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the next moment, he clearly sensed this space formation power, which was dragged into the spiritual space by the furious Ming Wang!

And in the spiritual space, the furious Ming Wang, sitting on the lotus, holding the lotus Buddha seal in his hand, stared at the power of the silver snake formation.

The power of the formation struggled slowly, and under this furious look...

The power of the struggle became weaker and weaker.


It turned into a vague and ancient text!

Fang Che could not understand this text.

But the furious Ming Wang gave him a vague feedback.


This is a word for empty!

It represents the emptiness of space!

Fang Che seemed to have some enlightenment, and there was a unique feeling in his mind. The power of the formation became obedient and quietly floated in Fang Che's spiritual space.

"Angry Ming Wang... so fierce."

Fang Che smacked his lips.

Even this powerful and unruly power of the formation was suppressed.

I am the Prince Ming, who specializes in curing those who disobey!

Fang Che opened his eyes, and the space around him had completely returned to calm, and the distorted power had disappeared.

On the ground was the body of Zhuang Sheng, who had completely lost his vitality. He stared with his eyes wide open, and he still died with his eyes open, which was extremely miserable.

And the remaining pride in his body also surged, pouring into Fang Che's body.

Boom! ! !

Fang Che's spirit and energy climbed to a peak in an instant!

"Ding! You have experienced a bloody battle and killed a late-stage foundation-building cultivator. Diligence +2000, special diligence (fighting) +2000..."

"Ding! You have experienced a bloody battle..."

The panel prompts kept appearing.

The gains from killing Yu Jihao and Zhuang Sheng began to be reflected at this moment.

However, Fang Che was not concerned about this.

His eyes fell on the token.

The Heavenly Pride Qi surged behind him, gradually forming a solid shadow that was eight feet high...

It seemed to be connected to the heaven and earth, greatly improving Fang Che's perception ability.

On the token, there was a message prompt.

"Ten wins, no losses, ten consecutive wins, first place in the preliminary list of the Heavenly Pride Ranking."

Hmm? !

Fang Che's eyes suddenly became bright!

His expression was different.

Seemed a little surprised.

"That's it?"

Fang Che narrowed his eyes. After killing Yu Jihao and Zhuang Sheng...

His ranking in the preliminary list of the Heavenly Pride Ranking actually jumped to the top.

Cang Haitian of the Demon Spirit Clan was the second in the preliminary list. After Fang Che killed him, he replaced him in the ranking and was still the second.

But after killing Yu Jihao and Zhuang Sheng, his ranking jumped to the first.

The biggest difference here is that he killed Yu Jihao and Zhuang Sheng and plundered all the Heavenly Pride Qi from them.

"So, the ranking is related to the Tianjiao Qi?"

"My Tianjiao Qi now condenses into a phantom eight feet high..."

"If I kill the former No. 1 in the preliminary list, and the rest of the third, fourth, and fifth in the preliminary list, and plunder their Tianjiao Qi, can the Tianjiao Qi exceed ten feet?"

Fang Che pondered.

"Perhaps, the distinction of ten feet of Tianjiao Qi is the difference between the preliminary list and the real Tianjiao list."

He took away some treasures from Zhuang Sheng's body. There were also many collections in the storage ring, and there were many books on formations, which were the accumulation of the Shenwen clan. Fang Che was very surprised. If these secret books were brought back to Blue Star, they would be of extraordinary value!

At this moment, Fang Che was the only one left in the entire area.

He returned to Yu Jihao's position slowly and looted his body.

After doing all this, Fang Che was refreshed to search this spiritual stone vein.

Of course, this vein is very precious, but the vein is too big. Fang Che can't dig the whole vein. He can only take the important... the spiritual source of the vein!

Locate with spiritual consciousness, and then dig!

Fang Che soon dug to the location of the spiritual source!

The extremely rich spiritual energy almost turned into liquid, emitting a colorful luster, like a viscous liquid.

Just taking a deep breath, Fang Che felt that all the meridians in his body were filled with spiritual energy.

"Good stuff! The spiritual source liquid... is really precious!"

Fang Che was satisfied and ecstatic.

He took out the storage ring and collected a large amount of spiritual source.

But the spiritual source of this entire vein is too rich, and the spiritual veins of the No. 10 Immortal Gate Fragment Continent have never been developed.

Fang Che can only collect part of it, and the rest cannot be taken away.

Fang Che is also very content, if it can't be contained, then don't put it.

Sit cross-legged directly and bathe in the spiritual source liquid.

The spirit flows all over the body.

A huge vortex formed in the Dantian.

The shadow of the Tianjiao Qi vibrated, and five big suns of the Golden Crow rose up, shining brightly and dazzlingly...

Such a suitable environment, such a rich spiritual source liquid, such a magnificent Tianjiao Qi...

The atmosphere of cultivation is set off here, how can Fang Che not be diligent?

Fang Che directly activated the Golden Crow Nine Yang Sutra...

The sixth level of foundation building...

Break it for me!

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