Eight Desolations Gods and Demons... Sixth Heaven!

After going through many trials and tribulations, Fang Che finally ushered in a huge transformation.

His body, under the repeated pressure and the impact of the recoil, became more and more tenacious. The terrifying power that made the Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list cough blood every time it vibrated became the solid power for Fang Che to cleanse his body.

With this power, he forged a terrifying body!

In the body, as if a volcano erupted, there was a constant breeding and nurturing of terrifying power, which made Fang Che's spirit and spirit undergo earth-shaking changes!

After the Sixth Heaven of Eight Desolations Gods and Demons, Fang Che also opened a new state, which was the state of mind among gods and demons.

Previously, Fang Che opened the magic state of Eight Desolations Gods and Demons, as if the ancient demon king had descended.

And the state of mind was like an ancient god standing on the top of a mountain and dancing wildly, with a kind of transcendent and ethereal etherealness.

Fang Che's body became more and more perfect and more and more extraordinary. Circles of blood and qi ripples intertwined around his body, forming a ring, like a disc symbolizing the identity of a god!


The entire city gate shook violently at this moment.

Fang Che closed his eyes and stood in place. The pressure still poured down like a waterfall, hitting his body and then exploded.

But Fang Che was no longer in a hurry. He was not in a hurry to move forward. He enjoyed and savored the power after the transformation.

Sixth Heaven...

Fang Che did not expect that he would break through in this way.

After all, he was still having a headache about breaking through the fifth heaven of the Eight Desolate Explosion.

From the fourth heaven to the fifth heaven, Fang Che spent a lot of time, and it was after he arrived at the genius battlefield and met the powerful enemy Cang Haitian of the Demon Spirit Clan. Under the pressure given by Cang Haitian, he finally broke through to the fifth heaven with difficulty...

Now, he actually broke through in a test!

The battlefield of geniuses...it's really a good place!

A smile appeared on the corner of Fang Che's lips.

He restrained his expression.

Fang Che slowly opened his eyes, and the depths of his pupils were very deep and warm.

He looked at the road that still existed in the distance. He was still in the test of Wandao Sect, and had not yet completed the test, and had not yet walked to the mysterious strong man.


"The tempering is not over yet!"

Fang Che's smile became more and more intense.

This wonderful opportunity to temper his body, Fang Che really didn't want to waste any time.

He took out another Eight Desolate Body Tempering Pill and stuffed it into his mouth. His upper and lower lips and teeth bit together, and the pill exploded. Fang Che's eyes were bright, and he continued to move forward!

Boom! ! ! !

The terrifying recoil force hit him.

Fang Che was so happy that his bones were almost crispy.

How could it be so happy? !

While Fang Che was immersed in the pain and the comfort of tempering his body…

In the passage, a genius was almost shattered by the recoil force.

With a curse, this genius opened the Jindan realm when his body was about to explode…

And then…

Nothing happened.

This genius who opened the Jindan realm…

was directly crushed into a blood mist by the endless pressure, and even the Jindan was crushed and exploded into dust.

He couldn't die any more…

The shrill consciousness soared into the sky, full of resentment, as if he couldn't believe that he died like this, died here.

He just opened the Jindan realm!

However, no one knew the situation of this genius who died silently.

Because everyone was moving forward in the passage, they could only see the road ahead of them and the mysterious existence waving at them.

And the situation of others could not be seen at all.

However, everyone felt the recoil force. The prodigies on the Tianjiao list only thought that the recoil force was a test from the Wandao Sect ruins.

They did not know that this vibration force... was actually caused by Fang Che.

Almost every prodigy on the Tianjiao list was affected.

Even Cang Lei of the Demon Spirit Clan, a powerful man ranked 30th on the Tianjiao list with an extremely strong body, felt a little affected.

It was mainly this vibration, combined with the pressure that spread out from the channel, which suddenly increased the power of the vibration.

However, all the people present were powerful people on the Tianjiao list. Unless they were really inferior people, they could tolerate the influence of this pressure.

Cang Lei put his hands behind his back, his body was covered with magic patterns, and his demonic energy was surging. He walked forward with his head held high and his scarlet eyes extremely bright.

He was like a demon king overlooking the world, with an unruly smile on his lips, and walked forward step by step.

Although the pressure was getting stronger and stronger, he was still calm.

He had already walked thirty-six steps.

Although he could no longer move forward without stopping like at the beginning, even if there was a stagnation, it would not affect him too much, just a slight pause.

No problem, for him, the current pressure was not a pressure.

And Cang Lei was about to see the mysterious strong man waving at him.


Keep moving forward!

After walking fifty steps, Cang Lei frowned, because the pressure in the passage suddenly rose, making his steps more and more difficult.

"I am the pride of the demon spirit clan, a mere pressure... How can it block my way forward?"

Cang Lei smiled coldly, and confidence surged out of his chest like a flood.

Looking up, he let out a long howl, and his long black hair flew up!

On his body, the demonic energy condensed again, turning into countless demonic dragons, which whipped around him at high speed, isolating all the pressure from outside.

His steps became vigorous and fast again.

Yun Fei's brilliant golden hair seemed to be covered with a thin layer of golden mist.

She couldn't rely on her body to resist and break the pressure like Fang Che and Cang Lei, she used her spiritual consciousness to open the way!

Her eyes turned into brilliant gold, and even the whites and pupils of her eyes showed a gilded luster.

An extremely powerful wave swept from her body, forming a swirling storm, which distorted the surrounding pressure and fought against it.

Distorting the pressure, Yun Fei can move forward.

This is her way to fight the pressure.

There is no rule that you must use your body to fight the pressure.

Yun Fei's method is also within the rules.

The slender legs fell gently, Yun Fei's sleeves fluttered, and her golden hair danced like a cape.

Her speed was also very fast, and her steps did not stop.

Unknowingly, she had reached seventy steps!



The White Demon Clan, the Dragon Blood Clan, the Holy Feather Clan, etc. ...

The foreign geniuses from the fragments of the major origin immortal gates showed their magical powers, and the losers were still a minority after all.

Cang Lei took a step down.

His eyes were instantly clear, and the sight of the passage, which was originally only in his eyes, became clear.

He looked around and saw the mysterious strong man wrapped in a hooded black robe.

Even standing so close, Cang Lei still couldn't see the face of this person under the hood.

It seemed that under the hood, there was endless darkness and swallowing!

After taking a closer look, Cang Lei felt that his soul was about to be swallowed up, his heart tightened, and he looked away with a bit of horror.

At this time, Cang Lei looked around.

Sure enough, he didn't see anyone else. Obviously, he was the first to arrive at the mysterious strong man.

He is... the first person!

He perfectly achieved the first place in the first test of the Wandao Sect Ruins!

He looked at the others.

At this time, he could already see the distance that the others had walked.

The one closest to him was undoubtedly Yun Fei, who was ranked 36th on the Tianjiao list, only six places away from him.

Further behind him were Bai Lian of the White Demon Clan and Ao Kuang of the Dragon Blood Clan.

Bai Lian ranked 42nd on the Tianjiao list, and Ao Kuang ranked 49th on the Tianjiao list. They were the remaining two Tianjiao list top 50 of the 36 Tianjiao list winners who appeared in the Ruins Assessment after receiving the Wandao Order.

The rest of the Tianjiao were all outside the top 50 of the Tianjiao list.

In fact, the gap between each ranking on the Tianjiao list was not too big, and every tenth place was a big hurdle!

Cang Lei looked at the other two companions of the Demon Spirit Clan, Cang Yu, who was ranked 79th on the Tianjiao list, and Cang Yuan, who was ranked 93rd on the Tianjiao list.

Cang Lei shook his head. The two were still far from passing the level.

It will take at least some time, and I think I will be left behind.

Suddenly, Cang Lei narrowed his eyes, because he found that there were fewer people.

A Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list fell!

It should be the one ranked 97th on the Tianjiao list.

"This passage test... still has a mortality rate?"

"Just walk well, and it will trigger the risk of death? As expected, the guy at the bottom of the Tianjiao list... died unjustly."

Cang Lei just sneered and didn't care.


Cang Lei thought of something, and his eyes moved and fell on Fang Che, the Blue Star cultivator who took the first step and walked onto the passage.

He almost couldn't help laughing when he saw it.


This Blue Star cultivator who was only at the sixth level of foundation building...

As expected, he was at the bottom.

Although he was the first to reach the passage, he was now the slowest one.

"He is really a sensationalist."

The sarcasm in Cang Lei's heart became more and more intense.

The relationship between the Demon Spirit Clan and Blue Star was extremely bad, so Cang Lei had no good intentions towards the Blue Star cultivators.

If there is a chance, he will definitely kill him.

After looking at Fang Che, Cang Lei lost interest. For such an ant, looking at it for a second longer seemed to dirty his eyes.

However, just when his eyes moved away...

Cang Lei's pupils suddenly shrank!


That familiar vibration sound...

The sudden agitation resounded, deafening, and resounded throughout the entire passage.

Cang Lei was naturally familiar with this vibration. Although this vibration did not affect him too much, it made him feel annoyed for a long time.

And now, the source of this annoyance has been found.

Cang Lei's eyes moved away and fell on Fang Che again.

He found...

The vibration of this passage was not a test of the passage at all!


This Blue Star cultivator who only has the sixth level of foundation building did it!

"Isn't it funny?"

Cang Lei took a deep breath and his eyes condensed.

How could this be possible!

How could this Blue Star cultivator, who was only at the sixth level of foundation building, be affected by this test of pressure? !

It doesn't make sense!

It doesn't make sense at all!

Cang Lei stared at it intently, not moving his eyes away, and even looked more carefully.

He thought that all this was just an accident, just a coincidence.

However, when Fang Che took another step and the entire passageway shook...

Cang Lei's scarlet eyes couldn't help but narrow.

Yun Fei also walked to the side of the mysterious strong man, and the light in front of her eyes returned.

She let out a long breath, the pressure on her body cleared, and she felt unparalleled relief.

However, what made her a little helpless was that she was indeed slower than Cang Lei.

Cang Lei is worthy of being ranked thirty on the Prodigy List.

Yun Fei looked at Can Lei, but Can Lei ignored her at all and stared in one direction.

Yun Fei's blond hair was flying and her eyebrows were furrowed. She looked over subconsciously and found that Cang Lei was actually staring at Fang Che.

"This Cang Lei... why is he so interested in a monk who is on the sixth level of foundation construction? Does he want to kill Fang Che so much?"

Yun Fei frowned, a little confused and a little angry.

Cang Lei, who is at the fifth level of the Golden Core, is so narrow-minded!

Do you just like to torture food? !

Yun Fei shook her head, but she was worried about Fang Che's safety.

If Cang Lei insists on killing Fang Che...

She, Yun Fei, may not be able to survive.

for the rest of the time.

The geniuses on the genius list came to the side of the mysterious strong man one after another.

During this period, another genius was affected by the strange power of vibration and couldn't help but burst into the golden elixir field. However, as soon as the field was opened, it was obliterated...

This scene made all the geniuses shudder and feel fear in their hearts.

It turns out that to resist this pressure, you are not allowed to rely on the power of the golden elixir domain!

Once the power of the domain is revealed, will it be wiped out? !


"This is the power of rules in this ruins! Once the rules are triggered... you will suffer unprecedented disasters! Or even... be wiped out!"

Yun Fei's heart trembled and she became more solemn.

And how many rules still exist in this ruins? What other rules are there?

They don't know anything about it.

Everyone looked at the mysterious being wrapped in a black robe, and felt the chill in their hearts getting stronger.

But while there was a chill in my heart, there was also a surge of hot expectations in my heart.

Because the more dangerous the ruins are, it means that the benefits they can get will be better and exceed expectations!

Cang Lei's eyes flickered and he looked at Cang Yuan who had just walked through the passage beside him.

"Cang Yuan, take one of my moves and try it."

Cang Lei said.

No explanation.

Cang Yuan was stunned when he saw Cang Lei punch him horizontally. The terrifying punch instantly sent Cang Yuan flying, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Cang Lei's nerves suddenly became tense and he kept a close eye on the mysterious being wrapped in black robe. However, the other party did not take action.

Obviously, his attack hurt Cang Yuan and did not trigger any unknown mysterious rules.

Cang Lei just wanted to give the rules a try.

"Very good." Cang Lei smiled with satisfaction.

Cang Yuan wiped the blood from the corners of his lips with an aggrieved face: "Cang Lei, what are you doing?"

"Just trying the rules..."

Cang Lei smiled, and then his smile subsided, and he sent a message to Cang Yuan's spiritual consciousness: "Wait a minute, after that Blue Star monk walks through the passage... you will be just like what I did to you just now..."

"Of course, you also have to feel the fluctuations of the rules yourself. If killing this Blue Star monk will trigger the rules, don't kill him. Just beat him until he is breathless so that he can no longer participate in the ruins test."

"If... you won't violate the rules, then..."

"Kill him."

Cang Lei's scarlet eyes flashed with murderous intent.

He had an intuition...

This Blue Star monk with the sixth level of foundation... may be weak now, but once he grows up, he will definitely be in great danger.

Just one step he takes can cause the channel to vibrate...

This alone is enough for Cang Lei to be afraid of.

When Cang Yuan heard this, the grievance on his face immediately disappeared.

He immediately understood what Cang Lei meant.

The corners of Cang Yuan's blood-stained lips curved in a huge and cruel arc.

Cang Yuan was even a little impatient.

In the passage, only Fang Che was still walking with difficulty.

The first to set foot in the passage, but the last to finish it...

Many geniuses couldn't help but smile.

This monk on the sixth level of foundation building was not specially selected to add fun to them, right?

Wait slowly.

Finally, the monk on the sixth floor of the foundation finally completed the passage.

Arriving at the mysterious strong man wearing a hood.

And Cang Yuan, who was eager to try, the blood in his eyes instantly brightened!

It's now!

The grievances of being punched by Cang Lei were all released at this moment!

Grief will not disappear for no reason, it will only move from one place to another!

And Cang Yuan naturally chose to transfer from him to this Blue Star monk!

Feel the cruelty!

Little Blue Star monk!

boom! ! !

The demonic energy was billowing into the sky, Cang Yuan used all his strength as soon as he took action, and instantly the demonic shadow appeared beside Fang Che.

The scarlet eyes still pulled out bloody lines in the air that had not yet faded away.

A punch suddenly hit Fang Che.


After punching Cang Yuan, he suddenly felt a bad premonition.

next moment.

Then he discovered that the body of the Blue Star monk on the sixth floor of the foundation suddenly rose, reaching more than two meters in height. His muscles were densely packed like a horned dragon, full of explosive feeling and impact!

The violent blood and qi, like the huge waves of the sea, instantly washed away Cang Yuan's murderous aura.

A big hand suddenly covered Cang Yuan's face, and the five fingers pinched into his flesh and blood, and the cheek bones were full of cracks.

There was a loud bang!

Cang Yuan felt dizzy, and the back of his head hit the ground hard.

A deep pit was instantly blown out on the ground, and the cracks spread like a spider web...

Cang Yuan: "..."

Why am I always the one who gets hurt? !

Where is the little Blue Star cultivator who said he would be at the sixth level of foundation building? !

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