
In front of the city gate, there was a dead silence.

Terrifying battle fluctuations swept across, and blazing black flames rolled endlessly.

All the selected alien geniuses watched the battle that ended at a very fast speed with shocked expressions.

No one expected that the result of the battle would be like this, almost one-sided and completely overwhelming.

Feeling the vitality of Cang Yuan, the genius of the Demon Spirit Tribe, completely drying up and completely disappearing...

They couldn't help but take a breath.


He died cleanly and completely!

This situation is really too surprising!

"This is a madman, a fighting madman!"

There were foreign prodigies with twinkling eyes. They watched the battle between Fang Che and Cang Yuan, and saw the excitement Fang Che showed during the battle. It was a desire and enjoyment for the battle.

And Cang Yuan...

Fang Che didn't seem to be satisfied, and Fang Che even said that he would go all out to bring out Cang Yuan's innermost feelings to make himself feel better.

But the result was that Cang Yuan never broke out the golden elixir field until his death, which made Fang Che feel happy.

Of course, the geniuses present all know that it is not that Cang Yuan does not use the field, but because if he uses the field, he will die faster.

The rules here seem to limit the field.

Once the domain power mastered by Brother Jinda is used, he may die faster.

"In short, this Blue Star monk's combat power is enough to completely crush Cang Yuan of the Demon Spirit Clan."

"This genius of the Demon Spirit Clan, who is only ninety-three on the genius list, cannot compare to this Blue Star monk."

Someone said in a deep voice.

This world is always so realistic and always respects the strong.

Fang Che killed Cang Yuan, and it is certain that he has the fighting power of the genius, which means that Fang Che is already qualified to be on the genius list.

Therefore, no one continued to question Fang Che.

Boom boom boom!

The fire swept across the sky, and the black flame was silent, like a huge black cloud, covering the sky, releasing unparalleled oppression.

Fang Che has a burly body and possesses the power of the Sixth Heaven of Eight Desolate Gods and Demons, which belongs to the true golden elixir level. He can now be considered as a golden elixir monk at the physical level.

The only flaw is that it is not as good as the real third-level Golden Pill monks, who have the domain power that belongs to the Golden Pill monks!

"It's a pity that even until death, you are not willing to use your domain to deal with me, to compete with me... you really have a temper."

Fang Che shook his head, somewhat relieved.

The Cang Yuan with no bones left really made him feel a little unhappy.

With his strength, he should have been stronger.

"Why are you so stubborn?"

Fang Che sighed.

This generous look made his eyes widen in the distance, Cang Lei full of murderous intent, and his anger could not be contained at all.

"Didn't I tell you to stop?!"

Cang Lei said coldly, the coercion rising from his body was extremely terrifying.

However, Fang Che did feel pressure when faced with Cang Lei's pressure, but that was all, and he did not feel any worry or fear.

Fang Che looked at Cang Lei, his eyes brightening slightly.

Although Cang Yuan died, there are still Cang Lei and Cang Yu, two geniuses of the Demon Spirit Clan.

Sooner or later, Fang Che will have a chance to feel comfortable!

"Don't talk nonsense. Defeat me and suppress me. If you ask me to stop then, I will stop."

Fang Che looked at Cang Lei and said straightforwardly.

His intention was obvious. If he wanted to dominate him, he would defeat him, suppress him, and trample him under his feet. Only in this way would Fang Che surrender and choose to be dominated.

"court death!"

Cang Lei's murderous intent could not be suppressed at all, and leaked out, forming a terrible storm that surged around.

Cang Lei did not expect that Cang Yuan would die.

That is a genius who is famous on the genius list, with a third-level golden elixir cultivation level...

Although they dare not use the golden elixir field, their combat power is definitely not weak. Those who can reach the list of geniuses are all geniuses, and they all have the strength to fight across the ranks. They should not end up like this.

But Cang Lei knew that this meant that the Blue Star monk at the sixth level of foundation building in front of him was actually too powerful.

He almost killed Cang Yuan with a crushing gesture!

Fang Che narrowed his eyes and looked at the furious Cang Lei, his body, mind and blood boiling.

The terrifying pressure fell on him, making Fang Che eager to try, and his fighting spirit soared!

For Fang Che, if he can fight with a strong man like Cang Lei, even if he is seriously injured, it is actually worth it, because this is the best way for him to strengthen himself and hone himself.

Diligence is not only reflected in daily perseverance, but also in the perseverance of never shrinking back when facing a strong enemy!

"Come, your companion has been beaten to death by me, now... you have to avenge him."

"Come and beat me to death, or..."

"Beat me to death."

Fang Che stared at Cang Lei.

Cang Lei was speechless for a moment, and then he burst out in embarrassment!

boom! ! !

Cang Lei burst out with energy, but was blocked by Yun Fei.

"Cang Lei, Cang Lei, you Demon Spirit Clan are already very shameless in behaving like this, and now you plan to take the initiative to deal with Fang Che. Such a sixth-level Foundation Builder's behavior is really disgusting and disgusting."

"If you want to kill Fang Che, you must get through me first."

Yun Fei said indifferently, his body was ethereal, and holy wings of light formed by the condensation of magic power appeared behind him.

Cang Lei stared at Yun Fei. He knew that it was impossible to kill Yun Fei in a short time. The gap between the two on the Tianjiao list was not big enough for him to kill Yun Fei easily.

However, Cang Lei was very unwilling.

Originally, he asked Cang Yuan to attack Fang Che because he felt uneasy and was afraid of Fang Che.

And now, his fear of Fang Che has proved to be correct, and Fang Che's threat has come true.

However, Cang Yuan was completely defeated.

The exploration of the ruins has not yet begun, and the Demon Spirit Clan has lost a strong man. How... he is unwilling to accept this!

"What are you unwilling to accept?"

Yun Fei seemed to see Cang Lei's unwillingness and sneered.

"When you ask Cang Yuan to kill someone, you should be prepared for Cang Yuan to be killed in return. I, a Blue Star cultivator, have never been someone who is easy to bully."

The murderous intent in Cang Lei's eyes became more and more intense, and the constant agitation and impact vented around.

He finally took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and never let this anger burst out again.

Cang Yuan is dead.

Destroyed to ashes, not even a little life left.

Such a death made Cang Lei no longer think of saving Cang Yuan.

The most urgent task now is to explore the ruins.

So, this frustration can only be endured.

Another cultivator of the Demon Spirit Clan, Cang Yu, approached Cang Lei, with an extremely ugly face.

"Cang Lei, are we just going to let it go?"

Cang Yu said unwillingly.

"What else can we do?"

"This boy's physical body is unparalleled, and he has the real golden elixir combat power. At least, I can't see his upper limit now. In addition, there is Yun Fei next to him. If we really fight to the death, then do we still want to explore the ruins of Wandao Sect?"

Cang Lei took a deep breath and shook his head.

"But Cang Yuan..."

Cang Yu's face was full of frustration and discomfort. Is Cang Yu just going to die and leave it alone?

"Wait, wait until we grasp the opportunity in the ruins, and we will definitely take his life if we have a chance in the future!"

Cang Lei said in a deep voice.

Cang Yu had no choice but to do this.


Fang Che's eyes gradually dimmed, and he saw Cang Lei who suppressed his murderous intent.

I understand that the next battle should be difficult to fight again.

Although if they really fight, Fang Che is not sure that he can deal with Cang Lei, but such a battle is a real tempering.

An uncertain battle will stimulate a person's limit and foundation.

Only then can a person's upper limit be improved!

Unfortunately, there was no fight.

Since there was no fight, Fang Che was too lazy to pay attention to Cang Lei.

He raised his hand, and a pitch-black spear shot out. It was the True Demon Spear that Cang Yuan held. At this moment, this spear actually fell into Fang Che's hands.

Cang Lei and Cang Yu's eyes condensed, and once again locked on Fang Che.

That was the True Demon Spear, a third-level magic weapon of the Demon Spirit Clan, and a symbol of the pride of the Demon Spirit Clan!

But at this moment, this True Demon Spear was seized by Fang Che!

"Humph... The True Demon Spear of my True Demon Clan is also something that you, a mere Blue Star cultivator, can master?"

Seeing this, Cang Lei laughed sarcastically.

A black light flashed between his eyebrows, and he and Cang Yu took out the True Demon Spear that they held.

The two True Demon Spears burst out with fluctuations.

Buzz buzz buzz...

He began to pull the True Demon Spear belonging to Cang Yuan, trying to summon it from Fang Che's hand.

Fang Che felt the vibration of the True Demon Spear, and vaguely felt that it was leaving his palm and flying away to join other True Demon Spears.

Fang Che narrowed his eyes, did not let go, and just held Cang Yuan's True Demon Spear.

Let Cang Lei and Cang Yu summon.

The sarcasm on Cang Lei's face began to gradually freeze...


Why... can't it be recalled? !

Even if Fang Che's body was too strong, the True Demon Spear was summoned, but it turned into a stream of magic and left.

Therefore, no matter how strong the body was, it was impossible to control the True Demon Spear by brute force.

Fang Che felt the pulling force.

The True Demon Spear was vibrating, trying to turn into a magic light, but it was suppressed by Fang Che.

Or maybe it was because he was frightened by the power of the Eight Desolate True Demon Spear on Fang Che's body, and he didn't dare to transform into the light of magic power and be recalled.

Therefore, Fang Che changed his strategy and used his spiritual consciousness to pull.

Instead, he began to use the pulling force to pull the True Demon Spear in Cang Lei and Cang Yu's hands!

There was a feeling of wanting to turn the tables!

The pulling feeling became stronger and stronger.

Cang Yu's face changed drastically, and the disbelief in his eyes was extremely strong.

It was almost bursting out!

"No! Impossible!"

"He seems to be using the True Demon Spear... to summon our True Demon Spear away!"

"Fuck! This bastard!"

Cang Yu gritted his teeth, his voice trembling.

He looked at Cang Lei, as if he was puzzled.

Why was the Tianjiao certificate belonging to the Demon Spirit Clan mastered by Fang Che, and he also summoned their True Demon Spear in turn.

Cang Lei didn't know, his eyes looked deeply at Fang Che, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Cang Lei put away his True Demon Spear, and Cang Yu had no choice but to put it away as well.

"Give up. There are too many secrets in this child. Don't treat this child as an ordinary sixth-level foundation builder. Treat him as a genius on the list of geniuses."

Cang Lei said.

Cang Yu also fell silent after hearing this.

Fang Che felt a little pity. Cang Lei and Cang Yu were really decisive. Otherwise, Fang Che might have had a chance to get the two true demon spears in his hands.

"Ding! You fought a bloody battle with a foreign monk in the early stage of the Golden Core and successfully killed the opponent. You completed the first kill of the Golden Core monk. The result is +5000 Diligence, +10000 Special Diligence (Fighting Technique), and you will receive the reward [Nine Mirrors of the Domain] ]..."

Just when Fang Che put away the True Demon Spear with regret and pity.

In front of me, a panel prompt pops up.

As expected, killing Cang Yuan still inspired the panel.

After all, this is the first Jindan Realm genius that Fang Che has killed, so the reward is much richer than imagined!

Except for the extremely generous hard work and special hard work.

What surprised Fang Che was the unique reward [Nine Mirrors of the Realm]!

A very unexpected reward.

However, it made Fang Che a little excited, because as the name suggests, the nine mirrors of this domain are related to the domain.

Although Fang Che's physical body is now powerful, the Sixth Heaven of Eight Desolate Gods and Demons belongs to the true golden elixir level.

However, the growth in mana cultivation is quite slow.

Now it is only the sixth floor of the foundation.

If faced with the domain power of the Golden Core cultivator, Fang Che would feel a headache.

Therefore, the appearance of the Nine Mirrors of the Domain gave Fang Che some peace of mind, and also increased his trump card against the Golden Core Domain.

Just when Fang Che was planning to study the Nine Mirrors of the Realm.

Suddenly, I felt a hidden gaze.

That gaze came from the figure wrapped in a black robe not far from his side.

There seemed to be a pair of eyes under the hood, secretly looking at him.

Fang Che immediately put away the idea of ​​studying the nine mirrors in the field.

Subconsciously, he nodded towards the mysterious black-robed strong man. This strong man walked out of the city. He might be a terrifying living being.

The mysterious strong man seemed a little flattered, and actually... nodded back.

Fang Che: "..."

How can such a being be so polite?

No wonder.

Fang Che smiled.

But he saw that the mysterious black-robed strong man was no longer indifferent and finally started to take action.

"Children, congratulations on coming to my side and gaining the qualification to enter the city. Next, I will teach you a method."

"After you enter the city, if you want to leave the city, you need to practice your skills to the prescribed level, otherwise..."

"You will remain in the city forever."

The words of the mysterious strong man in black robes lingered in front of the city, causing the whole city to shake slightly.

The words shocked all the geniuses.

Even Fang Che, even talented people like Cang Lei and Yun Fei, their eyes shrank, horrified and solemn.

"Senior, can we choose not to learn the method and retreat?"

A white-haired genius with an extremely handsome face spoke.

However, the mysterious black-robed strongman just glanced at him.

The genius of the White Demon Tribe immediately collapsed on the ground, blood spurting out from his seven orifices.

"Those who come here can only learn."

"The only way to leave is to die."

As the words fell, the space of the entire city began to distort, and everything changed.

At this moment, the expressions of all the geniuses changed!

"No! This isn't right!"

"The Wandao Sect's ruins test shouldn't be like this!"

"Although the test will change, it cannot change so much!"

The Tianjiao present all came here to obtain the Wan Dao Order, so naturally they had first explored the secrets of the Wan Dao Sect.

Compare the situation of some geniuses who have entered the ruins of Wandao Sect before.

But they were shocked to discover that their situation...

It is completely different from the introductions left by the geniuses who once entered the ruins of Wandao Sect!

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