Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 267: Fighting to make up for one's shortcomings lv6, the prototype of supernatural powe


Fang Che's words made almost all the geniuses have this idea in their minds.

No one expected that they would stand up to protect Fang Che and protect Fang Che from Cang Lei's poisonous hands, but Fang Che would not appreciate it.

He even said provocative words to Cang Lei.

The fighting spirit surges wildly and he acts recklessly!

Even Yun Fei's face changed slightly, and she felt that Fang Che was really too arrogant, and even had the character of a lunatic.

Fang Che is only a sixth-level foundation builder. Even if his physical body has indeed crossed the barrier and possesses a golden elixir-level combat power, he still...can't be Cang Lei's opponent.

That was the genius of the Demon Spirit Clan, ranked thirty on the Genius List, and he was already the leader among the younger generation of the Demon Spirit Clan.

Maybe he has not been among the top ten, but he still has the cultivation level of the late Jindan.

Even if within this ancient city, the golden elixir domain cannot be used and most of the strength will be weakened, Fang Che cannot be so provocative.

"Fang Che... don't confront Cang Lei anymore. It's not necessary or necessary." Yun Fei couldn't help but say.

"You have comprehended the seventh level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra, which means that we need your help if we want to leave this ancient city alive!"

"All the geniuses here will not watch you die."

Yun Fei said loudly to Fang Che.

She wanted to convince Fang Che that there was no need to fight with Cang Lei.

And this is exactly what many talented people want to say. Whether it is Bai Lian from the White Demon Clan or Ao Hai from the Dragon Blood Clan, they all want to dissuade Fang Che in this way.

Cang Lei's eyes flashed with cold murderous intent.

The demonic energy in his body surged, and he stared at Fang Che coldly. He seemed not to have thought that Fang Che would dare to issue such a provocation.

He had no intention of letting Fang Che go, and planned to take advantage of the fact that the genius present had not reacted or made up his mind to help Fang Che, so he would take full action and kill Fang Che.

But he didn't expect that Fang Che's attitude would be more determined than his.

He actually didn't choose to give up or escape, but insisted on fighting him.

He insisted on challenging him, a monk at the seventh level of the Golden Core, with his sixth level of foundation building!

Even if you can't use the golden elixir field...

Does this Blue Star monk think he has a chance?

Cang Lei, who had activated his true demon body, mobilized his own energy to its strongest state. Demonic energy billowed into the sky, murderous intent burst out from his eyes, and scarlet reflected the sky.

The five-meter-tall real demon shadow behind him was constantly lowering his unique real demon mood, making him feel like a real supreme demon was born.

Fang Che stared at Cang Lei feverishly.

Give up this fight?


Fang Che would never give up such an opportunity to train himself, to squeeze his potential in battle, and to achieve sublimation in battle.

Isn’t this transformation what diligent fighting is pursuing?

This kind of battle is what Fang Che needs.

Therefore, Fang Che does not need the help of these geniuses. He wants a fair and just battle with Cang Lei.

Although he knew that Cang Lei was very strong, he knew that he might die in this battle!

However, Fang Che needs this battle!

"I just want to fight. If I just retreat like this, I won't be willing to do it."

"I will be haunted by this battle and miss you day and night. I will be in pain."

Fang Che's silver hair was flying behind his back, and with all nine doors open, he entered an almost crazy posture.

The calmness of climbing the stairs, the fighting spirit of Shenlong, and the madness of being trapped in the battle,

At this moment, he was completely in a state of martial arts madness.

He will fight to the extreme to pursue this fight.

Of course, if it was a fight to the death, his absolute sobriety while climbing the stairs would allow him to quickly pull away and not risk his death.

It was precisely because Fang Che judged that he still had the chance and possibility to win this battle that Fang Che frantically wanted to have a decisive battle.

Fang Che also understood that if Cang Lei didn't use the golden elixir field, he still had a chance of winning!

This is why Fang Che is so crazy that he still wants to fight with him!

Since there is still a glimmer of hope, why give up? !

Such a rare opportunity for a life and death battle!

Boom boom boom!

Behind Fang Che, countless silver lights burst out brilliantly, and his silver hair hung upside down. Under the demeanor of the Eight Desolations Gods and Demons, he looked like a real god coming out!

His instant action shocked everyone. He wasn't just talking, he actually took action!

Fang Che...is really planning to fight Cang Lei!

"Madman, really a madman!"

Bai Lian, Ao Hai, Cang Yu and other foreign geniuses all showed unimaginable expressions.

They couldn't understand Fang Che's thoughts.

However, he was shocked by Fang Che's courage to not be afraid of death and to take action against a truly strong man.

Yun Fei was also stunned. She did not stop Fang Che and had no time to stop him.

The distance between Fang Che and Cang Lei was too close. If a fight actually broke out, she couldn't stop it if she wanted to.

Cang Lei almost lost Fang Che's figure the moment he felt Fang Che's murderous intention.

The tyrannical consciousness swept out, but all came to nothing.

Cang Lei could only raise his hand instinctively.

boom! ! !

The fist flashed with brilliant silver light and terrifying brilliant golden light, intertwined with black flames and purple thunder, and crashed down.

It caused the air to explode and the space to collapse, revealing a huge shadow!

Cang Lei's body floats in the air, the late-stage magic power of the golden elixir is released, the true demon's body flows with magic patterns, and the true demon's phantom vibrates and roars!

His body actually started to retreat, stepping on large areas of spider web cracks.

Cang Lei's eyes narrowed, Fang Che at this moment was indeed stronger than he imagined.

"This kind of body...is like a monster."

"Blue Star, can you actually give birth to such a physical training?"

Cang Lei took a deep breath and his face became serious.

"But it's not enough. With such strength, if you want to challenge me... it's not enough!"

"I will kill you and crush every inch of your flesh."

Cang Lei said in a deep voice.

Since Fang Che plans to challenge him, he must pay the price for this challenge.

He shook his slightly numb True Demon Body arm. On a purely physical level, he was not even as good as Fang Che. However, Cang Lei's strength lies in his later cultivation of the Golden Core and the increase in True Demon Body. .

If he were an ordinary cultivator, his physical body was not as good as Fang Che's. Once he got close, it would indeed be very dangerous, but he had the body of a real demon, and he even erupted into a shadow of a real demon.

Fang Che's most powerful physical technique couldn't do anything to him.


While Cang Lei was thinking, Fang Che came to kill him again, the Dayan Shocking Dragon Flash broke out, and with the blessing of Forbidden Curse Yin, he pushed this body skill to the extreme.

Because this movement technique mainly relies on the physical body, the effect of the explosion is very powerful and conspicuous.

Almost breaking the sound barrier, Fang Che punched out horizontally and the fire lion roared!


The sound in the air was like a hydrogen balloon exploding, deafening and causing eardrums to vibrate!

Countless demonic energy spurted out from Cang Lei's body. He couldn't keep up with Fang Che's speed, so he had to stack up his real magic power to resist it.

The shadow of the real demon enveloped his body like a five-meter-high armor.

His extremely tough defense allowed him to withstand Fang Che's physical attack!

"That's it?"

Cang Lei's eyes were extremely scarlet, and shrouded in the shadow of the real demon, he was almost in a state of invincibility!


Finally, he fought back!

The real demon shadow seemed to let out a shrill scream, and waves of demonic energy visible to the naked eye spread out around him. Countless illusions fell down, as if there were countless invisible figures surrounding him howling crazily!

For a moment, Fang Che felt that his consciousness began to waver, as if he had fallen into a boundless devil's cave and was affected instantly.

The rhythm of his attack suddenly stopped, giving Cang Lei a chance to breathe and organize a counterattack!


"In the foundation-building realm, you are unparalleled!"

Cang Lei said in a deep voice, he actually felt invisible pressure from Fang Che.

A mere foundation building actually brought him such pressure!

"But, it's time to end."

"You should pay the price for your arrogance and arrogance."

Cang Lei's true demon phantom was at full fire, shaking the true demon's artistic conception and distorting the surrounding space.

Fang Che's eyes were filled with golden smoke, cold and ruthless, all nine doors were opened, and he was in an extremely calm state as he ascended the stairs.

In the distance, many talented people watching the battle held their breath.

Even they have to admit it.

At this moment, Fang Che even had the strength to defeat them. Imagine if they were in Cang Lei's position.

At this moment, he might have been suffocated by Fang Che's violent physical attacks, and finally... he was beaten to death!

However, Cang Lei’s true demon phantom is too strong!

"This is not the realm of golden elixir, but it is the power of a similar realm, the power of true meaning!"

"Fang Che...it's a little difficult."

"Although it does not use the domain, with the blessing of the true demon's true intention, Cang Lei is absolutely powerful. This is the foundation and strength of the top genius of the Demon Spirit Clan!"

"This is the power of the 'true meaning' level!"

Yun Fei shook her head. She had fought against Cang Lei and lost.

She is very aware of the power of Cang Lei, and the shadow of the true devil formed by the true devil's will is almost incomprehensible!

Unless they are both geniuses and have higher strength than Cang Lei.

Otherwise, facing the true demon phantom, even the defense cannot be broken!

Fang Che was very strong, with unparalleled physical skills. He developed his physical body to the extreme, and was so strong that even Yun Fei was frightened and shocked.

However, it is really not enough and cannot defeat Cang Lei.

"Everyone, let's get ready. Although Fang Che's emotions explode, we cannot let him die. If he is seriously injured, we will work together to save him. This is our only chance to leave this ancient city."

Yun Fei's consciousness was shaken, and she sent a message to every genius, calling them together to prepare to save Fang Che.

All the geniuses responded with consciousness and agreed.

Immediately, his consciousness tightened and he began to lock in the rare and shocking battle scene in the field!

Fang Che's silver hair was flying, and six golden crow suns rose behind him. The golden light shone everywhere, and the luster of gold and silver intertwined.

There are more purple thunders moving and black fires burning!

The real fire and thunder were all driven to the extreme by him.

This was the strongest battle that Fang Che put in all his strength. He didn't hold anything back, and he didn't dare to hold back.

Cang Lei is the strongest opponent he has ever encountered and the most difficult enemy to defeat so far.

If it weren't for the eight desolate physical skills, he became the eight desolate gods and demons, and was promoted to the sixth heaven, officially reaching the golden elixir level.

Fang Che is not even qualified to challenge Cang Lei!


Cang Lei's figure flashed quickly, and the five-meter-high True Demon phantom compressed and covered the surface of his body like a battle armor, leaving only three meters high, but with stronger strength, more flexibility and agility!

Cang Lei's eyes turned into pure black, and he almost mobilized the strength of his body under the True Demon phantom, in a kind of instinctive mobilization of his body.

It was as if the ancient True Demon was fighting!

Bang! ! !

The airflow was stirred by the aftermath of the collision between the two, and the whole ancient city was shaking, setting off a violent gust of wind, blowing the ancient city with flying sand and rocks, and the gravel was shot like bullets!

The collision between the two was frozen for half a second, and the figures disappeared at the same time!

Then, as if teleporting, accompanied by the sound of explosion, they appeared at the same time in another place in the distance, maintaining the posture of fighting!

Fists and fists blasted against each other, legs and legs slammed against each other!

The speed of the two was too fast, and they mobilized their bodies to the extreme.

Fighting fast with fast, like a dream, like the interweaving of light streams!

In the area where the two sides clashed in the ancient city, thunderous noises continued to explode, as if thunder was constantly splashing down from a height of ten thousand feet!

Boom! ! !

Fang Che's body shot out with a bang, and his legs tore the ancient ground of the ancient city into pieces and flew across, and the bricks and stones continued to crack.

He stomped his feet violently, and the bricks and stones exploded and surged into the sky, almost as if they were frozen in the air by an invisible spirit.

After he stabilized his body, he pushed hard again, and once again used the Great Evolution Dragon Flash, shooting out!


Blood spurted out of Fang Che's mouth. It was the trauma he suffered during the collision with Cang Lei under the terrifying oppression of the True Demon Shadow!

But the Eight Desolate God and Demon physique made him fearless and quickly recovered from his injuries!

Roar! ! !

Another round of golden crow sun rose from behind Fang Che!

Under the pressure of Cang Lei's violent storms and raging waves, Fang Che was under tremendous pressure, and his spirit and energy were undergoing a great transformation!

Even though he was suppressed and beaten, he had no intention of giving up!

The foundation-building mana was boiling and shaking, and the Jinwu Jiuyang Sutra was urged to the extreme. Countless spiritual energy from heaven and earth rushed in, which made his cultivation level break through again.

Reached the seventh level of foundation-building!

During this period of time, Fang Che was concentrating on the cultivation and comprehension of the Wandao Sutra, and did not focus on the cultivation of his own Jinwu Jiuyang Sutra.

A long time has passed, but his cultivation level has not broken through.

However, the actual foundation is still there. At this moment, Fang Che broke through in the battle.

However, this level of breakthrough is not enough.

From the sixth level of foundation-building to the seventh level of foundation-building...

Although it is a leap from the middle stage of foundation-building to the late stage of foundation-building, this kind of improvement is basically not much different for Cang Lei in the late stage of Jindan.

Cang Lei also discovered this. The offensive of the battle became more and more terrifying. The mana of the seventh level of the golden elixir was constantly mobilized, the demonic energy was overwhelming, and the true demon phantom was condensed to the extreme.

Every killing was more and more terrifying!

Fang Che was knocked away again and again, and the blood in his body surged like a tide, the ground was full of gravel, and the houses in the ancient city were broken!

Cang Lei was too powerful. With the true demon phantom as armor, his strength and speed exceeded Fang Che who had all nine gates open at this moment!

Even at the level of his proud physical body, he could not get any advantage and was constantly suppressed.

The Eight Desolate Gods and Demons physical skills broke out, but they were still suppressed.

And the help of the true fire, thunder evil and other wonders of heaven and earth could not help much.

Even if the dragon blood of the Burning Sky Flame Golden Dragon was fully stimulated and the power of this third-level high-quality dragon blood was mobilized, it was still not enough.

After all, this was just a kind of dragon blood, not the advent of the real Burning Sky Flame Golden Dragon!

Fang Che fought to the point of madness, and pushed the tower to the extreme, and his consciousness seemed to be sublimated!

Fortunately, with the help of the seventh level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra, he was able to use all his magical powers so unscrupulously, reducing the load on his body to the minimum!

Facing the attack of the Cang Lei Demon Spirit's spells, and the suppression of the power and combat skills of the True Demon Armor, Fang Che could only entrust the battle to his fighting instinct.

Relying on the subtle changes in the air flow of the flesh to the explosive force, and the deduction of the battle situation by the Eye of the King of Lightning, he barely maintained the situation and did not present a unilateral defeat!

In such a battle, Fang Che felt more and more hearty.

His blood was boiling, and his fighting spirit was getting stronger!

Fang Che felt that his understanding of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra was getting deeper and deeper, and the integration and use of each kind of power had reached a superb level!

Even in the process of fighting, he completely controlled the power of the nine magical powers.

Under the membrane, it seemed that golden blood was flowing, and hot air was gushing out of every pore, forming a kind of protective energy similar to Gangqi.

In addition, he was now controlling the black meteorite black flame and the purple Great Wilderness Purple Thunder Evil, as if thunder and fire were intertwined, just like the God King in ancient mythology who was famous for his strength and beauty. Every inch of flesh and blood was entangled with the power to destroy the world!

Boom! ! !

Fang Che suddenly seemed to have a blessing in his heart. Silver and gold, black and purple intertwined, and he teleported.

He opened his arms, and the whole person was like a rising sun!

The bright sun crossed the sky.

The ultimate move, seeing me is like seeing a god!

The ultimate move, ascending to godhood!

The extremely brilliant light instantly vented down.

The blue thunder covered the three-meter-high True Demon Armor, squinted his eyes, and felt a slight threat.

He crossed his arms and was instantly swallowed by the endless light!

Countless explosive energy was vented in the endless brilliance covering the heaven and earth.

Cang Lei could only feel that the neck, ribs, lower abdomen, arms, etc. of his True Demon Armor had all been subjected to numerous indiscriminate bombardments!


It's like a machine gun that continuously attacks and sweeps across!

The world seemed to have become dead silent at this moment.

In the distance, Yun Fei, Bai Lian, Ao Hai and other geniuses all stared with wide eyes, extremely shocked.

I didn't expect that the battle between Fang Che and Cang Lei could reach this level, be so intense and... beautiful!

This is the real battle of geniuses at the top of the genius list!


All the light dissipated.

Everything is calm.

Fang Che was suspended in the air, his silver hair flying, and his energy and blood beating like a tidal wave.

His eyes, filled with light golden smoke, landed on the bombed center...

There, all the smoke and dust dispersed.

Revealing a burly and dark figure, the demonic aura is overwhelming...

On Cang Lei's crossed arms, the real demon armor was covered with cracks like porcelain, and there were even broken fragments of solidified demon energy, falling down...

But that's all.

Cang Lei's magic power surged, and the True Demon Armor recovered again.

He looked at Fang Che indifferently, his dark jade-like eyes showing the utmost coldness.

"it's over."

Cang Lei said.

He knew that Fang Che was at the end of his game and had no trump card.

Since he had no trump card, Fang Che could just die.

Cang Lei twisted his neck, and a terrifying roar vibrated, rolling and exploding like thunder.

far away.

Yun Fei, Bai Lian, Ao Hai and other geniuses exhaled, knowing that Fang Che had reached his limit and that if he continued to fight, he might really be killed by Cang Lei.

Therefore, they burst out their aura and magic power, eager to try to stop Cang Lei.


They haven't made any move yet.

Fang Che's suspended posture fell down, and his feet stepped on the ground where the ancient city had long been reduced to ruins.

He let out a breath.

He slowly closed his eyes.

In front of my eyes, a light curtain emerged.

[Fighting (lv5:99999/100000)]

"Expand your hard work! Use your fighting skills... to make up for your weakness!"

Fang Che opened his eyes, and the golden smoke seemed to be blown sideways by a breeze.

During this period, Fang Che earned a lot of hard work. He had already tried to upgrade his fighting talent from lv5 to lv6.

However, after the fighting talent level 5 and Qineng increased to 99999, it got stuck.

Lack of an opportunity.

Even if Fang Che keeps adding hard work to make up for his poor talent.

But the little bit of hard work that was missing was like a bottomless pit, and all the hard work and energy that went into it failed to complete the transformation.

One by one, it's like escaping.

The transformation from lv5 to lv6 requires Fang Che to constantly make up for his shortcomings with diligence!

It requires a persistent state of mind!

Fang Che knew that in addition to this, there was still a lack of quantitative changes that would lead to qualitative changes due to diligence!

An opportunity was needed, and this opportunity came from his battle with Cang Lei.

Under desperate circumstances, don’t give up!

What a blessing it is to the transformation beneath the soul!

This is the most important opportunity!

"Ding! Diligence has been completed, and the fighting talent level 5 has been raised to level 6..."

In front of me, a panel prompt pops up.

The next moment, Fang Che felt an earth-shaking change taking place in his body!

Countless golden brilliance spreads from the pores and from the flesh and blood like mist!

[Fighting (lv6:0/1000000)]

[The prototype of magical power (climbing a building) → magical power (climbing an immortal)]

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