Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 280 Platinum Treasure Box and Perfect Attendance Award (1/2)

Fang Che smiled with satisfaction when he heard what the principal Gao Jiuguang said.

This was the benefit he wanted.

His biggest purpose in returning to Xiaju University this time was to replace some of his own resources.

Otherwise, he would not bother to return to Xiaju University. Isn't the battlefield of geniuses good?

He could fight with the geniuses of other races anytime and anywhere, possessed extremely rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and had treasures of heaven and earth hidden somewhere unknown...

It could fully satisfy his diligence and fully demonstrate his perseverance.

Whether it was fighting, searching, or practicing to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth...

What a wonderful place it was.

From any perspective, it was a place more suitable for him than Xiaju University.

Gao Jiuguang and Zhao Huaiming, the director of academic affairs of the hidden old Yinbi, left Fang Che's residence.

Fang Che exhaled, his eyes slightly condensed.

"A battle of 100 races' geniuses... to compete for the chance of the Holy Land?"

"It seems that there is another place where I can work hard."

"But, I am not good enough now."

Fang Che is very clear about his situation. Although he gained a lot in the ruins of the Wandao Sect this time, even his spiritual roots have transformed into immortal spiritual roots and obtained the Wandao Holy Body.

However, these changes are all his foundations, and have not yet been transformed into his strength.

"I really can't slack off. In the battle of geniuses, I will definitely encounter those geniuses at the top of the genius list. People like Cang Xingyu are simply not what I can fight now."

"The third realm of the field, what a high level of understanding!"

"If I fight him now, I am afraid that I will be killed in one move."

Fang Che was thoughtful. After thinking about it, he suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

Fang Che first changed into a clean and tidy set of clothes, and then went to the bathroom to wash his palms very carefully with soap, not leaving out every part of the skin.

After doing all this, he returned to the bed and sat cross-legged.

With a thought, he began to prepare to sort out and collect the gains of this trip.

Of course, the biggest gain is...

[Ding! You have reached the Tianjiao list of the Immortal Fragment Battlefield within one year under the condition that your diligence attitude is questioned and provoked, and you have obtained the platinum treasure chest reward]

The panel prompt popped up.

In fact, after Fang Che left the Wandao Ancient City and accumulated Tianjiao Qi, the panel received a prompt.

However, he has never opened the platinum treasure chest.

Because he plans to take a bath, change clothes, and wash his hands before opening the box.

This is a platinum treasure chest, the highest quality treasure chest he has encountered so far. Burning incense and bathing, washing hands with a golden basin, is the greatest respect for opening a platinum treasure chest!

"Open the platinum treasure chest!"

Fang Che suppressed his excitement and silently said in his heart!

In an instant, there was a brilliant treasure chest bursting out, showing a platinum color, as if it was falling from a height of thousands of feet, like the aurora at the end of the world.

Slowly, the light disappeared, and Fang Che finally saw the reward for opening it.

"The platinum treasure chest is opened. Congratulations on getting [Diligent Black Room], Special Diligence (Random) +30,000, Fourth-level Growth Weapon [Heavenly Wrath Halberd], Top-grade Soul-enhancing Pill +10..."

The light gradually faded, but Fang Che felt a trance, and finally saw the dazzling rewards in front of him.

Very generous, very generous...

With his pupils turning, Fang Che's eyes first fell on the fourth-level growth weapon [Heavenly Wrath Halberd].

The halberd...ah!

Fang Che's eyes suddenly lit up. He practiced the physical art of the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons. Now his body is unparalleled and his strength is extremely terrifying. For him, weapons such as swords are not unusable, but they are not very convenient.

The Eight Desolate True Demon Spear is not bad, but for him, it is not suitable for the body of the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons.

No, it's too light.

The halberd... is unparalleled in dominance, sweeping across and invincible, and it feels refreshing when wielding it.

Isn't it just right for this master of physical arts?

His mind moved.


The brilliant and fierce humming sounded in the residence, and the wind whistled, and the surging mana waves impacted every corner of the house.

Fang Che's hair was flying, and his clothes were tightly attached to his body.

He looked at the halberd that was flashing with azure light and suspended horizontally in front of him.

The halberd was black all over, and it was a long-handled halberd. The halberd head was in the style of Fang Tian Huaji. On the handle, there were patterns of dragons and phoenixes entwined, and under the halberd blade, the words "Heaven's Wrath" were written in extremely simple characters, similar to ancient seal characters.

The extremely powerful aura continued to permeate and surge out from it.

"Good halberd!"

Fang Che's eyes were bright.

He stretched out his hand and grasped it.

The blood in his body instantly surged out, roaring in his meridians.

This halberd is very heavy. If Fang Che does not open the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons, he will feel that it is a bit difficult to hold it!

"Fourth-level famous weapon... Famous weapon is the top one among the fourth-level magic weapons, and it must be named!"

"The name of the halberd is Tiannu!"

"What a great Tiannu halberd!"

Fang Che was overjoyed and couldn't let it go.

After playing with it for a while, he carried the Tiannu halberd on his back without putting it away.

As a person who has upgraded his weapon casting talent to lv4, he also has some understanding of magic weapons.

The so-called famous weapon is at least fourth-level, and it needs to be the best among the fourth-level to be called a famous weapon. A magic weapon with a unique name is a famous weapon.

"Well... speaking of weapon-making, I can try to raise my weapon-making talent to level 5 and awaken the prototype of a magical power."

Fang Che was thoughtful.

Nowadays, he has a lot of diligence and energy, and it doesn't take much effort to raise his weapon-making talent to level 5.

Host: Fang Che

Talent: Hard work can make up for weakness

Age: 15

Cultivation: Eighth level of foundation building

Diligence: 62400, special diligence (random) +30000

Props: God-binding sandbag (second level), Blazing Yang Cauldron (third level), Blazing Dragon Abyss (third level growth), Bahuang True Demon Spear (fourth level mid-level), Heavenly Wrath Halberd (fourth level famous weapon)

Replenishing clumsiness: Items that can be used to replenish clumsiness are [Spiritual Root], [Spiritual Sense], [Alchemy], [Talk], [Formation], [Forging], [Puppet], [Fighting Technique],

Perfect Attendance Award: Available

Comment: In addition to spiritual roots, you are not even a golden elixir. How can you still sleep?

In front of me, a long-lost panel appeared.

A smile appeared on Fang Che's lips, and his eyes fell on the Qineng column, although he had consumed it once before.

But within Wandao Ancient City, he killed Cang Lei and so many foreign geniuses, coupled with the hard training and enlightenment in Wandao Pond, he suddenly gained a lot of diligence.

It can be a great addition.

Fang Che's eyes were attracted by another column.

"Perfect Attendance Award……"

Fang Che touched his chin and tilted his mouth.

I haven’t received a perfect attendance award for a long time, because the rewards I received recently were so generous that I suddenly forgot about it.


Fang Che's mind moved and he received the perfect attendance award that had been on hold for a long time.

"Ding! It has been detected that you have not received the perfect attendance treasure box for two months, and you have been diligent within two months. The treasure chest reward upgrade is enabled."

A panel prompt appears.

Fang Che was slightly startled.

"This... perfect attendance award can still be played like this? The longer it is kept, the more mellow it will be, right?"

Fang Che's face looked slightly strange.

Instead, a new way of playing has been devised.

Of course, there are risks in playing this way, that is, you must maintain diligent practice every day. Once you slack off one day, the upgrade of the perfect attendance award will be in vain.

"If the perfect attendance award is saved for a year, the perfect attendance award for the full year should be more generous... Let's first see how the quality of the perfect attendance award is after two months of saving."

"Turn on!"

Suddenly, the familiar feeling of fluctuations of spiritual consciousness turbulent in my mind, as if a string was gently plucked, and a special light effect flickered in front of my eyes...

"Congratulations on obtaining the unique magic spell "Sea-Splitting Dragon Whale"."

The lights in front of his eyes flickered and intertwined. Slowly, the light fell silent, and majestic information poured into Fang Che's mind crazily.

Roar! ! !

Inside the house, a deafening dragon whale roar suddenly resounded, as if the heaven and earth were about to explode, and the mountains and rivers were about to collapse.

Fang Che's eyes were illuminated, as if he saw an extremely huge, terrifying dragon whale as huge as a star. It flicked its tail violently, blasted out of the void and collapsed!


Fang Che let out a long breath, his eyes showing shock!

"This spell... is so powerful!"

"Split the sea... What did your mother-in-law split, the sea of ​​stars?"

Excellent magic...

Never seen before.

I have been saving up for the perfect attendance award for so long, but now there is a big wave of rewards.

"The most important thing is... this spell Sea Splitting Dragon Whale is not only a spell, but can also be integrated with swordsmanship, spearmanship, hammering and other weapons! It can be used in conjunction with physical training to exert great power!"

"It can be used in both long-range and melee combat...a perfect spell!"

"The biggest flaw is that what I obtained this time is only the practice method of [Sea-Splitting Dragon Whale], and I have to practice it slowly by myself."

"Furthermore, as a top-quality spell, it must be extremely difficult to practice..."

"People who are not talented monsters cannot learn it... If I remember correctly, Blue Star doesn't seem to have top-level spells. The highest spells... seem to be only top-level ones."

At least, he really had never heard of a perfect spell.

Fang Che's eyes flickered as he began to sort out the exquisite spells he had obtained in his mind.

"Well... there are so many levels of mastery such as entry, small success, great success, perfection, and entry into the Tao. It seems that it is another method that requires diligence."

The higher your cultivation level, the more proficient you are at mastering it.


Suddenly, a brilliant light flashed in Fang Che's eyes.

He thought of the "Qinneng Little Black Room" that he got from opening the platinum treasure chest earlier.

That thing...

Can you help me practice this exquisite magic?

An idea came to Fang Che's mind.

His mind moved.

Qinneng’s Little Black Room…starts!

The next moment, Fang Che only felt a mysterious force, and his dormitory underwent earth-shaking changes at this moment.

Fang Che found himself in an extremely ancient training ground.

His current physique is powerful and his five senses are sharp. With just a glance, he can even see traces of moss drilled out of the gaps between the bricks and stones of the ancient training ground.

Very mottled, very ancient...

There was silence all around. Fang Che raised his head and could see the blue sky above.

"Little dark room..."

"What's the use?"

Fang Che frowned.

[Please choose the method you want to invest diligently in]

A line of prompts appeared in front of Fang Che's eyes.

Fang Che was startled.

Then, without any hesitation, he chose the top-notch spell "Sea-Splitting Dragon Whale".

Buzz buzz...

The entire training ground trembled slightly.

[The spell "Sea-Splitting Dragon Whale" has been entered. It is a brand new spell, but you have not yet started. Do you want to inject 1,000 points of diligence and use your diligence to open the door to practice the method? ]


Fang Che looked up and silently watched the prompts that appeared.

Is this the so-called diligence black room?

It's simply...

It smells so good!

Fang Che's diligence is now as high as tens of thousands, so he naturally doesn't care about a small 1,000 points of diligence.


Fang Che became interested and planned to give it a try.

Consume 1,000 points of diligence.

Fang Che immediately felt something different...

He found that his body began to lose control, and he began to practice this spell in the training ground according to the method of "Sea-Splitting Dragon Whale".


As if the fast-forward button was pressed, the speed of casting the spell seemed to be five times faster.

He picked up a spell, tried to cast it, and failed...

Recovered his mana, cast another spell, tried again, and failed again...



Again and again, in the training ground, Fang Che couldn't stop at all, like a machine running, constantly trying to cast the Sea-Splitting Dragon Whale.

Fang Che felt like he had turned into a machine, constantly practicing under the acceleration of time.

I don't know how long it took.


When the mana condensed into a dragon whale phantom, a terrible power seemed to be released like a tidal wave.

Fang Che's whole body shook, his movements slowed down, and the flow of time returned to normal.


The dragon whale roared, pushed away the air, swayed forward, and pressed the void!

The whole training ground shook slightly!

"What a powerful power..."

"This is the power of the top-grade spell!"

Fang Che's face changed slightly.

If this kind of spell hit him, even if he had a strong body, he would be knocked away.

After his expression changed, Fang Che's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Use diligence as fuel, burn diligence, and turn it into time to speed up cultivation in the small black room..."

"And then quickly master the method!"

What a good thing!

Although it is not a powerful magic weapon for attack.

However, it is an auxiliary tool that is extremely helpful for cultivation.

"Although it is not like the way of directly using diligence to make up for shortcomings... but it is almost the same."

This is something he had never expected.

Diligence can make up for shortcomings. Before, he could only make up for his shortcomings with talent, but now, a single spell can also be improved by using diligence.

Fang Che thought for a while.

Top-grade spells...

What about the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons?

The Eight Desolate Gods and Demons are now at the sixth level... reaching the level of divine transformation.

What about the seventh level?

Fang Che's heart moved slightly.

The small black room started again.

[The top-grade physical skill "Eight Desolate Gods and Demons" has been entered and has reached the sixth level. Do you want to inject 300,000 points of diligence to show your determination to make physical skills great? 】

Looking at the prompts that appeared on the panel.

Fang Che's whole body trembled slightly!

In his eyes, a look of extreme surprise suddenly appeared!

Supreme physical skill!

Fang Che took a deep breath. It turned out that the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons were supreme physical skills. He said... How could this physical skill be so powerful!

It can easily allow him to cross levels and kill enemies!

"No, the Eight Desolate explosion at the beginning should not be a supreme physical skill, but a high-grade physical skill."

"After the physical skill was upgraded, it was upgraded to the supreme level..."

"I just wonder if the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons can be upgraded again?"

For a moment, Fang Che was actually a little bit looking forward to it.

However, Fang Che took a look at the diligence required to upgrade the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons to the seventh level, and directly gave up the idea of ​​using the small black room to improve it.

Three hundred thousand diligence...

He can't get it together for the time being, and it will take some time to get it together.

If he kills all the alien geniuses on the genius list, maybe he can get enough.

"Anyway, I understand the intention of this panel. The small black room requires diligence, and improving one's own talents also requires diligence..."

"The panel wants me to be more diligent and work harder to obtain diligence..."

"The best spell... is like a whip, slapping me from behind, making me work harder and more diligent."

Fang Che's eyes sparkled, but he felt warm all over, as if there was a furnace burning in his abdomen, and his fighting spirit was high!

He thought that diligence was enough before, but now it seems...

Not enough, not enough at all!

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