Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 286: Golden Body of the Primordial Spirit, Sword Tripod, Demonic Spear, and Skywrath Halberd

The domain... was broken!

Tu Xinglie's face changed drastically, his eyes suddenly shrank, revealing an expression of disbelief.

That was the first-class domain he comprehended, extremely powerful. Not to mention a foundation-building, even a strong person who comprehended the first-class domain might not be able to break it!

However, that beam of light blatantly tore his Xuantu domain apart, extremely domineering!

This foundation-building...

How could it be so weird!

That's right, Tu Xinglie used weird to describe Fang Che. There were too many and too weird methods, too many unexpected!

After a moment, Tu Xinglie seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes condensed.

"Magic power?"

"You actually used magic power... to break my domain?"

He took a breath and deeply inhaled it into Tu Xinglie's stomach, but his eyes suddenly became solid, and murderous intent was revealed.

His figure instantly turned into a yellowish-brown light, and in the Xuantu domain, he shook his tail like a fish, and swam a long distance!

Like a sharp crossbow arrow, it shot towards Fang Che!

However, at this moment, Fang Che maintained the beam of light from his forehead and shot into the void, looking up.

Behind him, the Immortal Palace was spread out, and the immortal aura was curling. A 30-meter-tall immortal who looked very similar to Fang Che walked out of the palace.

Like Fang Che, he opened his hands, looked up, and synchronized his posture.


Tu Xinglie's eyes condensed. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.

As the pride of the Five Elements Clan, how could he miss such a wonderful opportunity? Die, Blue Star cultivator!

Countless dense domain forces gathered around Tu Xinglie, and the soil accumulated, turning into a narrow and long earth-colored dragon.

The dragon opened its bloody mouth and swallowed and bit Fang Che.

The mouth opened and closed, and the terrifying bite force made the air ripple, and the void seemed to be overwhelmed and about to break!


Finally, the khaki giant dragon hit Fang Che's body fiercely.

A violent explosion exploded!

A khaki ripple quickly spread, followed by an invisible shock wave visible to the naked eye, stirring between heaven and earth!

The khaki giant dragon exploded inch by inch, and finally showed the figure of Tu Xinglie. He pinched the seal with his hand and emerged from the earth dragon.

On the other side.

Fang Che was not directly penetrated by Tu Xinglie's attack.

Tu Xinglie's all-out attack mobilized the attack of the ninth level of Jindan magic power and the murderous intent of the domain power, but at this moment, it froze.

However, Fang Che lowered his head, raised his hand, and his five fingers deeply sunk into the head of the earth dragon, and his gilded eyes looked at Tu Xinglie indifferently.

The ancient totem between the eyebrows burst out with brilliant golden light. The golden light column that penetrated the field and shot into the sky began to slowly gather, and finally disappeared completely, leaving only thin silk threads.

But there was a brilliant golden light covering Fang Che's whole body.


It seemed that there was a Taoist sitting on a lotus platform, holding a Buddhist seal in his hand, staring with anger!

Boom! ! !

Just a glance, Tu Xinglie's face changed drastically. He only felt an unreasonable force that invaded his head.

In an instant, he felt that his consciousness encountered a severe crisis. He just peeked and couldn't help trembling.

You know... his consciousness entered the divine treasure, but opened thirty-six divine veins!

But at this moment, it was like a weak person who saw the supreme king...

He saw that behind Fang Che, there was a brilliant figure descending, and the gorgeous golden light was like the light emitted by an eternal star!

Too gorgeous, too... terrifying!

"Primordial spirit... Golden body?!"

Tu Xinglie, as the pride of the Five Elements Clan, is knowledgeable and his face is extremely ugly at this moment.

He is a little bit unbelievable.

The light emanating from Fang Che's body... is the light of the golden body of the primordial spirit!

That is, the Yuanying cultivator has cultivated the primordial spirit to the extreme level!

After the cultivation of the divine consciousness, it is the primordial spirit. Only by condensing the primordial spirit can one be qualified to ignite the divine fire and reflect the path of transformation.

However, just as the realm of divine consciousness is divided into two stages: divine veins and opening divine orifices, the realm of the primordial spirit... is also divided into levels.

The realm of the primordial spirit is divided into three stages, namely, shaping the five internal organs, condensing the six internal organs, and creating a golden body!

In the stage of divine consciousness, meridians and orifices are opened for the divine consciousness. In the stage of the primordial spirit, the five internal organs and six internal organs are opened for the primordial spirit, like a real person, and finally condensed into a golden body of the primordial spirit!

The primordial spirit is extremely tough and can leave the body and travel in the void, traveling to the North Sea in the morning and Cangwu in the evening!

So far, the road to cultivating immortals is open to it!

But... that is the sign of the great success of the soul!

The Blue Star cultivator in front of him is only at the ninth level of the foundation building. How can he offer such an incredible thing as the soul golden body!

Divine power... Using the power of divine power to extradite the soul golden body?

What kind of divine power is this? !

Fang Che felt that his consciousness was stronger than ever before.

This was the first time he used a new divine power after his divine power talent was improved to level 6.

The previous Ming Wang Eye helped him a lot.

However, from the prototype of the divine power to the improvement of the divine power... that is unprecedentedly huge!

The divine power king is here!

Of course, it is not really summoning the supreme existence of the angry Ming Wang!

Instead, it reflects a touch of the opponent's power and casts it into the world!

With the help of this angry Ming Wang's power... it actually reached the level of the soul golden body!

Fang Che only felt that his consciousness was stronger than ever before, and even had the illusion that he had…

surpassed the divine treasure and condensed the primordial spirit!

Fang Che was bathed in brilliant golden light, and his eyes fell on Tu Xinglie, whose attack he had blocked.

Tu Xinglie looked extremely ugly.

His consciousness shook violently, as if being hit by a giant hammer, and there was actually a sense of fear spreading!

The main reason was that the Xuantu domain was torn open, making the domain not so complete, and Tu Xinglie's power began to weaken sharply.

No wonder he could reach the 23rd place on the Tianjiao list with his foundation-building cultivation!

Even if he was covered by the domain, he could still kill so happily!

Really strong!

Tu Xinglie sighed.


This is his domain after all, and it is his first-class domain!

"In the domain, I am invincible!"

Tu Xinglie's eyes were brilliant.

"Besides... you have magical powers, so I don't have magical powers?"

Tu Xinglie said coldly.

The next moment, he roared and burst out with magical powers!

The rocks all over his body began to burn, and the blazing flames made the entire Xuantu domain extremely hot in an instant.

The flowing magma exploded, constantly venting terrifying energy!

Tu Xinglie turned into a magma figure at this moment, and the magma lines wandered on his body surface, like a series of... meridians!

Tu Xinglie stared at Fang Che, his body moved slightly, and instantly disappeared on the spot with the heat wave!

"Giant, attack!"

At the same time, Tu Xinglie's consciousness was agitated.

He manipulated the 30-meter-tall rock giant and punched Fang Che hard.


The huge rock giant roared and waved his fist, a doomsday-like scene!

Fang Che glanced at him indifferently with his golden eyes and pointed out.

In an instant, the immortal behind him also pointed out a finger.

The huge finger was like a sharp sword, colliding with the fist of the rock giant!

The turbulence broke out, the world shook, and the entire field seemed to be overwhelmed and shattered!

During the violent collision, the fourth-level magic weapons of the two were also constantly colliding and fighting!

Every time the Blazing Sun Sword Cauldron and the Black Earth Hammer collided, they could burst out the power that belonged to the fourth level!

The battlefield was almost divided into three areas.

They were the killing areas of Fang Che and Tu Xinglie.

The area where the Immortal Shadow and the Rock Giant attacked.

The fourth-level magic weapon collision area!

Which area was decided, it meant that the battle had come to an end!

Tu Xinglie, covered with magma, appeared in front of Fang Che. He personally took action and planned to kill Fang Che on the spot.

"You can actually force me to this point, I'm at the end of my rope!"

"You and I must die!"

Tu Xinglie said coldly!

The body of lava is his magical power and his biggest trump card. At this moment, he can only use it!

Fang Che's eyes were bright, and the Burning Sky Flame Golden Transformation plus the Sixth Heaven of Eight Desolate Gods and Demons...

He fearlessly attacked Tu Xinglie's lava body!

The moment the two collided!

Tu Xinglie felt his consciousness vibrate violently, and felt that his consciousness was pulled out of his body by the power of Fang Che's Yuanshen Jinshen and nailed in the void.

Tu Xinglie's heart sank, but the murderous intent in his eyes became stronger than ever!

Fang Che's consciousness power was beyond his imagination. If he continued, his consciousness would definitely be crushed by Fang Che's Yuanshen Jinshen!

So, he had to blow up Fang Che's body when Fang Che's Yuanshen Jinshen crushed his consciousness, and kill him on the spot!

This was his...only chance!


The terrifying flames instantly engulfed the two figures, burning the sky and boiling the sea, and the fire was raging!



The many cultivators who were watching in front of the list were all staring at this battle.

Everyone thought it would be a crushing battle.

But they never thought...

The situation was not as overwhelming as everyone thought.

Instead... it seemed very anxious.

"He actually blocked the pressure of the domain power..."

"Tu Xinglie's domain is a first-class domain, the Xuantu domain. This foundation building... can actually withstand it, and even force Tu Xinglie to use his magical powers for hand-to-hand combat!"

Among the five elements, the Tuxing clan is the strongest in defense. Its physical strength, physical defense, and physical attack are the most powerful, so its offensive means are mainly hand-to-hand combat.

Everyone only felt that the picture reflected by the entire monument was shaking violently, and the world in front of them was shaking!

Immediately afterwards, in the picture, the terrifying collision seemed to have come to an end.

Broken fine stones flew continuously, and a figure with roaring magma flames wrapped around his body, his back arched, was blasted out from the confrontation like a cannonball!

Fang Che's figure was covered with flying silver hair and golden dragon scales, just like a real dragon with surging blood and qi walking out!

The demeanor of the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons, plus the defense of the Golden Dragon of Burning Sky, Fang Che at this moment... has achieved true unparalleled in terms of physical skills.

Perhaps Fang Che's mana cultivation is only at the foundation-building stage, but in terms of physical skills, the level of body refining is not weaker than any Jindan!

It is the physical strength of the real Jindan realm!

Fang Che's silver hair was flying, and he stepped out like a real dragon, and his strong physique seemed to be able to stir the mountains and rivers with one punch!

Tu Xinglie's body was splashed with magma, and after stabilizing his body, he fought with Fang Che again!

The two collided violently in the air, falling like high-altitude meteorites, and blasted a big pit in the Xuantu domain!


Tu Xinglie roared, his Xuantu domain was in a mess, but he had no time to pay attention.

The oppression Fang Che gave him was too strong!

The Tuxing clan has always been famous for its strong physical body, but now, he is suppressed by a body-refining cultivator from Blue Star at the physical level!

How can this be tolerated? !

The two collided fiercely, neither of them was weak, and they went head-to-head.

It was like two forbidden beasts from ancient times, fighting for their lives and fighting!

All those who watched this battle through the picture reflected by the monument fell into silence, staring at the picture blankly, and their brains seemed to have not come back to their senses!

Vermillion Bird Immortal City.

There was silence, only heavy breathing one after another, and the excitement that was suppressed to the extreme and almost rebounded and exploded!

Many cultivators widened their eyes, full of disbelief.

Bei Danqiu, Su Shangxing and other Jindan realm masters were also dumbfounded at this moment.

After all, even if they were to face Tu Xinglie, who was ranked 20th on the Tianjiao list...

They would probably be suppressed!

Even Su Shangxing would not be able to do so. Su Shangxing knew very well that he could not beat Tu Xinglie.

However, at this moment, although Fang Che only had the foundation-building cultivation and had not yet comprehended the domain, he could fight Tu Xinglie on par!


Tu Xinglie was suppressed!

In terms of physical strength, Tu Xinglie was definitely not weak. The strength of his lava body made him like an active volcano, full of terrifying eruptions.

However, compared with the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons, he was much worse in terms of strength and skills.

Fang Che, whose fighting talent had been raised to level 6, used his strength and skills to the extreme, so a strange picture of one-sidedly suppressing the lava body was presented.

Tu Xinglie, with his lava body, was like a sandbag. Facing Fang Che's thunderous physical attack, he had no power to resist!

"How could I lose?!"

"How could I lose!"

Tu Xinglie turned into lava, with magma flowing in every inch of his flesh and blood. During the intense movement, the magma exploded, and the high temperature burned the void!



In the distance, the black earth hammer shone brightly and smashed hard on the Chiyang Sword Cauldron.

The Chiyang Sword Cauldron, a magic weapon that had just entered the fourth level, vibrated slightly and was beaten and flew out.

This simple form, like a storm, set off a ecstasy in Tu Xinglie's heart.

This was his chance of winning!


Tu Xinglie roared!

He planned to use the black earth hammer to suppress Fang Che's fourth-level magic weapon, and then use the power of the fourth-level magic weapon to suppress Fang Che!

As long as he had a fourth-level magic weapon in hand, no matter how strong Fang Che's physical skills were, he could not defeat him!

Fang Che glanced at the distance with his golden eyes.

The magical power of ascending to immortality and the magical power of kingly arrival... even with the assistance of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra, two magical powers can be used at the same time.

But such top-level magical powers consume too much power.

Fang Che could not hold on for too long.

"We have to fight quickly."

Fang Che nodded.

He flipped his palm, and the next moment, a black spear with rich demonic energy appeared in his hand.

He grasped it with one hand and twisted his waist.

The demonic spear burst out with a bang, tearing through the air and whistling!

Fourth-level... Eight Desolate True Demonic Spear!

Tu Xinglie's face froze with joy, and his eyes showed a look of extreme horror.

"Another fourth-level magic weapon?!"

"With a body of foundation building... to control two fourth-level magic weapons? Does this person have such a strong capital?!"

Even for a Jindan cultivator, controlling a fourth-level magic weapon is already a very strenuous task.

If there are two, it is basically difficult to use.

After all, the fourth-level magic weapon is already at the level of Yuanying. Unless you are a Yuanying master, it will consume a lot of energy to operate two fourth-level magic weapons at the same time. You may even be sucked dry by the magic weapon before you kill the enemy.

Unless it is a magic weapon with extremely compatible properties...


With the addition of the Eight Desolate True Demon Spear, the Chiyang Sword Cauldron suddenly stood up.

Tu Xinglie's Xuantu Hammer was directly suppressed.

Accompanied by a wail, the light dimmed, and it fell down, hitting the ground, smashing a huge deep pit.

Tu Xinglie's mouth and nose bled, and blood spurted out.

And the defeat of the magic weapon seemed to be the beginning of a series of chain reactions!

The huge rock giant 30 meters high let out a wail, and was exploded by the immortal who walked out of the Xianque of Dengxian. A huge hole was blown out of his chest, and countless broken stones fell!

The consciousness wailed, and under Wang Lin, the golden body of the Yuanshen was unparalleled, tearing Tu Xinglie's consciousness apart.

Tu Xinglie was bleeding profusely after being hit repeatedly.


It was irreversible!

Tu Xinglie forced himself to stand up, roaring and killing Fang Che.

Defeating Fang Che at the physical level was his... last... slim hope!


Fang Che raised his hand, and the precious light was brilliant. The brilliant halberd that appeared out of nowhere completely shattered Tu Xinglie's hope.

Heaven's Wrath Halberd!

He held the halberd in one hand, and the halberd body trembled.

Facing Tu Xinglie who rushed out.

Fang Che's silver hair was three thousand feet long, flying behind him like a silver cloak, and on his arm, blood and qi lingered, golden light was brilliant, entwined with the Heaven's Wrath Halberd, and he handed it out!

The halberd was like the wrath of heaven!

A terrifying power that made Tu Xinglie familiar and trembling, came crashing down!

“Fourth…Fourth level…Fourth level again?!”

Tu Xinglie’s eyes widened, his face ashen, and he was confused and surging.

The Sky Wrath Halberd was as powerful as a bamboo, instantly piercing through the extremely tough chest of the Lava Body, and blood like magma splashed!

The halberd blade turned, and with a crashing sound…

Tu Xinglie was thrown out like a rag.

The chest…

There was a big bloody hole.

The winner was decided.

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