Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 31 Beating people is like hanging a painting, victory!


The only sound left was the sound of rain falling from the sky and washing against the ground.

The confrontation in the yellow group's fighting area left many students stunned...

Is this still a battle between immortal cultivators?

The collision of flesh!

A battle of speed!

A mixture of blood and sweat!


The physical battle between Fang Che and Xue Lei was astonishingly fast and dizzying. Both of them were in excellent physical condition, beyond the realm of immortal cultivators.

And what was even more astonishing... were Fang Che's three powerful bursts that shocked the entire audience!

After letting go of his hand, the hidden power exploded again, sending Xue Lei flying several meters away...

The impact of the picture is too strong!

In the rest area.

Su Shangshang took a deep breath, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He had suffered the loss of Fang Che's second burst of power in the first special training, so he knew very well how much of a headache that hidden second burst of power was.

And now, Fang Che actually showed even more superb power control in the battle!

"Three times to exert force..."


"How much hardship, effort and diligence does this require?!"

Su Shangshang suddenly understood why Fang Che had to be so diligent, so involved, and seize every opportunity to practice.

Perhaps only with such crazy diligence and dedication can one develop the skill of such three powerful bursts.

"However, the physical skills that Fang Che has mastered do not seem to be simple...it takes more energy to practice than ordinary physical skills!"

"The requirements for fighting skills are extremely high!"

Su Shangshang has a ruthless vision. After all, he is also an expert in fighting skills.

It can be seen that the reason why Fang Che can explode with such strength is not only his physical fitness and superb skills, but also his extremely high fighting talent.

Luo Liuli on the side pursed her red lips, with a pressure in her eyes.

Jia Shengli, who had a bruised nose and face, was admiring the battle in Ge You's lying position, lying very naturally.

Well, it turns out that lying down can be so comfortable.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, falling on the ground and flooding in circles.

Xue Lei's body was blown up by the power of Bahuang Ertian and flew several meters across the ground.

He fell to the ground and seemed to make no sound.

However, Fang Che knew that the battle was not over yet because the referee did not appear.

as expected.

Xue Lei's body trembled for a moment, and then he slowly got up from the rain-covered ground.

"It hurts... but it really... feels so good..."

A suppressed voice, with a somewhat maniacal smile, came from the back of the slowly rising figure.

Fang Che had no expression on his face and tapped his toes on the ground. All the rainwater in the area where his toes landed was immediately drained away.

The forward body smashed a series of falling raindrops, forming misty white mist.

While you are sick, I will kill you!

When fighting, don't be soft-hearted, let alone give the enemy a chance to recover!

Fang Che naturally understood this.

Xue Lei, who had not yet stood firm, suddenly felt the terrifying force coming from his side.

Fang Che's burning energy and blood seemed to make the rain hitting Xue Lei's face become hot!

boom! ! !

However, a majestic wave of mana suddenly blasted away from Xue Lei, and the falling rainwater was thrown upside down into the air.

The movement of mana in Fang Che's body stagnated for a moment!

"The mana has increased three times?!"

"We have almost reached the eighth level of Qi refining!"

Fang Che frowned.

But Xue Lei, whose head was covered with blood, raised his head, with a mouth full of pills under his ferocious expression.

He stared at Fang Che crazily, gritting his teeth, the pill shattered, and he swallowed it whole!

"Explosive Qi Pill!"

Fang Che instantly understood what Xue Lei was eating.

It's a first-level middle-grade elixir, the Explosive Qi Pill!

It can temporarily enhance the magic power in the body!

Xue Lei's ability to take elixirs during the battle means that he is an alchemist himself, and he refined the elixir himself.

But to swallow so much in one go...is this guy crazy? !

Don't want to die? !

What a lunatic.

And Fang Che also realized that this Xue Lei was indeed a complete madman!

The sword flashed instantly, and its speed and sharpness became much stronger!

"It's over! Let me chop you to death!"

Xue Lei's eyes were red, the blood-threaded net opened, and he growled.

He raised the long white-edged sword with both hands. The magic power was brewing on the blade, and the terrifying sword energy was about to burst out.

However, in the face of his crazy attack with all his strength.

What responded to him was only Fang Che's calm and indifferent eyes.

Fang Che made a seal in his hand and tapped with his fingers.

"Spell, ring of fire."


A ring of flame suddenly appeared in Fang Che's palm.

The scorching heat instantly evaporated the falling rain!

The flame ring was thrown out suddenly, and the flame ring shot out, covering Xue Lei's hands that were holding the long sword and were about to chop down the terrifying sword energy.

However, such restrictions did not affect Xue Lei's ability to wield the sword.

The knife swung down suddenly!

The sword energy blessed by terrifying magic power was extremely terrifying. The thick sword energy was in the shape of a half-moon. It slashed through the ground in the fighting area, and a thin ditch was cut out of the ground.


Although the sword energy was very fast, Fang Che's current body speed allowed him to easily dodge it.

Xue Lei raised his sword with both hands frantically again. He knew that the first sword would definitely miss, but it was not a big problem. He could still strike again...

If one sword doesn't work, then two swords. If two swords don't work, then three swords!

After swallowing a large amount of violent pills, he can swing many swords!

As long as Fang Che is touched by the sword energy, he will definitely suffer a serious injury!

Xue Lei's second sword did not swing down.

Because Fang Che raised his hands and clenched them violently.

The flame ring that bound Xue Lei's hands suddenly shrank violently.


Blood splattered.

Xue Lei's palms were directly cut off by the flame ring!

At the same time, Fang Che seized the opportunity and tapped his toes on the ring continuously. He approached Xue Lei's body in an instant like a startled swan and a dragonfly skimming the water.

He stepped hard and swung the circular water flow.

He punched the dragon directly!

The swung rain was mixed with fist wind and strength!

It hit Xue Lei's chest hard!


The dark power of Bahuang Explosion exploded, directly blasting through Xue Lei's chest, and a cloud of blood mist exploded on his back.

However, Fang Che's face was indifferent.

But he did not retract his fist.

He continued to punch again and again, at a very fast speed, with continuous bursts of power!

Xue Lei's body trembled constantly, and was actually hung in the rain by Fang Che's punch.

Hitting people is like hanging a painting!

Xue Lei's mouth and nose were bleeding, and his teeth were full of blood, but his fierce eyes stared at Fang Che in the splashing blood.

It was as if he wanted to engrave Fang Che's face in his mind.

"Admit defeat! We admit defeat!"

In the rest area.

The leader of the physical high school hurriedly shouted.

The referee appeared.

"The winner is the second high Fang Che."

The referee spoke.

Fang Che glanced at it and immediately retracted his hand. Xue Lei's body was no longer hanging in the air, and fell to the ground like a pool of mud, splashing the ground with blood-melted red water.

The referee took a deep breath and immediately took out the pill for Xue Lei to take.

Xue Lei was barely breathing, his chest was shattered and pierced, even with medical treatment, it would be difficult to recover without a few days.

Fang Che's arms were hanging down, blood was dripping from his fists.

The heavy rain was washing, but it could not wash away the blood that permeated the ring.

The rain fell like a bead curtain, covering the eyes and vision of many people.

There was silence all around, even dead silence.

Brutal... too brutal...

Many girls watching the fight around the yellow group's fighting area looked at Fang Che's tall figure standing through the beaded rain curtain, and then looked at Xue Lei who was lying on the ground with his chest shattered.

All of them trembled.

Some timid girls... even covered their mouths and cried!

The breast-crushing maniac...

So scary!

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