Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 392: The Light of God-killing, the Extinguished Divine Fire

What does Fang Che want to do?

Under extreme oppression, is there still a trump card to turn the tables?

What trump card does he have?

Everyone seemed to see Fang Che's counterattack under Luo Hou's extreme oppression.

Everyone's eyes showed strange colors.

And Luo Hou held the fiery red blood fire gun in one hand, and the mighty pressure of the fifth-level famous weapon rolled and spread, shaking the sky.

Almost unmatched, like an immortal general sweeping everything.

He grasped the blood fire gun in one hand and smashed it down, pushing away the huge waves in the void, causing the world to wail under the heavy burden.

"What other means do you have?"

Luo Hou frowned coldly, his purple hair flying, and his armor clanged all over his body. The armor was also a magic weapon of extremely high quality.

Luo Hou, fully armed, would probably be among the top even on the infant transformation list.

The endless sense of oppression turned the entire fighting field into ruins, even the proud sons of the ancient times who were watching the battle.

The viewing platform also collapsed.

However, those phantoms were ethereal, suspended between heaven and earth, still sitting upright, watching Fang Che and Luo Hou fighting in this era.


Luo Hou was extremely domineering. He knew that Fang Che's body was strong, but no matter how strong the body was, it could not change everything.

In terms of cultivation, Luo Hou was naturally far superior to Fang Che. He originally planned to suppress Fang Che at the level of the body, but this guy did not follow the moral code of martial arts, so Luo Hou gave up this idea.

He planned to crush Fang Che directly, crush the strongest pride of Blue Star!

Crush everything!

With a clench of five fingers, the sky shook, and a sharp spear instantly burst out with countless gun shadows falling down.

He did not believe that Fang Che had any means to resist his move!

Fang Che looked extremely embarrassed, with wounds all over his body, but he was extremely happy.

The more powerful the battle, the more exciting it was for him, and the more he could break through and improve his cultivation!

However, Luo Hou no longer fought against him with his physical body, and Fang Che felt a little regretful.

Because Luo Hou, who used the fifth-level famous weapon, was too strong, and Fang Che was not sure that he could continue to hold on with his physical body.

Even if he had the powerful recovery ability of the King of Pill Kings and the ability to revive, but...

All this was based on the fact that he would not be killed directly by Luo Hou!

The half-step divine fire almost ignited the fire of the soul. Such a Luo Hou was really powerful and terrifying. Even if Fang Che played all his trump cards and magical powers, it would be difficult for him to defeat him.

Because Luo Hou was also a genius and had a fifth-level magic weapon, Fang Che...

What could he use to defeat him?

Only... something at the level of transformation.

That was the sixth-level magic weapon, the God-killing Tail Shuttle!

In fact, Fang Che came to participate in this battle of the geniuses of the hundred races, and he did not expect that he could reach this level, reach the finals of the team battle, and achieve a hearty battle with the strongest genius of the demon spirit race.

Therefore, Fang Che was actually very satisfied.

Therefore, he had nothing to linger on. In this last battle, he would risk everything.

He would...

Go crazy!


Fang Che was covered in blood, and his eyes were full of madness. He raised his hand, put his sword fingers together and tore open his eyebrows.

It was like a divine pupil was born in the eyebrows!

In an instant, a terrifying breath rose from Fang Che's body, full of destruction, like a colorful and ancient dark red shuttle that seemed to be stained with the blood of endless immortals and Buddhas.

Like a spear, like a long spear, and like a divine needle that swept across the world!

Chi Chi Chi——

The void was shaking, and Fang Che's soul was devoured by madness. In just a moment, Fang Che's soul seemed to be dried up.

Like the morning light of dawn, a meteor suddenly streaked out from the endless and desolate void, instantly cutting through the endless divine light and airflow!

The extremely brilliant brilliance, like an instant, became the focus of the world's attention, drawing everyone's attention.

Almost just a sight, the moment everyone saw it, they felt a terrifying chill that enveloped everyone's mind!

Everyone felt a blackness in front of their eyes, and their mind seemed to be filled with great terror!

Like falling into the abyss, the whole body was cold!

No matter who it was, enemy or friend, at this moment, the mind seemed to be stared at by great terror and was about to be crushed at any time.

Locked by the extreme horror killing, extremely sharp!

Want to kill the body, soul, spirit and even the finest fur together!

Whoever comes must be killed!

Kill the gods if the gods stand in the way, kill the Buddha if the Buddha stands in the way!


Luo Hou grasped the fifth-level blood fire gun, and his mind felt the strongest.

The hand holding the famous instrument was shaking uncontrollably. The violent shaking made him look down with his hair standing on end.


Is he afraid? !

This feeling...

It seemed that in his mind, at the moment when the light burst out from Fang Che's brow, every inch of his flesh and blood, and even all the tiny particles that made up his flesh and blood, were trembling and afraid!

It was as if he had encountered the greatest terror between life and death!

The terror that could kill everything in the world!

What was that...?


Fang Che's whole body instantly burst out with a terrifying blood-colored wave, winding like a dragon, rushing into the sky thousands of feet high, venting violently!

A touch of dark red slowly emerged from Fang Che's eyebrows.

Then, Fang Che's obviously powerful body was covered with spiderweb-like cracks like fragile porcelain at the moment when the dark red light appeared, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

"Transformation into God..."

boom! ! !

Luo Hou's hair stood on end, and the blood gun he was holding suddenly came back in front of him, and the majestic magic power was suddenly released from all over his body!

He was so nervous that his face under his purple hair secreted countless beads of sweat!

At this moment, he actually got it from Fang Che...

I feel the breath of the transformed spirit!

How can this be!

Could it be that the powerful man who transformed himself into a god was hiding behind Fang Che's secret hand?

But it's impossible. The Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty does not allow such cheating methods to be hidden. The competition between the Prodigies of the Hundred Races is pure strength, which belongs to the monks' own strength.

If you borrow external forces and use the hidden methods of the Reverend God Transformation, it must be against the rules!

Even if it is a magic weapon, if it is not your own magic weapon, using it will be considered a violation of the rules!

Therefore, Fang Che's body burst out with the spirit of transformation...

It was basically his own aura of becoming a god. Fang Che could actually... be able to release an aura that was at the level of becoming a god?

What the hell is this?


Brilliant light burst out from Fang Che's eyebrows.

Fang Che's soul was almost completely melted and dissolved, and merged into the dark red stream of light.

Luo Hou fled far away in an instant.

But the dark red light burst out from Fang Che's eyebrows, piercing the sky and killing all the colors in the world!

It seems that at this moment, the world is only black and white.

And that shuttle-like brilliance is like a dividing line cutting black and white!

Carrying endless will to kill and exterminate!

Coming from shattering the void...

"Sixth level magic weapon!"

"Magic weapon of transformation into gods!"

Luo Hou roared loudly.


Absolutely impossible!

How could the Golden Core cultivator... be able to control the sixth-level magic weapon? !


But the next moment, there was only blood in his eyes.

That dark red stream of light is already right in front of you...

He can even shine in dark red...

Four words were captured.

It's like four huge talismans!






When you gain insight into the truth, you see the dark red true color.

Luo Hou felt that his eyebrows were penetrated, the mud pill was shattered, and the sea of ​​soul was swept away with a shuttle!

The divine fire that had just ignited a little fire was under that shuttle.

Like a flickering candle in a storm.

Killed ruthlessly.

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