The Yuanchu Mountain opened and closed, as if it had separated after the creation of the world.

The scene inside the mountain shocked everyone. They actually saw three floating peaks in the mountain.

What made people's scalps numb and their hearts terrified was...

There were actually human figures sitting cross-legged on the mountain peaks.

On each mountain peak, there was a human figure sitting cross-legged, with the breath of life. They sat cross-legged, extremely burly and magnificent.

It was as if they were integrated with the mountain.

But, there was really a breath of life!

The scene at this moment shocked everyone.

You know, the ruins of Yuanchu Mountain are the last days of the heyday of the Xianmen. It has been a very long time since the last days. It can even be said that it is the destruction of an era, bringing a new life to the Xianmen world.

After such a long period of hardship, are there still living creatures alive?

This is too terrible!

It must be an old monster!

To be able to live for so long, it must be an extremely terrifying existence...

Who can resist it?

The world suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Everyone stared in amazement.

Fang Che also frowned, feeling surprised and uncertain. If he really lived from the heyday of the Immortal Sect to now, it would be really difficult to deal with him.

Maybe it was all fake, just like in the Yuanchu illusion?

But it was not quite right, because no one was under the illusion now, and no one had ever been in the illusion. The most important thing was that these three monks sitting on the mountain had a human aura.

It was not a simple illusion!


Without giving everyone too much time to think, the silence was soon broken.

The prompt roared again.

"Individual competition, the battle to defend the ring."

"You can all challenge the monks on the three peak rings. They are disciples from the Yuanchu Holy Land and are powerful. You must defeat them and defend the peak ring. This is the rule of the individual battle."

"After each battle, you can be illuminated by the light of Yuanchu, and your state and cultivation can be restored to their peak state."

"Individual battle, start now!"

The rumbling sound was deafening.

Everyone felt as if their minds were being manipulated.

The rules of the individual battle seem to have changed a lot compared to previous years. In previous years, everyone entered the Yuanchu illusion and would be matched with monks. Only by defeating them and continuing to stay could they continue to fight.

Until you are the only one left in the entire Yuanchu illusion, you can be considered the champion of the individual battle.

But this year seems to be different.

The rules are even more cruel!

When the rules were announced, everyone fell into silence.

In the camp of Blue Star.

Luo Hongli looked at Fang Che, Reg and Yang Yu, because it seemed that there were only three of them on the Blue Star side who could attack the ring.

Although Chi Chengkong and others also won the qualification for the individual battle.

But if they really participate in the individual battle, their hope is basically small, and they may be crushed in an instant.

In fact, this individual battle is prepared for those top geniuses.

The ranking that Blue Star obtained in the team battle is already very good, which is enough.

As for the individual battle, it all depends on personal performance.

"To challenge the ring, you must defeat the disciples of Yuanchu Holy Land on the ring to be qualified to sit on the ring and obtain the qualification to defend the ring."

"Once you defend the ring, you will face the attack of those genius disciples of Yuanchu Holy Land."

"Once you are defeated in the attack, it means you are out of the individual battle."

Reg smacked his lips, his golden hair dancing wildly, and his eyes revealed a strange color and vigilance.

"Actually, you don't have to think about defending the ring..."

"There are only three rings in total. It is extremely difficult to defeat the cultivators of Yuanchu Holy Land and sit on a peak ring."

"On our side, Fang Che may be the only one who can do it."

Luo Hongli's eyes fell on Fang Che.

Reg and Yang Yu were helpless. Although they were already geniuses, they were far inferior to Fang Che.

And in this Hundred Races Pride Battle, the geniuses on the Pride List could not stand out at all.

After all, what kind of monsters and demons are coming?

Almost all the top three Yuanying Grandmasters have come, and there are even monsters at the top of the Pride List.

With such a lineup, it is so difficult to capture a ring and hold it firmly!

After all, the opponent is a disciple from Yuanchu Holy Land.

Defending the ring, everyone knows that it will only become more and more difficult to defend to the end. The disciples sent by Yuanchu Holy Land will only become more and more powerful and terrifying!

It's difficult!

But Fang Che is eager to try, and his mood is extremely excited.

In front of him, the panel prompts that after walking in the Yuanchu illusion, Fang Che led Chi Chengkong and others to win the championship of the team battle.

However, it seems that the reward on the panel has not been triggered.

There is only a reward of diligence, and the amount is not much. Most of it was used by Fang Che to improve the sword master before.

Fang Che also guessed the reason. It is probably because the death in the Yuanchu illusion is not a real battle.

Even if you kill the opponent, the opponent's life still exists, so you can't get too much diligence.

Even if you win in the battle, the diligence still comes from defeating and killing the opponent. The diligence of killing will be more...

[Ding, the selection of individual battles in the ruins of the early Yuan Dynasty has begun. Please defend one battle in the personal battle until you enter the ruins of the early Yuan Dynasty. Reward: you can get 10,000 Qin Energy when you successfully attack the battle. After that, you can get twice the Qin Energy for each battle you defend. The increase will be until the defense is completed, and Qineng will be settled]

In front of me, a panel prompt pops up.

But it made Fang Che slightly surprised.

After briefly understanding the rules, I couldn't help but breathe quickly.

In other words, if he successfully attacks in the first game, he will get 10,000 Qin Energy. After that, every time he defends the next game, his Qin Energy will be doubled!

If you defend one game, your diligence will be worth 20,000. If you defend two games, your diligence will be worth 40,000. If you defend three games, your diligence will be worth 80,000...

And so on!

That is to say...

Fang Che only needs to hold on to the challenge of the genius of the Holy Land of the Seventh Dimension.

His hard work can accumulate to more than one million!

"This makes can they bear it?"

Fang Che couldn't help but murmur.

As soon as the words came out.

The people around him looked over with confusion, their faces full of astonishment.

What is Fang Che talking about?

But he saw Fang Che raising his head, his black hair flying vigorously, and his fighting spirit rising all over his body, like a burning flame that couldn't be stopped at all.

"I can't help it anymore..."

"Such a personal battle is really exciting!"

Fang Che laughed.

"I want to keep defending and fight endlessly!"

"Fight, fight! Fight all the time!"

Fang Che laughed.

The next moment, it was completely different from all the geniuses of all races who were immersed in calm research.

Fang Che took a step forward and flew directly towards the soaring peak.

Among the three peaks, Fang Che directly chose the one in the middle.


Fang Che turned into a stream of light and landed on the peak. The entire mountain seemed to shake violently.

next moment.

The figure sitting cross-legged on the mountain peak shook violently.

Slowly he opened his eyes.

Like an ancient object that had been covered in dust for eternity, the dust was slowly blown away.

Blurred, confused and a little painful.

Finally, his eyes fell on Fang Che.

"What year is it today?"

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