Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 399: You want to practice during the one-stick-long break?

That's it?

Fang Che's words were like the whispers of a god, reverberating throughout the mountain arena and unable to be extinguished for a long time. They seemed to have merged with the years, sweeping upwards!

An ancient prodigy awakened from the heyday of the ancient immortal sect in today's era. When he fought with Fang Che, he was easily crushed and exploded by Fang Che.

The other party is a genius in the Nascent Soul Realm, and he is definitely not weak.

But he looked extremely weak, as if he had no power to resist.

Is the difference so big?

Or is it because of the gap between ancient and modern times?

Are the geniuses of today much more powerful than the geniuses of ancient times?

This idea could not help but appear in many people's minds, their hearts were slightly shaken, and their thoughts turned over and over again.

Even at this moment, the scene of Fang Che's battle with the ancient genius spread throughout the Xianmen battlefield. Many powerful beings cast their gazes. While they were curious, they were also extremely surprised. They began to Think about the difference between ancient times and today.

Xuanli City.

Lord Xuanhuo and Pei Donglai both looked at the scene, with strange expressions on their faces.

"What is the gap between the heyday of the Immortal Sect and our time?"

Venerable Xuanhuo's face was full of smiles, and he shook his head.

"If you really underestimate the genius of ancient times, boy Fang Che... I'm afraid he will suffer a big loss."

Lord Xuanhuo was very optimistic about Fang Che, and even felt a little regretful that Pei Donglai had taken advantage of such a good young man.

Otherwise, he would definitely accept Fang Che as his disciple.

"How could Fang Che underestimate him?"

Pei Donglai shook his head.

"When facing anyone, he goes all out. Even if the opponent is not as strong as him, he will show great fighting spirit and give the opponent a good fight."

"Emperor Gan is not a brainless Gan. Every time he fights, he can learn something from the confrontation with his opponent."

"His liver is a liver that never stops learning."

Pei Donglai seemed to have seen through his disciple, and couldn't help but smile and admire him.

Only such people can go further. If they only see the enemy in front of them, they will start to relax and relax because they have defeated the opponent.

Such people are not qualified to go further, nor can they reach the end.

Who said you don’t need liver to cultivate immortality?

Cultivation of immortality requires more liver.

"It's just the beginning now? Have you forgotten the Xuanhuang Tower? That kid broke through the Xuanhuang Tower. He should know how strong the ancient genius is. Although his current strength has been greatly improved compared to when he broke into the tower, but... he At that time, I had never reached the top of Xuanhuang Tower."

Pei Donglai said with a chuckle.

He never worried that Fang Che would overturn due to carelessness.

The last thing the Gan Emperor needs to worry about is this. He will always look at his opponents and use them to train himself.

Venerable Xuanhuo raised his eyebrows slightly: "That's right...this Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty is the Holy Land Immortal Sect after all. It should be of a higher rank than the first-class sects such as Xuanhuang Sect."

"Then this personal battle can be seen."

"We can just take a look..."

"When this kid Fang Che was at the peak of the Immortal Sect, which category did he belong to among the geniuses?"

"Can it reach the level of ancient freaks?"

At this moment, it’s not just the Blue Star side.

Demonic Spirit Clan, Holy Feather Clan, Dragon Blood Clan, White Demon Clan...

The major races are located in the fairy city at the portal of the fairy gate battlefield, and there are strong people watching with great interest.

The collision between ancient and modern geniuses...

It's really exciting.

Fang Che twisted his neck, and the muscles and bones all over his body roared, and the terrifying energy and blood vibrated with extraordinary force, roaring in waves.

On top of the peak, Yan Changkong's figure recovered, as if invisible power had saved his life and he did not die.

He stared at Fang Che with emotion in his eyes.

"What a genius that is unparalleled in this world. Yes, very powerful."

"But...how long can you defend the ring?"

"I am looking forward……"

Yan Changkong's eyes were shining as he stared at Fang Che, but soon, a touch of sentimentality appeared in his eyes.

"It's a pity...I can't see it."

Fang Che was startled, as if a bell was ringing hard in his heart.


With a roar, Yan Changkong's figure was like gravel that had been covered in dust for a long time. It began to pass quickly and slowly floated between the sky and the earth.

Fang Che's face changed slightly, and he stretched out his hand, but countless gravel flowed away between his fingers, and he couldn't catch any of it.

"He seems to have...disappeared in the years..."

Fang Che's heart palpitated slightly.

The scene at this moment also made many people's expressions shake and change.

Luo Hou's eyes narrowed, and Yu Taibai and others' gazes shrank.

These people...haven't they survived from ancient times to the present day?

Or in other words, will they die if they fail to defend or charge?

Fang Che's heart palpitated, but he soon calmed down.

"If I win, you will die?"

"In other words, are you holding on to one breath and surviving from ancient times to the present just for this battle?"

Fang Che's eyes flickered with emotion, and the next moment, he was filled with surging fighting spirit.

"So...very good!"

"I will not hold back, I will not underestimate you, I will go all out!"

"You have been holding on to this life for the rest of your life, and you don't want to have a losing battle, right?"

Fang Che exhaled, and the air waves infused and impacted the surroundings.

When Yan Changkong completely disappeared, Fang Che suddenly felt that he was standing on the peak ring, as if a brilliant light was projected down.

It was scorching and boiling, giving people endless hope and warmth.

The soul became extremely active and comfortable, and the spirit seemed to be boiling.

This is...

Fang Che's eyes lit up slightly.

Isn't this the stream of light he projected after winning the team championship?

Although it was not so strong, Fang Che could feel that if he practiced at this moment, he could quickly refine the origin of the immortal sect!

Good guy!

Is this the benefit of defending the ring?


"Ring of the sky, defender, Fang Che!"

A deafening roar suddenly resounded between heaven and earth.

It resounded in everyone's ears, like a supreme honor.

The cultivators on the halfway point of Yuanchu Mountain were all moved, and their eyes were filled with desire.

Many people looked at the peak where Fang Che was, wanting to see what it was like for the ancient prodigy to challenge Fang Che.

However, they strangely saw that Fang Che sat cross-legged and actually practiced directly on the mountain.

Everyone was stunned, and their faces showed strangeness.

Even a little speechless...

No, at this critical moment, what are you practicing for?

At this time, shouldn't you continue to fight by taking advantage of the momentum of defeating the first ancient prodigy?

However, Fang Che took out an immortal gate origin and practiced cross-legged in front of everyone.

Many people looked at the peak, but saw that there was an extra incense stick on the peak.

The incense stick was burning slowly.

In other words, Fang Che had a rest time of one incense stick after fighting a battle.

Many people exhaled, that is, after one incense stick, they could see Fang Che fighting with the second ancient prodigy.

But soon, the person who was relieved felt something was wrong again.

Why did he feel relieved?

What kind of psychopath is this liver emperor?

Why are you practicing during the rest time of an incense stick?

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