Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 50: The breast-crushing maniac wants to play with swords?

Fang Che's heart was agitated. Fortunately, he was in the guarding area.

This is a good place to get the Qineng card bug. Outside...where can he find so many demon cultivators to kill for him?

Demon cultivator...in Fang Che's eyes, equals Qinneng!

Fang Che is too absent from work.

Fang Che slowly walked out of the cage, looking forward to fighting the demon cultivator at the ninth level of Qi Refining.

On the other side, the battle between Luo Liuli and the demon cultivator at the eighth level of Qi Refining was also over. Fang Che looked up and saw that the cage was densely covered with ice picks, and ice picks sprouted from every steel bar.

The demon cultivator at the eighth level of Qi Refining was pierced by thousands of arrows and pierced into countless ice picks, and his vitality and blood were frozen together.

Luo Liuli had a cold face, her long black hair hanging down, and her graceful body walked out of the cage gracefully, as if killing a demon cultivator at the eighth level of Qi refining was nothing to her.

She looked at Fang Che, and also at the torn female demon cultivator in the cage behind Fang Che...

There was a slight light in his eyes.

"Good job." Luo Liuli's red lips parted slightly, rarely speaking proactively.

As long as you kill the demon cultivator, we will be good friends!

Fang Che smiled honestly: "Lao Luo, you have to be diligent and be a diligent defender who kills demons!"

When Luo Liuli heard this, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she murmured: "A Taoist who diligently kills demons... I like this statement."

"I will continue to work hard!"

Rarely, Luo Liuli did not refute Fang Che's calling her Lao Luo.

It seems this is the default.

Under his unremitting strategy, the girl finally fell under the title of "Lao Luo".

Fang Che's smile became even brighter, he looked at the demon cultivator at the ninth level of Qi Refining in the third cage, and said: "Lao Luo, I heard that if all the demon cultivators at the ninth level of Qi Refining were killed...the points would be the same. If so, we have to continue killing demon cultivators at the ninth level of Qi Refining.”

"Why don't you and I compete...who can kill more ninth-level Qi-refining demon cultivators?"

"This can also be regarded as the beginning of diligently slaying demons."

Luo Liuli: "..."

Have you ever considered how it feels to be a nine-level demon cultivator?

That was a demon cultivator at the ninth level of Qi Refining... not a big cabbage, and he couldn't be killed just by asking.

Luo Liuli frowned slightly: "Demon cultivation is not that simple. Don't overturn. Although you defeated the long-legged Yi Gao, you are both at the ninth level of Qi refining, so the gap is huge. Don't underestimate any demon." build."

When Fang Che heard this, the honest smile on his face faded slightly.

"I'm not looking down upon it, I just plan to use it to hone myself...Fighting is also training, and diligent fighting is even more training!"

"The road to becoming an immortal is long, and we... will move forward without regrets, and we can only encourage ourselves with diligence."

"Demon Demon Killer, I'm serious!"

Fang Che's eyes were firm.

Luo Liuli's face moved slightly, as if she didn't understand the deep hatred between Fang Che and the demon cultivator...

She hated the demon cultivator and wanted to get rid of the demon cultivator. That was because her father died in the hands of the demon cultivator, but why did Fang Che do it?

Such a touching belief in slaying demons!

What is supporting Fang Che's belief in slaying demons?

It’s Qinneng!

Fang Che screamed in his heart!

In his eyes, magic cultivation is Qinneng, Qinneng that can improve his talent and make him stronger!

Fang Che is not inflated. Fang Che, who has practiced hard and diligently with his Void Spiritual Root for nine years without any gains, has extremely high talent anxiety.

He wants higher, stronger and more powerful talents!

Only hard work can relieve worries!

"Okay, I promise you!"

Luo Liuli's eyelashes trembled slightly, her red lips pursed slightly, she nodded and spoke seriously.

Even if there is no agreement between Fang Che and her, she will try her best to kill the demon. She and the demon cultivator are inseparable!

After the two made an agreement, they did not continue the challenge, but returned to the rest area.

Su Shangxing took the spiritual liquid prepared by the guard and handed it to the two of them, allowing them to quickly restore their mana and restore their condition.

"You performed well. You killed two demon cultivators. Teacher is proud of you!"

Su Shangxing praised.

He truly admired it from the bottom of his heart. It was extremely rare for a high school freshman... to be able to kill demons and practice alone.

The demonic aura of the demonic cultivator has a great deterrent effect on the immature young monks, making it difficult for them to display their abilities.

"Take a rest and adjust your condition. With the current state of the two of you, you are basically guaranteed to enter the national individual competition."

"After you recover, try to kill the demonic cultivators at the ninth level of Qi Refining. As long as you two kill the demonic cultivators at the ninth level of Qi Refining, you can basically lock in the top three in the individual competition."

"Our second high school students have made a lot of money this time, enough to return with glory!"

Su Shangxing said with a smile.

Fang Che smiled honestly: "Teacher Su... please do us a favor."

Su Shangxing was startled: "You said it."

"Please go help us and tell the commander. Lao Luo and I made an agreement to see who can kill more demon cultivators at the ninth level of Qi Refining. It is our duty to kill demons diligently... So, let the commander Prepare a few more demon cultivators at the ninth level of Qi refining.”

"I'm afraid...it's not enough to kill."

Fang Che scratched his head, a little embarrassed, and smiled innocently.

Su Shangxing: "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯"

You are so diligent, does your teacher know?

Oh, I am his teacher...that's okay.

Jia Shengli: "Σ(゚д゚!!!)"

Jia Shengli, who was about to go to the cage to challenge the seventh-level demon cultivator of Qi Refining, twitched his ears and heard Fang Che's aggressive words, and his steps froze.

Fuck, you will make me, Jia Shengli, look like a piece of crap.

Jia Shengli almost cried.

How humiliating would it be if he lost to a Qi Refining Level 7 Demon Cultivator?

Oh... He already had no face to lose, as he had been beaten by the taller Xue Lei.

When he thought of this, Jia Shengli felt his whole body tremble, and he felt relieved, without any burden.

Jia Shengli appeared on the stage, facing a Qi Refining Level 7 Demon Cultivator, holding his precious flying sword with 80,000 merits, and narrowly killed the Qi Refining Level 7 Demon Cultivator.

But he also lost his fighting power.

Jia Shengli calmly chose to give up and did not continue to challenge, because he knew his own limitations.

He entered the national competition in the team competition, and he did not need to fight hard in the individual competition. After all, fighting hard would not help much.

He just needed to lie down.

The days of lying down to win are so boring and boring.

While Fang Che and Luo Liuli were recovering their mana, the cultivators in the field challenged the demon cultivators in the cages, and basically all of them had results.

Basically, all of them failed in the first cage.

A few were able to kill the seventh-level Qi Refining Demon Cultivator to get points, but most of them failed to kill him and chose to give up.

The second cage was the eighth-level Qi Refining Demon Cultivator. In addition to Fang Che and Luo Liuli who successfully killed him, there were two others who also succeeded.

One was Jin Nana, a tall and long-legged beauty whose chest was hammered by Fang Che.

The other was a handsome boy from Ji Yan High School, named Jin Chuanxiu. He only had the eighth-level Qi Refining cultivation. It was indeed not easy to kill an eighth-level Qi Refining Demon Cultivator.

The boy was the trump card of Ji Yan High School's fighting competition this time. The reason why Ji Yan gave up competing with the second high school for the team championship was to ensure Jin Chuanxiu's state and create an opportunity for him to challenge the individual championship.

And this Jin Chuanxiu did not disappoint Ji Yan's expectations, showing extremely excellent fighting skills and killing the eighth-level Qi Refining Demon Cultivator quite easily.

At this moment, Jin Nana and Jin Chuanxiu were also recovering their magic power.

On the square, it gradually became quiet. The contestants of the individual competition had all finished their competitions. Now only Fang Che, Luo Liuli, Jin Chuanxiu and Jin Nana were left, and they were about to challenge the ninth-level Qi Refining Demon Cultivator.

In the rest area.

Fang Che slowly opened his eyes, and Luo Liuli stood up with a cold face in the distance. The two looked at each other and nodded slightly.

However, Fang Che did not immediately walk towards the cage where the ninth-level Qi Refining Demon Cultivator was imprisoned.

Instead, he came to Jia Shengli, who was lying flat with no hope in life.

"Senior Jia, can you lend me your sword?"

Fang Che asked.

Jia Shengli was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses, smiled brightly, and threw the gorgeous flying sword with 80,000 good merits to Fang Che.

Trust is unspoken.

Fang Che held the gorgeous flying sword, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

Then he turned around and walked towards the cage where the ninth-level Qi Refining Demon Cultivator was imprisoned.

The Breast-Smashing Demon went out...

It attracted countless people's attention, but before they could cheer, they saw the extremely eye-catching and gorgeous sword in Fang Che's hand.

For a moment, many people were stunned.

The Breast-Smashing Demon... actually started to play with the sword?

Does he really know how to play with this sword?

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