Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 53: The Spiritual Consciousness Transforms, the Wrathful King

The scene was silent, except for the sound of the sharp sword piercing into the flesh, echoing and rubbing everyone's eardrums.

The picture was quite bloody, but what shocked everyone more was the sudden reversal!

Fang Che, who was about to turn into a dead soul under the claws of the ferocious demon cultivator at the ninth level of Qi Refining, actually dodged the killing blow in seconds and launched a counterattack to achieve a counterattack!

The scene of the sword energy wrapped with white thunder intertwining vertically and horizontally in the octagonal cage was extremely shocking.

Like a peerless swordsman drawing out his sword, the sword light mixed with the white electric snake swimming away.

Destroy the sky and break the mountains, unparalleled in the world!


Everyone exhaled loudly almost at the same time, and the tense mood was completely relaxed at this moment.

So exciting!

What you are playing is your heartbeat!

Looking at the demon cultivator who was pushed against the cage and whose chest was stabbed with sword after sword, everyone's eyes showed shock.

"As expected of a breast-crushing maniac...walking a tightrope."

"Just now...just now I almost thought that the Breast Crushing Demon was going to become a sudden swan song."

"Yes, if that claw hits, even if the Broken Chest Maniac is revived, he will probably be severely injured or even left with irreparable trauma."

The contestants watching below could no longer suppress the shock in their hearts and began to discuss heatedly.

It was the release of emotions after being tense.

In the rest area.

Su Shangshang was covered in cold sweat. After seeing Fang Che's counterattack, his hanging heart completely relaxed.

"That demon cultivator... something is wrong!"

Su Shangxing carefully recalled the confrontation between Fang Che and the demon cultivator, and suddenly figured something was wrong.

Sister Xia, who was sitting on a chair with her legs crossed and her plump white thighs exposed under the slit cheongsam, frowned slightly: "There is indeed something wrong, that is the magic of intimidation, which cannot be practiced by ordinary demon cultivators..."

"That demon cultivator comes from the God of Deception."

"The Cult of Deception?!"

Su Shangshang's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Jia Shengli, who was sandwiched between the two, was a little confused.

"The Deception Cult...the Demon Cult?" Jia Shengli couldn't help but ask.

Su Shangshang nodded: "Among the many demon sects currently distributed in Blue Star, there are mainly four groups that are relatively powerful, and the leading force behind them is relatively strong."

"The God of Deception is one of them."

"It's just that I didn't expect that the guarding area would actually use the demon cultivators of the God of Deception as a test... It's a bit too much!"

Su Shangshang's eyes flashed with dissatisfaction.

He turned around and left the rest area, walking towards the viewing platform.

On the viewing platform.

Army Commander Xu Qing said with a cold face: "The God of Deception?"

"Most of the demonic cultivators who master the God-destroying technique come from the God-destroying sect... Aren't the demonic cultivators from the God-destroying sect all held in solitary confinement? How could one of them be missed? And they are still subject to the assessment?"

Guard Huang Tao also looked very ugly: "When this demonic cultivator was captured, he did not show his magic power, so he fell through the cracks..."

"I don't need this kind of explanation. Find out the reasons. Those who should be dismissed should be dismissed... don't be soft. Everyone must take responsibility for their own mistakes."

The coercion on Xu Qing's body was extremely terrifying, and it was obvious that the anger in his heart was constantly boiling.

But soon, the anger on his face gradually subsided. Looking at Fang Che sitting on the ground in the cage, with the demon cultivator of the Deception Sect impaled, the appreciation in his eyes became more and more intense. The hair is rich.

Xu Qing already knew his purpose when he glanced at the cold-faced Su Shang walking towards him.

Without saying much, he just waved Huang Tao to go down and investigate the cause.

Fang Che sat on the ground, and the stinging pain from the wound on his shoulder made his spirit extremely clear and excited.

There is great terror between life and death, but there is also great opportunity. His level of spiritual consciousness has been greatly improved just now, which is worth half a month of hard training.

He even vaguely touched the threshold of the second realm of spiritual consciousness... the Lingtai realm!

Of course, the bigger gain comes from the information that pops up on the panel.

"Ding! You have experienced a life and death fight, your spiritual consciousness has been transformed, and you have gained special diligence (spiritual consciousness) +5000, and the meditation method "Visualization of the Angry Eyed King"."

"Ding! Kill the Qi-refining Demonic Cultivator, and your Diligence will be +100. Depending on the level of the Demonic Cultivator's karma, you will gain an additional Diligence +500. Shaonian, oh, that's not bad~"

Fang Che, who was covered in sweat and mixed with blood, exhaled slightly. His pupils reflected the translucent reminder, but he couldn't suppress the smile on his lips.

Risk and reward are indeed directly proportional!

Not to mention the 5,000 points of special spiritual knowledge, the rewarded meditation method "Visualization of the Angry Eyed King" is extraordinary just by the name.

Besides, Fang Che firmly believes...

The panels produced must be of high quality!

If he had cultivated the Angry Eyed King this time, perhaps he would not have been so embarrassed when faced with this demonic cultivator's divine power.

However, Fang Che was actually a little scared. This demonic cultivator was indeed ridiculously strong.

It was completely different from the demon cultivators he had encountered before.

It seems that he still underestimates the demon cultivator...

"I'm still not diligent enough and don't work hard enough. If my spiritual consciousness were more diligent and stronger, I would be able to withstand the divine magic, and I wouldn't be so embarrassed."

Fang Che, who looked behind me three times a day, slowly stood up. In the octagonal cage, figures were already rushing in one after another quickly.


Fang Che looked at Army Commander Xu Qing who appeared in person with some confusion.

"Well done. This demonic cultivator is a member of the Deterrence Cult. He was treated as an ordinary demonic cultivator and was accidentally arranged to be your opponent. I would like to apologize to you on behalf of the guardianship."

"We will give you the corresponding compensation later."

Army Commander Xu Qing looked solemn.

Then he took out an elixir and fed it to Fang Che to swallow. The elixir entered his abdomen, and the powerful medicinal effect immediately spread throughout his body. The broken flesh and blood on his shoulder quickly wriggled and healed, and soon new flesh was born, looking brand new.

Fang Che couldn't help but marvel at the efficacy of this elixir.

This is contemporary medical treatment for immortality. Coupled with sophisticated scientific instruments, it can maximize the efficacy of medicinal materials.

"The physical injuries are all fine, but the more difficult thing to deal with is the injuries to the spiritual consciousness. If the spiritual consciousness is extinguished, the person will die, so the situation just now was really dangerous."

Army Commander Xu Qing patted Fang Che on the shoulder and praised again: "Good performance, little guy, are you interested in joining my battle team in the guard area?"

Fang Che was slightly startled when he heard this.

Su Shangshang, who was silently following Army Commander Xu Qing, was also startled, his eyes narrowed, and he couldn't help but be a little shocked.

"Fang Che, please promise Commander Xu!" Su Shangxing said hurriedly.

“This is a rare opportunity, don’t miss it!”

Fang Che was also stunned and hesitated.

Su Shangxing knew how difficult it was to join the fighting team in the garrison.

Fighting Team... Every member is an elite!

"Fang Che, there are many benefits for joining the Guarding Ground Fighting Team. Not only will you get 100 merits every month, but you will also receive a guaranteed salary of 20,000 merits!" Su Shangshang immediately changed his statement.

When Fang Che heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up: "It doesn't matter whether you have good deeds or not. What I mainly admire is the style of the garrison. Commander Xu..."

When Army Commander Xu Qing saw this, he couldn't help laughing: "You kid, don't rush to agree. I will ask Huang Tao to send you detailed information and benefits about the Feileixian Town Ground Defense Fighting Team later. Look, Make a decision later.”

"Of course, even if you join, you are not necessarily a formal member. You are just a reserve member. You still need to go through assessment and training to become a formal member."

"Of course, the top priority now is that you should prepare well for the national competition and strive to bring glory to our Feileixian City!"

"Thank you, Commander." Fang Che smiled naively when he heard this.

Su Shangxing looked a little regretful on the side: "You kid, you should agree directly. It is absolutely not wrong to join the fairy city fighting team."

Army Commander Xu Qing chuckled and pointed at Su Shangxing in front of Fang Che: "This kid is also a member of the fighting team."

Fang Che was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Su Shangshang was also a member of the fighting team. The introduction of teacher qualifications on the Xiuxian Education website did not mention it.

"The identity of the fighting team is kept secret most of the time to prevent them from being targeted by the demon cult members." Su Shangxing said with a smile.

In the cage, many soldiers entered and took away the members of the Jingshen Cult who were killed by Fang Che for investigation.

And the cage on the other side.

The battle between Luo Liuli and the ninth-level Qi-refining demon cultivator was gradually coming to an end.

The demon cultivator at the ninth level of Qi Refining is indeed quite good. Although this demon cultivator is not a member of the Deception Cult, with his long magic power and rich experience in fighting, Luo Liuli fights very hard.

After all, Luo Liuli didn't practice physical skills, and he didn't have Fang Che's extremely powerful physique under the eight desolate explosions, so it was difficult for him to have the ability to make the final decision when his cultivation was lagging behind.

However, Luo Liuli seemed to have used some secret method, and the entire octagonal cage was shrouded in wind and snow.

In the endless wind and snow, Fang Che seemed to see the demon cultivator at the ninth level of Qi Refining, who was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture and then exploded into pieces.

Fang Che took a deep breath...

Lao Luo, so fierce? !

However, Fang Che was quickly stunned.

Because, after the violent wind and snow killed the demon cultivator at the ninth level of Qi refining, there seemed to be no sign of stopping, carrying a terrifying power that froze everything...

It actually spread quickly outside the prison!

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