The sky was dark and gloomy, and the rain kept falling.

Fang Che was not in a good mood. He clutched his cell phone with murderous intent in his eyes.

First of all, his relationship with Xue Lei is not good, and the other person is not a good-tempered person. In the martial arts competition, he humiliatingly defeated Jia Shengli... such a person without martial arts.

Fang Che didn't have a good impression either.

If Xue Lei really came to trouble him about the martial arts competition, it would be a bit weird to go directly to his home.

Fang Che frowned slightly.

" this a threat?"

There is murderous intent in his eyes, his parents are his enemies, whoever touches them will die!

However, he calmed himself down.

After all, according to the laws of the Immortal Sect, murder is illegal.

He now has the talent of being able to make up for his shortcomings through hard work, and his spiritual roots have transformed into heavenly spiritual roots. His future is infinitely bright, and there is no need to put himself in prison.

What if there is someone behind the other party?

Fang Che is not stupid and must be prepared.

First, he has to shake people up.

"Fang Che?"

"I heard that you have become a first-level high-level Talisman Maker? You also proved yourself by drawing the 'Floating Fire Cage' on the spot in the fighting competition?"

Just when Fang Che was deep in thought and ready to shake people, a voice came from the distance.

Nan Lihuo, who was wearing a robe and draining water from his umbrella, slowly walked over.

Fang Che's eyes lit up slightly when he saw Nan Lihuo.

He was about to call teacher Su Shangxing. With Su Shangxing's strength, he should be able to suppress Xue Lei easily without causing any trouble.

However, Teacher Nan Lihuo is similar.

Nan Lihuo saw Fang Che's unhappy expression and frowned slightly: "What happened?"

Fang Che did not hide anything and told everything about Xue Lei.

"Xue Lei is tall..."

Nan Lihuo narrowed his eyes. As sharp as he was, he noticed the problem instantly.

"It's very strange that this tall student Xue Lei can find out your family information so quickly."

"Unless there is help from a powerful force behind it, it is not that easy to get a specific home address and be able to identify your parents."

Nan Lihuo said.

"Let's go, I'll go with you."

"It would be best if nothing happens. If something happens, I will take action."

Nan Lihuo said.

No matter what, he had to go through this matter.

In addition to his appreciation of Anle, Nan Lihuo also smelled something keenly. He did not tell Fang Che, but sent a message to Su Shanhangxing.

"Thank you, Teacher Nan!"

Excitement suddenly appeared on Fang Che's face. With Nan Lihuo, a powerful man who is almost as good as the Golden Core Realm, taking action, the problem should be solved.

Nan Lihuo called, suspended today's talisman making class, and left the second high school with Fang Che.

Feilei Fairy City, Quanxiu Road.

The rain was continuous and airtight, and the water accumulated on the ground made the old streets look even more muddy and messy.

The mango branches and leaves beside the road were dripping with rainwater, like a broken bead curtain.

Downstairs in the community.

Nan Lihuo was wearing a robe, standing in the rain. The rain all over the sky did not stain his body at all, and was isolated by invisible power.

"I used the Turtle Breath Talisman. Even under the golden elixir, you can't detect me. You go in and I will follow."

Nan Lihuo stood behind Fang Che and said calmly.

He glanced at the extremely dilapidated community and frowned slightly.

Fang Che held the umbrella, and the rain fell faster and faster. The raindrops fell on the umbrella, exploded, and shattered into mist.

Fang Che nodded, turned around and entered the community.

Climbing up the corridor, which smelled even more rusty because of the rain, the dripping rainwater from the closed umbrella tip left a trail of water on the ground.

He turned around and took a look, but there was no trace of Nan Lihuo.

But he knew that Nan Lihuo was following behind him, and he felt slightly reassured.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back."

Fang Che gathered his thoughts, opened the door, and shouted as usual.

As soon as he entered the living room, he saw Xue Lei sitting on the sofa, chatting happily with his father Fang Qingyun.

Fang Che still had a smile on his face when he saw Xue Lei.

"Come back?" Xue Lei looked at Fang Che and smiled brightly.

Fang Che glanced at Xue Lei and then nodded.

"Dad, go to the kitchen and help mom." Fang Che looked at Fang Qingyun and said with a smile.

Fang Qingyun was slightly startled when he heard this.

Zhizi, Mo Ruofu, seemed to have realized something. Without saying anything, he got up and started walking.

As soon as Fang Qingyun stepped into the kitchen, Fang Che felt that the environment in the house seemed to change suddenly, as if time and space were distorted.

"Don't worry, I'm only targeting you. I'm not interested in ordinary people. Killing them will only dirty my hands and affect the purity of my breath."

"I'm not one of those low-end, stupid people who only know how to kill. I have a pursuit."

"It's enough to let you come back..."

"Don't worry, the Moon Ghost Eight Voltage Formation has been activated, your parents can't sense us."

Xue Lei, who was lying comfortably on the sofa with his legs crossed, looked at Fang Che and grinned.

"So... you are here to regain your position because I defeated you in a martial arts competition?"

Fang Che glanced at the surrounding environment, and his keen spiritual sense allowed him to capture the fluctuations caused by the formation disk... The opponent had indeed arranged the formation.

When Xue Lei heard this, he suddenly laughed, raised a finger, and moved it left and right.

"Of course not. Do you really think that I will really lose to you? I just can't use many of my methods, otherwise... you will not survive three moves in my hands."

Xue Lei is very confident, even inflated.

This inflated self-confidence made Fang Che frown slightly: "But you just lost to me openly..."

Xu Lei: "..."

You can't chat like this, it will kill you!

"My goal is you, you are so delicious..."

Xue Lei took a deep breath.

Fang Che: "..."

are you crazy? !

He, Fang Che, is not that kind of person!

"Fuck, what are you thinking with such filthy thoughts?! I'm talking about your spiritual roots, your spiritual roots!" Xue Lei explained anxiously when he saw Fang Che's face.

Although we are enemies, please don't question his taste!

"It's your spiritual smells so good. My your heavenly spiritual root."

Xue Lei shouted.

Fang Che was inexplicably relieved when he heard this.

But his heart trembled again, was this guy coming for his spiritual roots? could this guy know that his spiritual root is the heavenly spiritual root? !

And the Ghost Moon Eight Voltage Formation... This Xue Lei doesn't look like a normal immortal cultivator!


The surrounding environment fluctuated slightly, and there was a powerful attack from the outside, causing the formation to ripple and spread.

In the kitchen.

Chen Shuting walked out with the freshly fried vegetables. She looked at the empty living room and was stunned for a moment.

"Where are the people?"

Fang Qingyun walked out silently, his expression becoming very solemn.

He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, smashed it on the back of his hand, bit on a cigarette, lit it up and started smoking silently.

Cultivation of immortality... is indeed very dangerous.

Fang Qingyun didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing for Fang Che to continue cultivating immortality.

"Old Fang, why didn't you say anything to me when I left?"

Chen Shuting complained a little.

If the vegetables are fried too much, they will not taste good if left overnight.

Then, he glared again: "Didn't I tell you not to smoke at home?! It will affect your son's practice!"

Fang Qingyun smiled innocently, took a deep breath, puffed out smoke rings from his nose, and then put out the cigarette.

He smiled and took the dish from Chen Shuting's hand.

"It's okay, let's wait for Ah Che to come back and eat, not overnight."

"I'll finish it."

On the roof of the dilapidated community, heavy rain poured down.

The uneven cement floor is filled with stagnant water.

Suddenly, the water exploded, and two figures rushed into the sky from the outside, then spread the rain all over the sky, and then fell elegantly.

Two figures stood on the water, suspended like dragonflies touching the water.

Nan Lihuo was wearing a robe, unstained by the mist and rain, and the magic power surged in his body, causing his clothes and sleeves to fly.

"Moon Ghost Eight Ambush Formation..."

Nan Lihuo felt the fluctuations of the formation covering the entire community, and a solemn look appeared in his eyes.

Then, he raised his head and looked at the figure standing opposite him through the rain curtain.

The figure was wrapped in a black robe, wearing a hood, and had a dry cigarette in the corner of his mouth, smoking it.

"The genius talisman maker of Feilei Fairy City...Nan Lihuo."

"A little troublesome, but nothing major."

A hoarse voice came from the old man under the hooded black robe.

Nan Lihuo held a piece of black and yellow talisman paper with his slender fingers, staring at the old man with his eyes like cold swords.

"The Cult of Deception?"

The old man took a puff of dry cigarette, and a smile appeared on his wrinkled face, revealing his big yellow teeth.

"Yes, it is."

Sensing the fluctuations of the Moon Ghost Bafu Formation, it gradually subsided.

Xue Lei looked at the door and curled his lips: "Oh? You really called someone, you don't have any trust between people..."

"Now that we've called someone, we can't waste time."

"Let's fight quickly."

Xue Lei sighed.

The words are finished.

On his body, surging magic power suddenly spiraled up like a thin snake. As it circled, rich black energy surged out of the magic power. Finally...

It transformed into a ferocious black mana python, spreading the energy fluctuations of the ninth level of Qi refining.

Opening his mouth bloody, he faced Fang Che...

Roar and roar!

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