Foundation-building cultivator? !

The terrible pressure, like a nightmare, makes people's hearts fall into endless darkness in an instant.

In addition to the pressure of the mana of the foundation-building realm, there is also the extremely terrible spiritual consciousness impact of the spirit platform realm!

Gao Cheng's eyes narrowed with shock and anger. His body was tied up. Although Fang Che cut the vines for him and escaped from the magic tree's mana absorption and swallowing, the vines on his hands and feet have not been untied.

Fang Che's scalp tingled, and he felt the crisis of death for the first time!

The foundation-building cultivator... condensed the spiritual consciousness spirit platform, and the mana was condensed into substantial mana droplets. Both the quality and power were far higher than the Qi sea mana of the Qi Refining Realm.

Fang Che did not expect that this foundation-building cultivator could be so patient.

He killed three demon cultivators before he showed up at the last moment!

No wonder Gao Cheng fell. It turned out that there was a foundation-building cultivator among this group of demon cultivators!

Boom! ! !


A cold voice came from the mouth of this beast-blood cultist at the foundation-building level.

Although he was only at the first level of foundation-building, he was already at a different level in terms of mana and spiritual consciousness.

Above Fang Che's head, the dark demonic energy continued to condense, forming a terrifying mana beast head, with fangs bared and claws, fangs ferocious, and black air rising, biting down fiercely on Fang Che's head.

If it bites, Fang Che is afraid that his head will be completely bitten off!

At the critical moment, Fang Che's hair stood on end. The strong stimulation made his consciousness slow down, and everything around him became quiet. Between breathing, only his own panting was left.

However, the lv4 level of fighting talent allowed Fang Che to make the most clear decision in the great terror between life and death!

The spiritual consciousness in the rough lotus embryo spirit platform was activated by his full efforts!

A figure wearing a red Taoist robe, holding a divine fire, with one palm forward, the eight trigrams seal in the palm, shining brightly, and the figure of the index finger and thumb pinching the Bodhisattva lotus seal suddenly appeared!

Angry Ming Wang!

Open your eyes!

The flesh wings suddenly spread, and the runes jumped!

Open your mouth and shout angrily.

Like a thunderbolt exploding!



A lotus symbol suddenly appeared in the Niwan Palace between Fang Che's eyebrows, and the powerful spiritual consciousness seemed to gather into a gaze, fiercely colliding and rushing towards the demonic beast head.


The foundation-building demon cultivator was stunned, because he found that his foundation-building spell was actually blocked by this spiritual consciousness for a moment!

Fang Che's eyes were full of bloodshot, that was the situation of excessive spiritual consciousness.

But he was very calm at this moment, and his talent for fighting made up for his clumsiness, allowing him to seize this fleeting opportunity.

The Qi of the Eight Desolate Explosions burst out, and his body bounced out.

Holding the Red Scale Sword in his hand, the White Thunder Demon screamed, and all the magic power of the eighth level of Qi Refining was poured into this second-level sword, stimulating some of the power of this second-level magic weapon, and slashed out with a sword.

At the same time, he made hand seals and cast a red flame spell towards Gao Cheng, trying to burn the vines that bound his hands and feet.

In such an emergency, Fang Che responded in an orderly manner.

The sword lightning and sword energy of the second-level red scale sword that Fang Che fully activated collided with the black beast head of the foundation-building cultivator.

The majestic air wave exploded. Fang Che's magic power at the eighth level of Qi Refining could not fully activate the power of the second-level magic weapon after all. After all, the second-level magic weapon fully activated is equivalent to the power of the foundation-building level.

However, the power of the beast head was also consumed a lot.

It hit the ground hard and exploded a deep pit.

Fang Che stood in the distance, gasping for breath, holding the red scale sword in one hand, and taking out the replenishment of the recovery pill from the storage ring with the other hand, and stuffed two pills into his mouth.

However, the foundation-building demon cultivator looked at Fang Che deeply.

"I feel the breath of demons in you..."

"Have you killed demons?"

The voice of the foundation-building demon cultivator was cold and echoed in the houses, but his figure had already merged into the magic tree again, and the magic tree seemed to come alive, all its roots and branches drilled into the ground, wandering and disappearing like a ground dragon.


At this moment, Gao Cheng broke the shackles of the vines and released the fluctuations of his foundation-building magic power.

"Damn it!"

A stream of Gao Cheng's magic power hit the ground where the magic tree disappeared, blasting a deep pit, but the magic tree had already disappeared.

At the same time, Luo Liuli, who was outside the house, noticed the fluctuations of the magic power in the fight, and did not care to hide, and rushed over quickly.

But she was too late.

When Fang Che saw Luo Liuli's appearance, and Gao Cheng had recovered his ability to move, his tense mind suddenly relaxed, and he leaned on the sword and began to breathe heavily.

"Fang, thank you very much."

Gao Cheng looked at Fang Che with gratitude.

If it weren't for Fang Che, Gao Cheng, a genius in the second and third grade, might have died in the hands of the demon cultivator on the first day of the trial.

Fang Che waved his hand: "I tried it because I felt confident. I have killed demon cultivators at the ninth level of Qi Refining before."

"I didn't expect that there was a cunning foundation-building demon cultivator hiding."

Fang Che was a little scared.

"It was very steady. I was also attacked at the beginning and fell into the trap of the demon tree..."

"That should be the 'Soul-eating Demon Vine' of the Beast Blood Sect, a plant-like monster. It is rumored that it is an invasive species brought to Blue Star by fragments of other immortal gates."

"The Soul-eating Demon Vine can grow to the fifth level at most, comparable to the God-transforming Venerable, so it is cultivated as a sacred tree by the Beast Blood Sect, and monks are sacrificed all year round to let the Soul-eating Demon Vine devour spiritual roots and mana to improve its grade."

Before entering the trial site, Gao Cheng had done a lot of strategy on the Beast Blood Sect.

"The reason why Yunxiao Town is considered the headquarters of the Beast Blood Sect is because there is a fourth-level magic vine here. I didn't expect that this magic vine was killed by the Yuanying strongman of Daxia, and there are still tree seeds left... Now it reappears in the trial site."

Gao Cheng's face was very solemn.

"Let's go back and meet up first, and then pass the news back to the camp. This news should be able to exchange for a lot of merit."

Gao Cheng said.

Fang Che and Luo Liuli naturally had no objection.

However, Fang Che did not leave immediately, but got up and came to the bodies of the two ninth-level Qi Refining Demon Cultivators he killed, and found storage rings from their bodies.

The third demon cultivator only cut off his head, and it was a pity that there was no storage ring.

"Killing the enemy without touching the corpse, what's the difference between that and idle fish?"

Fang Che smiled, and did not explore the storage ring. He took it away and left the house with the two.

On the bumpy road.

Reina, Zhao Kai and Jia Shengli stood around the pickup truck, and Reina had already arranged a formation around them.

The three members of the previous team had separated when they were in the camp, so there were only six of them on the pickup truck.

When Fang Che and the other two returned, Reina was relieved.

"It's good that you're okay."

Reina glanced at Gao Cheng and said with some blame.

She was obviously blaming Gao Cheng for his recklessness...

She knew that Gao Cheng must have been careless, and this problem had never been corrected.

Gao Cheng hurriedly apologized: "Thanks to Fang, otherwise I would have really fallen this time..."

Gao Cheng smiled bitterly and briefly told the story of this time.

Reina took a deep breath: "The hidden magic vine seeds... have they developed into second-level magic vines?"

"It seems that the difficulty of this trial is greater than we imagined, and the opportunity is also higher."

Reina's words surprised everyone.

"The devil vine is a demon. It improves itself by absorbing the mana and spiritual root properties of the cultivators to advance to a higher level..."

"Therefore, the juice in the main vine of the devil vine is a precious medicine for physical cultivators to forge the body, and the devil vine's demon pill..."

"It can even improve the spiritual roots of cultivators!"

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