The moment Fang Che took action, the white thunder that erupted in an instant was Bai Leisha, one of the rare objects in the world, which was specially designed to defeat the evil ways.

The breakfast shop exploded instantly, the steamer was split into two and cut open. Countless steamed buns and steamed buns flew everywhere, and white soy milk splashed everywhere.

Fang Che's eyes were extremely cold. Under the observation of his Mingwang's Eyes, the embryonic form of his magical power, this boss lady was very delicate...

He doesn't look like a good person at first glance!

Despite her charming appearance, fair skin, long legs, and high and undulating chest...

But the demonic energy cannot be completely concealed, and a little bit of the demonic energy cannot be hidden under the observation of King Ming's Eyes!

far away.

The leader of the foundation building cultivator, Liu Lei, narrowed his eyes. When he saw Fang Che indiscriminately launching a fatal attack on the proprietress who glanced at him a few times, his heart was shaken and anger surged up.

He had specially scanned this boss lady, and there was no demonic energy on her body!

Recklessly! This guy is totally messing around!

However, the next moment, this anger disappeared.

My heart was filled with shock and consternation.

Because this was scanned by his spiritual consciousness, the landlady who clearly had no demonic aura actually burst out with steaming pitch-black demonic aura. Her beautiful and fair-skinned body suddenly distorted, and her skin burst open, revealing countless muscles as dense as a horned dragon. , from under which the snare grows wantonly.

In an instant, he transformed into a burly man with a height of two and a half meters!

This is a demon cultivator from the Beast Blood Cult at the ninth level of Qi Refining!

Roar and roar!

This Demonic Cultivator of the Beast Blood Cult did not expect that his disguise would be exposed, and he was even forced out of the "Beast Blood State" by a sword!

The threat contained in Fang Che's sword was so great that it even brought him the terror of death!

The brilliant white sword light swept across instantly!

The thunder was like a neighing bird, exploding in the streets!


The two-and-a-half-meter tall demon cultivator and his powerful body did not have any effect.

A huge and ferocious head rolled down from it.

He was cut down without any suspense by the white thunder sword light.

After doing all this, Fang Che appeared in front of the burly man's chest before he could stop.

Fang Che, who is 1.75 meters tall, does seem a bit petite in front of the 22-meter tall man.

But Fang Che's face was stern, and he did not feel any fear or uneasiness due to the physical crushing.

With one punch, the power of Bahuang Blast Second Layer was compressed into one punch and exploded in the demon cultivator's chest!

In an instant, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and a huge hole penetrated the chest of this 2.5-meter tall demon cultivator!

His heart was exploded by Fang Che's punch.

After doing this, Fang Che let out a long breath after landing on the ground.


"You should be dead if you look like this. The demon cultivator's vitality is really tenacious and his methods are weird. I don't worry if my chest is not broken..."

Fang Che muttered.

Then, the badge on his chest began to absorb the demonic energy, confirming that Fang Che was hunted alone without anyone's help.

All around, it was quiet.

The people who were having breakfast had already become accustomed to running into the distance.

After all, demon cultivators were often hunted during this period.

The fight was too fast and did not cause any innocent casualties. The demon cultivator did not even have time to kidnap ordinary people to threaten Fang Che before he was killed with a sword.

Therefore, not much trouble occurred.

far away.

The three figures stood there blankly, and the foundation-building monk Liu Lei looked down at the ferocious head rolling towards him...


The woman with the ponytail finally came to her senses and exclaimed.

"Brother Lei, he actually discovered a demonic cultivator that we didn't discover! We actually missed a demonic cultivator at the ninth level of Qi Refining!"

The woman's exclamation was like an invisible arrow piercing Liu Lei's heart.

Liu Lei: (•́へ•́╬)!

If you don’t know how to talk, you don’t need to!

What a mistake!

Liu Lei looked at Fang Che in surprise, with a strange color in his eyes.

As a foundation-building monk, he had never noticed anything unusual about this ninth-level Qi-refining demon cultivator. However, this eighth-level Qi-refining demon cultivator was actually able to detect and kill the opponent in an instant...

As expected, he came here for a trial in the fighting competition.

But Liu Lei is still curious...

After all, if you want to discover the clues of demon cultivators, you must rely on spiritual consciousness...

He had the spiritual consciousness of the Lingtai, but he didn't even realize it. How did Fang Che do it?

"How did you find out?"

Liu Lei looked at Fang Che who got on the motorcycle and couldn't help but ask.

Fang Che was stunned for a moment and glanced at Liu Lei, the foundation-building monk.

"See with your eyes."

The words are finished.

Fang Che directly turned the accelerator, and like a bolt of lightning, it disappeared instantly.

He uses the Eyes of the Ming King...can he use his eyes, right?

Fang Che didn't lie, he told the truth!

Liu Lei's face turned dark: "See with your eyes? Who are you bluffing? The way of pretending to be beautiful is really out of control."

"Ding! You have a fierce battle with the Qi Refining Demonic Cultivator and successfully kill the opponent. Your Diligence Energy will be +100. Depending on the level of the Demonic Cultivator's karma, you will receive an additional Diligence Energy +300..."

A translucent prompt pops up in front of you.

A smile appeared on Fang Che's lips.

By killing the demon cultivator, in addition to gaining merit, he can also gain diligence...

The number of such talents is by no means small!

After all, the more vicious the demonic cultivator you kill, the more energy you can gain based on its karma...

This is simply the best place for Fang Che to gain skills.

If he doesn't roll it up in this kind of trial place, how long will he wait to roll it up? !

"Kill the devil, kill the devil diligently!"

Fang Che’s fighting spirit is high!

Riding a motorcycle, the Eyes of the King of Ming are used again!

As long as there is a little bit of devilish energy, it will be captured by the eyes of King Ming. Not only can sand not be tolerated in King Ming's eyes, but even a little bit of devilish energy cannot be melted in it!

Fang Che has better conditions than anyone else to find demon cultivators!

The sound of the engine gradually died down, and Fang Che stopped in front of an Internet cafe.

Even in today's era, Internet cafes have not died out. For ordinary people, Internet cafes are a good place to spend time.

In his Mingwang's pupils, there was demonic energy surging in the Internet cafe, and... more than one wisp.

"The gang..."

Fang Che's eyes brightened.

In addition to killing demons to increase his ability, he now also has a huge goal, that is, the foundation-building demon cultivator who gave him a great sense of oppression in the first battle when he entered the town, with the help of the soul-loving demon vine, gave him a huge goal. A guy who has a feeling of death.

Fang Che must kill the other party, which almost turned into an obsession.

Of course, it was also because he wanted to obtain the demon elixir and juice of the demonic vine.

After parking the motorcycle, Fang Che put the keys into the storage ring.

Wearing the Shuling sandbag, he slowly entered the Internet cafe.


The white thunder whizzed and flashed, and the sound of swords sounded like hissing birds, accompanied by bursts of roars.

After a while, Fang Che walked out of the Internet cafe, shook off the blood stains in his hands, put on his helmet, and got on his motorcycle. The engine roared into the rising dust of the street.


The sound of breaking through the air resounded.

Liu Lei and his two companions fell down, and the three of them looked at each other.

"Brother Lei, this place... we seem to have explored it before." The girl with a ponytail said loudly.

Liu Lei: "..."

I know it, I don’t need you to be nagging!

A group of people entered the Internet cafe and saw the corpses of three demon cultivators whose chests had been blown out and who died in extremely miserable conditions.

"I see!"

The woman with the ponytail suddenly exclaimed.

"That young man... is a very famous genius in the Flying Thunder Immortal City Fighting Competition, called the Broken Breast Demon! A first-year high school student, with the seventh level of Qi refining, he won the Flying Thunder City individual championship in the Fighting Technique Competition!"

Liu Lei murmured: "Breast Crusher...a very fitting title."

"He must have a way to easily discover demon cultivators!"

"Perhaps we can seek cooperation."

"With his cultivation level, there is definitely no hope against the Foundation Establishing Demonic Cultivator. If he cooperates with me and investigates the location of the Foundation Establishing Demonic Cultivator, we may be able to complete the hunt for the Foundation Establishing Demonic Cultivator!"

Yunxiao Town, the trial base.

Trial merit list.

Su Shangxing, Pei Linglong and Li Huaixian stood there, surrounded by many leading teachers, nervously watching the names on the merit list that kept changing.

Although there will be a slight delay in ranking on the merit list, it is also the most intuitive tool to reflect the battle situation in the trial ground.

"The merits of Gao Cheng and Lei Na have not changed for a long seems they have encountered a strong enemy."

"Liu Li and Jia Shengli acted together with them, and their merits have not been touched... I don't know if Fang Che has joined them."

Su Shangshang frowned and analyzed the situation based on the changes in merit.

"Fang Che's ranking...has moved!"

Pei Linglong suddenly became excited.

"So fast, Fang Che moved... so fast!"

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