The ground was broken into pieces, with gullies crisscrossing and scattered around at any time.

The breakfast shop was already in a mess.

The woman with flour on her hands was hiding in the corner in fear, her eyes full of fear and sadness.

She had just seen her husband with her own eyes, his flesh and blood torn into pieces, turning into an extremely hideous demon cultivator.

Blood-colored scales, sharp claws, cruel eyes...

It was not the husband she knew at all.

It was just a brutal demon cultivator wearing her husband's skin!

Her husband had been killed by the demon cultivator when he went to the vegetable market to buy goods...

Fang Che's alienated dragon arm slowly returned to normal, shook off the blood stains on his fist, exhaled, felt the boiling blood, and faintly hit the Eight Desolate Explosion of the Third Heaven, his face couldn't help but reveal a touch of happiness.

On the ground, the foundation-building demon cultivator lying on the ground had a huge blood hole in his chest, and his head was also broken into pieces.

The rich smell of blood filled the dark air.

"Ding! You fought a bloody battle with a foundation-building demon cultivator and successfully killed him. Diligence +500, and you get an extra silver treasure chest fragment +1. Depending on the level of the demon cultivator's karma, you get an extra diligence +1000..."

In front of him, a translucent prompt popped up.

Fang Che took a deep breath and looked at the dead demon cultivator in surprise.

"Such a high karma, he deserved to die."

Fang Che sighed, this foundation-building demon cultivator was the one who had the highest karma after he had killed so far.

The badge worn on his chest absorbed the demon cultivator's magic energy after his death, uploaded it to the backstage of the base, and finally converted it into Fang Che's merit.

Killing a foundation-building demon cultivator will earn you 800 merits!

Picking up the storage ring of this demon cultivator, Fang Che used the Heart Eye Divine Knife to break the formation of the storage ring and invade it. This time, the harvest was unexpectedly rich.

"Three hundred medium-grade artificial spirit stones, ten bottles of various elixirs, and a lot of miscellaneous things..."

"This is more like it, this is what a foundation-building demon cultivator should have."

Fang Che laughed and put away all the harvest, but unfortunately he didn't find the demon vines. Obviously, not all foundation-building demon cultivators can have demon vines.

"Thank... Thank you."

Just when Fang Che was about to turn around and leave.

The woman who was huddled in the corner in fear ran out and knelt on the ground, and the tears in her eyes could no longer be concealed.

Fang Che was stunned for a moment.

It seems that this woman has long known that her husband is a demon cultivator in disguise, but in order to survive, she has been pretending not to know.


For ordinary people, demon cultivators... are simply nightmares.

Nodded gently: "Exorcising demons is what our generation of immortal cultivators should do."

After Fang Che finished speaking, his body disappeared into the darkness.

The night continued, and Fang Che was still hunting.

With the help of the prototype of magical power and the Eye of the King of Light.

It was much easier and more convenient for Fang Che to find demon cultivators. However, there were not many demon cultivators in the foundation building stage. Then Fang Che only hunted two demon cultivators at the ninth level of Qi Refining...

The sky was completely bright.

The halo of the morning light illuminated the world, dispelling the cramped darkness and bringing light and hope.

Fang Che was covered in blood and came to an empty park. After changing into clean clothes, he found a bench and sat cross-legged.

The park was slightly cool under the morning breeze.

Fang Che took out a medium-grade artificial spirit stone and absorbed and refined it.


The spiritual energy in the artificial spirit stone almost violently surged into the meridians, quickly gathered in the Dantian Qi Sea, lingered endlessly, and made the cyclone bigger and bigger.

Just like the star wheel in the starry sky!

Three consecutive medium-grade artificial spirit stones were sucked dry.

In the vortex of the Dantian Qi Sea, the ninth spiritual flow vaguely emerged, accompanied by circling!

Qi Refining Ninth Level!

The breakthrough was almost a natural process!

There were no obstacles or bottlenecks!

The mana on his body fluctuated violently. Fang Che slowly opened his mouth and exhaled a breath of turbid air. The air was like an arrow that shot across the air and slowly dissipated after 10 meters.

"In less than a month... From the fifth level of Qi Refining to the ninth level of Qi Refining, I am worthy of being a heavenly spiritual root!"

"Of course, it is also inseparable from my own diligence and hard work!"

Fang Che smiled brilliantly.

The morning sun poured down, and the golden sunlight bathed his body, which seemed very warm.

I thought that Bahuangbao would be the first to break through the third level, but I didn't expect that his own cultivation would take the lead and break through to the ninth level of Qi Refining...

Even if it was a heavenly spiritual root, it took less than a month to cross from the fifth level of Qi Refining to the ninth level of Qi Refining...

This speed is also shocking!

"Spiritual consciousness and spiritual platform, the ninth level of Qi Refining, magical powers and the nine changes of the dragon, if the physical skills break through the third level, it should be able to barely fight against the second level of foundation building."

Fang Che laughed.

The only difference between him and the foundation building stage is the cultivation level.

The eighth and ninth levels of Qi Refining are very different.

The endurance and durability of mana are greatly increased, and the richness of mana and the power of spells will be improved.

"The most important thing is that I may be able to try the second-level talisman..."

Fang Che's eyes flickered.

Next, we will go to the main vine area of ​​the magic vine. The magic cultivators we face must be at the foundation building level, and there may even be magic cultivators at the second or even third level of foundation building...

If we have the help of the second-level talisman, we can be more stable.

"Well... Now my diligence has accumulated to 7920 points. Maybe I can work harder and improve my talisman talent to lv5!"

[Talisman (lv4: 700/10000)]

Fang Che's heart moved slightly.

The Talisman Talent Panel appeared. He had not used Diligence to improve his Talisman Talent for a long time. After all, when he came to the trial, he focused on the spiritual consciousness and fighting skills.

This trial can be said to be a big explosion of his Diligence.

However, if he wants to improve the Talisman to lv5, he still needs more than a thousand Diligence.

"I'm still not diligent enough... I have to work harder to hunt down demon cultivators!"

Fang Che muttered.

He stood up and began to practice in the open space of the park.

Now because of the rampage of demon cultivators in Yunxiao County, the park has long become empty.

It's just right for Fang Che to train.

Wearing the Soul Binding Sandbag, Fang Che began to practice the Eight Desolate Explosion.

He practiced for almost two hours.

"Ding, you practiced physical skills diligently for 2 hours, the item bonus, diligence +40, please be tough, don't be soft!"

The prompt popped up in front of him.

After practicing for two hours, he only gained 40 points of diligence...

This was a bit bland for Fang Che, who was used to killing demon cultivators and getting hundreds of diligence points.

But Fang Che knew that this was the normal way of practicing.


With his eyes slightly closed, Fang Che's clothes suddenly swelled automatically.

It was rustling because of the blood and qi waves gushing out of every pore.

It was like the roar of a rushing river.

It was like a raging wave hitting the rocks on the shore!

Scarlet blood and qi spread out from under his skin like a thread, like a misty smoke, lingering around him.

Fang Che suddenly opened his eyes.

A powerful force of energy suddenly blew out in the surroundings in a ripple-like manner, causing the dust on the park ground to be lifted up and the grass and trees to bend.

Joy emerged involuntarily!

Surprises followed one after another!

Physical skills exploded...

Step into the third heaven!

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