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Vol 2 Chapter 994: Stubborn Esther

On the night of the first day of her journey, Esther insisted that she should stay vigil alone ...

Before the three of them discussed the travel route in the coffee shop, it was already noon. Some people went to the Pokemon Center to buy some supplies in the mountain and marsh areas. When they left the city of Miare, the sun was already west.

Until camping at night, I just encountered a few electric bugs and cabbage white butterflies, because Selina and Esther had no interest in this, and Guan Liyuan did not conquer these two Pokémon breeding plans. , So the harvest is zero!

Because Guan Liyuan's goal is to participate in the unrestricted group competition more than five months later, although in terms of training, in fact, there is a lot of time, but in terms of training ... In fact, time is still very urgent.

Today is the first day of travel, just to adapt to the pace of travel, in fact did not go far, and also from the city of Miare, there are many people who are adapting to travel, there must be many nearby, Guan Liyuan even felt that as long With a shout, other people can hear you around, but there is no need to watch.

However, Esther was obviously serious about the previous division of labor. After eating the soup cooked by Selina at night, Guan Liyuan carried out daily cultivation of little fire fox, cricket frog and Harley chestnut, and carried out Harley chestnut After the simple training, as for the training of the little fox and the bubble frog, it is Shalina and Esther's own affairs.

After completing the communication with the three Pokémon minds, each one throws a set of cultivation skills, and then while playing with them, telling Selina what food they are suitable for, while waiting for the dinner ...

After dinner, the three started training their own Pokémon. Sallyna and Esther started training their own Pokémon on the first day, but they were more solid in theory.

As for Guan Liyuan ... although in the name of "the world's first nurturing master", in terms of training, in fact it is good to go!

The training of a normal trainer includes two aspects. On the one hand, it is to improve the basic ability and proficiency of Pokémon, or to learn new skills. On the other hand, it is a break-in training that allows Pokémon to obey its own orders.

On the former side, Guan Liyuan also has "learning reinforcement" skills to hide ugliness-the effect of learning reinforcement is to make Pokemon more efficient in learning new skills and improving proficiency.

As for the latter ... Guan Liyuan's choice as always is to follow the fate, along with the increase in skill and proficiency, to improve Pokémon's own combat instinct. Guan Liyuan's principle of Pokémon duel is "For me, open the elven ball At the moment, the showdown is over. "Translating it is" giving up command and waiting to win. "

But Guan Liyuan ’s Harley ’s performance was too detached, and he was completely distracted during training ...

Since I have received skills to cultivate, in fact, the closeness with Guan Liyuan is not low, but the intimacy is not reflected in the effort to improve myself during training, but is completely focused on how to lazy sell cute!

In terms of skill training, because Harley chestnut is still quite smart, after all, the individual value is excellent, even if it is not serious, it will not be reduced to academic scum, and there is a "learning reinforcement" bonus, so the performance is not considered Salted fish, but in terms of fighting skills ... Hali said he wanted to be lazy too!

Guan Liyuan obviously didn't want to give away his lazy power to it, but Guan Liyuan could not understand any Pokémon combat skills, so he chose to “trust training”.

The best commissioning target is, of course, Kao Paris.

But that guy ’s pomp is so big ... Guan Liyuan gave it the "miracle seed" that he exchanged from other worlds, and planted the "repair grass" in the inverting world, which gradually expanded the scope of the oasis and reversed the dead land of the world. After gradually recovering, this product is addicted to planting grass every day!

And I really asked Kaoparis to teach Harriet ’s words. I was afraid that it would be stunned for a long time with a voice, so Guan Liyuan gave this heavy task to the two "pro-disciples" of old Ka. what.

As Guan Liyuan brought Pokémon from a young age, Da Ha and Er Ha are still very reliable, and immediately took over the heavy task of training Harley Chestnut-and they do not need both of them to appear.

Previously, Guan Liyuan and Hupa went to the "reversed world" because of a mistaken teleportation, and found that all the elves who remained in the elven ball and should theoretically fall asleep, in fact, all appeared in a barren state in a posture similar to "stone statues". In "Reverse the World" ...

Although the principle is not clear for the time being, Kaoparis will occupy an oasis in the "reversed world". When he returns to the "reversed world" through "Dragonfang", Kaoparis will inevitably appear here. In an oasis, it will not become a "stone-like state" like Pokémon entering other barren places.

And the "energy" of this oasis is much more abundant than the normal world, so Kaoparis can replenish his physical strength by sleeping.

Guan Liyuan helped Kao Paris to expand the oasis, that is, while reviving the "reversed world", naturally this oasis would not be left idle. After that, he specially "reformed" a group of elf **** and used them to enter The Pokémon that reversed the world will appear in the oasis!

So Guan Liyuan changed a ball for Hari ...

Harry Li was surprised to find that after entering the Elf Ball, instead of "sleeping" directly as before, he appeared in a "garden" with unusually comfortable air.

Then ... Two fast dragons, a lot bigger than their counterparts, surrounded themselves one by one, and posed in a pose of chest examination.

Once upon a time, Da Ha and Er Ha were practised by Lao Ka here, remembering their own sweat at that time, the two dragons looked at Harriet, and their smiles became more and more peaceful.

"Nima, Nima, Nima ..."

I don't know if it's a hallucination, Guan Liyuan seemed to hear Harry's "mourn".

But Guan Liyuan didn't know if Harriet had any time to sleep tonight, but saw that Esther really didn't want to sleep!

"Actually, it's not far from Miare, so you don't need a vigil ..." Guan Liyuan said helplessly to Esther, who insisted on vigil.

"How can that be? Since today is the adaptation period, of course, we must adapt according to the standard process!" Esther said stubbornly.

"Then we have two shifts, let's go to bed first and call you in the early morning." Guan Liyuan said.

"No! You are responsible for cultivating Pokémon, and you are already tired!"

Guan Liyuan blushed slightly.

Now because all three have only one Pokémon, they have just been conquered recently, and they have consumed a lot of physical strength during the previous training. Otherwise, if Pokémon is present, at least the vigil can be relaxed and wake up regularly to see can.

If there is no accident, Guan Liyuan is not going to use other Pokémon!

Looking at Esther's hard mouth ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Guan Liyuan didn't insist anymore--but he woke up as expected in the middle of the night, ready to cover the sleeping Esther with a quilt, then stared at him in the middle of the night.

Who knew that when Guan Liyuan quietly came out of the tent, he found that Esther nodded a little, but she did not fall asleep, and after a while, stood up and made four strokes in the four corners near the campsite. One after another, we can see that there are already a lot of things in these four places. It seems that Esther is "checking in" and "preventing difficulties" in this way?

"It really is serious and stubborn ..." Guan Liyuan muttered helplessly.

"Well? Why are you awake?" Esther asked after finding Guan Liyuan.

"Can't sleep, come out and sit for a while." Guan Liyuan knew that if he wanted to replace the class, the other party would definitely object.

"Aren't you trying to watch for me? Don't worry, just leave it to me!" Esther was full of ambition.

"Well ... do you plan not to sleep every day?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"At least before conquering Pokémon suitable for the vigil ... well, it's enough by will!"

Guan Liyuan is unbelievable about this idealistic statement.

"I'll tell you a thrilling and exciting story. I can help you refresh." Guan Liyuan said.

"It's ... okay! But after you finish talking, you're going to sleep. You'll be responsible for helping me grow bubbles tomorrow." Esther agreed.

So Guan Liyuan sat next to Esther and said in a gentle tone: "In the past there was a **** mountain, there was a **** hole in the mountain, there was a **** bear, and the **** bear gave birth to a little black bear. The **** bear tells a story to the little black bear ... what about it? Once upon a time, there was a **** mountain, and there was a **** hole in the mountain ... "

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