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Vol 2 Chapter 1000: A pair of worms

Obviously, other attributes can't keep up with the speed of the agile worm, and some can't adapt. Although the speed is fast enough, but they hold themselves after moving-if there is no "sticky" feature, Guan Liyuan suspects that it will even "can't stop"!

Therefore, although the knight snail was startled and completely unable to react, but in the kung fu of the agile insects, the knight snail floated around and turned around, knocking the "knight gun" on both arms ...

Using the "double needle" skills of the insect system, under the infusion of the green insect system, I saw the green fluorescence flashing on the two "knight guns", and they became thicker and longer!

Although the agile worm walks on the ground with its "tail" and the cavalry snail is "floating" at a slight distance from the ground, the speed between the two is obviously not determined by the way of movement. The agile worm is fast enough to make the king doubt life, but the cavalier snail is "slow" slow enough to doubt life.

The speed value of the Knight Snail is only 20, which is lower than before the evolution, and it is the same as the "floating" small boxing stones-it is very slow!

The agile worm has already reacted at this time, seemingly short hands, dexterously and quickly throws out a number of shurikens condensed by the power of the water system!

Seeing this trick, the bubble frog could not help but open some eyes.

Fei Shu Shui, in addition to the Tutu dog that replicates all skills, only the final evolution of the frog bubble frog Koga Ninja frog and agile worm can learn this trick.

The knight snail quickly swayed the double knight rifle, knocked down most of the flying water shuriken, and some fell on the body, but it could not help the knight snail's "armor".

However, when the Cavalier Snail finally approached the agile worm and pierced it with a "double needle", it only left a hole in the trunk through the afterimage ...

The real Pokémon world is not a turn-based battle. If it is fast enough, it is not just as simple as shooting first. It really directly affects the movement speed. At the speed of the knight snail, it is not easy to actively attack melee to agile worms!

But the speed has little effect on the reaction speed and the shooting speed, so before the Cavaliers snails can break most of the flying water shurikens. If they are attacked by close-up, there is no problem in defensive counterattack.

Because there must be a certain stiffness during the attack. If the speed difference between the two sides is not very large, it will not lead to a situation where one side cannot completely catch up with the other side—the side with a slight advantage in speed will definitely slow down when attacking. .

However, the speed of the agile worm and the knight snail has completely formed a "rolling" gap!

Low-speed and high-defense Pokémon, if they want to form a combat threat, at least some long-range attacks, range attacks, or means to limit the opponent's speed, otherwise it is easy to be agile that can be attacked remotely and the speed is completely crushed, as now. The insect flies a kite.

After all, the Cavalier Snail has just evolved, and has not experienced much cultivation and training, and has not mastered any long-range attack capabilities ...

However, on the other hand, the Agile Worm can do nothing about the Cavalier Snail-whether it is the "Flying Water Shuriken" or the "worm resistance" of the insect system, all have little effect on the Cavalier Snail.

Before the Cavalier Snail can't stand it, the agility bug is already panting!

"It's still completely undamaged ... shouldn't the special attack of the agile worm be high? Can't it hurt the Cavaliers and Snails at the same level?" Selina wondered.

"Although I have heard that the physical defenses and special defenses of Cavalier Snails are very strong, but I did not expect it to be so strong ..." Esther also felt that the things encountered today were very strange.

It's not surprising that it's only about Liyuan, because the characteristics of the Cavalier Snail are "dust-proof" and "worm's premonition", the latter of which is temporarily unavailable, and the "dust-proof" and the "light-loaded" of the agile worm have awakened to Lv1!

"Dust-proof" is a small-mouthed snail before the evolution of the agile worm. It has the characteristics that were transferred to the knight snail along with the shell. The effect in the game is "the powder-type moves do not work on it and ignore the damage caused by bad weather." .

In the Pokémon world, the effect is "slightly ineffective."

That is, it will not be affected unless it is "to a certain degree" of damage-if it has no "wake-up" effect of awakening, that is, it can only resist the weak damage caused by sandstorms and hail, and " "Powder" skills, because the effect is scattered on each particle of dust, so the effect is particularly good, can be considered almost immune.

In fact, the scattered attack of the "Flying Water Shuriken" can also be regarded as restrained, so the agile bug began to use "resistance of the insects" after noticing this.

After all, "dust-proof" is its pre-evolution characteristic. It naturally understands it, but ... Now the "dust-proof" of the Cavalier Snail has awakened to Lv1!

And after awakening once, the so-called "certain degree" standard is even higher.

The same increase can be "equivalent to 10,000 combat power"!

Make the "worm resistance" of the agile bug of the same level unable to "break defense". In theory, the knight snail is now invincible at the same level-except for some special Pokémon and special skills, otherwise Pokémon with the same combat effectiveness It is difficult to cause harm to it.

Of course, in general, the agile bug should be stronger in battle, because its "light-loaded" will not fail as long as it does not die, and the effect is expressed in the speed of practicality, and "light-loaded" in the awakening The previous effect is a direct increase in combat effectiveness.

And the "dust-proof" of the Knight Snail, once it encounters an opponent with more combat power and sufficient attack power, the effect will be greatly reduced. Although it is called a "Knight", its "characteristics" are typical deceitfulness ...

Intuitively, the current agile worms can compete with elite Pokémon. As long as they use the advantage of speed, and the other party does not have a range of powerful skills and attribute restraint, there is a great chance to win, but the Knight Snail Nope.

However, after the evolution of the Cavalier snail, it has the dual attributes of "worm system" and "steel system", and the steel system has additional resistance to the insect system. Therefore, the agile worm of the "worm system" cannot break the defense of the other party.

Different from the "dead cricket" that was almost exhausted before evolution, after the evolution, no one can help each other for the time being ...

"Okay! So far, let's count this time!" Guan Liyuan stopped the fight after the two sides were completely deadlocked.

"You should also understand, who are you now can't beat each other?" Guan Liyuan said looking at the two sides.

Agile Worm and Cavalier Snail heard the words, both of them looked a little low, and looked at each other with dissatisfaction at the same time, then both looked away.

Although "Ultimate Impact" and "Crashing into the Body" are also bumping into themselves, they can be regarded as semi-remote skills-when launching such skills, they will not be as slow as usual.

Guan Liyuan chose to use different communication methods to “respectively” inspire the agile bug and the knight snail ...

I saw the two worms renewed their fighting spirit at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Of course, Guan Liyuan did not forget to remind them that the opponents not only have each other, but also pay attention to other disciplines. If anyone is left behind in an external battle, Guan Liyuan will focus on cultivating an excellent party!

"Great! Li Yuan, your agile worms and knight snails are all right to fight the first eight badges of the Dao Pavilion battle, right?" Esther said excitedly, while looking at her own bubble frog And Xiao Jianque seem to be making up their minds ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and have to work hard.

"I hope so ..." Guan Liyuan's eyes flickered slightly.

Seeing that he was going to Guchuan Town, Guan Liyuan was still very confident in getting the first few badges. After all, on combat effectiveness, because of the awakening bonus, the Knight Snail has reached his early 20,000, and the agile bug has additional speed. The doubling effect is equivalent to about 25,000.

And because of their particular characteristics, the Cavalier Snail belongs to "about 20,000 Pokémon, how much to come and fight", and the agile worm is "a fight for 30,000 elite Pokémon".

But ... these museums in the Carlos area, although they will not directly increase the difficulty so that they can't even get the first few badges, but they are likely to use other methods to make a name for themselves!

This is not only the guess of Guan Liyuan, but also reminded by Dr. Fatong. From Guan Liyuan to Miare, the roads in the surrounding towns are basically ready to "greet" the arrival of Guan Liyuan ...

In fact, the guesses of Guan Liyuan and Fa Tong are indeed correct. For example, the Taoist Hall in Guchuan Town is holding an internal student contest-the intention is to determine the strongest Taoist student. After that, the strongest student will be awarded Guan Liyuan's Dao Chan Challenge ".

If it was Guan Liyuan who used Pokémon at will and pulled out the beast at will, the owner of the Tanigawa Hall himself would have to kneel, but ... he had just traveled for a week in the Carlos area, and Guan Liyuan, who had recently taken possession of Pokémon, might have " The strongest student "will have a chance!

Of course, they did not really want Guan Liyuan to return empty-handed. In fact, the Tanigawa Dojo was ready to issue Guan Liyuan badges before the war, and the opponents were just "Dogaku students." Even if Guan Liyuan lost, it was not much. Say, if Tanigawa Dokan wins, you can put a good wave of advertising ...

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