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Vol 2 Chapter 1002: Idol effect

"Li Yuan, are you sure after three days?"

Although Esther had just won her first badge, she was not very happy, but looked a little worried.

"Anyway, the badge will also be given to me, and ... at the level of a Taoist student, the probability of owning an elite Pokémon is extremely low, and the most powerful is only the level of seven or eight badges. On the rules, the other party can only use two treasures. Dream, Cavaliers snails and agile bugs should be able to cope. "Guan Liyuan said.

Before Guan Liyuan agreed to the "Friendly Match", by the way, he set up a "cut line" for Esther, which allowed Esther to complete the first badge Daoguan battle on the spot.

"Well? Eight badges are already at the level of participating in the youth group competition. Agile bugs and knight snails are not even at level 30 ... Is it really okay?" Esther was surprised.

Before, the only time Agile and Cavaliers snails saw the full effort of Esther was when they faced each other.

However, although the speed of the agile worms and the defense of the knight snails gave Esther a deep impression, because no one can hurt anyone, Esther's understanding of their strength is not intuitive.

After that, the two worms have received three days of field training and actual combat. There are still three days before the duel. The two worms were at level 23 when they just conquered. Now they are at level 25. Guan Liyuan is confident that they will reach level 27 before the duel. .

When Pokémon is low, through appropriate training, training and actual combat, they can be improved very quickly, especially Guan Liyuan can also give them "double upgrade speed" BUFF ...

But when it ’s high-level, it ’s not so easy-Da Pippi and Da Gui Gui were already at level 70 in the Kanto contest. After that, Guan Liyuan did n’t set them up for BUFF. Now, more than half a year later, they only have level 72!

Although there is a reason why the two of them are not serious in self-training when they are not supervised, but ... have been working very hard, Da Ha and Er Ha, they were 65 at the time of the competition, and now they are just 70, and the upgrade has been very slow.

And this upgrade speed is enough to make other trainers envy!

"If there aren't any students who are too strong, there should be no problem ... After all, the Tanigawa Dojo is not too strong." Guan Liyuan scorned Shanmu once.

At the moment, it is not only Esther, the owner of Sanmu Hall and the other three core trainer trainers of Tanigawa Dojo that are also discussing the matter of Guan Liyuan at this time.

Guan Liyuan had previously registered the information of participating Pokémon. Although only the Knight Snail and the Agile Worm were to be dispatched, all the four Pokémon were registered together with "Little Nima" and "Little Sparrow".

At this point, "Little Nima" has evolved to the second stage the day before yesterday-fat and fat!

Not only does the fat and fat body become a lot bigger, but the body is almost completely spherical, the arms are longer, and there are still a pair of short legs, and the green hard shell covers the whole body with a large area, and the two small short angles on the tail and the head are also Still, it is the most adorable one in the second phase of Yusanjia in major regions-when it is not talking!

According to the rules of the first pavilion war in the Carlos area, the challenger can register up to six Pokémon, but during the pavilion war, only two of them can be dispatched. Pokémon can be exchanged at will during the duel. The Dao Pavilion side also dispatched a maximum of two and could not exchange Pokémon.

Guan Liyuan didn't worry about the other party's special tactics based on their registered Pokémon.

The owner of Shanmu Pavilion also did this in order to advertise the Tanigawa Museum, so the students sent must be the famous students in the Tanigawa Museum ...

Moreover, the Tanigawa Dojo is an electric department dojo, and the electric department Pokémon must also be used. Otherwise, if you use the attribute of restraining Guan Liyuan specially, you wo n’t show up!

Although according to Guan Liyuan's plan, "Little Nima" will not appear, but the small Nima of the grass system is restrained from the electric system and can interfere with the opponent's judgment.

"It is indeed a master of breeding. I have just traveled for ten days, and actually have cultivated Harley chestnut to evolve, and ... the small beak snail and cover worm that were conquered three days ago have also evolved? How did this happen? She feels that her imagination is not rich enough.

"Does it happen that you have a good relationship between the cover worm and the small beak snail in the wild?" A Dadao trainer who killed Matt's hair, guessed.

If it makes sense, this guess is actually the most reasonable, but Shanmu still frowns, thinking that things are not so simple ...

"Do you remember the mine in" The First House in the World "?" Said another long-faced Uncle Dojo trainer, Yoyo.

The "mine cave" of the world's first house is just called "mine cave". Like the "ghost house" and "long island", it is a playground of the world's first house playground. In a simulated mine environment, play The person can go down with a special shovel and a hoe, and have a chance to dig up mineral Pokémon such as small magnetic monsters, iron dumbbells, and small broken diamonds.

The evolution principle of the small magnetic monster is similar to that of iron dumbbells. It also evolves through the "fusion" between multiple bodies. Moreover, the small magnetic monster has the dual attributes of steel and electricity. Many trainers in the Tanigawa Dojo have also seen it. For the "Mining Cave" program, if they can't book tickets, they also want to look at the "Mining Cave" in person.

With the reminder of Uncle Longface, everyone also thought of the evolution of the three-in-one magnetic monster and the giant gold monster-to a certain extent, guessed the truth!

"The girl named Esther is the daughter of Dr. Fatong? The little arrow bird is also very strong, it is a wing of wind, and it is really good luck ..." said the non-mainstream Taoist trainer.

There is no specific strength of Pokémon in the registration data, but before the Daoguan war, they saw the performance of the little arrow bird and recognized the characteristics of "wing of the wind".

"Yes, she and Guan Liyuan traveled together. It is likely that Guan Liyuan was nurturing her Pokémon on the way ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The little arrow bird was really strong, and she was defeated by two consecutive defeats. Pokemon ... and it is likely that Guan Liyuan's little arrow bird also has the characteristic of "wings of wind"? "Uncle Ma Lian also had a taste.

Although the small arrow sparrow is common, the characteristics of the "wing of the wind" are very rare.

But this time they guessed wrong, and mistakenly thought that the two little arrowheads must be the stronger Guan Liyuan ...

A short-haired female gymnast trainer who had not spoken before then said: "You are too nervous! Mingbo has been studying in our gym for five years, and now has the ability to participate in youth competitions, the strongest Pokémon is close to the elite level, and Guan Liyuan, who is even stronger, has just traveled for ten days. Judging from the location of the information in the data, the level at the time of being received will not be too high, and it will only become stronger in a few days How many?"

After listening to this kind of statement, Shanmu and others also felt relieved--the registration information of the pictorial book would not be wrong. If you want to come to Pokemon of Guan Liyuan now, it will be up to 20 levels at most ...

In the next three days, Guan Liyuan rented a Pokémon training ground and began customized training.

Usually in the training part of Pokémon, field training and customized training are complementary. The former can stimulate the potential of Pokémon, and the latter can be targeted to develop the potential and stability as strength.

At the same time, in these three days, the news that Guan Liyuan challenged the Guchuan Road Museum was spreading wildly, and the town of Guchuan became more and more lively. I didn't know that the Guchuan Road Museum was going to be kicked instead of just challenging the first one badge.

There are also many ordinary trainers of Carlos. At this time, it was known that Guan Liyuan was in the Carlos area, and he also threatened to win the championship in the unlimited group competition with the local Pokémon five months later ...

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